Linux-Misc Digest #337, Volume #21                Mon, 9 Aug 99 02:13:10 EDT

  Re: Vanishing Netscape?? (Mr Williams)
  Re: >>>Connecting to ISP Questions<<< ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: CD_R ("Noah Roberts (jik-)")
  Re: linux isn't finding my adaptec aha-1542cp scsi adapter? ("Ian MacDonald")
  Can't recall commands after upgrade to RH 6.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Need help Setting UP News Client Using NetScape 4.6.1 (Brett Castleberry)
  Re: linux isn't finding my adaptec aha-1542cp scsi adapter? (Edwin Brown)
  Re: Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server!! (Fisch)
  network performance problem (Nick Carter)
  Re: Need suggestions for tape backup device ("John G. Sandell")
  PATH name trouble (scable)
  Re: I want my OLE!! (Wine Development)
  Re: Red Hat 6.0 Installation problem (Wine Development)
  Re: WINE help, please? (Wine Development)
  Re: Magic SysRq (was Re: Linux has finally crashed) (Christopher B. Browne)
  Re: Undo Partition (Jerry Lapham)
  Re: Howto check if Port # is block by ISP? (Lindoze 2000)
  Re: terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT) (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Are zmodem and PPP really not compatible? (Richard Steiner)
  Wheel mouse drivers for Linux? (Paul Clay)
  Re: Are zmodem and PPP really not compatible? (B'ichela)
  Where and how to start kernel modules at boot up? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: - crashes NS? (Justin B Willoughby)


From: Mr Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Vanishing Netscape??
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 22:47:24 +0600

Juergen Heinzl wrote:
> I've heard netscape does this especially when visiting adult sites 8)
Oh, no. This is completely unacceptable <g>! Time to look at Opera...
Netscape does crash sometime (that is, it disappears. I take it, it
crashed then <g>.) Nothing serious.


Subject: Re: >>>Connecting to ISP Questions<<<
Date: 08 Aug 1999 19:40:31 PDT

I'm no great expert either, but I can tell you 
about PPP (Point to Point Protocol).  That is
the connection protocoll uesd by most ISP's.
AFAIK, all ISP's.  I believe the command to
establish a dialed up PPP connection is PPPdial.
Anyway, do a man on PPP and PPPdial.  IIRC There 
is also a mini howto that will walk you through the

In <7oi5ke$phj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Gilbert Groehn" 
>Hello fello Linux users:
>I am a total neophyte to Linux but installed SuSE
>6.1 with minimal problems in the last couple of days
>to start learning the system.
>Had a few problems at first configuring the X windows
>GUI but that seems to be solved now.
>I now need advice on what is the best method to connect to
>my ISP via dial up modem.  I use  and all of their
>dial in software is Windows based.  I am assuming that there is
>a dialer somewhere in the Linux package but I have not tried it
>yet and do not know if it will work with worldnet in any case.
>Any help would be most appreciated.
>Gil Groehn

Just my $0.02 worth.
Hope this helps,

Sure this is my real e-mail address.  Just try
to get past my spam filters.
There are minor children in this house.
Any adult related spam will result in a
complaint to applicable athorities.


Subject: Re: CD_R
From: "Noah Roberts (jik-)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 08 Aug 1999 18:23:56 -0700

Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The FAQ lists 3 CD-R's that are compatible with Linux, but I have not
> been able to find them.  So, can anyone suggest a CD-R that will work
> with Linux, WinNT, and Win98/98?  Also, is SCSI much faster for a slow
> device like a CD-R?

Most any IDE ATAPI CD-R should work just fine I would think.
I have an HP 7200i+, works fine but I have not tried to do any
multi-sessioning yet.


From: "Ian MacDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: linux isn't finding my adaptec aha-1542cp scsi adapter?
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 20:28:27 -0700

Hi Gaiko,

I'm experiencing the exact same problem. Although my SCSI adapter is an
Adaptec AHA1540CF and I'm running RedHat.

