Linux-Misc Digest #374, Volume #24                Sat, 6 May 00 00:13:04 EDT

  rp3 used to run, now doesn't (Don Koks)
  Xfree86 4.0 XF86Config help needed (Harvey London)
  The start button and icon panel has dissapeared from Gnome. (Len)
  Re: can mkisofs include only some files from directories (Bill Unruh)
  Integrix keyboard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: corrupted RPM directory?? (please help!) ("Lonni J. Friedman")
  cloning linux partitions (=?iso-8859-1?Q?B=E5rd?= Selbekk)
  Re: sed: find 2nd last occurrence ("Doug")
  Re: continued from linux.x (hoffmyster)
  Choice of modem (Sandhitsu R Das)
  Re: Free EJB app server for linux ? (Robert Lynch)
  Re: Choice of modem (Rob Clark)
  Man display error ("James Li")
  Re: What is the purpose of /etc/fstab? (Robert Heller)
  Re: Most used Aps (John Hasler)
  Re: Choice of modem (Sandhitsu R Das)
  Re: ls --color command (s. keeling)
  Program launches with Console ("mpierce")
  Re: Choice of modem (Lev The Ro0T-A WanaBe)
  Fetchmail Make Problem (Jeff Grossman)
  Locating files ("mpierce")


From: Don Koks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: rp3 used to run, now doesn't
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 10:36:04 +0930

Hi.  I'm using rp3 to connect to my isp, from a Red Hat 6.1 Gnome
interface.  I run it by clicking on the icon which I installed via the
usual options (right button on task bar, "install applet -> network ->
RH PPP dialer).   Everything was working fine til the other day when it
decided to not work.  Clicking now, or typing rp3 at the command line
(which I've never done previously) just gives a message box telling me
rp3 has crashed, with no other information.  Creating a new user account
doesn't fix the problem.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?



From: Harvey London <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Xfree86 4.0 XF86Config help needed
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 18:21:38 -0600

I have successfully installed the server and it runs except for one problem. I
can't get it to run at any resolution other then 640x480. I've tried adding and
removing everything I can think of from the xf86config file. Nothing seems to
make a difference. My configuration is as follows: AMD K2/500, 256MB RAM, PCI
video with SIS 6326 chip set, and Mandrake 7.0. I installed the binary package
of Xfree86 for glibc2.1.  Any help would be appreciated. 

Here is a copy of my XF86Config file:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier     "XFree86 Configured"
Screen     0   "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"

Section "Module"
Load  "extmod"
Load  "xie"
Load  "pex5"
Load  "glx"
Load  "dri"
Load  "GLcore"
Load  "dbe"
Load  "record"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Keyboard0"
Driver      "keyboard"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse0"
Driver      "mouse"
Option      "Protocol" "PS/2"
Option      "Device" "/dev/mouse"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor0"
VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
ModelName    "Monitor Model"

Section "Device"
### Available Driver options are:-
        #Option     "SWcursor"
        #Option     "HWcursor"
        #Option     "PciRetry"
        #Option     "rgbbits"
        #Option     "NoAccel"
        #Option     "TurboQueue"
        #Option     "SetMClk"
        #Option     "FastVram"
Identifier  "SiS 6326"
Driver      "sis"
VendorName  "SiS"
BoardName   "6326"
BusID       "PCI:0:9:0"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device     "SiS 6326"
Monitor    "Monitor0"
DefaultColorDepth 16
SubSection "Display"
Depth     1
SubSection "Display"
Depth     4
SubSection "Display"
Depth     8
SubSection "Display"
Depth     15
SubSection "Display"
Depth     16
SubSection "Display"
Depth     24

Section "DRI"


Subject: The start button and icon panel has dissapeared from Gnome.
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 01:30:06 GMT

The start button and icon panel has dissapeared from the bottom of gnome. 
What could have caused this and how do I get it back.

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: can mkisofs include only some files from directories
Date: 6 May 2000 01:39:06 GMT

In <8ev1pp$6sa$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh) writes:

]In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Alastair Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
]>>    I need to create a CD image of only certain files from several
]>> different sub-directories (ie modified in last 30 days).  I can
]>> generate a list of the files, but how can I use this list as input into
]>> mkisofs (if at all)?

]Far as I can tell, just list all the files you want included at the end
]of the mkisofs command, with their directories.

