Linux-Misc Digest #430, Volume #24               Wed, 10 May 00 21:13:04 EDT

  OpenSSH and PAM issues (Albert Hopkins)
  Re: VA-Linux Enhanced RedHat (Leonard Evens)
  Re: How to clean a HP Colorado tape drive (Leonard Evens)
  "can't open...module.dep" +lilo trouble (Alexander K)
  Re: email (Steve)
  Re: How to clean a HP Colorado tape drive (Steve)
  Re: uname query (Steve)
  Re: Colormap (Steve)
  Re: Newbie Query (Steve)
  Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk (Christopher Browne)
  Re: Linux is cool! (was: Wierd SuSE6.4 problem) (Tony Towers)
  Using CD-R (root)
  Email through Website ("heretic")
  mkisofs syntax question (JEDIDIAH)
  Re: LILO 1024 cyl thing (netcruiser)
  Large file support (>2GB) on 2.2.x kernels  (NT vs. Linux FTP) (Thomas L. Shinnick)
  Re: "can't open...module.dep" +lilo trouble ("David ..")
  Re: new / partition ("Andrew E. Schulman")
  Sharing a DSL connection with Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  RHIDE in X core dumped (Tihomir Heidelberg)
  Re: Help: Problem moving from netscape mail to pine (justme)
  Play dvd , dxr2  ("V.P.")
  Re: mkisofs syntax question (Dances With Crows)
  Mounting Audio CD (Mike Pepera)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Albert Hopkins)
Subject: OpenSSH and PAM issues
Date: 10 May 2000 19:22:53 EDT

I installed OpenSSH 2.1.0 from source on a newly installed RH 6.2 system.
I can ssh out from this box, but ssh'ing in (even from localhost) yields
the following syslog messages

May 10 17:07:38 duslvs1 sshd[1166]: Failed password for ahopkins from port 
May 10 17:07:50 duslvs1 last message repeated 2 times
May 10 17:07:50 duslvs1 sshd[1166]: Connection closed by
May 10 17:07:50 duslvs1 sshd[1166]: Cannot close PAM session: System error
May 10 17:07:50 duslvs1 sshd[1166]: Cannot delete credentials: Authentication service 
cannot retrieve user credentials

I know the password is correct and I am using whatever default PAM settings 
Hat 6.2 comes with.  Any clues?


                                                     Albert Hopkins
                                             Sr. Systems Specialist
                                                      Dynacare Inc.
                                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VA-Linux Enhanced RedHat
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 18:20:45 -0500

Richard Goldberg wrote:
> Hi all,
> I don't know if people know about this (I just stumbled on it myself a
> few weeks ago). VA-Linux makes their enhanced version of RedHat avalable
> (in iso format) on their web site. It's stock Red Hat 6.2, with VA's
> kernel patches for NFS, and a bunch of other nice stuff.
> The NFS performance is awsome (on par with our Solaris 7 server). And
> some of the other default packages are quite handy.
> You can get it at
> I do have a related question though. If this is just based on Red Hat,
> could I take a stock Red Hat 6.1 system, pop in the VA 6.2 disk and do
> an upgrade to get all the extra packages and the enhanced kernel? Or
> would doing this confuse things.

I don't know how things would work in that direction, but they
work fine in the opposite direction.  I have taken a VALinux
system and done a straight upgrade to a later version of
RedHat without problems.

As VALinux departs more from RedHat, we can expect some inconsistencies
to creep in.
> Thanks.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to clean a HP Colorado tape drive
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 18:26:20 -0500

Tony Zhou wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a MandRake 6.2 linux box with HP Colorado 8GB tape drive.  It worked
> fine before (There was only about 2GB information backuped to 8GB tape).
> Since last week, I got following error message, ?Found end of tape. To continue,
> type device/file name when ready?.  Normally this means I have to clean the
> tape drive.
> I bought a tape cleaner, but the drive does not initiate a cleaning process.
>  The instruction of the tape cleaner said, ? If the drive does not initiate
> a cleaning process, the drive does not have the firmware necessary to use
> this cleaner?. And the CD come with this tape drive do not contain any software
> for linux.
> How to clean this HP Colorado tape drive?
> Please sent a copy of help message to:
> Thanks in advance

I have a 2.5/5 GB Colorado tape drive, which is think is basically
the same except for the size of the cartridge it uses.  The
instructions are not to clean it.  

