Linux-Misc Digest #350, Volume #24                Wed, 3 May 00 12:13:04 EDT

  Partitioning problem: bad magic number? (Alex Borghgraef)
  Super User??? (Lim Kian Tee)
  Re: Boot Disk Problems? (Ron Gibson)
  sparc boot floppy (Gerald Willmann)
  Re: Linux and SCO (Frank da Cruz)
  Re: Super User??? (Leejay Wu)
  Cannot see anything in Konsole in KDE ("Michael Bernardo")
  Re: Super User??? (Lew Pitcher)
  ATA/66 accessed as ATA/33 ? (Sandhitsu R Das)
  Reinstalling Linux (Alexis M)
  Can I obtain config-settings from a kernel RPM? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Question about Gnome editors (Kerry Cox)
  Re: Partitioning problem: bad magic number? (Eric)
  Re: Super User??? (Eric)
  Samba and FAT attrib flags ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  RH6.2 and Canon Multipass 3200 ("Michael Bernardo")
  Re: IRQs - can someone give the definitive answer please? (Dallas Times)
  Re: best location to load parport.o and parport_pc.o (Leonard Evens)
  Re: RH 6.1 install says not enough memory (Graham Daniell)
  Re: Cannot see anything in Konsole in KDE ("M i c h a e l   B e r n a r d o")
  The Best Man Page in the Internet? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Tgif and .obj files?? (Matthew B)
  Permission Problems w/ Star Office and WordPerfect (jason denton)
  how to delete useless email (bbyeung)
  Re: ATA/66 accessed as ATA/33 ? (H H Chau)
  Re: Super User??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ATA/66 accessed as ATA/33 ? (Hal Burgiss)


From: Alex Borghgraef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Partitioning problem: bad magic number?
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 15:06:20 +0200

I'm trying to install Debian on my pc, but I've run into a problem
partitioning my hd. I have two hd's, one hda which is fully W95,
and one hdb which did contain a 1Gb W95 partition, another
1,5Gb W95 partition, a 1Gb SuSE linux ext2 partition and a small linux
swap partition. I wanted more space for linux, so I used cfdisk in the
Debian setup to delete the three big partitions, and make one 1Gb
W95 partition and one 2.5Gb linux partition. When I completed the
Debian setup and rebooted, lilo didn't want to start (only got to LI,
I guess that's another problem still), and when I tried booting from the

created Debian bootfloppy (avoiding the lilo problem), I got the

 e2fsck: Bad magic number in superblock while trying to open /dev/hdb6
(that was the new linux partition).
Then some more stuff about it not being a correct ext2 file system.
What did I do wrong, and how can I fix it? And what does the 'bad magic
number' thing mean?

Alex Borghgraef


Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 21:22:53 +0800
From: Lim Kian Tee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Super User???

Hi! I hope someone can help me out with this weird problem. I looged
into linux redhat 6.0 as root and tried to manually edit my XF86Config
file because I was having a display problem. I typed
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config but I get the message "Permission denied".
No matter what I do I could not access this file. The message I get is
always "Permission denied". This is not supposed to happen right?
Something is awfully wrong. Hope somebody can help me out.

Kian Tee


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Gibson)
Subject: Re: Boot Disk Problems?
Date: 3 May 2000 13:38:30 GMT

Buddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> stated with conviction:

> I'm running Linux 2.0.35. I am  in the process of creating a bootable
> floopy with Yard-1.18. I can't seem to get the PAM devicces to run
> propperly. When I log on the disk is not recognizing my password.
> Please, help if you can.

I don't know if these will help you but I used to use Yard and for some
reason along the way, it stopped making disks that would work (as I
upgraded, etc).

I now build my own.  Had too after every rescue-creating utility would
fail.  If you're configured to use Yard you have everything in the
kernel to build a custom set, AFAIRemember.

The BOOTDISK-HOW-TO is fairly easy to follow with only a few bumps in
the road.

Hint, if you don't want to use vi, PICO is small and uses the standard

ICQ: 56576008
Home Page:


From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sparc boot floppy
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 06:43:20 -0700

hi there: just downloaded the Debian 2.1 floppy images for sparc using a
DOS machine with rawrite2.exe. Put the boot floppy in a SunIPC, issued
boot floppy at the ok prompt and it complains there is no Sun label on the
floppy. The Debian install instructions don't mention making the disks 
under DOS - is this it? The RH manual on the other hand talks about how to
put the sparc images on floppy using rawrite. What's wrong? 


