Linux-Misc Digest #292, Volume #25               Mon, 31 Jul 00 07:13:02 EDT

  Re: UPS with serial port (fred smith)
  Linux for ancient RS6000? (fred smith)
  Re: Partition problems NT station (Dave)
  Adding another IDE drive (Bill West)
  rpm problem (calvin)
  Re: Adding another IDE drive (Davide Bianchi)
  NYC LOCAL: LXNY Meeting Tuesday 1 August 2000: Marc Waldman on Publius, a 
tamper-evident, censorship-resistant web publishing system ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: turning off the XBell (Tom Weyer)
  changing distributions (Robert Schweikert)
  Re: gnutella client (Harry Flaxman)
  Hauppauge TV and Teletext in Linux (astorwilliam)
  LPD on Corel Linux (Matt)
  Re: I/O question (James Alan Brown)
  how to switch a daemon from one runlevel to another (Alexandra 
  Re: how to switch a daemon from one runlevel to another (Wolfgang Fritz)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
From: fred smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UPS with serial port
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 01:45:38 GMT

Dan Amborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: On Thu, 27 Jul 2000 00:00:04 GMT, David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: wrote:

:>Dan Amborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
:>' Make sure you get the cable that works with Linux.  They have two cables and
:>' have a tendency to send the Windows cable out by default without asking.
:>I don't understand this.  I thought there were two types of RS-232
:>cable: a straight cable and a null-modem cable.  What is APC doing

I dunno why they'd have different cables, but...

The two Tripplite UPSes we have here (at my home) both came with a cable
which works with either windoze or Linux, and their software also works
with Linux!

They've also released the source code to their software!


: I am not really sure.  I am kind of new at this but here are the two cable
: listings as I found them off of the web site.  My Linux cable part number isn't
: even close to theirs though it works great in Redhat so I am assuming they sent
: me the correct one.  The other cable kept giving me errors on setup.

: ===Cable #1===
: Simple Signaling Unix Cable  

: APC part # AP9823  (My part # 940-0023A)

: (Application/Description) 
:  SCO Unix, IBM AIX, Solaris(SPARC), UnixWare, Solaris X86(Intel), SunOS, NCR
: Unix, Olivetti Unix, SVR4, SINIX/RM, Unisys Unix, HP-UX, Linux  $39  
: ===Cable #2===
: NT/LAN Server Cable (Simple Signaling)  

: APC part # 940-0020  (My part# 940-0020B)

: (Application/Description) 
: MS LAN Manager 2.0, 2.1, Artisoft LANtastic 4.0, DEC Pathworks for OS/2, IBM LAN
: Server 3.0, Windows NT 3.1, 3.5, 4.0, Acer/Altos OS, System 700 & 7000, Windows
: Apps, NetWare  $39  

: --

: Dan Amborn

: Yoda of Borg are we: Futile is resistance. Assimilate you, we will.

---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------
  "For him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his 
 glorious presence without fault and with great joy--to the only God our Savior
 be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before
                     all ages, now and forevermore! Amen."
============================= Jude 1:24,25 (niv) =============================


From: fred smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux for ancient RS6000?
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 01:50:54 GMT

My employer has an ancient (circa 1992) IBM RS6000 box that has lost
one of its (gigantic ;-) 400 meg SCSI drives. They're thinking of not
fixing it due to its age. If they dump it, I may stand outside the 
window and try to catch it as it goes by!

Can anyone tell me if there's a Linux anywhere (or maybe a *bsd) that
will run on this thing? It's NOT a PowerPC machine, it's IBM's old
RISC processor from before the days of the PowerPC.


