Linux-Misc Digest #530, Volume #21               Tue, 24 Aug 99 22:13:11 EDT

  Memory problem? Makrake 6.0 (Warren Bell)
  ftape 4.0x and Redhat 6.0 (dradick)
  Re: *nix vs. MS security (Heeeeeeeez back!)
  Re: Which distro? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Samba...almost there... ("John Bull")
  SOLUTIONS ("Kristaps Licis")
  Re: Gnome File Manager (NF Stevens)
  UDP for net games behind a firewall I have no control of. (Sean)
  Re: upgrade linux kernel (Peter Samuelson)
  Re: why not C++? (Peter Samuelson)
  Re: *nix vs. MS security (Matthew Kirkcaldie)
  Re: Maximum Ram? (Aeon Flux)
  Re: recursively replace carriage returns (Neil W Rickert)
  Re: Memory problem? Makrake 6.0 (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: Maximum Ram? ("Gero H. Marten")
  recursively replace carriage returns (David Taylor)
  Installing a printer when no x is avalible ("Martin Nilsson")
  Re: 3com ISA cards and linux ("Kalkas")
  Re: Unix & PC history, Re: WTF is the difference between Linux and FreeBSD??? 
(Heeeeeeeez back!)
  Re: why not C++? (Kaz Kylheku)
  Re: Diskette Longevity (BSD Bob)
  File system repair after crash ("Steve")


Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 20:12:52 +0000
From: Warren Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Memory problem? Makrake 6.0

I have Mandrake 6, just finished doing all the updates and run the
2.2.11-2 kernel.  I have 192M of RAM.  When I first start up the machine
and start X with netscape I have about 110M free.  After the machine
being up for one day I have just about 5M free.  What's going on?!  Does
anyone know why Linux is using all my memory?  I have about 160M swap
partition and is barly getting touched, if that helps at all.


From: dradick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ftape 4.0x and Redhat 6.0
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 20:00:37 -0400

Hi all,

I'm trying to get Ftape working with my stock RedHat 6.0
install, and I need ftape v4.0x in order to format my TR-3

Previous posts have said that the "unstable" dir
of the ftape site would compile without problems
on RH 6.0, but that is not my experience.

Looking  at the MCONFIG file, it needs to reference
the .config subdirectory under /usr/src/linux   but I
don't have anything like that on my box.
(i'm currently trying to compile   ftape-4.x-1999-06_30  )

Can anyone help, or do I need to go to the author?


Don Radick


From: Heeeeeeeez back! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: *nix vs. MS security
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 01:11:20 +0100

Kevin Esme Cowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Curses.... Cancelled the message too late...

> Of course these are Windows virii.

I know... I misread it too quickly...

> As long as you're accusing people of being lazy or stupid, you might as 
> well *read* what they're saying.

Which is why I cancelled that post... I little too late....

People ARE becoming incredibly lazy with post formatting though.
Does it REALLY take so much more effort to put the reply AFTER the quoted
text? What is it? 2 keypresses?

|    Andrew Halliwell BSc   | "I'm afraid no-one's in at the moment, but if  |
|             in            |  you leave your rank and colour, we'll destroy |
|      Computer Science     |  you as soon as we get back..."- The Preventers|
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire  |


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which distro?
Date: 11 Aug 1999 17:01:17 -0400

"Bob Calhoun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Are Linux distributions mutually exclusive, the way other OS's are.    I
> mean, will software configured for one distro work on another?     Or you
> caught in an Apple vs Microsoft scenario?      Is there one distro
> distinctly better than the others?      What is the best way for a newby to
> get started?

yes and no.

1) linux distributions are by and large source compatible.  get the
   source (which exists for most everything) and compile it yourself.
   this is the standard way software is distributed.  tar balls do
   this.  source packages which work automatically with your package
   manager are also available.

2) linux distributions for the same architechture family will
   generally be binary compatible.  there's always fun with the
   various versions of libc, but most modern distributions have both
   libc5 and libc6 support.

3) linux isn't specific to a particular cpu.  you can't expect binary
   compatiblity across different cpus.  for example, you cannot run a
   linux-i386 wordperfect binary on a linux-sparc machine.

johan kullstam


From: "John Bull" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Samba...almost there...
Date: 24 Aug 1999 08:15:16 GMT

Check ur DNS setup.
when u telnet (or ftp) to a Linux host, Linux will check ur domain name by
ur IP.
if ur DNS cant resolve this, there will be a long latency.
there's  a simple way: add ur IP and domain name to /etc/hosts
Like:        host.domain host

a host runs Samba is same to a Windows host when u work with it over
in fact, the smb is a pair of services(server/workstation) binded to TCP/IP
in Windows family OSes.
so u can access a Linux host by smbclient.

sorry for poor English.  :)

good luck!

