Linux-Misc Digest #337, Volume #24                Mon, 1 May 00 20:13:03 EDT

  Re: re-installed windows now system does not recognize LiLO (Patricia)
  Re: Fvwm2 and Gnome/KDE ?!? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Newbie Question:Linux and Win98 on different harddrive! (hhk)
  Re: Strange Netscape Behavior with RH 6.2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Strange netscape 4.61 problem. (Charles Tryon)
  Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon ("Eric")
  Question about Gnome editors ("Bracy")
  Re: Fvwm2 and Gnome/KDE ?!? (Fabio S.)
  Re: linux installation problem (Unclebob)
  Re: mounting a mac-disk under linux (Rod Smith)
  Re: "tail" stops tailing? (Rod Smith)
  Re: How to uninstall programs. (Garel)
  我的 DNS 無法執行呀, 我連 nslookup 都沒法用了, 他說  non-exsistent host/domain, 
  Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon (Edward Jong)
  Re: XMMS only runs as root (Andrew)
  Re: How to uninstall programs. ("Peter T. Breuer")


From: Patricia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: re-installed windows now system does not recognize LiLO
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 00:13:10 +0200

On Mon, 01 May 2000, edgar domingo wrote:
>I re-installed windows98 on to my dual booted system ( one partition for
>windows and one for linux). well I had to re-install windows (#$%%#@%!!!), 
>now when the system boots up windows seems to have overwritten the linux 
>loader or that is how it seems. I suppose my question is how do i 
>re-establish LiLo so i can boot into Linux after a reinstallation of 
>windows or another operating system. my apologies i'm relatively new to the 
>linux world.
>thank you for your time and have a good day.
>Edgar Domingo
>Posted via CNET
You allready got the solutions.
Just wanted to add:
If you need to reinstall windows, use  SETUP/IR  to prevent Windows from writing to 
the MBR, so LILO will stay intact. 
Good Luck
Red Hat Linux release 6.0 (Hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5-15 
 12:14am  up 13:56,  1 user,  load average: 0.16, 0.30, 0.27
Tue May  2 00:14:51 CEST 2000


Subject: Re: Fvwm2 and Gnome/KDE ?!?
Date: 1 May 2000 17:51:31 -0400

In article <8eknm1$pb0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Coy A Hile) writ
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Fabio S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Does anybody know if fvwm2 (my favourite wm...;-) is Gnome and/or KDE
>what do you mean by gnome/kde compliant?  if you've got the libs to make the
>POS^Wgnome/kde apps run, they should run.

    I read that fvwm2 is not KDE/Gnome compliant and that it probably never
will be. Perhaps I saw it on But, most apps work fine, some crash
when you try to open files, eg. kiconedit... No drag&drop... you can load the
panels for each though and they seem to work fine, same with the
filemanager/desktop icons.
    About the compliance, if I understand correctly there is a whole set of
instructions that KDE and Gnome need in addition to the standard window
manager calls, ie for drag&drop or whatever...



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon
Date: 1 May 2000 22:17:10 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc Brian Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Maybe I'm dense, but how do you upgrade the BIOS when the floppy
: will not boot?  I guess you could make a bootable CD with the upgrade?

You copy the flash.exe and the bios.bin to the hard disk, and run
"flash.exe bios.bin".



Subject: Re: Newbie Question:Linux and Win98 on different harddrive!
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 15:41:30 -0700

Thanks for all the answers!
I am installing RH right now and hope nothing goes wrong!

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Subject: Re: Strange Netscape Behavior with RH 6.2
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 22:38:56 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Five minutes before reading your message I had a similar problem
> creating new address book entries in Netscape 4.72 under Win95!  When I
> added a name to the address book, it didn't show up until I shut down
> the address book and then opened it again!
> I think this must be a more basic problem with netscape than just a
> Linux problem.

  Interesting point, except that ... I am using EXACTLY the same release of
Netscape on another Linux machine (running an older RedHat distribution), and
it works FINE.  I actually copied the tar file off the older machine and
reinstalled it on the laptop.

  My best guess so far is that it is somehow related to creating and
destroying windows and responding to the "DONE" button, but it could be a
host of other things.  I haven't looked into possible differences in things
like minor updates in the glibc libraries.

