Linux-Misc Digest #434, Volume #21               Tue, 17 Aug 99 10:13:18 EDT

  Linux file-size limit? (Carlos Collazo)
  Re: KPPP disconecting at given time? (Jon Bloom)
  Re: ICQ and linux client (David Howe)
  Linux client for MS Sql-server 7.0? (Markku Koskinen)
  Re: Linux file-size limit? (Michael Grabowski)
  Re: Yagb v0.1a - Freeware - Lesstif GUI builder (Peter.vanHelden)
  Re: Serialprogramming (Jeremy)
  Re: pppd in 'setuid-root' mode (Richard G Brown)
  Re: Linux client for MS Sql-server 7.0? (Byron A Jeff)
  Sybase ASE 11.9.2 (Juan Colon)
  Re: Any free SQL server available? ("WME")
  Re: Linux file-size limit? (Christopher B. Browne)
  Re: pppd in 'setuid-root' mode (Clifford Kite)
  Re: kernel trouble ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Why doesn't XFree86 v3.3.3 scale? (jdrawson)


From: Carlos Collazo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linuix.setup
Subject: Linux file-size limit?
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 19:27:14 -0700

I'm trying to backup a 5Gig ext2 partition onto another ext2 partition
on another hard drive.  No matter which software I use, BRU, taper, tar,
TkZip, etc., I get the same outcome--when the growing archive file
reaches 2147482624 bytes it stops!  The smarter backup software such as
BRU says to (insert the next volume).  When I use tar in the following

        tar cvZX /root/tarexclude.lst -f /mnt/sdc1/rhonibmide.tar.Z .

        I get "write error onstdout file too long, broken pipe"  

Info / Observations:

1. I do not have quotas enabled.

2. I'm running as root.

3. It is not related to the compression utilities, since it also occurs
without compression enabled.

4. Running RedHat 5.2.  I also own several other distributions if this
is the problem.


        1. Is there a limit to the file size hardcoded in the kernel?

        2. What do I have to recompile in order to solve this or get around it?

/*Carlos */

          Cognito ergo spud -- I think therefore I YAM?
          Carlos Collazo Consulting  1-800-690-6849


From: Jon Bloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: KPPP disconecting at given time?
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 06:52:07 -0400

Duke16 wrote:
> Is there anyway I can get KPPP to disconnect the modem at a given time? If
> not is there a program out that can do it?

Use "at" to execue the command "kppp -k"
at the specified time. Or use "cron" if you want it to happen

Jon Bloom, KE3Z
Electronic Publications Manager (Software, CD-ROMs and Web site)


From: David Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ICQ and linux client
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 11:05:56 GMT

Adam Haeder wrote:

> David Howe wrote:
> > Raymond Doetjes wrote:
> >
> > > gtkicq is very kewl!
> > >
> > > It's in SuSE as  a package but you probably use RedNeck so you need to
> > > download it. DOn't for get that when you download the source that you also
> > > need to install the GTK libs and headers.
> > >
> > > Raymond
> > >
> > > Larry Clark wrote:
> > >
> > > > man I tell you I have spent the WHOLE day triing to get a client for ICQ
> > > > that will work...not a dam***** thing...nothing,.....what a drag...think I
> > > > will sleep!!!!!!!
> > >
> > > --
> > > =====================
> > >   Why use Windows
> > >        When
> > >      Real Men
> > > Have Invented Doors?
> > > =====================
> >
> > I have been thru much the same process, and I am very new to Linux. To date I
> > have downloaded and installed nearly every Linux-ICQ client I could find.  Here
> > are a few: ICQjava, Licq, ICQnix, Micq,Gtkicq.
> >
> > I am running  RedHat 6.0 Intel tri-boot system (NT,98,Linux). Here are the
> > basic steps that all installations follow:
> > Run ./configure
> > Run make
> > Run make install
> >
> > All of these steps run without a problem.  No errors, no warnings, no clues
> > (that I am aware of).  When the make is complete I have NO executable to run.
> > I have done  a locate, find and nothing.
> >
> > If anyone has any ideas - I'm open for suggestions. Please reply to group only.
> >
> > thanx,
> > ~dM
> After you complete the 'make' step, you should get an executable. The 'make
> install' just copies the executable (and maybe some man pages) to the default dir
> on your hard drive (usually /usr/local/bin or something like that). If you can't
> scroll back up in your xterm window to see what got copied where, run this
> command:
> find / -name kicq -print
> to search your hard drive for files named 'kicq' after your make install is
> complete.
> I use Licq at work all the time and it works great.