My primary boot disk is an IDE and I thought I'd add an old SCSI control I
had lying around.  I discovered after loading the kernel source that the
driver for the aha154x cards will only try to autodetect the cards at two
I/O addresses (0x330 and 0x334).  After setting my card to use I/O address
0x334,  I was able to load the driver manually using: insmod 1542 and then
manually mounting the attached drives.

For some reason the kernel will not automatically detect and load the
aha1542 driver during the boot process.  I too always get the "zero scsi
hosts detected message"  I even tried (without success) recompiling the
kernel to include SCSI support and the AHA1542 driver as built-in instead of
as modules.

Anybody here know what might be happening?

System Info:

486 DX100
32MB Ram
RedHat Linux 5.1 (kernel 2.0.35)
Adaptec AHA1540CF SCSI Controller

-- Ian MacDonald

Gaiko Kyofusho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7oiuf4$5b$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi, i got a adaptec aha-1542cp ISA scsi adapter card and tried putting
> it in my 486 linux box.  I have some other scsi devices (drives and
> cdrom) that i hooked up to it if that matters.  I then booted up (with a
> boot disk that had aha-1542cp support compiled in already) and it didn't
> see my card, it said that zero scsi hosts were detected (that that is
> the only scsi anything that the kernel told me during bootup).  I
> tried some slackware boot disks that had all the different adaptec
> adpaters on them <compiled in> and even the slackware generic scsi
> boot disk and still no luck.  Now i am *very* much a scsi newbie and
> could have the dip switches setup wrong (though i read over a whole
> bunch of lit. on setting up scsi devices.  Even if i did set it up wrong
> would that make it "invisable" to linux?  *Any* help here would be
> *greatly* appricated since i am not sure what i should try next.
>                                        -Gaiko
> Gaikokujin Kyofusho
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Can't recall commands after upgrade to RH 6.0
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 03:24:19 GMT

I recently upgraded my RH5.2 install to 6.0 and now I can't use
"Esc k" or "Esc /" to search for old commands.  I tried "set -o vi"
but that didn't work.  I'm running bash as my shell.  Can anyone help?
It's a pain having to re-type in old commands.

Thanks in advance for your time,


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Brett Castleberry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need help Setting UP News Client Using NetScape 4.6.1
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 23:37:02 -0400

Habibie4m wrote:
> I am using NetScape 4.61 on my SuSE-6.1 Linux distro.  I was able to
> send/read post using NetScape 4.6.1.  However, everytime I quit/exit
> from NetScape, I always have to re-subscribe to the newsgroup as well as
> enter the password before NetScape can connect to the news server.  Does
> anyone have a fix for this?
> --
> PS. Remove "4m" from e-mail address to enable reply.

I wish I could give you the answer.  I have the same problem with my
subscriptions not being saved.  Re: password, have you right-clicked on
the news folder and selected properties, and then selected the button
that makes Netscape ask for it only when necessary?

Brett Castleberry


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edwin Brown)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: linux isn't finding my adaptec aha-1542cp scsi adapter?
Date: 8 Aug 1999 23:32:35 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Ian MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi Gaiko,
>I'm experiencing the exact same problem. Although my SCSI adapter is an
>Adaptec AHA1540CF and I'm running RedHat.

I'm running SuSe 6.1 and had the same problem with Adaptec 2906. I had
to compile the driver into the kernel. The module was never detected
on boot-up.

Brilliance In Software Concepts, Inc.
Specializing in GUI programing. Java/C/Ada/Unix/VMS


Subject: Re: Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server!!
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 20:40:44 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Heeeeeeeez back!

>Fisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Help.
>> if I login, then "su", I can't launch any programs.  I keep getting a
>> "connection to :0.0 refused by server" error.
>> If I log out, then log in as root, I'm OK, but if I su to root, I can't
>> launch any apps or xterm.  Does anybody know why?
>If your on a single non-networked machine, then typing xhost + (as the user
>before you su -), then this grants permission for anyone on any host to
>manipulate your screen...
>If your on a network, xhost + localhost is probably safer.