---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------
                    The Lord detests the way of the wicked 
                  but he loves those who pursue righteousness.
============================= Proverbs 15:9 (niv) =============================


Subject: Re: Partition problems NT station
Date: 31 Jul 2000 03:27:14 EDT

oksigen wrote:

> I have a NT station with a new 14 Gig HD. The newly installed HD have
> been set in such a way that 4 gig of space has been left unpartitioned
> and unformated for furutre Linux Installation.
> The unpartitioned portion of the HD is at the end of the two other NTFS
> partitioned (c: and d:).
> Problem: When I try to set an extended logical partition and install
> linux with a swap an a native Linux partition, I can't reboot the
> machine. The blue NT screen appears with something like "no bootable
> partion found " .....
> What should I do to successfully partition the last blocks of the
> HD and install Linux (RH6.2) ?
> Thanks
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Most systems won't let you boot from a logical partition in an extended
partition.  Either truncate the extended partition and set up the Linux
partition (the Native, not the swap) as a primary partition, or install
LILO on the MBR (which may conflict with NT's boot manager ... you'll have
to ask sombody else to be sure, since I don't actually have NT at the


From: Bill West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Adding another IDE drive
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 18:27:54 +1000


Can anyone tell me where I can find the relevant info for adding another
IDE drive to a system already running Linux. My current configuration is
a duel boot system with Win '98 on one disk and Linux in the other. I
have decided to dump Win '98.

I require the following info ...

.. Mount point for new drive.
.. Do I need to re-install RH 6.1?
.. Do I still need LILO?
.. Which directories are better left on the 'old' disk.

I have read 'Multi-disk HOW-TO' and not all the info I need is there, as
it seems to deal with a new install.

Any info appreciated.

Thanks in advance


  This message was composed using PINE 4.21 for Linux


From: calvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: rpm problem
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 16:55:43 +0800


I cp a rpm package from harddisk to zipdisk. And while I try to rpm the
package from zip disk elsewhere, the system complains like this: The rpm

file does not appear to be RPM package.  I  use "diff" to compare the
originial and the copy one. It really has difference. But if I cp the
file from zip disk to hard disk and give the new copy another name, then

I "diff" it with the original one in harddisk. It hasn't any difference.

Why the thing happened?

Is it the difference file system cause the problem? The harddisk is
mounted as ext2, and the zip disk is mounted as vfat? How can I  solve
such problem?

Thank you.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Davide Bianchi)
Subject: Re: Adding another IDE drive
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 08:56:45 GMT

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000 18:27:54 +1000, Bill West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Can anyone tell me where I can find the relevant info for adding another
>IDE drive to a system already running Linux.

If your disk is already there, you have only to create a new
partition on it, and att the partition to the mtab file, so your
linux will mount the new partition during boot.

>My current configuration is
>a duel boot system with Win '98 on one disk and Linux in the other. I
>have decided to dump Win '98.


>I require the following info ...
>.. Mount point for new drive.

Where do you want the new drive ? Do you want to add spaces to
your /usr space ? Simply use the new drive on it.
You can mount the new drive under /tmp, copy on it all the data
from /usr, then "swap" the new drive and the old /usr filesystem
in the mtab file.

>.. Do I need to re-install RH 6.1?

Nee. I suppose you can already see your disk (like /dev/hd???)

>.. Do I still need LILO?

If the disk own the MBR where you boot from, you can leave LILO
"as is", simply remove the reference for the Windows partition
and you are fine. Keep in mind that lilo can be usefull if you
plan to use some new driver, you can create a "test" kernel and
boot it with lilo without trowing off the old kernel (veeeery
usefull, especially if the new kernel does not work...).

>.. Which directories are better left on the 'old' disk.

Hummm... but are you planning to *MOVE* the entire Linux from
one disk to the another, or to *ADD* a disk to the current
installation ??? If is the first, then you have to REINSTALL
linux on the first disk, then mount the /home partition from
the second disk (this way you keep all the users configuration
and the users' data).
Since a lot of thing goes into /usr, maybe is a good idea to
keep the /usr partition in the old disk, so you do not have to
reinstall everything...