Subject: su -
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 13:40:24 GMT

When I su to a user with there environment (su - username) I am getting
an error message stating:
/dev/pts/2: Operation not permitted

But when I just su to the user (su username) I don't get this error
message.  In both cases I am su'd to the user, but in neither case am I
using the users envronment.  Any ideas?

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Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank da Cruz)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.sco.misc
Subject: Re: Linux and SCO
Date: 3 May 2000 13:57:18 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Bill Vermillion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In article <GwIP4.20314$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
: T.E.Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: ...
: >> Actually that is control caret - up-arrow is typically associated
: >We called it up-arrow when I first encountered it in the 70's because
: >that was the way it printed on a DECWriter.
: I remember those - an old Unix client had one of those as the
: control terminal on an Onyx.  A Z8000 based System III.  But my
: close encounter was more like 1985.
Old-timers call caret "uparrow" because in the 1963 version of ASCII,
the glyph for code 94 was indeed an up-pointing arrow.  Similarly, the
glyph for code 95 was left-pointing arrow.  These were changed to caret
(circumflex) and underscore, respectively, in the 1967 version, which
also added lowercase letters.  The 1967 version of ASCII is the same one
we use today; only the accompanying text has changed in later editions
of the standard.  But of course, "getting the word out" is a long
process, and many devices continued to show the older glyphs for years
or decades, and the terminology persisted too.  See, for example, Guy
Steele's Telnet Song ("Control-Uparrow Q", 1984).

Some of the programming languages designed in the 1963-67 era used left
arrow as the assignment operator.  After the switch, underscore could be
used, but looked funny, so these languages were changed to use
two-character operators like := or <-, but for backwards compatibility
continued to accept underscore.

- Frank


From: Leejay Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Super User???
Date: Wed,  3 May 2000 09:51:02 -0400

Excerpts from netnews.comp.os.linux.misc: 3-May-100 Super User??? by Lim
> Hi! I hope someone can help me out with this weird problem. I looged
> into linux redhat 6.0 as root and tried to manually edit my XF86Config
> file because I was having a display problem. I typed
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config but I get the message "Permission denied".


That's a file, not a valid command.
Would you edit, say, /etc/lilo.conf by typing *its* name?

<editor's name> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config

as root.  e.g.

emacs /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config

assuming you've got Emacs installed and in root's path.

> No matter what I do I could not access this file. The message I get is
> always "Permission denied". This is not supposed to happen right?
> Something is awfully wrong. Hope somebody can help me out.

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]        | the silly student          |
|--------------------------| he writes really bad haiku |
|   #include <stddiscl.h>  | readers all go mad         |



From: "Michael Bernardo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Cannot see anything in Konsole in KDE
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 10:00:57 -0400

I have RH6.1 with KDE installed.  When I run the terminal emulation program,
or telnet, it brings up a program called Konsole.  I can't see anything that
I type in it hindering X pretty much useless because most of my work is
typing in a shell!  Can anyone help me out?  Could it be a fonts problem?  I
have tried creating a shortcut to xterm, but it's the same thing.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Subject: Re: Super User???
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 14:07:04 GMT

On Wed, 03 May 2000 21:22:53 +0800, Lim Kian Tee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Hi! I hope someone can help me out with this weird problem. I looged
>into linux redhat 6.0 as root and tried to manually edit my XF86Config
>file because I was having a display problem. I typed
>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config but I get the message "Permission denied".
>No matter what I do I could not access this file. The message I get is
>always "Permission denied". This is not supposed to happen right?
>Something is awfully wrong. Hope somebody can help me out.

Nothing's wrong with your system. You simply misunderstand what
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config represents. That file is the
configuration parameter file for XFree86, and is not an executable
command or shell script. Instead of trying to execute the file, you
edit it: vi /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config

If you are looking for an executable config utility of similar name,
try /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config instead.

Lew Pitcher
System Consultant
Toronto Dominion Financial Group


(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's.)


From: Sandhitsu R Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: ATA/66 accessed as ATA/33 ?
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 10:17:15 -0400

I'm buying a system with ATA/66 HDD. I hear that linux doesn't yet support
ATA/66. Till it does, won't it use the disk as an ATA/33 ?


Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 17:12:01 -0300
From: Alexis M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Reinstalling Linux

Hi all

I need to reinstall my Redhat system, since some things are broken, and
it's easier to reinstall than to fix (after all it's been running
non-stop on my PC for over a year now).