I left the machine in Linux long enough to finish a cron and managed to locate
several executables: icqnix, gtkicq and they list as +x.  After running any one of
them I get the following error.
bash: icqnix: command not found
bash: gtkicq: command not found

Any more suggestions?



From: Markku Koskinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux client for MS Sql-server 7.0?
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 14:38:07 +0300


 Does anyone know of an sql client for Linux that could use Microsoft
SQL Server 7.0? I am pretty desperately looking for one, because if I
find one, I could do all my work with Linux and not Win95 that is the
other alternative.. 

 Thanks in advance.

--Markku Koskinen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Michael Grabowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linuix.setup
Subject: Re: Linux file-size limit?
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 13:50:51 +0200

Linux has a file-size limit of 2 GBytes. There were some rumours that
SGI would release her FS as open source, so that it can be adopted by
Linux, but by now there is no way to extend thos limitation.

Carlos Collazo schrieb:

> I'm trying to backup a 5Gig ext2 partition onto another ext2 partition
> on another hard drive.  No matter which software I use, BRU, taper, tar,
> TkZip, etc., I get the same outcome--when the growing archive file
> reaches 2147482624 bytes it stops!  The smarter backup software such as
> BRU says to (insert the next volume).  When I use tar in the following
> manner:
>         tar cvZX /root/tarexclude.lst -f /mnt/sdc1/rhonibmide.tar.Z .
>         I get "write error onstdout file too long, broken pipe"
> Info / Observations:
> 1. I do not have quotas enabled.
> 2. I'm running as root.
> 3. It is not related to the compression utilities, since it also occurs
> without compression enabled.
> 4. Running RedHat 5.2.  I also own several other distributions if this
> is the problem.
> Questions:
>         1. Is there a limit to the file size hardcoded in the kernel?
>         2. What do I have to recompile in order to solve this or get around it?
> Help!!!
> --
> /*Carlos */
> /*********************************************************************/
>           Cognito ergo spud -- I think therefore I YAM?
>           Carlos Collazo Consulting  1-800-690-6849
> /*********************************************************************/


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter.vanHelden)
Subject: Re: Yagb v0.1a - Freeware - Lesstif GUI builder
Date: 17 Aug 1999 11:52:29 GMT

Errin Watusikac ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Richard Gooding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

: > Hi
: > 
: > announcing Yagb v0.1a - Yet Another GUI builder - a
: > free point & click GUI builder for LESSTIF (Motif
: > clone). Generates code for GCC. 

: That's not a nice posting - you wasted my time in downloading,
: untarring, and examining the code only to discover that
: IT IS NOT FREEWARE NOR IS IT A FREE anything.  According to
: the source headers, you are retaining ownership of it and 
: licensing it using the GPL.

: Don't call it free if you are not giving it away.  (You hate it
: when businesses con you with "free" stuff that turns out to not
: be free.  Why do you do it?)  If only the licensing is free, say 
: that you are licensing it at no cost.  Or better yet, just say 
: that it is licensed under the GPL.  Honesty is the best policy.

What is your problem, may I ask? Yagb is licensed under the GPL, as far as
I can see. This does make it free software (free as in "free speach",



From: Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Serialprogramming
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 07:06:05 -0500

juergen leeb wrote:

> I have to programm the serialport.
> there i have to find out if the paritybit is wrong.
> this is the beginning of a protocol.

Depends on the programming languare you are using. Use minicom if you
want a terminal or if you are using a tcl/tk script, use fconfigure.
Check the info files for instrucions in C.