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: NYC LOCAL: LXNY Meeting Tuesday 1 August 2000: Marc Waldman on Publius, a 
tamper-evident, censorship-resistant web publishing system
Date: 31 Jul 2000 05:00:34 -0400

This meeting is free and open to the public.

The meeting runs from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm.  After the meeting full and
precise instructions on how to get to our traditional place of refreshment
will be given in clear.

Thanks to support of the IBM Corporation, the meeting is at their building
at 590 Madison Avenue at East 57th Street on the Island of Manhattan.
Enter the building at the corner of Madison and 57th and ask at the desk
for the floor and room number.

Marc Waldman will speak on Publius, a tamper-evident, censorship-resistant
web publishing system.  Publius is today a project of Lorrie Faith Cranor,
Aviel D. Rubin, and Marc Waldman.  Code will be released shortly, at which
point Publius will be tested by thousands of hackers and freedom fighters
of Planet Earth.  If you want to look at code today write to the
Publius Project at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .,2294,500223018-500319451-501797953-0,00.html

Publius is one of many systems in process of dream, design, coding,
testing, deployment, and/or massive enthusiastic use today which are based
upon a superior grasp of the old but often misunderstood Internet.  The
Internet is a large system of communicating powerful computers.  It is not
a loose congeries of "client server pairs".  It is not even a system of
"large servers serving the same stuff to many people in hopes of persuading
some to send money to the owners of the servers".

Why are Publius and the many other similar/supporting projects so important
right now?  Because these projects, if completed, deployed, used, and
defended, are powerful weapons in the war to keep the Net free.  Everywhere
private, individual, and native tribal use of computers and the Internet
itself are under direct attack by forces whose declared objective is
precisely to stop all free use of computers and the Internet.

Last week I had a good answer to the question:

"Jay, how can I help the Free Software Movement?  I do not code, I do not
know any program well enough to do documentation, but I want to do

I said "Come to the courthouse and stand beside a man whose offense is to
point out that you can watch a DVD movie, on a disk that you own, on your
own operating system, using whatever code you want."

This week and for all of this year I and you and we are again fortunate to
have a good answer:

Learn about systems that protect and encourage free use of computers and
the Internet.  Most such systems require much testing by non-experts in
order to increase their fire power, accuracy, defensibility, etc., in short
their fitness for use in battle.

Jay Sulzberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.


From: Tom Weyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: turning off the XBell
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 10:27:54 +0200

Chris Cera wrote:
> Does anyone know how I would go about turning this off in gnome, or any WM in
> particular.  Is this even a function of the WM, or do I have to turn this off
> in every program individually?  Thank you.
> --
>                     /"\                                     c h r i s   c e r a
>                     \ /     ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                      X        AGAINST HTML MAIL,
>                     / \      AND NEWS TOO, dammit

Put xset b off in your X startup file.



From: Robert Schweikert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: changing distributions
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 05:53:10 -0400

I am currently running RH6.2 but have the suspicion that there are a few
things wrong with the distribution. Thus I would like to do a few tests,
a.) go back to RH6.1, b.) install another distribution.

What is the best way to go about this, is ther a HOWTO?


Robert Schweikert                      MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         LINUX


From: Harry Flaxman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: gnutella client
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 06:01:35 -0400

> Hello,
> I can't find a Gnutella client that works (under RH6.2). Windows
> Gnutella and Napster (on both platforms) work just fine. Did anyone get
> ANY Linux Gnutellas to work?
> Thanks
> Wroot
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Using Gnubile.  It works well under x-windows.


Harry Flaxman  | Reg Linux User 182484
ICQ # 22086907 | Reg Linux System 80769


From: astorwilliam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hauppauge TV and Teletext in Linux
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 10:24:05 GMT

I have Linux Mandrake 7, kernel 2.2.14-15 with a Pentium II chip. I
have both the TV and teletext software that come with Hauppauge WinTV
Nicam PCI card running fine in Windows 98.

I would like to install software in Linux that will make this card work
in Linux as well.