There may be something wrong with the tape.  Otherwise you
should consult Colorado (HP) about maintenance for the drive.

Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Alexander K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "can't open...module.dep" +lilo trouble
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 23:26:44 GMT


i just installed slackware7 on my puter. a skeleton install. less than
300meg, no X. it came with kernel 2.2.13
i got kernel 2.2.15 and installed it.  (my NIC works now:) woohaa!)
i did:
make clean
make dep
make menuconfig
make bzImage
make mrproper

and i get this error when i boot linux (its among the last 15rows):
Updating module dependencies for Linux 2.2.15
can't open /lib/modules/2.2.15/modules.dep

but it doesn't seem to cause any havoc. (except my keyboard isnt
working very well... but i guess thats something else, or?)

of course i don't even have a /lib/modules/2.2.15 file.
there is a ...2.2.13 with a modules.dep in it though.
and thats the only "modules.dep" in the whole system (afa find knows
what should i do?
i know i compiled my kernel with a few things as modules.
MUST there be a module.dep?
if so, what do i do?

and lilo...:)

lilo worked ok when i had mandrake7.
win is on hda1(5gig), linux is on hda2 <hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8> (7gig).
when slack installed lilo during the distroinstall it hanged. like this:
"LILO _" and waited a few sec's and then booted linux.
tab didnt work.

i experimented a bit and found out that it solved the problem if i
put "prompt" before "delay 70".
now tab works, and it shows me a normal prompt.
BUT, it waits forever.
it doesn't choose the default (linux) after 7sec's... it just keeps on
this is my lilo.conf:

boot  = /dev/hda
map   = /boot/map
delay = 70

image = /vmlinuz
      label = l
      root = /dev/hda5

other = /dev/hda1
      label = d

anything wrong with that?
lilo -v reported version 21
where can the problem be???

    thanks in adv / alex

... ak42 at kurir dot net ...

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: email
Date: 11 May 2000 00:27:47 GMT

On Wed, 10 May 2000 22:07:34 +0100, David E. Gordon wrote:
>What's the best way to setup internal email on a linux box for an intranet
>within a company, not connected to the internet?   Any "dummies guides" out

There's some good HOWTOs on the subject you can get the latest copies from 
the following locations and their mirror sites:

  * : /pub/OS/Linux/doc/HOWTO
  * : /pub/linux/docs/HOWTO
  * : /pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO
On my distro (RH 6.0) they're in /usr/doc/HOWTO/

Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 



 10:34pm  up 14 days, 35 min,  4 users,  load average: 1.27, 1.21, 1.12


Subject: Re: How to clean a HP Colorado tape drive
Date: 11 May 2000 00:27:48 GMT

Go to HP's website, they must have Unix drivers on there. 

Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 



 10:34pm  up 14 days, 35 min,  4 users,  load average: 1.27, 1.21, 1.12


Subject: Re: uname query
Date: 11 May 2000 00:27:50 GMT

On Wed, 10 May 2000 06:36:22 GMT, Sankalp Upadhyay wrote:
>Can anyone tell the sources from which uname gets its info. On my
>machine (i686, Linux-2.2) uname -p gives unknown and is causing
>portability problems. Here is complete uname -a output
>Linux linux2.prologix 2.2.5-15 #1 Mon Apr 19 23:00:46 EDT 1999 i686

I get the same as you, or similar, doing a uname --version
gives me "uname (GNU sh-utils) 1.16", it possibly just use
environment variables.  

Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 



 10:34pm  up 14 days, 35 min,  4 users,  load average: 1.27, 1.21, 1.12


Subject: Re: Colormap
Date: 11 May 2000 00:27:50 GMT

On Wed, 10 May 2000 08:28:39 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Typing xwininfo in an x-term gives a list of parameters. One of them is
>called Colormap and is in Corel Linux set to 0x23. In Red Het it
>to 0x21. Where and how does one change the Colormap value?
>Svein-Erik Hamran

Over here (RH 6.0) it seems to indicate that it's set at the time of the 
install. But even for a value of 0.21 it gives a depth of 24.  What is 
a colormap in this context, I know what a collour map is in POV-Ray but
not in Linux. 

Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 



 10:34pm  up 14 days, 35 min,  4 users,  load average: 1.27, 1.21, 1.12


Subject: Re: Newbie Query
Date: 11 May 2000 00:27:49 GMT

On Wed, 10 May 2000 13:53:19 +0100, Terry Filby wrote:
>I'm running Debian 2.1. I use dpkg --list or dpkg -l to get a list of
>the progs I've downloaded. How can I print it? I've tried lpr but it
>doesn't work. Help!

Get your list into a file like:

$ dpkg --list > a_text_file.txt

Then print a_text_file.txt the way you'd normally print a text file. 
I don't use Debian and have never printed from linux, so the above
is just an idea and shows you how to put output from a program into
a text file. 

Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 



 10:34pm  up 14 days, 35 min,  4 users,  load average: 1.27, 1.21, 1.12


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 23:50:49 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Salvador Peralta would say:
>Unfortunately, the article had nothing to do with m$ being a security
>risk from the software standpoint and everything to do with m$
>incorporating some of scientology's philosophies into their corporate
>model.  The german government has already given us enough intolerance
>for the next 2 centuries, IMHO.  Let's not applaud them for giving us

Unfortunately, anything I can see of Scientology's behaviour seems to
me to be Rather Frightening.

It is not at all obvious that being unwilling to tolerate Scientology
connections represents a move towards evil.
Rules of the Evil Overlord #84. "I will not have captives of one sex
gnuarded by members of the opposite sex."


From: Tony Towers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Linux is cool! (was: Wierd SuSE6.4 problem)
Date: 11 May 2000 00:51:25 +0100

Barry O'Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> > I have since rebooted and everything is working now. I don't know what 
> > caused ther problem; it may be due to overheating -- I sometimes put a
> > pen in the processor fan to stop it making an infernal noise as it runs.
> I sometimes buy a new processor fan.  This has the same effect.

I bought a new processor fan once.  It was noisier than the old one,
so I put the old one back in.  It's now much quieter than it was
before I bought the second one.  Isn't hardware fun?

 (o_   And the beast shall be made *legion*.  Its numbers shall be    _o)
 //\   increased a *thousand thousand* fold.  The din of a million    /\\
 v_/_  keyboards like unto a great *storm* shall cover the earth,    _\_V
       and the followers of Mammon shall *tremble*.  The Book of Mozilla 3:31


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Using CD-R
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 19:56:51 -0400

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I recently downloaded "cdrecord" and it said that if I wanted to use my
CD-R, I need to load the module "ide-scsi" so that a scsi host is emulated.&nbsp;
I've tried this from the LILO boot up, ("hdb=ide-scsi"), in my LILO.CONF
file with "append", and at the prompt using "insmod".&nbsp; However, my
CD-R is still seen as just any other IDE device (although it did pretend
that my IDE Zip drive was SCSI).&nbsp; Does anyone have a possible solution
for this?&nbsp; So far, I'm guessing that some cd drivers are compiled
directly in the kernel and that their detecting my CD-ROM drives, but I
don't know how to stop it -- but I don't even know if thats the problem...
<p><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a></html>


From: "heretic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Email through Website
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 09:55:51 +1000

    Im after a pearl script or something that allows emails to be
read/forwarded/deleted..etc.   Very similar to and
while emails are accessable to the website, i still want it to be accessable
to pop3.  Any ideas?



