Linux-Misc Digest #560, Volume #21               Fri, 27 Aug 99 15:13:08 EDT

  Re: Volume spanning with ext2??? (Jayan M)
  Re: MP3 Player (Charles E. Taylor IV)
  How to uninstall package compiled by source code? ("Y.C.")
  RedHat 6.0 user quotas hang up system? (S.T. Wong)
  Re: The Microsoft/Linux Conspiracy (Leonard Evens)
  Re: LILO BOOT PROBLEM (Leonard Evens)
  RH 6 and PCMCIA Ethernet:  How to get it going after the installation? (Kenny 
  Re: VMware - wow! (Jason Pell)
  Re: xconfig problem with DELL UltraScan17ES and ATI XPert98 (Carey Bingham)
  Asm under linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Volume spanning with ext2??? (Jayan M)
  Re: My Linux crashes more often than M$ ("Noah Roberts (jik-)")
  Re: USR modem won't use COM 2 (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Best language for graphical apps? (Stan Barr)
  Re: What is best HTML Editor for LINUX? (Mick Costa)
  Re: PPP, no chat (Clifford Kite)
  Re: POP3 server. ("--==[bolMyn]==--")
  Re: How to uninstall package compiled by source code? ("Christopher W. Aiken")
  Re: VMware - wow! (Eric deRiel)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Volume spanning with ext2???
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 17:14:57 GMT

> <<snip>>

> - mke2fs /dev/hda7
> - mkdir /newspace
> - mount /dev/hda7 /mnt

oops, I meant  mount /dev/hda7 /newspace

> Have fun..

this is still valid, though!

> Jayan
> Raymonds Doetjes wrote:
> > I want to add some extra free diskspace to my / mountpoint.
> > I know that there is a possibility to add free space to a mountpoint
> > with ext2 but how do I do that and wich tools do I need for that?
> >
> > Raymond


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charles E. Taylor IV)
Subject: Re: MP3 Player
Date: 27 Aug 1999 17:16:23 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Trying to find some way to play my mp3's and nothing is working does anyone 
> have any suggestions on getting them to work?

Have you tried mpg123?

Charles E. "Rick" Taylor, IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"We got the MRxL, and you got none!"


Subject: How to uninstall package compiled by source code?
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 12:14:54 -0500

   I have a question, what's the best way to unistall package compiled
by source code?

Recently, I have installed ssh-2.0.13 by compiling source code on my
slackware box because I couldn't find tkg package. However, later I
found out ssh2 is not compatible with ssh1, so I have to downgrade to
ssh-1.2.27. but now I have trouble unistalling ssh-2.2.13 'cause I have
no idea where all the components went to...

I was wondering if you are a big fan of source code out there. how do
you manage to uninstall later?



Subject: RedHat 6.0 user quotas hang up system?
Date: 27 Aug 1999 16:52:30 GMT


I'm using RH 6.0 (kernel 2.2.10) for more than 1 month.  Everything looks ok
except that when I enabled user quota on a user disk, the system hangs when
commands operate on the disk are issued (e.g. /bin/sync, quota, run programs
on that disk, etc.) and there's "umount2: device busy" error message displayed
during systme shutdown.  Then I disable quota and everything is back to normal.

Would anyone please help?  

Thanks a lot!
ST Wong
S.T. Wong                           | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Microsoft/Linux Conspiracy
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 12:05:38 -0500

The Ultimate OS Portal wrote:

There is a danger that Microsoft will attempt to `absorb'
Linux by distributing its own version which contains
Microsoft only extensions.   But they would have to be
careful about how they did that because of the GNU
Pulic License.   Linux enthusiasts should avoid being
seduced by anything Microsoft offers along these lines.