Since this operation can adversely affect my Windows 98 setup, I am
appealing to anyone who has successfully installed this card on their
Linux to write down what they learnt in detail in this newsgroup. I
refer to both the TV and teletext applications of the card.

I know about the bttv mini-HOWTO but aside from this, I still need to
know details that only someone who has successfully installed this card
can supply.

Thank you.


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: LPD on Corel Linux
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 10:30:02 GMT

Can someone help me out with a printing question on Corel.

I've got a printer set up on my CLOS machine and need to print to it from 
my other unix servers and my windows boxes using LPD.  When try to add it 
to my Windows machines I get "The specified printer did not respond as 
expected to the test command".  The error on my Unix boxes is pretty much 
the same.

Does anyone know how to sort this out?

Does the version of LPD running on CLOS allow me to IP print from other 
machines?  If it doesn't does anyone know where to get one?

I'm running Corel Linux Standard, straight out of the box.

Posted via CNET


From: James Alan Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I/O question
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 10:30:03 GMT

Steve Riskus wrote:
> Its a ensoniq sounscape vivo wav table card or something like that.. I am
> using Caldera...
> "Steve Riskus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:FY1h5.5590$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > im trying to configure sound on a linux box but i do not understand how 
> > figure out the I/O address of the sound card. Any help?
> >
> >
> >
> >

You need to use the latest version of Alsa (sound driver). V.5.0.8 covers 
your sound card. Just run alsaconfig and it will find your sound card and 
configure it correctly. You may have the Alsa package on your CD but if not 
search on any Linux download site for the lastest Alsa Drivers.



Posted via CNET


From: Alexandra =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=FChne?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: how to switch a daemon from one runlevel to another
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 12:39:43 +0200

Hi there !

I have a little problem with my Suse 6.4 in which I'm in DESPERATE need
of help...

I want my server to switch to the runlevel one every evening and on the
whole weekend, and accordingly I want it to switch back to runlevel 2
every morning and on monday.
I though this would not be too hard to accomlish with a simple crontab
command, which actually works - for the first part. But since the
cron daemon shuts down with the services of the runlevel 2, it will
never go up without help... sniff ;-(

To cut a long story short: I need to move the cron daemon from runlevel
2 to runlevel 1 and have no clue how to get this done.
(and I dont want to ask my system administrator who charges 200 bucks
an hour ;)

Can anyone help me on this ? Thanks a lot...



From: Wolfgang Fritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to switch a daemon from one runlevel to another
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 13:05:42 +0200

Alexandra Kühne wrote:
> Hi there !
> I have a little problem with my Suse 6.4 in which I'm in DESPERATE need
> of help...
> I want my server to switch to the runlevel one every evening and on the
> whole weekend, and accordingly I want it to switch back to runlevel 2
> every morning and on monday.
> I though this would not be too hard to accomlish with a simple crontab
> command, which actually works - for the first part. But since the
> cron daemon shuts down with the services of the runlevel 2, it will
> never go up without help... sniff ;-(
> To cut a long story short: I need to move the cron daemon from runlevel
> 2 to runlevel 1 and have no clue how to get this done.
> (and I dont want to ask my system administrator who charges 200 bucks
> an hour ;)
> Can anyone help me on this ? Thanks a lot...
> Yours
> George

Hi, I have Suse 6.2, but I think the init system hasn't changed in 6.4.
In the Suse 6.2 handbook you find a chapter about the Suse boot concept.
I hope it's in the 6.4 handbook also. Read this to understand how the
switching between runlevels work.

For your special problem: in /etc/rc.d/rc2.d you find a link Kxxcron
(xx=2 digit number). If you remove it, the cron daemon will not be
killed when leaving RL 2. Alternatively you can make a link like ln -s
../cron S19cron in /etc/rc.d/rc1.d, in this case cron is started in RL

This is the basic concept. Maybe cron needs some of the other services
which are stopped when changing to RL 1. You have to experiment.




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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