Works like a charm.  Thanks for the info.
xhost + localhost BEFORE su'ing works great.

I was really confused why as "root" I couldn't xhost +.  I had thought
root should be able to do anything.  I guess not.

Thanks again,


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nick Carter)
Subject: network performance problem
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 03:22:41 GMT

Hello all,

I was running a ipmasquerade network, with two machines I will call them
insideA, and insideB from inside accessing one internet connection on
machine I will call gatewayC.  For some reason everything is sooo slow
lately.  I mean from the two machines insideA/insideB accessing gatewayC
as well as machine gatewayC accessing the Internet.  Trying to access the
web from insideA/insideB via gatewayC is just extremely slow.  I tried
disabling most services on gatewayC and still things has not speed up.
I just moved to ipchains in hope of solving this problem, it didn't work.

The only other thing I am concerned of is that the machine has been
hacked into before while I left it on for a few days.  ie last log showed
someone ftp'ed into it from an unknown location.  Also log showed that 
they tried to access start imapd2 repeatedly. They also attempted SYN packet 
attacked at around the same time.  Hopefully he didn't leave any running 
funny program that bog down the system.  :-)

I also suspect the hub that I am using maybe defective but have no extra
hub to test out this theory.

Are there any tools out there that will show me where the bottle neck might
be?  like whether it is the hub? or the linux box itself?

I appreciate any help in resolving this mess.  Please email if possible.

INFOS:  I am now running kernel 2.2.9, basic linux installation, with 
        apache server. CPU: AMD 200, 16MB RAM  (before you say RAM!, I 
        have to say it worked just fine before with a swap space).


From: "John G. Sandell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need suggestions for tape backup device
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 10:12:48 -0700

Warren Bell wrote:
> I'm thinking about getting a tape backup for my machine running RH 5.2.
> I don't know anything about them so I'm looking for suggestions.  It

I have Seagate TapeStor 8GB Travan internal IDE drives on several Linux
machines and an HP Colorado on one. 

The Seagate drives work fine with tar and BRU.

So does the HP, but the HP can't read the tapes made on the Seagates.

Also xbru works well with the Seagates on S.u.S.E. 6.1 but xbru takes
forever on RedHat 6.0. Don't know why there should be a problem.

I avoid external tapes drives - there's a definite loss of speed.

John Sandell


From: scable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PATH name trouble
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 09:33:45 -0500

I am having trouble with setting my PATH at login.  If I can figure out
where it cones from, I might be able to fix it.  Is there a way to track
the sequence of files that are read in at login?  I know the sequence of
files that are supposed to be read at login, but I am not convinced that
the standard sequence is being followed, so I need a way to be sure. 
For instance, I tried putting a couple of "echo" commands in the
/etc/profile file, but didn't get any output.  When I put "echo"
commands in ~/.bashrc, however, I do get the output I expect.

One more thing to show you what a newbie I am:  Is the PATH saved
somehow at logout?



From: Wine Development <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I want my OLE!!
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 21:17:06 +0100


> ...<snip>...
>         It seems to depend on the application though.  Cutting and pasting
> into emacs works well. With vi (at least the flavors I've used), no.  I'm
> no X programmer (yet), but it seems that whoever writes an application,

Works fine with vim and most vi clones if you set the editor into
insert/append mode first.
Likewise elm.

Keith Matthews                  Spam trap - my real account at this 
                                                        node is keith_m

Frequentous Consultants  - Linux Services, 
                Oracle development & database administration


From: Wine Development <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: jaring.os.linux
Subject: Re: Red Hat 6.0 Installation problem
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 21:57:24 +0100

Tan wrote:

> More doubts:
> 1. Will it be harmful if I Ctrl+Alt+Del at any point in Linux?
> 2. Should I FDISK the HDD 100% using Windows FDISK before installing
> Linux?
> 3. Will Linux installation auto detect all my hardwares, especially
> CD-ROM, soundcard, mouse, k/b, and modem? If not, how do I install it
> into Linux system?