]mkisofs -o storage.iso `find /home/biggles -mtime -5 -print`
]would make and iso of all the files under /home/biggles which were
]changed in teh past 5 days.
]Since an ISo file costs nothing but time, try it and see.
](Note you probably want other options to mkisofs that just the ones in
]the above line.)

]You can see what you got by mounting the iso file and looking in it to
]see what got saved.
]mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop-/dev/loop0 storage.iso /mnt/cdrom
]and then look in /mnt/cdrom if everything is tehre.

Sorry to follow up my own post. 

To add to the above-- it will just put all of the files into one
directory, and will not save the directory structure. However, you can
do something like

mkisofs -r -T -J -o /tmp/storage.iso `for i in \`find /home/biggles -mtime -5 -type f 
-print\`; do  echo -n $i=$i " "; done`

which should work. (It does for me)( that is all on one line)

Note also in that mount command should be 
mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 storage.iso /mnt/cdrom
                           ^ = not -



Subject: Integrix keyboard
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 01:41:16 GMT

Has anyone used the Integrix S5+100 keyboard? I'd like to know about the
feel, and I'd particularly like to know if the layout is the same as a
Sun type 5 keyboard--it's described on their web page as an enhanced
type 5 keyboard that will work with Sparc or PC (I'm interested in using
it on a PC).



Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Lonni J. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: corrupted RPM directory?? (please help!)
Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 21:22:20 -0400

You could rebuild the RPM database with:
rpm --rebuilddb

Jeff Rudis wrote:
> Hi, I just upgraded my system successfully to RedHat 6.2 (via ftp from
> redhat site), and then download all the stuff from the latest rawhide
> release (april 28 i think), and upgraded the rpm*.rpm packages... now,
> whenever I run an rpm command, I get a bunch of errors. Here is the output
> of "rpm -qa":
> [root]# rpm -qa
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/nameindex.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/fileindex.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/groupindex.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/requiredby.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/providesindex.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/conflictsindex.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/triggerindex.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/obsoletesindex.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/versionindex.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/releaseindex.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/dirindex.rpm: No such file or directory
> cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm: No such file or directory
> no packages
> [root]#
> However, here is the listing of my /var/lib/rpm dir:
> [root]# ls -la /var/lib/rpm
> total 14152
> drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         1024 May  5 09:26 .
> drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root         1024 May  5 19:27 ..
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        16384 May  5 09:20 conflictsindex.rpm
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root      2490368 May  5 09:20 fileindex.rpm
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        16384 May  5 09:20 groupindex.rpm
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        24576 May  5 09:20 nameindex.rpm
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root     12590152 May  5 09:20 packages.rpm
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        53248 May  5 09:20 providesindex.rpm
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        90112 May  5 09:20 requiredby.rpm
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        16384 May  5 09:20 triggerindex.rpm
> [root]#
> ...this is concurrent with the rpm -F upgrade of my rpm packages, which
> occurred at 9:20 this morning. Does anyone know how I can fix this?? I can't
> do anything with rpm until i do... --rebuilddb gives me a bunch of file
> missing/corrupted errors too. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.. please
> cc: and e-mail reply if possible.


From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?B=E5rd?= Selbekk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: cloning linux partitions
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 04:13:55 +0200

Hi people at comp.os.linux.misc!

I have Redhat 6.2 installed on a PC with two large IDE drives. I
installed everything in one drive (/dev/hda). Now I want to make disc
no. 2 (/dev/hdc) a clone of /dev/hda. Because if the /dev/hda disk
crashes, I will be able to get the system up and running in no time by
booting the /dev/hdc disk.

In Solaris we have ufsdump and ufsrestore. Excellent tools for the
mentioned task. I'd like to be able to do a "ufsdump --several_opts
/dev/hda1 | ufsrestore --several_opts /dev/hdc1" in Linux. So far I've
failed to locate such a tool for Linux.

Can anyone help?

-Bard Selbekk


From: "Doug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: sed: find 2nd last occurrence
Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 12:16:33 +1000

> In perl it would be quite easy, but the tool that you use depends on
> what you want to do with that data (or it's surrounding data), once
> you've found it.
> Tell us what you want to do with it and if I'm feeling generous I'll
> give you some simple perl code that does the job.