My partitions include a /home partition, where I have all the user data

My question is, how do I retain user file permissions and ownership,
since I am reformatting the root partition? If I just copy /etc/passwd,
/etc/groups and /etc/shadow, is that enough? Or am I missing something

Thanks for the help

Alexis M


Subject: Can I obtain config-settings from a kernel RPM?
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 14:16:37 GMT

I managed to install the 2.2.13 (or something like that) kernel from
an RPM, and *WHEW* it worked.
If I ever needed to recompile the kernel though, is there a way that
I can base  responses to xconfig or menuconfig from that RPM package?
I don't want to disable stuff that works now

Somehow going thru xconfig (with experimental stuff enabled) I can't
get it to make bzImage or zImage, I always get an Error 1 or Error 2.
I think some of my responses are causing it to fail, and I am afraid
to lose something or break it.

Any help would be appreciated

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Before you buy.


From: Kerry Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Question about Gnome editors
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 08:30:06 -0600

Bracy wrote:
> Why are Gnome editors so slow?  I've tried gEdit and GXEdit, and in both of
> them, I can type out a full paragraph before either of them displays a full
> sentence.  Is there some way to edit the buffer sizes in these?  Maybe a
> config file to edit?  Can't seem to find one, and there are no options in the
> menus.
> Is there another Gnome editor that's nicer?  I'm looking for something that's
> simple and easy-to-use, so please don't recommend vi or emacs, I'm a newbie
> and am still learning how to use those. :-)
> Thanks in advance,
> Bracy

You might want to look at Nedit.  I like it a lot and the latest version
works great for coding.  You will have to download the latest lesstif
library as well.  Grab the rpms for both from off the RPM repository
page, or look through Freshmeat for the source and


  Kerry J. Cox           .,.     System Administrator
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]      .,.     KSL Radio/TV 
  (801) 575-7771         .,.
  ICQ# 37681165          .,.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Partitioning problem: bad magic number?
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 13:49:39 GMT

Alex Borghgraef wrote:
> I'm trying to install Debian on my pc, but I've run into a problem
> partitioning my hd. I have two hd's, one hda which is fully W95,
> and one hdb which did contain a 1Gb W95 partition, another
> 1,5Gb W95 partition, a 1Gb SuSE linux ext2 partition and a small linux
> swap partition. I wanted more space for linux, so I used cfdisk in the
> Debian setup to delete the three big partitions, and make one 1Gb
> W95 partition and one 2.5Gb linux partition. When I completed the
> Debian setup and rebooted, lilo didn't want to start (only got to LI,
> but
> I guess that's another problem still), and when I tried booting from the
> created Debian bootfloppy (avoiding the lilo problem), I got the
> following
> message:
>  e2fsck: Bad magic number in superblock while trying to open /dev/hdb6
> (that was the new linux partition).
> Then some more stuff about it not being a correct ext2 file system.
> What did I do wrong, and how can I fix it? And what does the 'bad magic
> number' thing mean?
> --
> Alex Borghgraef

try entering you're system by making use of a boot/root disk combination
and run the e2fsck program manually. You can find boot/root disc-images
on the web (slackware eg.)


Subject: Re: Super User???
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 13:54:42 GMT

Lim Kian Tee wrote:
> Hi! I hope someone can help me out with this weird problem. I looged
> into linux redhat 6.0 as root and tried to manually edit my XF86Config
> file because I was having a display problem. I typed
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config but I get the message "Permission denied".
> No matter what I do I could not access this file. The message I get is
> always "Permission denied". This is not supposed to happen right?
> Something is awfully wrong. Hope somebody can help me out.
> Kian Tee

/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config is not an executable but a configuration
file, you cannot start it by entering it's name.
either use a text-editor (like vi) to edit the file or run xf86config
(all small characters!, linux is case sensitive) which guides you
through the setup process.


Crossposted-To: linux.samba
Subject: Samba and FAT attrib flags
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 14:28:04 GMT


I am running Redhat 6.1 and samba 2.0.6 sharing a FAT16 partition.  Is
there any way a client can change the RASH bits on the FAT16 entries?


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Before you buy.


From: "Michael Bernardo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH6.2 and Canon Multipass 3200
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 10:56:11 -0400

Has anyone tried using the Canon Multipass 3200 with Redhat 6.2
successfully?  If you have, please share some info on how you did it.