The most risky item is the modem. If this is what is called a winmodem
(quite possible if it is an internal one) then it will never work under
_any_ operating system other than windows. Other posts
recently have pointed to a site showing modem types that will work with
Linux, try searching
dejanews (

> 4. How to install software downloaded into Linux?

If the software comes as an rpm package (i.e. file name ends in '.rpm'
the RedHat package 
manager (RPM) will do it for you (once you have Linux running try typing
'man rpm'. Other 
software is more complex and may need to be compiled on your system.
Look for a README or 
INSTALL file where you download the software from.

Keith Matthews                  Spam trap - my real account at this 
                                                        node is keith_m

Frequentous Consultants  - Linux Services, 
                Oracle development & database administration


From: Wine Development <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: WINE help, please?
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 22:27:03 +0100

Noah Roberts (jik-) wrote:
> Wine Development <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> My question is unrelated, but I haven't gotten a responce in the
> "correct" newsgroup and you have an official looking From:.
The mail account is _my_ wine development account (used for anti-spam
reasons), not 
the official team one. We all have our specialisations, mine is dde,
which has 
nothing to do with X and the keyboard.

> Ill-Logic:~/wine-990704$ wine c:\\windows\\write.exe
> fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout Your keyboard layout was not found!
> Instead using closest match (0409) for scancode mapping.
> Please define your layout in windows/x11drv/keyboard.c and submit them
> to us for inclusion into future Wine releases.
> See documentation/keyboard for more information.
> Ill-Logic:~/wine-990704$
> Thats all I get from wine.  I have read that file, I have edited the
> keyboard.c, I have switched back to qwerty, I have tried a whole lot
> of things including switching to an older version as you can
> see...nothing made the slightest difference in anything.  I don't know
> what to do now.

The response Juergen gave in c.e.m.w is correct, that message by itself
cause a program to exit with no messages at all. Are you sure there are
no other messages ?
try running with trace on (e.g. wine -debugmsg +all
c:\\windows\\write.exe). If this still
shows you nothing meaningful repeat that but directing the results to a
file and post the last
500 lines here.

Have you read the debugging document that comes with wine ?

Keith Matthews                  Spam trap - my real account at this 
                                                        node is keith_m

Frequentous Consultants  - Linux Services, 
                Oracle development & database administration


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher B. Browne)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Magic SysRq (was Re: Linux has finally crashed)
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 04:27:22 GMT

On Mon, 09 Aug 1999 03:27:12 GMT, William McBrine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:
>In comp.os.linux.development.apps Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: This architecture permits *incredible* scalability compared to
>: "interrupt-driven" things like Curses or, "worse still," X.
>Perhaps the modern equivalent is the web-based interface. Here, on the
>client end, images are rendered, you fill out forms, navigate within
>pages, perhaps even run some Java or JavaScript. The server mostly just
>pushes files at you and receives blocks of data from you.

The handling of CGI POST is roughly equivalent to the mainframe
"thing" where you press "enter" on a 327x screen, and the terminal
blocks together all the changes you made into a single block,
transmitting this to the mainframe.

There is the difference that mainframes tend to be virtually hardwired
to respond to this, whereas web servers often spawn a Perl process to
handle each and every CGI request.  High performance web servers don't
do it that way...

What do you get when you multiply six by nine?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jerry Lapham)
Subject: Re: Undo Partition
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 23:12:15

In <7oibma$tqm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 08/07/99 
   at 06:08 PM, "Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> > Of course, if you used Partition Magic to do the splitting, you can put
> > the partitions back together with it.

> Does that include the Partition Magic on some Linux distributions?