  (The WORST part about this is, I *thought* it was working before, and
something I did in the past week or two broke it.  I may get to the point of
saving my data and trying a clean install from scratch.  That way, I should
be able to retrace my footsteps and figure out what caused it to break. 
That's not likely to happen in the next few days though... :-/)

> Charles Tryon wrote:
> >
> >   Here's one that's got me stumped!
> >
> >   I just installed RH 6.2 Linux on a Dell Latitude laptop.  After fiddling
> > for a long time getting the display to come up at 800x600, everything seems
> > to be working great...
> >
> >   ...except for one really strange thing....
> >
> >   When I run Netscape (4.7 or 4.72), the address book is completely
> > torqued!
> >
> >   I can add names, but they don't show up when I try to send mail.  If I
> > try to click on names in the address book, about half will create the
> > modify dialogue, but half don't respond at all.  Then, when I hit the OK
> > button, it adds another duplicate entry to the list, but it DOESN'T DISMISS
> > THE DIALOGUE.  For every OK I hit, I get another duplicate name in the
> > list, but the window doesn''t go away until I hit CANCEL.
> >
> >   I've tried multiple copies of Netscape (all of which run fine on my RH
> > 6.1 desktop).  I've blown away the .netscape directory *and* the
> > /usr/local/netscape directory and started over from scratch.  I've tried
> > multiple kernels (2.2.10 and 2.3.99-pre5).  They ALL give the same
> > behavior.  I'm wondering if there is something strange with the X server
> > that runs with the Neomagic video subsystem.
> --
> Graham Daniell
> Perth, Western Australia

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Charles Tryon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Strange netscape 4.61 problem.
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 22:51:33 GMT

Alex wrote:

> ...
> > > I had a strange netscape 4.61 problem. Earlier today, it
> > > crashed and freezes. Cannot even start another counsel to kill
> > > it.
> > > The whole system halted. Have to use <alt><ctrl><del> to kill
> > > it.

  Suggestion:  If you can use <Ctrl><Alt><Del>, then at least your keyboard
isn't dead.  It's usually a better idea to try <Ctrl><Alt><Backspace> first
to kill the X server off rather than bringing the entire system down.

> ...
> Just click on the bookmark icon on the menu-bar would hangs
> everything.

  Check your network, and the page you use as your Netscape "Home" page.
I've seen Netscape hang up when it is trying to get to the network and it is
either not hooked up, or is running very slowly for some reason...

  Just a thought.


    Your Servant,                     <><
    B. Baggins                 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    "Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!"
                  --Bilbo, after a scorching from Smaug.


From: "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 22:57:52 GMT

"Yanglong Zhu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

I urge you to try install RHLinux on a Presario 5834 (or some thing
similar) to verify what I'm saying.
Its not so much a conspiracy against Linux. But this is for their
profit, I guess.

I have a Compaq Presario 5152, it's a year old, but it works just fine
with Linux. Debian/GNU linux, Mandrake Linux, Storm Linux, and
TurboLinux. Maybe they changed since my compaq was made, but you are
probably doing something wrong.



From: "Bracy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Question about Gnome editors
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:03:58 GMT

Why are Gnome editors so slow?  I've tried gEdit and GXEdit, and in both of
them, I can type out a full paragraph before either of them displays a full
sentence.  Is there some way to edit the buffer sizes in these?  Maybe a
config file to edit?  Can't seem to find one, and there are no options in the

Is there another Gnome editor that's nicer?  I'm looking for something that's
simple and easy-to-use, so please don't recommend vi or emacs, I'm a newbie
and am still learning how to use those. :-)

Thanks in advance,



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fabio S.)
Subject: Re: Fvwm2 and Gnome/KDE ?!?
Date: 1 May 2000 23:04:17 GMT

>>Does anybody know if fvwm2 (my favourite wm...;-) is Gnome and/or KDE
>what do you mean by gnome/kde compliant?  if you've got the libs to make the
>POS^Wgnome/kde apps run, they should run.

I quote from the Gnome faq:

There are many window managers out there, and GNOME should work well with
all of them. There are a few
GNOME features (such as session management, and the GNOME pager), that
won't work with all of them. For best
results, go with a GNOME-compliant window manager. The most compliant are
currently Enlightenment, Sawmill,
Window Maker, and IceWM, with FVWM, SCWM, AfterStep and QVWM putting
finishing touches on GNOME-compliance as we speak.