John Bull

> RH 6.0
> I can ping myself and the two Win98 computers, and vice versa.
> I can see the shares using smbclient for them as well.
> I cannot, however, get that all important icon in NN, (or telnet,
> ftp...)
> Now what?
> BTW, sorry for being stupid, but should you be able to use smbclient
> to list shares on the host running samba?
> Thanks for any help.


From: "Kristaps Licis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 20:18:24 -0400

In reference to my previous post on Windows 98 & LINUX coexistence problem,
the solution appears to be: do all your linux partitions yourself... i.e.
use fdisk rather than the disk druid offerede by the RedHat 6.0 default
installation! Once in LINUX fdisk - make sure that all your primary and
extended LINUX partitions are of LINUX  native types rather than the
extended type - 5 offered by default by the RedHat 6.0 installation [the
druid]. The problem with the extended partition type 5 is that Windows 98
actually can "see" it... Here is a quote and reference to the LINUX Mini
HOWTO file that mentions this problem:

quote begins -----

12.4 Microsoft Partition Bug
In Microsoft products all the way up to Win 98 there is a tricky bug that
can cause you a bit of trouble: if you have several primary fat partitions
and the last extended partition is not a fat partition the Microsoft system
will try to mount the last partition as if it were a FAT partition in place
of the last primary FAT partition.

To avoid this you can place a small logical fat partition at the very end of
your disk.

Since some hardware comes with setup software that is available under DOS
only this could come in handy anyway. Notable examples are RAID controllers
from DPT and a number of networking cards.

quote ends ----

the URL to this HOW-TO is:


Kristaps Licis
Finance Ph.D. Student - Isenberg School of Management
Research Associate - CISDM
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
tel. (413) 545-3180; fax. (413) 577-1350


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NF Stevens)
Subject: Re: Gnome File Manager
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 20:05:15 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Shannon) wrote:

>On Sun, 22 Aug 1999 21:14:33 GMT, Jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I'm trying to setup an icon to the executable file for Gnome file
>>manager but I can't find the right file to link to. Any help is
>/usr/bin/gmc or /usr/local/gmc

I presume that should be /usr/local/bin/gmc



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: UDP for net games behind a firewall I have no control of.
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 20:30:56 GMT

I want to ba able to run net games which require UDP packets.  I'm behind a 
firewall that I have no control of.  It blocks almost everything and I 
can't even connect to IRC (I get disconnected every time I try to connect). 
 This also aplies to Windows (obviously) and I'd like to be able to play 
starcraft on under either windows or wine (I don't really care). 
 I'm rather new to Linux and I like playing Quake and Q3Atest, preferably 
over the net.  By the way is there a way to get unreal working under wine 
(I have 990815), I also tried it on 990731 and 990704 and I still couldn't 
get it to work.

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Samuelson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: upgrade linux kernel
Date: 24 Aug 1999 19:25:34 -0500
Reply-To: Peter Samuelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[Hung P. Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> When I try to recompile the kernel using "make zImage", I receive an
> error of duplicate variable from
> /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/lib/checksum.c.

As noted already, you should be more specific when reporting errors --
quoting the error exactly is often much more helpful.  Fortunately
yours is an extremely frequently asked question....

The problem is that you tried untarring the new source right over the
old source.  Bad, bad idea.  DELETE the /usr/src/linux directory (or
at least rename it) before untarring the new source code.

> Should I just update the kernel to 2.2.5 or should I go all the way
> to the newest one available (which I believe is 2.3.14) ???  Does
> newer necessarily mean better or that some version is more stable
> than other ???

2.2.5 is pretty good.  2.2.8 through 2.2.11 are know to have various
problems but 2.2.12 (which should be out Real Soon Now) is supposed to
fix these.  My advice: wait until 2.2.12 has been out a few days -- to
make sure nobody discovers any really bad stuff in it -- and then
upgrade to that.  Alternatively, as I said, there's nothing really
wrong with 2.2.5, and 2.2.7 also has a good reputation.