Probably not.  I have Caldera 2.2 and it appears the Partiton Magic
included is very limited.  It only runs in Windows and only lets you
create a Linux partition of (a) 300 MB, (b) 1.0 GB, or (c) all free space
minus 100 MB.  I couldn't use it because I don't have Win 9x. 
Fortunately, I have Partition Magic 2.x for OS/2 and created partitions
with it.

Jerry Lapham, Monroe, OH
Written Sunday, August 08, 1999 - 11:12 PM (EDT)
MR/2 Ice tag:  In Texas they measure hail with softballs.


From: Lindoze 2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Howto check if Port # is block by ISP?
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 00:40:27 -0400

netzero does not use a proxy server, I dont think so.
I've used all kinds of ports.
try playing with your computer.

Cliff wrote:
>    It looks like it might be blocked.  Try pinging the host first.  If you
> can ping it but not telnet to the smtp port and you know that host has a
> mail service then chances are your ISP (or someone else along the line) is
> blocking that port.  To bypass the blockage you need to use a proxy but the
> only ones that I know of are used for anonymous web surfing.  You might want
> to run a web search on proxy services.
> --
> -Cliff
> Views expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employer
> Concordia Net, Inc. When replying via email please use; cwheat at concordia
> dot net not
> root@localhost
> Young4ert wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Hi,
> >
> >I am connected to the Internet through a local ISP:  I can
> >surf the Internet with NetScape 4.6.1.  I can even send e-mail to anyone
> >through the ISP's stmp server.  However, when I tried to setup my other
> >e-mail account from a third party e-mail provider, i.e.,
> >
> [snip]
> >
> >So, it looks me that the ISP has blocked the smtp port.  Can anyone
> >please confirm that what I have done above is correct?  Also, is there a
> >way to by pass the blockage?
> >
> >I certainly appreciate if you could kindly respond through e-mail.
> >Thanks.
> >
> >--
> >
> >PS> Remove the "4" from e-mail address to respond.

Thank you for your valuable input. Your useful answers will benifit
other users as well.
You are Linux!

##                                                    ##
## My Experiment                                      ##
##                         ##
##                                                    ##


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT)
Date: 9 Aug 1999 03:39:15 GMT

Robert J. Sprawls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Tiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hello, can anyone help me to solve this problem? 
>>When I telnet from a MS windows machine (95 or NT same problem) to a
>>Linux machine (RH6.0), and start elm, then I get this error message:
>>[tiger@virgin tiger]$ elm
>>Your terminal does not support the "clear screen" function (cl).
>>Your terminal does not support the "clear to end of line" function (ce).
>>Your terminal does not support the "clear to end of display" function (cd).
>>Your terminal does not support the "cursor motion" function (cm).
>>Your terminal does not support the "move cursor up" function (cm).
>>Your terminal does not support the "move cursor right" function (nd).
>>[tiger@virgin tiger]$     
>I don't know about WinNT, but the telnet client for Win95 does not
>support vt102. Only vt52 and vt100/ansi. However, don't use ansi on
>Linux, as I believe MS combines vt100 and ansi into one term and it
>doesn't funtion well. Force your term into vt100. It works 100% so far
>as I have seen. You can use this script, but it's not general enough
>to be 100% reliable.
>TT=`tty | cut -b 6-9`
>if [ $TT = "ttyp" ]
>       tset -Q vt100
>This will force vt100 emulation for pseudo terminal connections(
>telnets and such ) but leave it alone for others.

That will _not_ force vt100 emulation.  It will cause the pseudo
terminal device to be configured correctly for a vt100 and it
may send vt100 initialization strings to the terminal emulator
on the host machine from which the telnet session originates
(which probably will have virtually no effect whatever).

It will also be done for xterms run under X, which also use

What it does NOT do is the precise thing that is really needed,
which is set the TERM variable to something which matches the
capabilities of the terminal emulator!  If the command were
"tset -sQ vt100" it will set the TERM variable, but I'm not
certain that is actually the whole problem.