So it seems that things should get fine, sooner or later, for gnome. 
Yet, I looked carefully at and I couldn't find any news about
And kde?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unclebob)
Subject: Re: linux installation problem
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:05:02 GMT

X-No-Archive: Yes

On or about Mon, 01 May 2000 01:30:04 GMT

>After I installed Redhat linux 6.1,there appears a message on the screen 
>when booting:
>'Find module dependencies can't open 
>What does this mean? How can I fix this problem?
>Posted via CNET

It means that bootup did not find modules.dep in that directory. I don't
understand your directory, either. /lib/modules/2.2.12-20/modules.dep is
the usual one.

Either way you are going to have to correct the directory, by renaming it
or editing your init files.

unclebob icq 3347043 (see headers for e-mail)

"Sure, Bill Gates may have sixty-four billion dollars, 
"but is he happy? He IS?? AH, NUTS!!" {Dennis Miller}.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: mounting a mac-disk under linux
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:21:56 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows) writes:
> On 1 May 2000 19:25:09 +0200, jcs 
> <<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>>i got a problem with a mac formatted floppy disk, i want to read the ascii
>>file on it, but i can't mount the disk.
>>is there anybody, who know which filesystem a mac uses or how i can mount
>>the disk.
> Macs use the Hierarchical File System, HFS for short.  1.4M Mac floppies
> can be read in PC-compatible disk drives, but the 800K disks used a
> special encoding scheme and can't be read.  Compile the HFS driver as a
> module, and then just
> # mount -t hfs /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
> if you need help with the
> business of compiling something as a module.

Another option is to use the hfsutils package, which works much like the
mtools package for accessing FAT floppies. There's a GUI front-end
included in hfsutils, though, so you can do transfers in a point-and-click
way (much as with many GUI FTP clients). This may be easier than
recompiling the Linux kernel if this is a one-time affair. If you have a
regular need for HFS access, though, especially if you want to directly
access HFS disks from Linux programs, you'd do well to look into the
kernel driver. Of course, if your kernel already has the HFS driver, it's
easier to use it.

Author of books on Linux networking & multi-OS configuration


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: "tail" stops tailing?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,,comp.os.linux.admin
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:30:15 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Matt Siemens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi,
> Here's what I'm trying to do:
> I'm using tail to output the system log (/var/log/messages) to
> /dev/tty12 via the /etc/rc.d/rc.local startup script.  I'm using the
> command "tail -f /var/log/messages >/dev/tty12 &" which outputs the
> system log to tty12 nicely and everything seems to work fine for a few
> days...  But eventually what always happens is that the tail command
> stops tailing the log file.  If I hit ALT-F12 to look at the log, the
> last date displayed will be from a few days ago and tail stops tailing
> the log until I kill it and run it again.  Why does this happen??  Is
> there a better way to do this, other than using tail?

I've run into the same problem, although I'm using tail indirectly,
through the swatch utility, to snatch important log messages and put them
into a file that's periodically e-mailed to me. I never discovered what
the problem was, but it was NOT, as another poster suggested, that the
"tailed" file was being moved during log rotation. My solution was to
include in the log rotation script a killing of the tail and swatch
processes and a re-starting of them. For a time I had a cron job that did
this daily, but that turned out to be excessive; once a week seems to do
the trick.

Author of books on Linux networking & multi-OS configuration


Subject: Re: How to uninstall programs.
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:30:07 GMT

Dear Peter T. Breuer,

1) I am very new to Linux and I do not understand "Man rm. Pay attention to 
the options -r and -f" I am running under GNOME X-Windows.

2) It the feet below the left hand column and go to application and I can 
see the WP logo, move the mouse there with an arrow and shows all the 
software of WP 2000. How to delete that too? Under windows I just click the 
right mouse and delete but not linux.

Please help.