Of course if Microsoft wan't to join the Linux community
and abide by the GPL, that would be fine, but I can't see them
doing it.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 11:37:09 -0500

LLemon wrote:
> Having a problem I hope some one can help me with.
> I installed red hat linux 5.2 on a system with following properties
> 1- 3 gig drive /hda
> 1-7 gig drive /hdd
> hda has win98
> hdd is split with the first half being for Win and the second half for linux
> with 4 partitions
> hdd5 is the root
> I first tried installing so lilo was in the boot of hda1
> the screen filled with 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
> and lilo never starts (luckily I had a boot disk which works fine)

You should have put the lilo boot loader in the master boot record
of the first drive.  That is, the first line of /etc/lilo.conf
should have been
You would also have to have a
in the linux section of lilo.conf.
This is the standard arrangment which is supposed to work.
But now that you are using a commercial boot loader, you have
to get the boot loader and lilo to cooperate.  I've also
managed to get it to work with Partition Magic's Boot Magic,
but I don't remember the exact details.   One possibility
would be to put the lilo boot loader in the master boot
record of the second drive
and then tell your commercial loader that it should boot
Linux from there.  Alternately, you could put it in the
extended partition containing your Linux partitions.  (I
can tell you are using an extended partition---probably
/dev/hdd2---because of the numbering of the root partition.)
You should then tell your boot loader to go there to boot
Linux.  It might also be necessary to mark the extended
partiton active on the second drive, but it is probably
irrelevant whether you do or not if you use a commerical
boot loader.

With your arrangement, the ONLY way to boot using lilo alone
is to put the lilo boot loader in the MBR of the first drive.
If you put it somewhere on the second drive, the BIOS when
booting has no way to know it should go to the second drive.
The commercial boot loader has information about both drives
and what to do.  Simiarly, if the lilo boot loader is placed
somewhere on the first drive, it will have comparable information.
If you had a Linux primary or an extended partition on the
first drive, you could put lilo there and make it the active
partition.   It is even possible to do this with a Linux
swap partition on the first drive if you work at it.

> I then Installed a commercial boot manager to the system and my win sesion
> works fine with it, but it won't boot the hdd5 drive either
> so I moved lilo to hdd5 and tried again...
> every time I booted to lilo it filled my screen with 01 01 01 01 01


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenny McCormack)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: RH 6 and PCMCIA Ethernet:  How to get it going after the installation?
Date: 27 Aug 1999 12:15:07 -0500

I recently installed RH6 on a laptop.  When I did the installation, I did
not have a supported PCMCIA Ethernet card available, but I did select PCMCIA
as a thing to be installed and, as far as I can tell, it did install it.
The various pieces seem to be there, including the /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia
script, /sbin/cardmgr, the pcmcia configuration files, etc.  But, it
doesn't seem to be running.  I have tried putting a supported card in
and rebooting, but it just doesn't seem to find it.

If I run "/etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start" by hand, it returns immediately.
There is a script file somewhere (/etc/pcmcia.conf or something similar)
that contains the lines:


So, clearly, the RH scheme of things, it is not active.  How do I make it
active?  For what it is worth, I have looked at both control-panel and
linuxconf - they don't seem to have anything related to it.  In general, I
don't like GUI config tools - have never needed one before and don't plan on
starting now...


From: Jason Pell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: athome.users-unix,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: VMware - wow!
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 23:51:34 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

You must have a base OS on which to run a virtual machine, thus the reason
it is called a _virtual_ machine..

steve mcadams wrote:

> Sorry to butt in and sound like a basher, but can someone explain to me why
> this vmware gizmo has two versions, one for Windows and another for Linux?
> A true virtual machine operating system would run on the hardware and
> Windows, Linux, BeOS, or whatever would run on top of it transparently.  Is
> this a crude hack, or what is going on?
> > In article <B3Ps3.2187$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >   "me" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > "VMware products provide developers and users with the ability to:
> > >
> > > Run multiple operating systems concurrently on a single PC--without
> > > repartitioning or rebooting.
> > > Interoperate among each of these operating systems.
> > > Isolate and protect each operating environment, and the applications
> > and
> > > data that are running in it.
> > > Encapsulate and manipulate each operating environment, and have the
> > > availability to roll back and restart, or move an environment among
> > > differently configured machines. "
> > >
> > >


Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
You must have a base OS&nbsp;on which to run a virtual machine, thus the
<br>it is called a _virtual_ machine..
<p>steve mcadams wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Sorry to butt in and sound like a basher, but can
someone explain to me why
<br>this vmware gizmo has two versions, one for Windows and another for
<br>A true virtual machine operating system would run on the hardware and
<br>Windows, Linux, BeOS, or whatever would run on top of it transparently.&nbsp;
<br>this a crude hack, or what is going on?
<p>> In article &lt;B3Ps3.2187$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
<br>>&nbsp;&nbsp; "me" &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<br>> > "VMware products provide developers and users with the ability
<br>> >
<br>> > Run multiple operating systems concurrently on a single PC--without
<br>> > repartitioning or rebooting.
<br>> > Interoperate among each of these operating systems.
<br>> > Isolate and protect each operating environment, and the applications
<br>> and
<br>> > data that are running in it.
<br>> > Encapsulate and manipulate each operating environment, and have
<br>> > availability to roll back and restart, or move an environment among
<br>> > differently configured machines. "
<br>> >
<br>> ></blockquote>




From: Carey Bingham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: xconfig problem with DELL UltraScan17ES and ATI XPert98
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 11:29:27 -0600

Best thing to do is find out exactly what the Monitor is capable of and the
video card.  If you got your system from Dell, they have a very cool place
where you can find out the technical specifications of the exact card and
monitor for your system.  There you will find exactly what the Horizontal and
vertical Sync rates are for both your card and monitor.  Use those, not the
ones you get from windows..

Windows will lie about anything in order to suite it own needs.  Windows
reports my card and Monitor do not support a whole bunch of stuf yet the
specs say they do.  I am running with what the actual specs say in Linux and
it works Beautifully !


Michael Mannion wrote:

> I'm using xconfig and/or Xconfigurator and I can't get X11 video working.
> My monitor (where I think the problem is):
>     DELL UltraScan 17ES
> My video card:
>     ATI XPert @ Play 98   AGP2X 8MB
> My Linux version:
>     Redhat 5.1
> I'm using a Horizontal frequency range is set to 30-78 and vertical range
> is 50-130 (got these from windows where the monitor is supported)
> I am seeing output however the horizontal and vertical sync appears wrong
> making it unreadable.
> Help? any advice, correct settings out there?
> Thanks in advance,
> Mike

Carey Bingham, B.Sc.
Human Resources FST, TCPL
Ritadon Inc.


Subject: Asm under linux
Date: 26 Aug 1999 13:21:25 GMT


Can someone help me about assembly programming under Linux?
I want to known how to begin a program and how to finish it (without
creating functions structures as GCC and G++)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Volume spanning with ext2???
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 16:11:00 GMT

I don't know about adding freespace to ext2 partition but,
you can just create another volume with the freespace and
assign (mount) one of your directories on it, for example:
mount your new partition (say hdb7) on /usr and add an fstab entry to
mount it on the next reboot. Of course you will have to mount
this partition elsewhere and move (cp and then remove) all
stuff from /usr on to this new partition before you mount it there..

alternately, you could just add a line to fstab to mount the new
partition as say /newspace, and mkdir /newspace. Things would work
just as if / were a bigger volume, and just a new directory is added

so if I outline a series of steps for the first plan:

- create a new ext2 partition on your new space..
  mke2fs /dev/hda7 (that's my example partition)
- mount /dev/hda7 /mnt
- cp -Rd /usr/* /mnt
- rm -Rf /usr
- mkdir /usr
- umount /mnt
- mount /dev/hda7 /usr

or for the second plan:

- mke2fs /dev/hda7
- mkdir /newspace
- mount /dev/hda7 /mnt

and for the fstab

/dev/hda7            /usr                ext2    defaults    1    2
/dev/hda7            /newspace      ext2    defaults    1    2

And of course this would be best done booting from a rescue floppy.
Make sure thou hath one before you try any of these..