From: Dallas Times <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IRQs - can someone give the definitive answer please?
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 10:04:55 -0700


> less one required for the cascade (bringing 8 to 15) and less another
> due to legacy FPU exception brain damage.  this makes 14 possible.

Original PC architecture IRQ UART had 8 interrupts. They rerouted IRQ2 to be the
input from a second IRQ UART bringing the total to 15 when they went from XT to
AT architecture. Newer boards (mainly Pentium type) have a 16 interrupt UART,
but lecacy software still designates IRQ2 as cascade, so IRQ2/9 (which is 2nd
UART cascade to IRQ2) is no longer the cascade(shared) IRQ, IOW, they are now
separate IRQ's.
BTW -IRQ 1 is not FPU exception brain damage, it was for adding an FPU processor
to a CPU architecture (XT/AT) that did not have FPU available. The brain damage
was because of faulty design in specific Pentium CPU's. The FPU IRQ is still
needed to kick-in the FPU-specific part (which is still designed as
segregated/separate CPU functions even though it's inside the CPU chip package).

> The PCI 2.1 spec says all PCI devices should be able to share IRQs.  PCI

> > has exactly 4 (count-em FOUR) INT# lines on the bus (INTA#-INTD#),
> let me get this straight, iow if you've got 5 pci cards, *something*
> *has* to give.  right?

PCI only has 4 cards per PCI controller. In order to get 5 PCI cards, you have
to add a second PCI controller (which is what the AGP slot for video cards
does). Since it's now on a second controller, you can share interrupts easier
(you know which controller is interrupting)

> btw what is the penalty for this?  i've got a pair of scsi controllers
> sharing an interrupt.  they seem perfectly happy.  is there any
> performance loss?  if so, is it negligible?

If you're using (ex.) AHA-2xxx scsi cards, then only 1 software driver is
loaded, so the interrupt sharing penalty is minimal. It's usually more of a
penalty to have a scsi card and a NIC (for example) sharing the IRQ (both get
real busy real fast, so you have to figure out which driver get's the

- Ken


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: best location to load parport.o and parport_pc.o
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 10:01:46 -0500

> Hi all,
> I was wondering what is the best location to load the parallel port
> driver (parport.o and parport_pc.o)? Currently I am doing it in
> rc.sysinit just after it loads the soundcard drivers. Is there any
> reason for putting it in an alternative place?
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

I can't figure out where this module is loaded under RedHat 6.X.
I've also not been able to figure out where some other things
are loaded.  I've checked everything in /etc/rc.d and
/etc/rc.d/init.d.   What am I missing?


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Graham Daniell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH 6.1 install says not enough memory
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 22:43:35 +0800

Fair comment.


Leonard Evens wrote:
> Graham Daniell wrote:
> >
> > I found out what it was that caused my problem.  With RH 5.2, if you
> > chose "server" in the install process, you got a server installed WITH
> > fvm (or whatever the X interface was called).
> >
> > With RH 6.1, if you choose "server" as an install option, you get NO
> > GUI!  Only a TEXT-BASED server system!
> >
> > This is progress?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Graham Daniell
> > --------------------------
> >
> > Graham Daniell wrote:
> > >
> > > I am trying to install Redhat 6.1 on a PC with a Pentium 100 processor,
> > > 32 MB EDO RAM, 256k cache, a 4 MB video card and a 3GB HDD with 2GB free
> > > space.
> > >
> > > Each time I install, it comes up with a message saying I don't have
> > > enough memory, and drops from Graphical install mode to text install
> > > mode.  After the install, I find that startx and Xconfigurator are not
> > > installed.
> > >
> > > It seems that RH 6.1 thinks I don't have enough memory for graphics, but
> > > it is MORE THAN adequate for Windoze, so why not for Linux?
> > >
> > > Can anyone give me a clue why this is happening?
> > >
> > > Graham Daniell
> > > Perth, Western Australia
> >
> > --
> > Graham Daniell
> > Perth, Western Australia
> I consider it progress.  On a server one does not ordinarily
> need a GUI interface for routine maintenance.  So you don't
> waste the disk space and you avoid any potential problems which
> could arise from problems with the GUI.
> But of course, there is absolutely nothing to prevent you
> from installing a GUI interface after the basic installation.
> Or you could do a custom install.
> People running servers should be a bit more sophisticated
> than the most naive users.
> --
> Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
> Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208

Graham Daniell
Perth, Western Australia


From: "M i c h a e l   B e r n a r d o" <m i c h a e l @ t i c o o n . c o m>
Subject: Re: Cannot see anything in Konsole in KDE
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 11:15:37 -0400

I've tried switching themes, some of the text shows up in reverse color, but
as soon as I start typing, the whole window turns black.

