Linux-Misc Digest #292, Volume #21                Wed, 4 Aug 99 22:13:11 EDT

  Re: newbie: what is "Segmentaion fault"? (Siemel Naran)
  Re: Learning the ways of the Penguin (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Have I been hacked? (Leonard Evens)
  Re: users can't mount cdrom (Jens Schwepe)
  Re: Can't read files (Leonard Evens)
  how to send mail out of my system? (Siemel Naran)
  need help locating Syquest EZ135 media ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: bash and background jobs (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: conf.modules (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: Did SUSE 6.1 egcs lose C++??? (Michel Catudal)
  Re: failure installing StarOffice ("Arne Vist")
  Okidata 6e works under Linux? (Siemel Naran)
  Re: Learning the ways of the Penguin (Robert Heller)
  Re: Clone a harddisk (Collin W. Hitchcock)
  looking for a free "to to list"/"scheduler" type app (Jim Williams)
  Re: Yamaha XG 64V sound card (Ryan PC Gibson)
  Re: Re:(Recommendations) Database program ("Kenny")
  Re: Learning the ways of the Penguin (Robert Heller)
  Re: bash and background jobs (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: Must root and swap partitions be primary? (Hankel O'Fung)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Siemel Naran)
Subject: Re: newbie: what is "Segmentaion fault"?
Date: 5 Aug 1999 00:33:59 GMT

On Thu, 05 Aug 1999 02:34:02 +0200, Jens Schwepe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>As you mention it:
>I've written really bad hacks while coding network solutions. My SuSE 6.1 did not
>core dump, either. Maybe a "feature" of the 2.2.x Kernel ?
>Don't know and don't care.

Core dumps can be useful.  If you have a program a.out that dumps core,
then you can do this
   gdb a.out core
and you get the stack and state of the program.

Siemel B. Naran ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Learning the ways of the Penguin
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 15:34:29 -0500

Scott Fleming wrote:
> Checked the man pages, and searched on the web, and HOWTO's, but didn't find
> what I was looking for, so I'm posting my questions here.
> Recently became a Linux RH 5.2 user, and after some trial and error, and
> alot of reading, I have my Redhat machine on the network, sharing with my
> Windows 98 machines.
> Now for some questions:
> 1. How do I display file sizes within linux? Using dir or ls presents a nice
> color coded display of the directory, but I want to see a "dos-style" list
> of the files, with date, and file size in kilobytes when I list the files.
> 2. Is there a CHMOD 'HOWTO' ? Is there a page/site that someone can point me
> to that explains more information about the CHMOD and perhaps CHOWN
> commands?
> 3. I'm interested in performing scheduled backups on my linux machine, using
> TAR, but the MAN pages are greek to me, and not much assistance. Is there a
> page/site that can help me set up a script to perform backups of my network
> to file/disk/tape using TAR, or some other form of utility?
> Thank you in advance for you understanding,
> A student in Linux,
> Hawkwynd

You should be more patient about reading man pages.  Sometimes
they don't suffice, but for utilities like chmod and chown they
are adequate.  You might also want to try some experiments to
see how they work.

You could also consider using info, although it just might give
you the man pages again.  Start with just
which will give you a short tutorial on how to use info.
Then you can access a given topic from the top level or go
to it directly by giving it an argument as in
info chmod


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Have I been hacked?
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 15:53:10 -0500

Dan Loomis wrote:
> Here's a strange one...
> I have a RH6 linux box at home running IP Masq and a pegged PPP connection
> to my local ISP.  Every now and again the link permanently goes down.  After
> looking at /var/log/messages, it shows that a shutdown and subsequent reboot
> has been initiated.  This is the second time this has happened.
> Three questions:
> 1.  Is it possible that my machine can spontaneously start a shutdown/reboot
> all by itself?