I need to find the second last occurrence of the word in the file, put it on
line by itself,
and insert text before and after it.

The words may be seperated by any characters, may appear multiple times on a
line, or
multiple times in a file. Also, there not really 'words' ie that are not
necessarily seperated
by whitespace.



From: hoffmyster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: continued from linux.x
Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 22:31:11 -0400

>         One thing you need to watch when you are cloning systems is that
>         you don't unnecessarily clone /etc/fstab exactly. /etc/fstab is your
>         filesystem config file. When you change around disks, fstab must
>         remain consistent with those changes.
>         Also, spitting between / and /usr is pointless IMHO.
>         You want to split off /usr/local /home and /opt instead. /usr
>         typically holds things that are more or less distro specific
>         and core system files.
>         I'm not sure why X wouldn't like a cloned configuration. Although,
>         if /usr ends up being not mounted then your X files won't be there.
>         / (sans /usr) typically contains enough to get a Unix booted. I
>         suppose such a situation could be viewed as a reason to keep / and
>         /usr together.
>         2G is large enough for all of Bughat's files and is small enough
>         that you shouldn't have any cylinder 1024 problems with lilo.

Well, I thought you gave me some food for thought and I shutdown to give something a 
try and then
realized something.  You see I am trying to dual boot the backup drive.  Since I 
reserve 6GB for
the Windows partition, I have to make the / partition for Linux small and put at least 
the /boot
directory in the small partition to avoid the Kernal straddling cylinder 1024.  So at 
the same
time I put the /bin, /etc, /dev, /lib, /root and /sbin directories in the same 
partition.  Then
the huge /usr and /var directories and all the rest I put in the large partition 
(hda6).  But
this is different from my primary drive in which I have everything in one partition 
and the swap
partition.  Could this be my problem?  I going from everything being in one partition 
splitting up the backup into two partitions?

This leads me to another question in what significance does splitting up directories 
different partitions have?  That is one concept about Unix/Linux that I don't fully 
What harm is there in putting everything into one partition?  What advantages are 
there in
splitting it all up?



From: Sandhitsu R Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Choice of modem
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 22:43:21 -0400

Can somebody tell me which of the following should I choose for linux ?
I'm not sure if any of these are winmodems, so if some are, please let me
know. If you have used any of these in Linux successfully, please let me
know (send an email too please!)

> 3-Com US Robotics 5609
> 3Com U.S. Robotics 5610 (56K Faxmodem PCI)
> Actiontec (Lucent) 56k PCI PRO no
> AOpen AOpen FM56 ITU/2-56000
> Aztech EM6800
> HAYES ACCURA 56k Internal FAX Modem


Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 19:40:19 -0700
From: Robert Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Free EJB app server for linux ?

Michael Zill wrote:
> Is there any free EJB application server for Linux available ?
> Thanks
> Michael

I've played with Jonas:

which I got to work, since the docs are good.  There is also ejboss:

which looks pretty good, but I couldn't get it working, probably due to
my stupidity.

HTH. Bob L.
Robert Lynch-Berkeley CA [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Choice of modem
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 02:58:13 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Sandhitsu R Das  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Can somebody tell me which of the following should I choose for linux ?
>I'm not sure if any of these are winmodems, so if some are, please let me
>know. If you have used any of these in Linux successfully, please let me
>know (send an email too please!)

Please check the "big list" at



From: "James Li" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Man display error
Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 11:11:59 +1000

I have installed RedHat Linux 6.2 on a Pentium machine. I can't search man.
It display some errors.
Take "ls" for example. Display looks like the following:
man ls
hdb: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
hdb: read_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=1737096,
end_request: I/O error, dev 03:46 (hdb), sector 1499145
Error executing formatting or display command.
System command /bin/gunzip -c /var/catman/cat1/ls.1.gz | /usr/bin/less -is
exited with status 135

Please help troubleshoot the problem.

James Li


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is the purpose of /etc/fstab?
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 03:20:02 GMT

  In a message on Fri, 05 May 2000 10:26:18 -0400, wrote :

m> Hi,
m>     I have understood that the purpose of /etc/fstab was to tell Linux
m> to mount the devices that were listed on boot up, but it seems, I
m> think, that there can be devices listed that are not automatically
m> mounted.
m>     If that is so, what is the purpose of haveing the others listed at
m> all
m> in that you can just mount them manually at will anyway.