"Michael Bernardo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:ciWP4.14755$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have RH6.1 with KDE installed.  When I run the terminal emulation
> or telnet, it brings up a program called Konsole.  I can't see anything
> I type in it hindering X pretty much useless because most of my work is
> typing in a shell!  Can anyone help me out?  Could it be a fonts problem?
> have tried creating a shortcut to xterm, but it's the same thing.


Subject: The Best Man Page in the Internet?
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 15:10:03 GMT

Hi All:

I'll frequently need to look up man page while surfing.  Would you mind
sharing you favorate sites for man page?

Thank you.


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Before you buy.


From: Matthew B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tgif and .obj files??
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 01:14:59 +1000

Hello, ,,,, using RedHat 6.1 on an i686.

Does anyone know about the program Tgif?
I need to be able to convert the saved .obj file into either .JPG or .bmp.

I have managed to do it ;accidently.
I cannot remember exactly what I did, tried to repeat it , 200 times.but >zilch.


From: jason denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Permission Problems w/ Star Office and WordPerfect
Date: 3 May 2000 09:18:52 -0700

I have both Star Office and WordPerfect 8 installed on my linux machine. When
running as a standard user both programs will complain that I do not have
sufficent permissions to write and sometimes read programs in my home
directory. Pico, emacs, etc have no such problems, and Star Office will
actually get the file written even though it claims to be unable too. I have 
been unable to find an explaination in the docs. Anyone have any ideas?

Jason Denton


From: bbyeung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: how to delete useless email
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 15:30:12 GMT


I got some messages in the /var/spool/mail directory that are 
for 'deleted' users.  Just wonder whether remove the unwanted files by 
simply deleting them would cause any problem.


Posted via CNET


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: ATA/66 accessed as ATA/33 ?
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 16:13:28 +0100 (BST)

In alt.os.linux Sandhitsu R Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm buying a system with ATA/66 HDD. I hear that linux doesn't yet support
> ATA/66. Till it does, won't it use the disk as an ATA/33 ?

I had a reverse problem as you did. My motherboard's built in
IDE controller does not support UDMA66 (though my HDD does).
For some reason, I yet to find out, when I upgrade my Debian
2.1 potato box via ftp, A kernel-image with UDMA66 patch was
installed, which cause me to remove this kernel and then install
a normal kernel by hand.

So, first question, yes, linux does support ATA/66. Second
question, I don't have personal experience (or enough money).
However, I will be very superise if ATA/66 is not downward


Hau Hing


Subject: Re: Super User???
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 15:31:30 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Lim Kian Tee wrote:
> >
> > Hi! I hope someone can help me out with this weird problem. I looged
> > into linux redhat 6.0 as root and tried to manually edit my XF86Config
> > file because I was having a display problem. I typed
> > /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config but I get the message "Permission denied".
> > No matter what I do I could not access this file. The message I get is
> > always "Permission denied". This is not supposed to happen right?
> > Something is awfully wrong. Hope somebody can help me out.
> >
> > Kian Tee

Kian, may I suggest obtaining a book on Linux? Preferably one related
to the linux "brand" or distro that you installed. That'll help you
a lot (mine has seen tons of use and is quite dog-eared) so that you
won't break anything...severely : - ) And do feel free to visit this
group when you're stuck again

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: ATA/66 accessed as ATA/33 ?
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 15:54:11 GMT

On Wed, 3 May 2000 10:17:15 -0400, Sandhitsu R Das
>I'm buying a system with ATA/66 HDD. I hear that linux doesn't yet
>support ATA/66. Till it does, won't it use the disk as an ATA/33 ?

Linux does support it, but most distros do not have support for it in
their stock installation kernels. This may be changing. IIRC, maybe
Mandrake and/or SuSE support this out of the box. For the rest, you
would need to patch the kernel to get ATA66 support. 

The drive should also work fine in other modes like ATA/33, but more
than likely Linux will get confused by the controller and not 'see' the
drive at all on a 66 controller. If your MB has std ide controller, it
may just be a matter of moving the drive cables there (this works on my
Abit board). It may also work by just changing cables. ATA/66 requires a
80 pin cable. Also, it is possible to explicitly pass drive parameters
at the boot prompt and linux will recognize the drive (though not as
66). You might check this for more:

Hal B



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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