Yes.  Linux is pretty stable, but occasionally, it will reboot
spontaneously.  This is usually hardware related, but sometimes
subtle software problems can do it.   On one Linux machine,
we accidently removed the user xfs (for X font service), and
the machine started rebooting spontaneously.  It hasn't since
we fixed that, but the two things may be unrelated.  We
have a Sun which periodically reboots spontaneously, but we
have not been able to figure out why over the course of two
years, despite many efforts.

> 1.  How do I find out the cause?

Others may suggest some standard things to try, but often
there is no way to track it down.  Let us know just what
the log file shows, and perhaps someone will have an idea.

> 2.  Is it possible that I'm getting hacked by bored engineers at my ISP?

It is possible but unlikely.  Of course if you aren't adequately
protected, it is possible that someone else is intruding.
Make sure at the very least that you have limited access with
/etc/hosts.allow and hosts.deny.  Others will have other
suggestions that are more certain to repel invaders.

Also try turning off your network interface when you are not
using it to see if if ever reboots when the interface is off.
If it only reboots spontaneously when you are connected to
the network, that doesn't in itself mean you have an intruder.
It could be some hardware issue involving the interface.

> --
> Dan Loomis


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Jens Schwepe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: users can't mount cdrom
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 02:29:51 +0200

forgive me, but I can't see the point:
/bin/mount is r/x by everyone and /dev/scd0 is rwx for everyone.
this is ok, /dev/cdrom is just a --> link to /dev/scd0.

fstab says to mount /dev/scd0 (you could also say /dev/cdrom) to
/mnt/cdrom with fs=iso9660, _not_ automatically at boot-time, read-only
if done, and every user is able to do so (don't care about the following
0 0, that's special).

assuming the directory /mnt/cdrom (rwxr-xr-x root root) exists, you can
mount your cd by just typing
#>mount /mnt/cdrom

btw, to my knowledge these files etc you mentioned are owned by root,
but group should not be users but root also. what distribution do you
use and is this root/users permanent on all files ?

Jeff Greer wrote:

> Hello,
> Why can I only mount the cdrom drive as root?
> here is /etc/fstab
> /dev/scd0               /mnt/cdrom              iso9660
> noauto,ro,user  0 0
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     users       37672 Oct  6  1998 /bin/mount
> brwxrwxrwx   1 root     users     11,   0 May  5  1998 /dev/scd0
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 guest    users           4 Mar 26 04:23 /dev/cdrom
> -> scd0
> Shouldn't this be automatically setup by mainstream linux
> distros?  Linux will be useless as an OS for the desktop as long
> as braindead problems like this exist.  Linux sure needs a set of
> desktop standards.
> I like Linux, but setting up some things is a complete waste of
> time.  I am not interested in knowing how to make my cdrom
> mountable by guests.  There should be a standard script to handle
> this.
> --
> Jeff Greer
> B.S. computer science, University of MO - Rolla
> --------------------------------------------------
> Windows NT has crashed,
> I am the Blue Screen of Death,
> No one hears your screams...


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't read files
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 14:53:23 -0500

Olivier Pidoux wrote:
> Hi,
>     I downloaded a files for Linux with my NT computer, but my Linux system
> can't read the file.  What can I do??  My Linux does't have acces to the
> internet
> Thanks
> Olivier

If the two systems are on the same computer, and your Linux
system can see your NT partition, then all you have to do
is mount it and cp the file to your Linux partition.  But
it may be that your Linux system can't see the files in the
NT partition, or they may be on different computers.   In that
case, the only way to do it may be to copy the file or files to
a floppy and then copy them back.   Under Linux the proper
way to do this would be with mtools.  If a file is too
large to fit on a floppy, you will have to split is somehow.
I don't know offhand how to do this with NT, but I am sure
it is possible.  After copying the split sections back to
Linux, you can reassemble the file with cat. 

If your machine has a zipdrive which both NT and Linux can
access, it would be simpler: copy to a zipdisk using NT
and copy back using Linux. 