Peter Samuelson


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Samuelson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: why not C++?
Date: 24 Aug 1999 19:28:42 -0500
Reply-To: Peter Samuelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[Tristan Wibberley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> What trigraph would you use for that symbol, \\' maybe.
>   C = A \\'x B;
>   C = A \\'. B;

Sick, sick, sick.  (:

Peter Samuelson


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Kirkcaldie)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.questions,
Subject: Re: *nix vs. MS security
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 01:17:09 GMT


>patman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Tim Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> news:7pm0mp$fut$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>>> Roger  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> >Forgot to mention - there are thousands of NT viruses but, AFAIK, no
>>> >Unix viruses at all.  Unix file permissions make it very difficult for
>>> Name five.
>> Melissa, happy99, cih, troj_boclient,
>> troj_boserver,stupid1,suicide,sucker,sunday,sundevil,stunning blow
>> Oh.. I'm sorry you said 5 didn't you?
>Ahem.... Unix? Melissa? Happy99? They aren't Unix! They're shitty windross
>and Turd viruses... I'll assume the others are as well, seeing as I've never
>heard of 'em...

The "name five" was meant as a challenge to the "thousands of NT viruses",
hence the Windows viruses cited.  If someone says "there are no Unix
viruses at all", there's not much point in asking for five examples of
none at all.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aeon Flux)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Maximum Ram?
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 21:05:52 GMT

On Tue, 24 Aug 1999 01:13:29 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I also tried
>the "linux mem=1024MB" option too but it still would not

I think that should be "linux mem=1024M" without the B.

Aeon Flux


From: Neil W Rickert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.bash
Subject: Re: recursively replace carriage returns
Date: 24 Aug 1999 20:23:32 -0500

David Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I need to recursively replace carriage returns with newlines in files
>beneath a specified directory.  I quickly knocked up a script but
>discovered a bug in that it would only work if the filenames and
>directory names were free of spaces.

>  for i in `find "$1" -type f`
>  do
>      tr '\015' '\012' < "$i" > "$i.clean"
>      mv -f "$i.clean" "$i"
>  done

>However, this fails on directories and files that have spaces in their
>names, such as "Mail Folder".  If I enclose the find statement in double
>quotes the results of the find are treated as one giant string, which is
>not good.

Use the '-exec' option of 'find'.


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Memory problem? Makrake 6.0
Date: 24 Aug 1999 16:15:21 -0700

Warren Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> After the machine
> being up for one day I have just about 5M free.  What's going on?!  
What's going on is that you haven't even bothered to look at the FAQ
or attempt to research your question on deja.  There is no "free" ram
(in the Windoze sense) in linux--what isn't used by processes is used
as cache.


From: "Gero H. Marten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Maximum Ram?
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 15:31:56 +0200

Hey, he isn't that far yet. He can't even boot!
Gero H. Marten


From: David Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.bash
Subject: recursively replace carriage returns
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 11:14:33 +1000

I need to recursively replace carriage returns with newlines in files
beneath a specified directory.  I quickly knocked up a script but
discovered a bug in that it would only work if the filenames and
directory names were free of spaces.

  for i in `find "$1" -type f`
      tr '\015' '\012' < "$i" > "$i.clean"
      mv -f "$i.clean" "$i"

However, this fails on directories and files that have spaces in their
names, such as "Mail Folder".  If I enclose the find statement in double
quotes the results of the find are treated as one giant string, which is
not good.

Any ideas/suggestions please?



From: "Martin Nilsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Installing a printer when no x is avalible
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 23:20:41 +0200

How do I install a printer (Oki OL610ex) on my RH 6.0 system. I haven't any
X window because the computer is old and is a server. Printtool doesn't work
if you don't have X. And how do I solve the problem that i only get 1 line
printed at my paper (tested the printer on my workstation but it has X
installed). Yes I know that I should change LF -> LF,CR but how.



From: "Kalkas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: 3com ISA cards and linux
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 23:21:53 +0200

Stephen R. Savitzky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Kalkas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Stephen R. Savitzky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > "Kalkas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >
> > Thanks Steve!
> > That was good news indeed!
> >
> > I also assume now that Linux should support my monitor and my audio
card. My
> > audio card is Creative Sound Blaster PCI 128, and my monitor is MAG
> > InnoVision DX15F. Am I correct in my assumption?
> I understand that the SB PCI128 is supported; I remember seeing
> something to that effect on one of the newsgroups recently.  (I'm
> usually too lazy to get sound working, myself.)
> I have a MAG monitor of some sort, but in general there's no problem
> with monitors.  One suggestion: track down your monitor's specifications
> before trying to configure X.  You'll want to know the horizontal and
> vertical frequency limits so that X can set timings that don't fry the
> monitor (it's happened to me).  If you don't have the information,
> specifying your monitor as a "generic multisync" usually works with
> anything that's not too old.


Thanks for your answer!

Every help I get is valuable:)

Sincerely yours,


From: Heeeeeeeez back! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unix & PC history, Re: WTF is the difference between Linux and FreeBSD???
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 20:11:11 +0100

Cameron L. Spitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>And unfortunatey, the person who owned the rights to the other OS (which was
>>much more mature, namely CP/M) was out of reach on a boat at the time, and
>>they stupidly opted for Gates...