From: Richard G Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: pppd in 'setuid-root' mode
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 13:04:01 +0100

> > made pppd suid root, and owned by group pppusers
> Owned by a group?  That makes no sense.  

Yes it does :-) I mean that root owns the file and the "group owner" is
pppusers. (As you've typed below) Sorry - I should have made it more

Make pppd suid root, in group
> pppusers, and executable by the group, like this:
> -rwsr-x---   1 root     pppusers        126256 Aug 11 20:20 /usr/sbin/pppd
That is precisely how I have it set up yet pppd can't access ttyS1 when
executed by a non-root member of the pppusers group.

I would like to have /dev/ttyS1 have permissions
 -rw-------    1 root     tty

but I can only get ppd to work if I make it

 -rw-rw----    1 root     pppusers

which is obviously less than desirable (but at least works)

I suspect the system is revoking pppd's suid root status at some point and
I was wondering if there are any likely causes of this? (When initially
called by a pppuser, I think pppd _is_ running as root as I don't get the
standard error message telling me to run it as root!) 

Thanks for your help,


> I would be surprised if Mandrake did not ship pppd already set up like
> this (though the group might have been something like 'dip').
> -- 
> John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Do with it what you will.
> Dancing Horse Hill         Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
> Elmwood, Wisconsin         Do not send email advertisements to this address.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Byron A Jeff)
Subject: Re: Linux client for MS Sql-server 7.0?
Date: 17 Aug 1999 08:17:00 -0400

Posted and Mailed to Markku.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Markku Koskinen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Evening..
> Does anyone know of an sql client for Linux that could use Microsoft
>SQL Server 7.0? I am pretty desperately looking for one, because if I
>find one, I could do all my work with Linux and not Win95 that is the
>other alternative.. 

I just got tasked with a similar problem. May I suggest taking a look at
the Perl DBI Module available at It let's you write
fairly high level commands and has drivers (you could use ODBC for MSSQL)
that connect and interact with the database.

Hope this helps,



From: Juan Colon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sybase ASE 11.9.2
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 08:11:02 -0400

Can anyone tell me if this is available for Linux yet?
Also, what site can I download the rpm file from.

Thanks in advance,



Subject: Re: Any free SQL server available?
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 08:39:36 -0400

> > Hi,
> > Is there any free SQL server available for commercial use?
> PostgreSQL
> mysql
> msql

MySQL clearly mentions that it is only free for personal use. Once you start
charging money for its use (directly or indirectly) it is no longer free.
msql I think is similar.

PostgreSQL (which I'm using) seems to be free, but I wanted to check because
recently they made a company around their product !!!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher B. Browne)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linuix.setup
Subject: Re: Linux file-size limit?
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 12:50:50 GMT

On Mon, 16 Aug 1999 19:27:14 -0700, Carlos Collazo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:
>I'm trying to backup a 5Gig ext2 partition onto another ext2 partition
>on another hard drive.  No matter which software I use, BRU, taper, tar,
>TkZip, etc., I get the same outcome--when the growing archive file
>reaches 2147482624 bytes it stops!  The smarter backup software such as
>BRU says to (insert the next volume).  When I use tar in the following
>       tar cvZX /root/tarexclude.lst -f /mnt/sdc1/rhonibmide.tar.Z .
>       I get "write error onstdout file too long, broken pipe"  
>Info / Observations:
>1. I do not have quotas enabled.
>2. I'm running as root.
>3. It is not related to the compression utilities, since it also occurs
>without compression enabled.
>4. Running RedHat 5.2.  I also own several other distributions if this
>is the problem.
>1. Is there a limit to the file size hardcoded in the kernel?
>2. What do I have to recompile in order to solve this or get around it?

Boy, this is turning into a Frequently Asked Question.

1.  See </usr/src/linux/src/fs/ext2/file.c>,
    </usr/include/features.h>, </usr/include/unistd.h>, for source
    code details.