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Siemel Naran)
Subject: how to send mail out of my system?
Date: 5 Aug 1999 00:27:17 GMT

I want to send mail out from my computer at home?  I don't have my own
domain name and domain address.  When I send out mail to another user
on my local machine, it works.  But when I send mail to the outside
world, it fails.  Here is the relevant part of the returned message:
      ----- Transcript of session follows -----
      ... while talking to
      >>> MAIL From:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=218
      <<< 501 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Sender domain must exist
      501 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Data format error
How do I fool sendmail into thinking that my domain is not
localhost.localdomain but rather

I see a danger though.  If I could do this, then I could fool the
internet backbone into thinking that I am someone who I am not, and
I should not be able to do this.

However, with 'pine' I could do just this.

Siemel B. Naran ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: <Z0rba~the~Geek>[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: need help locating Syquest EZ135 media
Date: 4 Aug 1999 16:18:11 -0700

   This may be considered just a bit off-topic,
but I need help locating a sourc for the removable
media for the Syquest EZ135 drive, this drive uses
the same disk as the 230MB drive.  Any suggestions?
         anyhow Thanks everyone


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: bash and background jobs
Date: 04 Aug 1999 16:17:40 -0700


>  Hi everybody,
> Here is the situation. First, I launch a xterm (or any kind of term),
> then within this term, I launch a prog in the background :
>       `prog_name &',
> and then, if I close the xterm, the prog ends.
> This behaviour does not exist when using csh.
> Is there a way to alter bash and make it act "the right way" ?
hmmm...I've never noticed that (I hate csh).  I'll have to think about 
how that works with csh--it *seems* like it shouldn't work--but in the 
meantime 'nohup command&' will work in bash.


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: conf.modules
Date: 04 Aug 1999 16:19:22 -0700

Gordon Haverland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The existing conf.modules (from the SuSE install)
> has an entry for the NCR53C8xx in it.  Should this be commented
> out and replaced with an entry for the buslogic controller,
> the SYM53C8xx, or both?
If they are not compiled as modules then you don't have to worry about 


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Did SUSE 6.1 egcs lose C++???
Date: 4 Aug 1999 20:09:05 -0500

Nix wrote:
> Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [snip huge volumes of excess quoted text]
> > G++ is not ANSI compliant
> With the exception of the standard C++ library and the `export' keyword,
> gcc-2.95 *does* conform to the ISO C++ Standard.

Who cares! This has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

> g++- was not close to the Standard, but that compiler is many
> years old now.
> Learn whereof you speak.

You should learn how to read. I only commented on g++ which is
a worthless piece of shit. Fortunately it has been removed from
most modern Linux distributions. g++ is now a link to the new
gcc otherwise known as egcs.
> >                           but that is not the reason that I say
> > it's buggy and personnally I would never install it on my system.
> Personally there are two C++ compilers I swear by:
> The EDG compilers, because for generated code quality and
> standards-compliance they are presently best;
> and egcs-now-gcc, because I have the source and so can fix problems with
> it, and because it isn't half bad for standards-compliance or generated
> code quality now. When the new IA32 backend gets folded in (in gcc-3.0?)

If so why are you defending that old garbage g++?
The only complaint I've ever had about gcc is that on both
Linux and OS/2 it is slow as hell. It doesn't show as much on
a fast 686 but it sure crawls on a 486. In comparision IBM C set
and Borland C++ fly.

> it should be even nicer :) the improvements in that backend are quite
> something.
> > I ported a large library of my Visual Age for C++ to Linux because
> > my program needed the string classes that I used under OS/2.
> > What I found out was that g++ not only create crappy programs
> Examples?

Search the web if you need to know the details. The classes that
created core dumps were the IString classes from IBM's Open class.
I compiled the same classes under Borland on dos, winblows and OS/2
as well as under IBM C++ compiler under winblows and OS/2. The
only thing I had to change with Borland was the long long which weren't
supported. I solved the problem under Linux by removing the virtual
declarations from the routines that has a fixed pointer generated.
<rest of ranting and insults removed>

Next time before you try to start a flame because your favorite
compiler got blamed for its bugs do a bit of research.

