Linux-Misc Digest #350, Volume #21               Tue, 10 Aug 99 10:13:37 EDT

  Linux Y2K bios issue (Don Heffernan)
  Re: mySQL vs mSQL (Jeff)
  Re: Marx vs. Nozick (Johan Kullstam)
  writing audio cds with xcdroast 0.96e ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Timeout expired while waiting for the PPP interface to come up! ("andy james")
  Distribution Suggestions? (Nicholas Pappas)
  Re: Has the Red Hat IPO been launched? ("Christopher W. Aiken")
  Re: RW ATAPI CDROM how to use (Robin Becker)
  Re: Marx vs. Nozick (Richard Kulisz)
  Re: "starve the rotten little bastards" (Richard Kulisz)
  Re: "starve the rotten little bastards" (Richard Kulisz)
  Re: "starve the rotten little bastards" (Richard Kulisz)
  Re: "starve the rotten little bastards" (Richard Kulisz)
  Re: Distribution Suggestions? (Edward M Grill)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Don Heffernan)
Subject: Linux Y2K bios issue
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 11:46:25 GMT

I understand that the Linux OS is not susceptible to Y2K issues (it
has a 2038 issue).  I have also read that some of the old beater PCs
we home users run Linux on can simply fail to boot because of bios
issues.  What I don't understand is whether the failures depend on the
bios passing faulty info to the OS or whether the failure can occur
prior to that.  If the later, then some Linux machines would
presumably fail to boot when the clock ticks over.  In the DOS world
we  can load generic TSRs that fix the bios.  Is there anything
similar for Linux?  Are there reasons this is a non-issue?
Don Heffernan


Subject: Re: mySQL vs mSQL
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 11:49:11 GMT

In article <7oo4jp$h0n$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Carfield Yim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, It seen that MySQL provide better manual and feather, but can you
> tell more about the function?
> More, is it really that mSQL is no more advantage over mySQL other than
> "mini"?

MySQL handles multiple requests a lot better than mSQL.  The mSQL
daemon handles the serially, one at a time.  If you have a lot of requests
waiting, things can get pretty slow.

Furthermore, the MySQL engine is blisteringly fast on large databases.
If you have a database of just a few records, the differences are going to 
be purely academic.


Subject: Re: Marx vs. Nozick
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 10 Aug 1999 07:51:45 -0400

Jerry Lynn Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Richard Kulisz wrote:
> > 
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > Maciej Stachowiak  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kulisz) writes:
> > >Hmmmm... GNU/Linux is competition for Microsoft Windows (as well as
> > >for proprietary Unixen, *BSD, MacOS, etc). Does that mean it is
> > >inherently destructive?
> > 
> > GNU/Linux is /in conflict/ with MS Crudware and though many people
> > would be happy to blow up Redmond with a tactical nuclear warhead,
> > I don't believe this is motivated by a desire for Linux to "win"
> > but a sincere wish to exterminate a plague on modern civilization.
> > 
> > Self-preservation (greed) is sufficient reason to want to eliminate
> > slavery, you don't need to invoke "competition" with slavers.
> > Again, to prove that competition is occuring, you must show that
> > net, overall, destruction occurs or explain why it can't.
> > 
> > >> An employer tells you when you can piss, when you can eat, where you
> > >> have to sit, and what you have to do for a third of your day. Sure as
> > >> bloody hell sounds like a dictator to me!
> Except that the employer never put a gun to your head and demand that
> you work or go to a gulag, or starve or die.  You are locked in your
> cubical like a prisoner in a cell, or a "citizen" suffering under the
> "dictorship of the prolitariate".  More than likely you asked for the
> job.  If you don't like it, leave.  Stop whining about something you can
> change.

well, it's a *job*.  to some degree, they all want to command your
time and effort.  i guess you can leave and go on the dole instead.

and today's large corporations share many aspects of communist society
(not all of them -- but some).  some examples are

1) seemingly no feedback reaches the head honcho who can do the most
   idiotic things

2) the company owns your thoughts

3) five year plans

4) rhetoric (buzzwords) and propaganda (advertising) over substance

5) a giant beaurocracy

6) everyone is expected to work together and contribute after their

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!