> If you believe that story, I have some oceanfront property to sell you
> in Nebraska.  I have seen it in print and in PBS documentaries, over and
> over and over, but it always has the stamp of Microsoft Public Relations
> on it.  (And that goes for the story of wonder kid Bill Gates writing
> a BASIC interpreter on a plane ride, too.  Gates is a marketing guy;
> I'd be astonished if he ever wrote a line of code in his life.)

So would I. Innovation is a totally alien concept to him.

> There is also a political connection.  Gates' mother worked at a law
> firm or ad agency that that IBM was working with, and had some
> influence at IBM headquarters.  They never mention that in the
> PBS docu-dramas.

I wonder why... :)
(Mind you, I've never seen a PBS anything... I'm in the UK)

| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?"  |
|    Andrew Halliwell BSc   |                                                |
|             in            | "I think so brain, but this time, you control  |
|      Computer Science     |  the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..." |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire  |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kaz Kylheku)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: why not C++?
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 01:08:26 GMT

On Wed, 25 Aug 1999 00:19:57 +0100, Tristan Wibberley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>A general operator syntax, now that would be nice :)
>  C = A `x B;  // cross product
>  C = A `. B;   // dot product

Why not just overload, say * for the dot, and % for the cross?  There is no
shortage of operators.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Diskette Longevity
Date: 24 Aug 1999 17:26:36 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello.  I've been using the same floppy disk for the past two
> months, popping it in and out of my drives several times a day
> and transporting nearly everyday.

> Yesterday, I couldn't mount the disk because of some bad sector.
> (don't remember the error.)  So my guess is the diskette just wore out.
> Fortunately, I still have my stuff on my hard drive.

Not likely.  I probably has scratches in it, from the use patterns
you put it to.  Floppies used that way have a relatively short
life span of a couple of years or less.  Any grit or dirt or dust
material picked up under the head while loaded onto the media will
scratch the media.  If the scratch is heavy enough, that part of
the disk becomes unreadable.  Some scratching or scuffing of the
media is tolerable, but, if you can see the scratches, particularly
as a ring at a certain track, that disk has crashed, and should be

> Now my question is:

> 1. how long do floppy 1.2MB diskettes last?

I have some floppies 20 years old that are still perfectly fine.
I have some 1.2 meggers that are 15 years old, and still fine.

> 2. Are zip drives more robust?

I would not trust them for longevity, because of tighter track/bit
density.  For long term storage, you want the lowest density you
can afford to use.  That is why I still use 1/4 inch 9-track streamer
cartridge tapes at 60mb capacity over high-density tapes..... they
last a long time, and are easily readable.

> 3. If a disk has a few bad sectors, is there anyway to recover what
>    might be left on the good sectors? (Perhaps none of my data fell
>    on the bad sectors) That is, is there some sort of Norton's
>    Utilities for Linux?

Not easily.  You can dd and force the noerror or notrunc, but that may
or may not work.  Man dd for details.  Once you have the dd image, you
can play with it as you will.

Typically 3.5 inch floppies, unless very high quality, last for
a maximum of 5 years before reading problems can occur.   But, the
more often the disks are read, the shorter the useful lifetime.
Yet, I have disk sets from IBM that are over 10 years old, and still
work fine.  Generic noname floppies trust only for a short time,
or rewrite them yearly if the data is that important.

Hint.... anytime you need to use transport floppies, write to two
disks rather than just one, if the data is important.  It takes a
bit more time, but helps to insure data integrity.

Remember.... floppies are cheap.... your data is not.....

Good Luck....



Reply-To: "Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: File system repair after crash
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 14:02:06 GMT

We had a power outage here yesterday, and when I came home I noticed that
Linux was stalled upon reboot due to file system errors.  The instructions
on the screen said I should run fsck without the -a or -p options, ie: to
run it manually.

So I did that, and I always chose to fix the inodes that were corrupted.
After each fix, it asked if I wanted to clone the file and place it in
lost+found.  I noticed that most of the files were kde applications.

After rebooting, KDE appeared to start fine, but nothing on the desktop
worked.  I would hit a button, and there would be no response.  I could even
view the menus, but nothing would happen when I selected anything.  I ran
Gnome and it wasn't much better.  However, I found I could run things off
the gnome menus, and open a shell window.

Fortunately, I had just installed Linux on this system, so it was easier for
me to simply reinstall this time, while moving some data and downloaded RPMS
to a DOS share drive.

However, I don't want this to be my solution.

I'd like to learn a comprehensive strategy/approach to repairing my file
system after a crash.

Any help would be appreciated.





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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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