2.  The restriction exists on platforms that only can reference 32
    bits worth of memory space.

3.  The restriction is that the FILE * structure can only reference 32
    bits worth of filespace.

4.  Changing this in general would require redesigning the way Linux
    does memory-mapped I/O.

5.  Changing to a new filesystem, whether ext3, XFS, or Reiserfs, will
    do nothing to resolve your issue.  They are all quite capable
    already of handling Very Large Files; the problem is that FILE *
    can't, and memory mapped I/O can't.

6.  Big files on Linux at present requires using a 64 bit
    architecture, or writing applications to be "large file" aware
    using the LFS API that is included with GLIBC.

"It's the sort of mail you should wear a welding helmet while reading...."
-- Dave Moon


From: (Clifford Kite)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: pppd in 'setuid-root' mode
Date: 17 Aug 1999 07:49:13 -0500

John Hasler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: W.G. Unruh writes:
: > They need direct access to the port since that is where the date is
: > written to and read from. And since an suid pppd program gets rid of its
: > root uid as quickly as possible (it is really only needed to set up
: > routes I think)...

: pppd opens the serial port as root.

Only for root or if the device file name comes from a privileged source.

: > ...and since chat never has root permission,...

: chat never needs root.  It talks only to its standard input and standard
: output.


: > ...the users HAVE to be able to write to that port.

: They do not.

Yes, they do.  Read the pppd man pages.

Clifford Kite <>                    Not a guru. (tm)
/* Speak softly and carry a +6 two-handed sword. */


Subject: Re: kernel trouble
Date: 17 Aug 1999 13:14:00 GMT

I had the same trouble once:
RedHat distributes kernel source containing more than the official patches,
so e.g. the kernel sources for 2.0.34 were actually the sources for 2.0.34 plus
some pre-patches.
The easiest solution is to install the srpm (not the RPM) containing the sources.
Be warned that you will have to do some more hand-patching then, but it's not


From: jdrawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why doesn't XFree86 v3.3.3 scale?
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 08:13:29 -0500

Steve Snyder wrote:

> I've got RedHat v6.0 (and all released updates to it) installed on 2
> systems, a desktop machine and a notebook.  Everything looks great on
> my desktop machine at 1152x864.  On my notebook, though, at 800x600
> (the max this machine can handle) all the graphics are *way* too big.
> The graphics seem to be the same size at both resolutions, but that
> size is inappropriately large for a 800x600 screen.
> These circumstances, on both machines, are true of both KDE and GNOME.
> Because I have the same problem with both desktops, I have to assume
> it is due to the underlying XFree86 v3.3.3.1.
> For example, on the Netscape Preferences page (where the program
> settings are modified) I can't get the whole page on the screen!  Yes,
> I can resize the window, but at the cost of losing the buttons on the
> button of the window.  Meanwhile, that same window has a lot of empty
> space in the middle of it.  The window can be resized, but the image
> doesn't *scale* graphically.  This is true of other application, not
> just a Netscape problem.
> Anyone know how get more reasonably-scaled graphics on my 800x600
> screen?
> Thank you.
> ***** Steve Snyder *****

I read this, and had to reply.  I'm stuck with a 640x480 display.  It
seems that almost every window I pull up is too big.  The way I've been
getting around this is to use Gnome and E together.  In the Enlightenment
configuration I enable the desktop to be about 2x2 screens, and I enable
the button below that lets you slide your screen to different parts of the
desktop.  Be sure to set the slider somewhere around ~40, else the
screeens flip too fast.  I'm not sure if you laptop has the memory or cpu
to handle this, but it's the only way I've found around the problem so
far.  Doing this will not help you with the Netscape preferences problem.
When I switch to another desktop area, the child window doesn't appear at
all.  The only thing I know to do is set some preferences and press the
return key.  This doesn't always work, but if you go back to the
appearances section and press the text only and pictures and text (flip
between them, then press the one you want) then press the return key,
everything should be ok.

It's my belief that if you resize the window, there should be some scroll
bars on the sides that will let you access the other parts of the window
without requiring a larger display.  I believe that this is more of a
fault of the window manager rather than xfree86, but I'm not too sure.
from what I understand xfree doesn't specify a user interface and leaves
that job up to the wm's.

I hope that this helps :)

Joseph Rawson



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