Subject: mkisofs syntax question
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 00:12:13 GMT

         Hullo all.

         I would like to invoke mkisofs in a manner similar to:

mkisofs -options -o somefile.img /usr/local/foo /usr/local/bar

        such that the results would be equivalent to:

mkisofs -options -o somefile.img /tmp/staging_area

        where /tmp/staging_area contains:

        @foo -> /usr/local/foo
        @bar -> /usr/local/bar.

        The syntax I am currently using probes all of the directories
        given on the commandline and 'flattens' out everything such 
        that every directory in /usr/local/foo and /usr/local/bar are
        in the root of the iso filesystem.

        Also, acceptable would be an iso filesystem where the full
        paths are replicated as input on the commandline and the
        root of the iso filsystem would contain /usr.

        I'd like to avoid the creation of a staging area (either with
        symlinks or bulk file copying).


    In what language does 'open' mean 'execute the evil contents of'    |||
    a document?      --Les Mikesell                                    / | \
                                      Need sane PPP docs? Try


From: netcruiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: LILO 1024 cyl thing
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 00:17:49 GMT

Thanks for your response, Bill. I am currently running under Windows 95.
I thought I had the software, but it does not seem to expand the
directories and files. Nero states that it does not currently support
Rock Ridge extensions, but I suspect that cannot be the only thing I'm
doing wrong, since many others would have been caught in the same trap.
Neil mentioned something about EZ CD Creator, and I have heard of it
being that easy, but I don't have that software. Guess I'm just lucky...

If the linux disc (5.2 Red Hat) has a dos or windows util to burn discs,
please let me know, as I do have that disc. I just want the latest
version :-> Also, do I need a separate boot image, or is that part of
the red hat 6.2 disk image?

Thanks again.

Bill Unruh wrote:
> ]Ok, here's my game plan. Install Win '95. Install Linux using a boot
> ]diskette. After Linux is installed, download the new LILO and install it
> ](somehow). Does that sound good? My prob is a bit different than that at
> ]the start of this thread. I have not installed Linux yet, but I wish to,
> ]but beyond the 1024 limit. Will a boot disk allow me to do that? What is
> ]on the boot disk?
> If you have not yet installed Win, then why don't you partition your
> drive so that there is a 5MB partition below the 1024 limit onto which
> you will put
> /boot
> That way you do not have to worry!
> ]Also, I am trying desperately to get a CD created from an ISO image. I
> ]have Sony CD-Write and Nero at my disposal, but they seem to just copy
> ]the file to the disk. I want the .ISO file "expanded" so it has all
> ]files and directories on it. How would I go about doing that?
> ]Step-by-step would be nice, but I'll take anything I can get. Thanks.
> Under what? Under Linux do
>  cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=3,0 /local/cdrom-image/image.raw
> where /local/cdrom-image/image.raw is the iso image.
> (chage the speed and device numbers to suit your system)


From: Thomas L. Shinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Large file support (>2GB) on 2.2.x kernels  (NT vs. Linux FTP)
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 19:07:30 -0500

I've lost track of the current wisdom regarding large file support on
2.2.x kernels.  Even after sifting DejaNews and some Linux sites
I am confused...

  1) Are there patches for 2.2.x kernels to enable LFS in the kernel?
  2) Are there patches to enable LFS in glibc on 2.2.x systems?
  3) To what extent is LFS in glibc transparent to apps?
  4) If not transparent, are there patches to allow wuftpd/cat/etc
     to use LFS?
  5) And to what extent are the answers different for 2.3.x systems?
  6) And does anyone understand what of all this is really in RH6.2EE?