Have fun..


Raymonds Doetjes wrote:

> I want to add some extra free diskspace to my / mountpoint.
> I know that there is a possibility to add free space to a mountpoint
> with ext2 but how do I do that and wich tools do I need for that?
> Raymond


Subject: Re: My Linux crashes more often than M$
From: "Noah Roberts (jik-)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 27 Aug 1999 11:00:56 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charles E. Taylor IV) writes:

As to the subject......

I too have been having Linux troubles as of freezes
completely at seemingly random intervals.  I have reinstalled from
scratch now and it hasn't happened again...yet...its only been 3 days.


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USR modem won't use COM 2
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 12:17:47 -0500

Scott wrote:
> Could someone explain why this modem refuses to install on COM 2, IRQ 3 like
> it's supposed to?????
> This is a PNP modem, but unless I disable COM 2 on Win95, and manually set
> the IRQ and port address, the modem installs at COM 5 at the COM 2 address.
> It does the same thing in Linux.  It will not install on COM 2.  Nothing
> else is on COM 2 or IRQ 3 except COM2, which seems to confuse this modem in
> Windows and Linux.
> It is a model 178500 Voice Fax Modem and is NOT a winmodem.
> Thanks for any help
As noted by someone else, you probably have to go into your
BIOS setup program and configure your serial ports as Com1
and Com3.  

I have found with my USR Sportster that it is easier to get
it to work under Linux by setting it not to be PNP.  But
if you do that, you don't want Linux to try to configure it
using /etc/isapnp.conf.

Also, BIOS setup programs are not always transparent about how
to set the serial port(s).  With mine, I have serial ports A
and B, and no way to select Com1,2,etc.  Instead you give it
the standard IRQ and IO addresses for the ports you want and
it does what you want.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stan Barr)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Best language for graphical apps?
Date: 27 Aug 1999 18:06:58 GMT

On 27 Aug 1999 16:51:15 +0200, Stephan Houben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>"Max Reason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>  I am sorry if your understanding of "free" is different than mine.
>>  To me, if I can get something at no cost, it is free.  Furthermore,
>>  you can freely distribute the source and executable code for any
>>  application you write in XBasic.  If the distinctions you mention
>>  are important to you, that's fine for you and everyone who has
>>  the same priorities.  But not everyone shares them with you,
>>  and you cannot expect to redefine words and have everyone
>>  else on earth conform to them.
>Actually, the distinction mentioned is recognized by almost anyone
>on the comp.os.linux.* hierarchy. I base this fact on the numerous
>threads that have discussed whether some product X or license Y
>could be considered "Free" (sometimes "Free" in the "Free Speech")
>sense. So the "general use" in this newsgroup is certainly not
>Bottom line: you are the one who is redefining words here. 

My dictionary begins its definition of Free with:
"adj, not subject to external constraints or domination"
as in "freedom".  Only much later on, toward the end, does 
it mention "without expense" - so the former would appear to 
be the main meaning, with "free lunch" as a subsiduary meaning.
So as far as I can see, the comp.os.linux.* meaning is
perfectly correct.....and no-one is redefining anything!


The future was never like this!


From: Mick Costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is best HTML Editor for LINUX?
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 09:18:02 -0400

Agreed.  One of the VERY FEW reasons why I still have Windows at all. 
Last I heard Allaire had no interest in doing this (although I think
they are porting their server SW to Linux).