Get a life!

use OS/2 for a crash proof work environment
use Linux for safe and quick internet access
use Winblows to test the latest viruses
We have software, food, music, news, search,
history, electronics and genealogy pages.


From: "Arne Vist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: failure installing StarOffice
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 01:49:19 +0200

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:37a89a92$1$qnivfs$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hello.
> Need a little help here. I'm trying to set up my RH v. 6.0 system and
> ladling on StarOffice (from the apps cd). When I get as far as initiating
> the setup routine, I get the following error message (paraphrased):
> "_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno -111
> setupbin: cannot open display ":0"
> check "DISPLAY" variable as well as permissions (etc., etc.)"
> I need a little clue here. What does setup want me to do to satisfy it?

It complains about the X-server not running.
You might try to run the setup from inside X

> A weird phenomenon I can't help but mention. All of a sudden I can't
> invoke fdisk ('command not found'). I copied it to /sbin as root and now I
> can invoke it as root. I thought I was able to invoke it before without
> the absolute path and also as 'user'. Just wondering. (Somehow a path is
> messed up?)

A normal user don't have the permission to run fdisk, just root. Nothing
about paths.

> Thanks!

Just tryin' my best



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Siemel Naran)
Subject: Okidata 6e works under Linux?
Date: 5 Aug 1999 00:32:10 GMT

Hello.  Does Okidata 6e works under Linux?  It does PCL 5e emulation.

Siemel B. Naran ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Learning the ways of the Penguin
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 01:06:22 GMT

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto),
  In a message on 4 Aug 1999 11:37:31 -0500, wrote :

PK> In article <RWUp3.10915$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
PK> Scott Fleming wrote:
PK> > Checked the man pages, and searched on the web, and HOWTO's, but didn't find
PK> > what I was looking for, so I'm posting my questions here.
PK> > 2. Is there a CHMOD 'HOWTO' ? Is there a page/site that someone can point me
PK> > to that explains more information about the CHMOD and perhaps CHOWN
PK> > commands?
PK> It is possible that on your system the chmod and chown documentation
PK> are not maintained, in which case you must investigate the fileutils
PK> info pages.  (Running "chmod --version" or "chown --version" reveals
PK> that they are both part of "fileutils".)

The problem is that 'man chmod' == 'man 1 chmod'.  This man page  does
tell all, but not necessarily in an all that easy to digest fashion. 
'man 2 chmod' gives a different slant (different man page author?), that
might be a little more compensable.  'man 2 chmod' gives a nice
tabulation of the bits in bit order sequence.

PK> If you are an emacs user, then you should use the emacs info reader
PK> ("C-h i").  If not, you may have to use the standalone "info" program
PK> (although reportedly there are also newer info browsing programs,
PK> too).  In recent versions of "info" you can get around using the
PK> arrow keys, RETURN, the SPACE bar, and the letters "u" (to go "up"
PK> one node) and "q" (to quit).  As a last resort, you could just read
PK> the whole, long file, which should be in /usr/info.
PK> -- 
PK> Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Collin W. Hitchcock)
Subject: Re: Clone a harddisk
Date: 04 Aug 1999 19:00:51 -0400

> we have a SUSE 6.1 Internet- and E-Mail- Server (P166; IDE-Harddisk
> 8,4 GB) installed. To be save from a total breakdown, we need to
> clone the actual state of the harddisk. Does Anybody know any tools
> to do this?

Archiving to another hd partition?

man cp

Use the -a option to get an archive copy of any subtree of the
filesystem.  Be careful not to include the archive destination in the
source hierarchy.  Keep in mind that you don't want to archive /proc.
I recommend using the -x option to limit the source to a single hd
partition and archiving each partition separately.