The right approach is to get the TERM variable set to an
appropriate name and see that the TERMCAP or TERMINFO (judging
by the error messages above, elm uses TERMCAP) database entry
for that terminal matches the actual capabilities of the
emulator which is used by the orginating telnet program.

The first question is what is the TERM variable being set to,
and does the TERMCAP database on that system have an entry
for it (or is there even a TERMCAP database?)


Floyd L. Davidson                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: Are zmodem and PPP really not compatible?
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 23:23:46 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gordon Anderson)
spake unto us, saying:

>I see no reason why the same thing won't work in Linux, but I
>can't find a comm program (like Minicom) that doesn't insist on
>controlling the modem.  There doesn't seem to be any way to use
>zmodem in an xterm window on a PPP connection either.  Can anyone
>suggest another way to do this.  Thanks.

There's a telnet variant for Linux called ztelnet which supports Zmodem
file transfers.  I think you can find it on somewhere.

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
     OS/2 + Linux + BeOS + FreeBSD + Solaris + WinNT4 + Win95 + DOS
      + VMWare + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
           "...little girl lost in a forest of dreams..." -B.Mydland


Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 21:07:26 -0700
From: Paul Clay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Wheel mouse drivers for Linux?

Know this must have been asked before, but if so I just haven't seen the

Is a driver available for my Logitec First Mouse + scroller-wheel mouse,
which supports the scroll-wheel function?  If so, where?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B'ichela)
Subject: Re: Are zmodem and PPP really not compatible?
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 00:49:22 -0400

On Sun, 8 Aug 1999 18:20:41 -0500, System User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I believe there is a telnet that allows zmodem transfers.. check out
> and look there.. do a search for zmodem or something :)
>PPP has nothing to do with it..
        The program is called ztelnet which is available on from the hours of 10pm-6am Eastern Standard U.S
time. I know the hours are weird on my system. Blame the ISP which
wants to charge arms and legs if I stayed online for more than 16
hours a day.
        Just a reminder. I had a hacker trying to get lewd newsgroups
through leafnode, Not olnly did I set host.deny and host.allow
correctly now. but I wrote a sed script that Removed any suspicious
groups from the groupinfo file. I would welcome anyone to view my ftp
site. but right now uploading is disabled. I am TRYINg to figure it
out and wu-ftpd is just too much to handle. I also need to redo my web
page (thats offline also). only downloading ftp files anonymously
should be working.
                A pearl of wisdom from the y2K newsgroups:
Y2K appears to be the Baby Boomers mid-life crisis, and it has the
potential to be a dandy.
                        -- Anonymnous --

                        N O T E


Subject: Where and how to start kernel modules at boot up?
Date: 8 Aug 1999 15:23:13 GMT

I am running RedHat 6.0.

I am starting the following modules in rc.local:

# Starting sound driver
  modprobe snd-audiopci1370
  modprobe snd-pcm1-oss
  modprobe snd-mixer-oss
  /usr/sbin/alsactl restore

# Start cdrom drives
  modprobe ide-scsi

Everything is working, and working well with this config,
but is there a preferred way to start modules?  Are they
normally started in conf.modules?  I'm a bit confused
about how modules shoud be started at boot up.  All advice


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)
Subject: Re: - crashes NS?
Date: 9 Aug 1999 04:09:38 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)

Big Daddy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
> Okay, so I went to, and Netscape (4.51) just
> stopped.  Everything.  kill -9.  Any ideas?

Netscape Gold 3.04 & Netscape 4.05 for Linux had no problems for me.

- Justin
   _/     _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/    _/ _/   _/   RULES!! * LINUX RULES *
  _/       _/    _/_/  _/  _/    _/   _/_/     Justin Willoughby
 _/       _/    _/  _/_/  _/    _/     _/
_/_/_/ _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/_/    _/ _/     ---- Jesus Is Lord ----



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