Subject: writing audio cds with xcdroast 0.96e
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 12:03:01 GMT


I want to burn our Audio CD´S with the xcdroast frontend. It works
fine, with one exception.
If I want to burn our live CD I get a breake between two tracks, even
if I disabled the "Skip last 2 seconds of track" in the Setup.
I can merge the tracks, but than the whole CD is one big file.
Anybody had this problem before.



From: "andy james" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Timeout expired while waiting for the PPP interface to come up!
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 12:51:48 +0100

RT wrote in message <7okj3b$4rv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I hope someone will help me for solving the next problem:
>under Red Hat Linux 6.0 I try to get a connection with the Internet (ISP
>Skynet Belgium) using the program kppp.

>The content of the log file PPP-logfile is:
>Aug  8 20:01:26 localhost pppd[695]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
>Aug  8 20:01:26 localhost pppd[695]: Using interface ppp0
>Aug  8 20:01:26 localhost pppd[695]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
>Aug  8 20:01:56 localhost pppd[695]: Terminating on signal 15.
>Aug  8 20:02:02 localhost pppd[695]: Connection terminated.
>Aug  8 20:02:02 localhost pppd[695]: Connect time 0.6 minutes.
>Aug  8 20:02:02 localhost pppd[695]: Exit.
>So, I think that the problem is: Terminating on signal 15. But , really, I
>don't know what I have to do for resolving this problem
Hi Rudy,
I had this problem recently (or at least the same log report) the manual FAQ
does not suggest a fix. My ISP uses dynamic user IP addresses and I had set
up Kppp for a static address which wasn't recognised hence the timeout. If
this is your problem here is what I suggest :-
I am assuming that the modem dials out, makes some amusing noises while
negotiating a connection, then goes quiet.

Start Kppp,
select SETUP,
select ACCOUNTS,
right click mouse on your ISP's name to highlight it,
select EDIT,
select IP,
select Dynamic IP Address,
tick the Autoconfigure hostname from this ISP box,

Good luck,



From: Nicholas Pappas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Distribution Suggestions?
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 08:05:41 -0400

        I was wondering if any kind Linux folks could pass along their feelings
for certain distributions -- which ones are better (naturally, opinions are
a big part). :)
        I am fairly new to Linux, but have been working on the user end of UN*X
platforms for many many years.

        I have tried Red Hat 6.0 and must say that this is probobly winning right
now -- but I can't get "WindowMaker" installed on it, so that is a real
minus (seeing how that is the window manager I like to use).
        I bought the SuSE 6.1 distribution over the weekend and liked a lot of
what I saw there as well.  The applications that are supplied in setup are
great (plus, I can install window maker right fuss). :)  The
problem I had with this is that my XF86Config file was missing -- weirdest
thing -- X worked fine, but I couldn't find the file!  (not even a system
wide 'find' managed to dig it out).

        Anyway -- what suggestions does anyone have for one of the many new folks
trying to break away from the iron grip of Microsoft!?

        Many thanks!

 Nicholas Pappas              Hey, life is pretty stupid.
 Lucent Technologies          With lots of hub-bub to keep you busy,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]           But really not amounting to much.
 1D-185N                                - Shakespeare


From: "Christopher W. Aiken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Has the Red Hat IPO been launched?
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 08:13:58 -0400

Keep watch on it here:


Frank Conte wrote:

> I was wondering has Red Hat launched its IPO? Does anyone think this
> stock is worth buying? Will they become the next Microsoft?
> I think these questions should ensure an interesting thread...

The box said 'WIN95/98 or better.' so I installed LINUX!