From: Jim Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: looking for a free "to to list"/"scheduler" type app
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 12:25:31 +1200

I'm looking for a free "to to list"/"scheduler" type app for a unix  
and X environment .
Nothing too fancy, I'd like to be able to enter a Task with a title, 
time and date, small description, and priority.
I'd like,to be able to sort the task list on time or priority.

Is anything like this available?
Jim Williams

 "If it isn't true, it should be, and if we could afford it, it would


From: Ryan PC Gibson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Yamaha XG 64V sound card
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 00:40:58 GMT

> I have just purchased a new DELL Dimension XPS T450 home computer.
> It has a Yamaha XG 64V PCI sound card apparently built on something
> called the "724 DS-1" chip set.  Other info of questionable value:

        I am in the same situation, and it seems that there is no support for
PCI Yamaha cards in Linux.  Sorry.

> Installing RedHat 6.0 has already been my worst nightmare.

        Just think how much richer you life is now, though :o)

        -- ryan

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Kenny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Re:(Recommendations) Database program
Date: 5 Aug 1999 01:23:35 GMT

Try PostgreSQL; it's free. Just visit

Kenny Leong


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Learning the ways of the Penguin
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 01:06:18 GMT

  "Scott Fleming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  In a message on Wed, 04 Aug 1999 10:51:29 GMT, wrote :

"F> Checked the man pages, and searched on the web, and HOWTO's, but didn't find
"F> what I was looking for, so I'm posting my questions here.
"F> Recently became a Linux RH 5.2 user, and after some trial and error, and
"F> alot of reading, I have my Redhat machine on the network, sharing with my
"F> Windows 98 machines.
"F> Now for some questions:
"F> 1. How do I display file sizes within linux? Using dir or ls presents a nice
"F> color coded display of the directory, but I want to see a "dos-style" list
"F> of the files, with date, and file size in kilobytes when I list the files.

dir is a convenient alias for ls.  ls takes a zillion options -- check
the man page for details on all of them.  Amongst them are:

        -s    size in K's (1024 byte units)
        -l    permissions, owner/group, size in bytes, date (see -c and -u),
                name, and if a symlink, what it points to

Some examples: ls -Fl Backup/
total 6
-rwxr-xr-x   1 heller   users         371 Aug  1 15:42 DoBackup.csh*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 heller   users         299 Jun  1  1997 DoBackupBG.csh*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 heller   users         822 Aug  1 15:42 DoBackupF.csh*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 heller   users         715 Apr  4 16:42 DoBackupFNoSlack.csh*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 heller   users         253 Nov  1  1998 DoBackupFlx.csh*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 heller   users         204 Aug  1 15:17 WaitForTape.csh*

'-F' appends a code character based on file type: * for executables, / for 
directories, @ for symbolic links, | for pipes, and = for sockets. dir -s Backup/
total 6
   1 DoBackup.csh*             1 DoBackupFNoSlack.csh*
   1 DoBackupBG.csh*           1 DoBackupFlx.csh*
   1 DoBackupF.csh*            1 WaitForTape.csh*

"F> 2. Is there a CHMOD 'HOWTO' ? Is there a page/site that someone can point me
"F> to that explains more information about the CHMOD and perhaps CHOWN
"F> commands?

        man 2 chmod

        chown takes either the numerical or symbolic UID (see
/etc/passwd), with an optional . and a numerical or symbolic GID (see

"F> 3. I'm interested in performing scheduled backups on my linux machine, using
"F> TAR, but the MAN pages are greek to me, and not much assistance. Is there a
"F> page/site that can help me set up a script to perform backups of my network
"F> to file/disk/tape using TAR, or some other form of utility?