We are working up to proposing to replace a WinNT 4.0 (Intel 32bit) box
with Linux, but the customer is transferring larger and larger files
using FTP, and has just gone beyond 2GB files.  They are generating
and consuming the files on Solaris boxes which handle >2GB files just

Our FTP box is part of a collection and distribution system, and for
several reasons we would like to move away from NT.  But it is not
feasible to suggest to the customer that they split/cat files on the
Solaris systems just to move them thru the FTP waystation.  We need to
allow transparent use of >2GB files thru the FTP box.

When time permits, your personal life will be exciting.
  -- Restaurant Fortune Cookie       (They know me there ...)


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "can't open...module.dep" +lilo trouble
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 19:16:14 -0500

Alexander K wrote:
> hello!
> i just installed slackware7 on my puter. a skeleton install. less than
> 300meg, no X. it came with kernel 2.2.13
> i got kernel 2.2.15 and installed it.  (my NIC works now:) woohaa!)
> i did:

make mrproper
make menuconfig

make dep; make clean; make bzImage

make modules
make modules_install

Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538


From: "Andrew E. Schulman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: new / partition
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 20:47:44 -0400

>   My root partition is getting pretty full, so i decided that I wanted
> to move it to a new partition.  It was located on /dev/hdc3 and I
> created a partition /dev/hda6.  I then copied all files located on
> /dev/hdc3 excluding the /boot directory  -- that has a different mount
> point (cp -Rd [source] [dest]). I then changed the line in /etc/fstab on
> both partitions to mount mount /dev/hda6 instead of /dev/hc3.  I also
> changed lilo.conf on both disks to root = /dev/hda6.  When I went to
> boot /proc and /boot would not mount.  I fixed the /boot problem by
> adding an empty boot dir on my new partition.  I did the same for the
> proc mount point, but still proc will not mount.  What am I missing or
> doing wrong?  Oh and I'm using SuSE 6.3, kernel v. 2.2.13.
> Thanks,
> Bob Cunius

Did you rerun lilo?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Sharing a DSL connection with Linux
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 00:43:56 GMT

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this question - even
if just to point to some other source where this question has already
been answered, as I'm sure I'm not the first one to ask it!

I'd like to share my DSL connection among a small network of computers.

Here's what I *DO* know what to do.  At home, I have a network of 2
Windows boxes and 1 RedHat 6.2 Linux box.  The DSL connection comes
through a DSL modem and into a network card on my "main" box running
Win98.  From a second network card on that box, I have a line running
to a hub.  From the hub run connections to the other machines on the

Using Win98's Internet Connection Sharing, this makes for a
satisfactory arrangement.  The "main" Win98 machine receives the DHCP
address from my DSL provider, and the other machines on the network are
hard coded to a 192.168.0.x private address.

Here's what I *DON'T* know how to do.  At our church, a network of 5
Windows machines and 1 RedHat 6.0 Linux box which has a DSL connection
but is (at the moment) isolated from the rest of the network.  The
Linux box serves as the webserver for our church's website - it has its
own domain name and assigned IP address through DSL.

I'd like to share the internet connection with the network of Windows
machines.  I imagine I can probably do this in a way similar to what I
wrote above; the Linux machine would have 2 NICs - one for the DSL
line, one to join the hub that the rest of the network uses.

1) Is this possible?  And if so,
2) How do I go about setting it up?  What's the Linux equivalent of
Windows Internet Connection Sharing?
3) Or is there another way to accomplish what I want, while still
allowing the Linux box to have the assigned IP address? (all other
machines will have private IP addresses)

Thanks to anyone who can either tell me how, or point me in the
direction where I can learn this on my own!

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Tihomir Heidelberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RHIDE in X core dumped
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 02:44:49 -0200


I just installed rhide from rhide-1.4.7.bin.Linux-2.0.29.tar.gz,
it works perfectly on tty (text console), but it does not work 
in X.
When trying to start it in X it always seys:
Not connected to a terminal
Segmentation fault (core dumped)    

The same happend in xterm, rxvt and konsole (kde).
Does anyone know hot to use it in X ??