From: Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: RW ATAPI CDROM how to use
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 10:18:10 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Robin Becker
>>thanks. I got the CDRW ATAPI going with my old homebrew and eventually
>>burned a CD with most (if not all of my stuff). Bridges are now burned
>>and the RH 6.0 is installed. It crashed during the X11 configuration
>>and twice since so I'm a bit unhappy with RH. I see large numbers of
>>rpms in the errata section at; is there any way to tell
>>what bugs features etc these are intended to replace? 
>>And as for the image testing; in the end I made an ext2 loopback file
>>system and shoved everything into that.
>I'm now having trouble with my new RH 6.0 system. I'm using exactly the
>same technique, but during the boot of 2.2.10 I see that the kernel
>still thinks it has access to the cd's as hdc & hdd
>I have 
>SCSI support m
>SCSI emulation m
>and I can't mount with either device hdc/d or sr0/1; I think the BIOS is
>being used to grab info about the cdroms. This isn't the same as in
this is probably related to SCSI support as a module. It works ok if all
are in the kernel at boot time. The scsi stuff can be compiled as a
module, but no probing is done if and when it's loaded. How does one use
this as a module?
Robin Becker


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kulisz)
Subject: Re: Marx vs. Nozick
Date: 10 Aug 1999 13:02:38 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Johan Kullstam  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>well, it's a *job*.  to some degree, they all want to command your
>time and effort.  i guess you can leave and go on the dole instead.

No, you can't. Not if you want to eat.

>and today's large corporations share many aspects of communist society
>(not all of them -- but some).  some examples are
>1) seemingly no feedback reaches the head honcho who can do the most
>   idiotic things
>2) the company owns your thoughts
>3) five year plans

That's one of the things the West admired most in Stalin.

>4) rhetoric (buzzwords) and propaganda (advertising) over substance
>5) a giant beaurocracy
>6) everyone is expected to work together and contribute after their
>   ability


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kulisz)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: "starve the rotten little bastards"
Date: 10 Aug 1999 13:29:28 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, W.A. Scheer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>There are no solutions to this problem without making someone, somewhere
>"feel bad". The key is to deal with genuine vs. imagined "need". Able-bodied
>adults who sponge off of the rest of society are (IMHO) criminals who need
>to be treated as such - end of THAT story.

Then you're a pretentious arrogant fuckhead of a twerp. *EVERYONE*
sponges off the rest of society, and nobody more so than the rich.
The poor only get what's absolutely necessary for them to survive,
and sometimes less, while the rich get mansions. So *who* is sponging
off from society?!

>If those persons are further so irresponsible as to create new life and
>refuse to provide all the basics - food, shelter, etc. then that constitutes

If they "refuse" to do the impossible? What marvel of twisted thinking.
I suppose you blame victims of rape for "refusing" to defend themselves?

>child abuse. They should be arrested, tried and convicted of THAT crime.
>Parol terms should include "not making any more babies or creating any more
>The children themselves need better care than can be provided by such
>miscreants. Orphanages are one possible, albeit not "ideal" solution. It's
>certainly better than doling out greater and greater sums to indigent

You and Mike Harris would get along famously. He got into big trouble
for cutting a child supplement to welfare mothers on the basis that he
``didn't want them spending the money on booze''.

>parents. It's also interesting to note that the number of unwed births each
>year is approximately equal to the number of qualified adoptive parents who
>go wanting because there (supposedly) aren't enough babies to go around.
>This opens up another possible solution.

Yup, baby traffic. Of course, the fact that most poor people are some
kind of visible minority but nearly all of the adoptive parents want
nice white babies, is utterly irrelevant to the whole thing.

>None of this is perfect. This is the real world, and there are hard
>decisions to be made.

And I'm sure you're quite willing to make these Hard Decisions. An
extra dollar a day vs. ending poverty; that's a Hard Decision and
we can see what your vote will be.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kulisz)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: "starve the rotten little bastards"
Date: 10 Aug 1999 13:10:43 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, A.T.Z. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Best part: Richard Kulisz want to buy a house and have some mutual
>bonds. I think

That's right; I want to retire and be free from capitalists using
the threat of starvation to control me. And that's obviously *so*
wrong for a Marxist, because Marxists obviously *want* to be
oppressed by capitalists. In fact, it's a moral duty for Marxists
to be oppressed!!

>this is everything what a Marxist shouldn't have. Personally I couldn't
>care less.
>But how can a real Marxist say this.
>Hipocrite did you say..

That's right, because no Marxist can want anything other than absolute
poverty for himself ...