Tar is a bear -- a zillion options too.  I use the
'--listed-incremental' option.  Here is my incremental backup script
(run every 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sunday):

#!/bin/csh -fe
cd /
cp -fv /home/BackupLists/BackupDates
tar --create --verbose --listed-incremental
/home/BackupLists/BackupDates \
        --file /dev/st0 \
        --exclude dos --exclude slack30 --exclude proc --ignore-failed-read \
tar tvf /dev/st0 |& tee /home/BackupLists/week$1.list
mt -f /dev/st0 offline

I have a SCSI tape drive, /dev/st0.

On the 1st Sunday I do a full backup:

#!/bin/csh -fe
cd /
echo 'Insert the "main" tape, hit ENTER when read'
set ans = $<
mv -fv /home/BackupLists/BackupDates /home/BackupLists/BackupDates.old
tar --verbose --create --listed-incremental
/home/BackupLists/BackupDates \
        --file /dev/st0 --exclude dos --exclude slack30 --exclude proc \
        --exclude home2 --exclude home3 --ignore-failed-read \
tar tvf /dev/st0 |& tee /home/BackupLists/week$1_main.list
mt -f /dev/st0 offline
echo 'Insert the "home2-3" tape, hit ENTER when ready'
set ans = $<
tar --verbose --create --listed-incremental
/home/BackupLists/BackupDates \
        --file /dev/st0 --exclude dos --exclude slack30 --exclude proc \
        --ignore-failed-read \
tar tvf /dev/st0 |& tee /home/BackupLists/week$1_home23.list
mt -f /dev/st0 offline

And here is the '~heller/Backup/WaitForTape.csh' stript:

#!/bin/csh -fe
echo -n "Waiting for tape..."
set result = 1
while ($result == 1)
  echo -n "."
  sleep 10
  set result = `csh -c 'mt -f /dev/st0 status |& grep -sq "^ BOT ONLINE 
IM_REP_EN";echo $status'`
echo ""

"F> Thank you in advance for you understanding,
"F> A student in Linux,
"F> Hawkwynd

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: bash and background jobs
Date: 4 Aug 1999 11:29:56 -0500

In article <7o8pk9$sr9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Xavier SERPAGGI wrote:
>  First, I launch a xterm (or any kind of term),
> then within this term, I launch a prog in the background :
>       `prog_name &',
> and then, if I close the xterm, the prog ends.
> This behaviour does not exist when using csh.
> Is there a way to alter bash and make it act "the right way" ?

When bash terminates, it send the SIGHUP ("hangup") signal to its
children.  The default behavior is for processes to die when they
receive SIGHUP.  You can try to induce them to ignore that signal
by running "nohup prog_name &" instead.  (See the nohup man or 
info page, however, because it can mess with the process's 
standard output or error.)

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Hankel O'Fung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Must root and swap partitions be primary?
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 09:43:17 +0800

Thanks, Leonard and other folks who helped solving my problem. I have three
further (perhaps silly) questions:

(1) If all linux partitions (except the hosting extended partition, of course)
can be logical, what is the rationale or advantage for creating a primary
partition in the first place? For example, if I want to fit the root partition
below the 1024th cylinder, I can create an extended partition first and use
fdisk to allocate the cylinders for a logical root partition. There is no need
for a primary partition.

(2) Just want to confirm ... . What MUST reside below the 1024th cylinder is
actually /boot but not /, am I correct?

(3) Another confirmation. The 4-partitions limit means in each IDE hdd, the
total number of (linux or DOS, whatever) primary and extended partitions
cannot exceed 4. Am I correct?

Leonard Evens wrote:

> If you are nervous about deleting the extended partition, you
> can do it all within the extended partition,a nd you won't be
> effectively limited about the number of partitions.  But use
> a few as possible and make sure the root partition is big
> enough for expansion.  1.5 Gig would not be overly large.

Well, I already deleted the extended DOS partition ;-) Now the Win98 boots up
very slowly. I don't know why :-<

BTW, what is meant by "expansion"? To enlarge the size of the root partition
(expanding the partition size)? Or to install more software (expanding

Cheers, Hankel



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