Peter T. Breuer wrote:
> Garel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : I had just install Wordperfect 2000 for Linux but later it not working. 
> : found out that there is not enough space in my harddisk. I only have 
> : but 500 plus was used by Red Hat 6.2. The full installation of WP 2000 
> : about 500 MB. So I have to uninstall it.
> : 1) How to uninstall the program?
> Man rm. Pay attention to the options -r and -f.
> : 2) HOw to get rid or the Application in x windows. What I mean is under 
> : application shows the wp 2000 arrow and to delete all of them.
> Are you talking about an entry in a menu under some window manager or 
> Edit the menu configuration. Depends on the window manager in question.
> If you managed to get RH inside 500MB, I would be flabbergasted. I was 
> to force RH 6.1 to fit in 1GB, even not selecting gnome or KDE (or 
> to do with X). But then its dependency management is defective.
> Peter

Posted via CNET


From: "sk2rr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 我的 DNS 無法執行呀, 我連 nslookup 都沒法用了, 他說  non-exsistent 
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 07:31:12 +0800

您好, 我想問問.......

    我的 DNS 無法執行呀, 我連 nslookup 都沒法用了, 他說  non-exsistent

我  Reverse mapping 的檔案裡是這樣的我覺得沒有什麼問題呀...........

@               IN      SOA
                        2000050102 ; serial
                        3600 ; refresh
                        900 ; retry
                        1209600 ; expire
                        43200 ; default_ttl
1               IN      PTR     localhost.
@               IN      NS

我的 Forward 的檔案是這樣呀........ 請幫忙!!!
@               IN      SOA
                        2000050103 ; serial
                        3600 ; refresh
                        900 ; retry
                        1209600 ; expire
                        43200 ; default_ttl
hit             IN      A
bx              IN      NS
bx              IN      CNAME
ts              IN      NS
ts              IN      CNAME
www             IN      NS
www             IN      CNAME
web             IN      NS
web             IN      CNAME
@               IN      MX      5
@               IN      NS
@               IN      A


From: Edward Jong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 16:34:25 -0700

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

You should register then log into for your help
on your Compaq.
I am a little annoyed that Compaq is no longer upgrading my bios of my
Compaq 5536.  A pentium without PCI slots!!!
The bios cannot see harddisk larger than 8GB.  I have to use a disk
overlay for my 11.5G harddisk which is killing the performance of my
I also have to wire it as a 2G harddisk because the Compaq would report
a error when booting up when there is none.
I am having lilo problem up and down because of this weird hard disk
configuration tor an obsolete bios.
My bios can enable or disable floppy disk access.

Yanglong Zhu wrote:

> "Tim B熥str鷰 Laursen" wrote:
>> On Mon, 01 May 2000, Yanglong Zhu wrote:
>> >Hi all,
>> >
>> >I wake up to a horrific reality that some computer manufacturers
>> may be
>> >trying to suppress and uproot Linux and all other free Operating
>> >Systems. How? They make computers that do not read nor write those
>> free
>> >OS bootdisks in drive A. It is a very bad trick upon us free OS
>> users.
>> >We must wake up and get together to fight this war.
>> >
>> >I bought a Compaq Presario 5834 two weeks ago. I bought this
>> computer
>> >with Linux in mind. But after days of trying and calling support
>> service
>> >reps, I'm left stranded with a computer not at all of any use to
>> me. At
>> >this moment, I don't know how widespread this phenomenon is. But I
>> urge
>> >everybody who loves these free OS and free softeware in general do
>> a bit
>> >investigation to monitor this computer industry's new move.
>> >
>> >I suspect that this kind of restriction of Linux and other free
>> OSes are
>> >implemented through BIOS and/or Hardware, therefore it could defeat
>> the
>> >Free Software Movement if we don't get together to fight it. Or are
>> we
>> >ready to devise FREE BIOS and FREE OS COMPATIBLE HARDWARE???
>> >
>> >This may be an over reaction. But it does pose the threatening
>> >potential.
>> Another conspiracy theorist I see...
>> Considering Compaq's statements about Linux I find it hard to
>> believe that they
>> deliberately tries to make life more difficult for non MS users.
>> However they do
>> stuff their PC with custom hardware for witch you often need the
>> standard
>> Compaq drivers for, but that is mostly a problem with their portable
>> PC's. Not
>> being able to boot a Linux floppy sounds a bit strange to me. Have
>> you tried
>> the disc in another (non Compaq) machine? It could be that something
>> is wrong
>> with the disc, or (highly unlikely I know) that you did something
>> wrong with it.
>> - Tim -
> I urge you to try install RHLinux on a Presario 5834 (or some thing
> similar) to verify what I'm saying.
> Its not so much a conspiracy against Linux. But this is for their
> profit, I guess.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
You should register then log into&nbsp; <A 
HREF=""></A> for your
help on your Compaq.
<br>I am a little annoyed that Compaq is no longer upgrading my bios of
my Compaq 5536.&nbsp; A pentium without PCI&nbsp;slots!!!
<br>The bios cannot see harddisk larger than 8GB.&nbsp; I have to use a
disk overlay for my 11.5G harddisk which is killing the performance of
my computer.
<br>I also have to wire it as a 2G harddisk because the Compaq would report
a error when booting up when there is none.
<br>I am having lilo problem up and down because of this weird hard disk
configuration tor an obsolete bios.
<br>My bios can enable or disable floppy disk access.
<p>Yanglong Zhu wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>"Tim B&aelig;kstr&oslash;m Laursen" wrote:</tt>
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>On Mon, 01 May 2000, Yanglong Zhu wrote:</tt>
<br><tt>>Hi all,</tt>
<br><tt>>I wake up to a horrific reality that some computer manufacturers
may be</tt>
<br><tt>>trying to suppress and uproot Linux and all other free Operating</tt>
<br><tt>>Systems. How? They make computers that do not read nor write those
<br><tt>>OS bootdisks in drive A. It is a very bad trick upon us free OS
<br><tt>>We must wake up and get together to fight this war.</tt>
<br><tt>>I bought a Compaq Presario 5834 two weeks ago. I bought this computer</tt>
<br><tt>>with Linux in mind. But after days of trying and calling support
<br><tt>>reps, I'm left stranded with a computer not at all of any use
to me. At</tt>
<br><tt>>this moment, I don't know how widespread this phenomenon is. But
I urge</tt>
<br><tt>>everybody who loves these free OS and free softeware in general
do a bit</tt>
<br><tt>>investigation to monitor this computer industry's new move.</tt>
<br><tt>>I suspect that this kind of restriction of Linux and other free
OSes are</tt>
<br><tt>>implemented through BIOS and/or Hardware, therefore it could defeat
<br><tt>>Free Software Movement if we don't get together to fight it. Or
are we</tt>
<br><tt>>ready to devise FREE BIOS and FREE OS COMPATIBLE HARDWARE???</tt>
<br><tt>>This may be an over reaction. But it does pose the threatening</tt>
<p><tt>Another conspiracy theorist I see...</tt>
<p><tt>Considering Compaq's statements about Linux I find it hard to believe
that they</tt>
<br><tt>deliberately tries to make life more difficult for non MS users.
However they do</tt>
<br><tt>stuff their PC with custom hardware for witch you often need the
<br><tt>Compaq drivers for, but that is mostly a problem with their portable
PC's. Not</tt>
<br><tt>being able to boot a Linux floppy sounds a bit strange to me. Have
you tried</tt>
<br><tt>the disc in another (non Compaq) machine? It could be that something
is wrong</tt>
<br><tt>with the disc, or (highly unlikely I know) that you did something
wrong with it.</tt>
<p><tt>- Tim -</tt></blockquote>

<p><br><tt>I urge you to try install RHLinux on a Presario 5834 (or some
thing similar) to verify what I'm saying.</tt>
<p><tt>Its not so much a conspiracy against Linux. But this is for their
profit, I guess.</tt></blockquote>



From: Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XMMS only runs as root
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 19:40:28 -0400

Do nonroot users have write permission for /dev/dsp?


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to uninstall programs.
Date: 1 May 2000 23:39:33 GMT

Garel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Dear Peter T. Breuer,

: 1) I am very new to Linux and I do not understand "Man rm. Pay attention to 
: the options -r and -f" I am running under GNOME X-Windows.

Then you'd better try typing "man rm" in a terminal.  Or at least look
in a unix faq.  When the man page comes up, look closely at the paras
pertaining to the -r and -f options.

: 2) It the feet below the left hand column and go to application and I can 


: see the WP logo, move the mouse there with an arrow and shows all the 
: software of WP 2000. How to delete that too? Under windows I just click the 
: right mouse and delete but not linux.

Oh, under linux too.  There should be a delete option when you click
the right mouse button on an icon. Meanwhile, "man rm"! And please look
in that unix faq.




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