>If he really is a Marxist he should be put into a museum. He might be
>the last one
>around. One of my friends asked me if this kind still existed.

You deserve a good slap in the face with something very heavy and sharp.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kulisz)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: "starve the rotten little bastards"
Date: 10 Aug 1999 13:18:42 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, A.T.Z. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Richard Kulisz schreef:
>> And what if they have kids?
>They get extra money.

Currently. Under your proposed system, would they just starve to death?

>> Oh, but that's Not Your Problem

No, it isn't your problem, or No, that's not what you believe?

>> it? Ahhh, that's the solution; forced sterilization!! All the problems are
>> solved that way, aren't they?
>You don't know how our system works. Large companies has to provide daycare for
>little children.

What the bloody hell are you talking about? Because I sure wasn't talking
about the *current* system in the Netherlands, I was talking about the
changes you want to make to it. Something along the lines of "And perhaps
they shouldn't get money at all."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kulisz)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: "starve the rotten little bastards"
Date: 10 Aug 1999 13:39:12 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jerry Lynn Kreps  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>welfare status, begging for work from the State, and standing in long
>lines hours basic necessities, waiting years for a private apartment. 

I suppose it was better under the Czar, when the peasants were subject
to legal serfhood?

[snip crap]
>In South Africa the communists use to promote aparthid because they

Is that why the USA backed up South Africa so much? Because it was
a left-wing regime?

>thought that it was a route to power.  When that didn't work they jumped
>onto Mandella's bandwagon, but he dumped them and his stooge wife after
>he came to power.
>Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim Sung, Pal Pot, ...  the list is long, but the

And none of them were Marxists. And Pol Pot was backed by the USA.

It's standard for idiots with no understanding of history or the
nature of Marxism that they start talking about its "track record".
If you actually knew anything about Marxism, you'd know just how
absurd that is; Marxism is an international world order, short of
that it isn't Marxism.

[snip irrelevant]

>The evidence has been right in front of your eyes for decades but you,

And I suppose you believe the tripe that "evidence speaks for itself"?

>blinded by idology, never see it.  Those roads go both ways.  If living
>in western democracies is so burdensome then you can always start

You fucker; I'm *not* in a western democracy! I'm in a capitalist
nation and that logically precludes democracy. No sane /or/ serious
political scientist would call any American nation democratic.

>walking the other way.  No need to stay in the midst of all this
>oppression.  I'm sure the boats that brought the Cuban refugees to
>Florida will work equally well at taking you back to Cuba.

Here's some more news fuckhead: Cuba isn't Marxist. And Castro
did a hell of a lot better job with Cuba than the US mobsters
did before him.


From: Edward M Grill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Distribution Suggestions?
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 09:13:43 -0400

I recommend the latest version of Linux Mandrake 6.0!! I just picked it up
no more than 2 weeks ago, and with no experience with Linux have installed
the 2.2.9 kernel, KDE, GNOME, my modem, soundcard, printer, X-Windows,
cd-rom, video card, and network card with little or no trouble. (trouble
came from inexperience!)

Mandrake has a one version, PowerPack, but Macmillian publishing has
jumped on the bandwagon and believe to have 3 types of distibutions of the
Mandrake 6.0 Linux version. I have the Macmillian Complete Linux Operating
system. It has everything i need to start. And when it says "Complete",
it means complete. there doesn't seem to be anything mising from this
distribution. If you want utiliites or a server edition, Macmillian has
those as well. But for $30 and being a RedHat derivative, this
distribution has lots of potential. 

Installation with Mandrake was SO EASY! I am not sure how others do it,
but Mandrake couldn't have made it easier for me to get up and running a
LInux OS in less than 25minutes with full X-windows, KDE or GNOME a
printer, network card, and video card. To top it off, Macmillian has
included Linux versions for PartitoinMagic and BootMagic. Without
Partitionmagic i don't know what i would have done.(just make sure you
have a DOS OS running to use PartionMagic!)

As you can see Mandrake is my choice. I have no experience with other
Linux distrobutions, but being a "newbie" to Linux, Mandrake couldn't have
done a better job to make the Window$ conversion easier!!



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