Dustin Puryear wrote:

> I wish the would port HomeSite over to Linux. Now that's an HTML
> editor.
> ---
> Dustin Puryear


From: (Clifford Kite)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: PPP, no chat
Date: 27 Aug 1999 12:48:56 -0500

Matthew O. Persico ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: In order to log into my job, I must use a defender key. The sequence goes
: like this:

: 1) Dial the job. Get a terminal. 
: 2) Put my name in the terminal. Put my PIN in the defender hardware on my
: desk.
: 3) Enter the number presented on the screen into the defender. It presents
: a number that I have to type back into the terminal.

: This cannot be chat'ed. I need to dial, interact and then start ppp with no
: dial and no chat, just ppp negotiation.

In the ppp-2.3.9 source package there is an expect
script /ppp-2.3.9/scripts/secure-card and a program
ppp-2.3.9/scripts/chatchat/chatchat.c either of which may do what
you need.

There is also a chat patch, SecurID.gz, at

for the ppp-2.3.5 chat I think, but which shouldn't be hard to modify
for later versions.

Clifford Kite <>                    Not a guru. (tm)
/* A salute to Inspector Baynes, of the Surry Constabulary, the only
   police Inspector to ever best Mr. Sherlock Holmes at his own game.
   "The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge", by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. */


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,comp.os.linux
From: "--==[bolMyn]==--" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: POP3 server.
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 18:32:58 GMT

Actually "sendmail" is not a POP server.  It is mail server for sending
and storing incoming messages in your /var/spool/mail directory.  To
enable/run a pop server, you have to uncommnet two lines in your
inetd.conf file:

imap -> "imap" is an actual POP server to logon into and retreive your
messages via a POP compliant mail client.


ICQ: 4086197
Join our Seti@Home group at:

On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Aaron Lyon wrote:

> Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 11:22:32 -0700
> From: Aaron Lyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Newsgroups: linux.redhat, linux.redhat.misc, comp.os.linux,
>     comp.os.linux.misc
> Subject: Re: POP3 server.
> Yes it is called sendmail.  It is a pop/smtp server.
> Luca Satolli (KaBooM) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Is a pop3 server in Red Hat 5.2/6.0?
> > Thanks a lot & best Regards
> > Luca Satolli
> >


From: "Christopher W. Aiken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to uninstall package compiled by source code?
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 14:47:10 -0400

Have you tried "make clean" in the install directory?


"Y.C." wrote:

> Hi:
>    I have a question, what's the best way to unistall package compiled
> by source code?
> Recently, I have installed ssh-2.0.13 by compiling source code on my
> slackware box because I couldn't find tkg package. However, later I
> found out ssh2 is not compatible with ssh1, so I have to downgrade to
> ssh-1.2.27. but now I have trouble unistalling ssh-2.2.13 'cause I have
> no idea where all the components went to...
> I was wondering if you are a big fan of source code out there. how do
> you manage to uninstall later?
> Thanks!
> Y.C

Christopher W. Aiken
SuSE 6.1, Kernel 2.2.5

The box said 'WIN95/98 or better.' so I installed LINUX!


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: VMware - wow!
From: Eric deRiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 18:13:14 GMT

steve mcadams wrote:

> It is my understanding that the Intel x86 architecture lacks a couple of
> instructions that make TOTAL TRANSPARENCY impossible.  This is why I was
> initially skeptical.

If being a true virtual machine implies hardware-supported
transparency, then your objection is reasonable.  But if a software
layer makes up for the missing functionality, such that the OS running
on the vm still ends up with no knowledge of its circumstances, what's
the difference?

As for the issue of "full processor speed" in VM/ESA, those systems
were certainly subject to slowdowns if loaded enough.  I know little
about the architecture at work, but experienced it enough as a user
to be quite sure on that point.  :)

VMware still has some glitches, to be sure, and some limitations to
its ability to handle concurrent device access, but as far as my
Windows NT is concerned, it's pretty damn transparent, especially
(ObNetworking) its ethernet bridging.

  "We come and go alone, why do they need to know?"



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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