Thanks a lot



From: justme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Help: Problem moving from netscape mail to pine
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 21:07:37 -0300

On 9 May 2000 18:12:12 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H.Bruijn)
>>  I am trying to move from netscape mail to sendmail/pine. I have
>>everything working, but the return address. It sends out the address and
>>name of my user id, instead of what I want. I have changed the databases
>>in sendmail, but it doesn't seem to see them. Any ideas?
>edit your ~/.pinerc file:
>       # Over-rides your full name from Unix password file. 
>       personal-name=Dennis James
        This is done by the pine config
>       # Sets domain part of From: and local addresses in outgoing mail.
        this too
>       # Add these customized headers 
>       customized-hdrs="Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>First you'll need to add your username to sendmails list of trusted users
>ie users which are allowed to set their own from address rather then the
>system-wide default. Below the relevant section of
>        #####################
>        #   Trusted users   #
>        #####################
>        # this is equivalent to setting class "t"
>        Ft-o /etc/mail/sendmail.ct %[^\#]
>        Troot
>        Tdaemon
>Here /etc/mail/sendmail.ct contains the list of trusted users.
>simply add your username to that file and you'llbe allowed to create
>customised From: headers. Or add a line like the ones for root and
>daemon with your own username fi "Tdennis"
>Then edit your .pinerc again.
>        # This names the path to an alternative program,
>        # and any necessary arguments, to be used in posting
>        # mail messages. This will make all messages appear to be sent
>        # by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>        sendmail-path=/usr/sbin/sendmail -bm -t [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sendmail-path=/usr/sbin/sendmail -bm -t [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        I followed your instructions exactly. The result is that when
I ctrl-x to send message , it is sent immediatly to my sent box. Even
with the phone plug out of the wall. And reading the mail , it is
"reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] " .... my name does not even appear.
Something wrong somewhere.....


Subject: Play dvd , dxr2 
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 00:54:57 GMT

I have a Pionier DVD and a Dxr2 card

linux-2.2.15 with the pacth necessary

 to play DVD, but i can't see any DVD

 in my computer.

I mount the DVD with UDF, ok,

modprobe dxr2, and dvdplay -cT1 and in

 my linux box appear a blue screen , and

 then my computer hangup .

Any help is apreciated




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: mkisofs syntax question
Date: 10 May 2000 21:03:31 EDT

On Thu, 11 May 2000 00:12:13 GMT, JEDIDIAH 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>        I would like to invoke mkisofs in a manner similar to:
>mkisofs -options -o somefile.img /usr/local/foo /usr/local/bar
>       such that the results would be equivalent to:
>mkisofs -options -o somefile.img /tmp/staging_area
>       where /tmp/staging_area contains:
>       @foo -> /usr/local/foo
>       @bar -> /usr/local/bar.
>       The syntax I am currently using probes all of the directories
>       given on the commandline and 'flattens' out everything such 
>       that every directory in /usr/local/foo and /usr/local/bar are
>       in the root of the iso filesystem.

mkisofs -options -o crud.iso /foo/=/usr/local/foo/ /bar/=/usr/local/bar/

That little trick for mkisofs is easy to miss... handy sometimes
though.  HTH.

Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| You have me mixed up with more
There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| creative ways of being stupid,
But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| as I have to run nothing but a
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| burp in the butt.  --MegaHAL


From: Mike Pepera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mounting Audio CD
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 02:11:28 GMT

Whenever I try to mount an audio CD, I get an error saying that there=20
is a bad superblock or wrong filesystem on the CD. I can play it with=20
the KDE CD-Player, but I can not mount it.

I can mount all of the data Cds fine, but I am having problems with=20
the audio ones.

Any ideas?

Mike Pepera



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