The difference is this:

        To manually mount a random file system, the mount command needs
several pieces of information:

        The device to mount -- this is either a disk device or a
partition on a disk.
        The type of file system
        The mount point
        Plus other random options (read only, etc.).

        The 'noauto' items in /etc/fstab provide a way to stash this
information in a convient place.  One can mount such file systems
merely by giving the name of the mount point to the mount command and
the mount command can then get the rest of the info it needs from the
fstab file.  Also, Linux also has the 'user' option.  This allows
normal, non-privileged users to mount file systems (typically things
like CD-ROMs, floppies, and Zip drives).

m>     Also, how could I make the system re-read the /etc/fstab file
m> without rebooting the system?

There is no need for the system to 're-read' /etc/fstab.  The contents
of /etc/fstab are not stored anyplace but in /etc/fstab itself.  The
mount command reads /etc/fstab whenever it is called upon to mount a
file system when given only its mount point or asked to mount all file
systems or all file systems of a specific type.  The 'system' does not
read /etc/fstab into some random place.

m>     How is the "supermount" attribute used?
m>                                         Thanks
m>                                             Mike

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Most used Aps
Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 01:40:27 GMT

aredshaw wrote:
> Is there a place online where I can find out what the most useful Linux
> applications are and download them?  RedHat and other companies sell
> boxed sets with the most useful aps included, but if you want to download
> them (lack of funds)

"lack of funds"?  You can't afford $5.00 for a set of CD's from
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


From: Sandhitsu R Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Choice of modem
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 23:34:29 -0400

On Sat, 6 May 2000, Rob Clark wrote:

I've checked the big list. It isn't as clear as I wanted it to be. So I
thought I'd ask for personal accounts.

> Please check the "big list" at


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,comp.unix.misc
Subject: Re: ls --color command
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (s. keeling)
Date: 05 May 2000 21:54:36 -0600

"C.E.G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
[stuff 'bout dir_colors snipped]

xlscolors will show all colors you can use.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen) TopQuark Software & Serv. Enquire within.
    [sed 's/NO@SPAM./@/g']               Contract programmer, server bum.  
    Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.


From: "mpierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Program launches with Console
Date: 5 May 2000 22:54:19 -0500

XMMS launches with a console. Is this caused by a permission problem
that I can overcome with a link?



From: Lev The Ro0T-A WanaBe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Choice of modem
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 00:08:03 -0700

Sandhitsu R Das wrote:
> Can somebody tell me which of the following should I choose for linux ?
> I'm not sure if any of these are winmodems, so if some are, please let me
> know. If you have used any of these in Linux successfully, please let me
> know (send an email too please!)
> >
> >
> > 3-Com US Robotics 5609
> > 3Com U.S. Robotics 5610 (56K Faxmodem PCI)
> > Actiontec (Lucent) 56k PCI PRO no

I can only speak for this one it is currently running on my linux
machine right now

 AOpen AOpen FM56 ITU/2-56000

> > Aztech EM6800
> > HAYES ACCURA 56k Internal FAX Modem
> >


From: Jeff Grossman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Fetchmail Make Problem
Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 20:52:49 -0700


When I try to make Fetchmail I get the following error:

gcc -L/usr/kerberos/lib -L/usr/kerberos/lib -s rcfile_y.o rcfile_l.o
socket.o ge
tpass.o pop2.o pop3.o imap.o etrn.o fetchmail.o idle.o env.o options.o
driver.o sink.o rfc822.o smtp.o xmalloc.o uid.o mxget.o md5ify.o rpa.o
.o netrc.o base64.o error.o unmime.o conf.o checkalias.o smbdes.o
smbencrypt.o s
mbmd4.o smbutil.o ipv6-connect.o  md5c.o -lkrb4 -ldes425 -lcrypt
-lresolv -lkrb
5 -lcrypto -lcom_err -lfl  -o fetchmail
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcrypto
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [fetchmail] Error 1

I am trying to compile version 5.3.8 on a Redhat 6.2 system.  And help
would be appreciated.

Jeff Grossman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: "mpierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Locating files
Date: 5 May 2000 23:08:06 -0500

Is there a way to find out where a specific file is located in an
uninstall RPM package? I am looking for the file




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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