Linux-Misc Digest #430, Volume #26               Thu, 30 Nov 00 10:13:01 EST

  Re: disable right mouse button in X ? (Joerg)
  Re: At and batch (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Backup Hard Drive... (Jeffrey Hood)
  Re: Linux Mandrake 7.2 Video (Eric)
  Re: At and batch (Alexander Borghgraef)
  Riva TNT and SVGATextMode (Buddyboy)
  Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem? (Eric)
  Duplex printing with HP 8100DN (SuSE 7.0) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: At and batch (Alexei Kichkine)
  Re: Memory leak (Jean-David Beyer)
  X not getting exported on Dell m/c (SAJAN.S)
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... (Jean-David Beyer)
  email security ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Changing font when printing with lp (Jeffrey Hood)
  Re: login problems (Greg Varnadoe)
  Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Screw KDE 2.0!! - Im going crazy trying to install it. (Kevin Croxen)
  Re: netscape 4.xx (Kirill Kozmin)
  Gack! unchangable file! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: root filesystem resore from tape (Lee Allen)
  Re: netscape 4.xx (Toby Haynes)
  Re: root filesystem resore from tape (Lee Allen)
  Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem? (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Gack! unchangable file! (Sebastian Hans)


Subject: Re: disable right mouse button in X ?
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 11:41:10 +0100

> Try this:
> #!/bin/bash
> startx &
> exec netscape

This didnīt work either. But I figured out a solution for myself. It is so simple
that Iīm temptated to bang my head on my desk...
In the "Pointer" Section of XF86Config I have set
  Protocol  "PS/2"
  Buttons  1
That does it. X-Users only can use the left mouse button.

Anyway, thanks for your replies.

Regards, Joerg


From: Stefano Ghirlanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: At and batch
Date: 30 Nov 2000 12:37:29 +0100

Alexander Borghgraef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   batch -f batchfile -m 15.45
>  parse error. Last token seen: 15
>  Garbled time

You meant 15:45, right?



From: Jeffrey Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Backup Hard Drive...
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 11:46:02 GMT

I am trying to find the "best" solution to the problem of backing up a 
drive and/or the data stored on it (the box is mainly a storage location 
for backed-up files over the network... some have already been tarred and 
gzipped...), using RedHat 6.2 on Intel...

Since hard drive storage is sooo cheap nowdays (40 GB ide is around $150) 
I would like to have a fileserver that has 2 (or maybe even 3) drives 
that provide redundancy and backup, instead of going the expensive, slow, 
and unreliable (unless you get the very expensive) tape backup route...

The pre-requisites for the solution are that it is as inexensive as 
possible (I might have to put up multiples of these boxes) and that if 
one of the drives fails, it has to be back up as quick as possible

I have read a post that says when you install a system, you can choose 
RAID over the drives, which as I understand would be RAID 1, but my 
question there is (and this might be a pretty dumb question...) if one 
drive fails, does the second just keep on churning, and if I install a 
new drive for the one that failed, does it just "work"... sort of on the 
hot-swap RAID drive idea on servers...

The other solution would be to copy all of the changed files from one 
drive to another with script, and I found a script to do that, but that 
really only copies the files to the second drive, and if the main drive 
fails, a new install would have to be done...

The last solution would be to use a utility such as Ghost (on the PC side 
of things) that dumps an image to another drive, and you can boot off of 
a floppy to reinstall from the image...  In DOS, this is very, very fast 
on both ends, dumping the image, and restoring...  in my experience, 1GB 
of data only takes about 15 min each way... and the drive is cloned down 
to the boot sector information...  just pop in a new drive, run Ghost, 
reboot the box and all is well...  the downsides are that to my 
knowledge, there is no similar Linux only solution, and you do have to 
use a product to get back and working...

Any advice or solutions suggested would be appreciated...



Jeffrey Hood
HM Consulting, Inc.
jhood [you-know-why] at


Subject: Re: Linux Mandrake 7.2 Video
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 12:58:11 +0100

Dave Freeman wrote:
> A few months ago I installed Mandrake 7.1 without any problems whatsoever.
> Just last night I installed 7.2 but now the video settings seem wrong.
> Vertical lines seem distorted etc.  I had a look in drakconf and hardrak and
> it seems like my monitor and graphics card have not been detected properly.
> After correctly setting the graphics card (but couldn't find a driver for
> the monitor so I chose a standard SVGA) I chose a different graphics
> resolution but still no joy.  It seems the only time things are okay is if I
> choose a low colour depth.
> I have a ADI Provista E55 monitor and a matrox mystique (standard) video
> card.  Linux is running on an AMD K6-2 500.
> Has anyone else had any problems with this ?

Don't multipost, it's annoying

If you must post to multiple NG's, make a crosspost.



From: Alexander Borghgraef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: At and batch
Date: 30 Nov 2000 11:51:32 GMT

Stefano Ghirlanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alexander Borghgraef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>   batch -f batchfile -m 15.45
>>  parse error. Last token seen: 15
>>  Garbled time

> You meant 15:45, right?

 No, I didn't. My mistake. However, I tried both now, and they both work
with at, and they both give the same error with batch. So the parser 
catches that, the problem has to lie somewhere else.



From: Buddyboy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Riva TNT and SVGATextMode
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 07:01:41 -0500

Could anyone please post a TextConfig file containing the clocks lines
of a Riva TNT based video card.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem?
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 13:03:01 +0100

> dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=64
> sync
> sync
> mkswap /swapfile
> swapon /swapfile
> Add /swapfile to /etc/fstab to enable the extra swap space at boot time.

Hi Matt,

Why would you sync there?
Is there a good reason, or are you just afraid of crashes?
If so, why not sync just before swapon?

I'm just curious.



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.suse
Subject: Duplex printing with HP 8100DN (SuSE 7.0)
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 12:10:36 GMT

I am using SuSE 7.0 , and I am looking for information about printing in
Duplex mode.

I know that the postscript command for duplex will print one file in
double-sided mode:
% cat | lpr
Where contains:
<< /Duplex true /Tumble false >> setpagedevice

How can I make a second print queue, which files to be printed in duplex
mode can be sent? The first queue will be for only single-sided
printing, and the second queue only for duplex, but both queues share
the same printer?

A. W.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Alexei Kichkine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: At and batch
Date: 30 Nov 2000 17:18:15 +0500

Alexander Borghgraef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Stefano Ghirlanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Alexander Borghgraef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>   batch -f batchfile -m 15.45
> >>  parse error. Last token seen: 15
> >>  Garbled time
> > You meant 15:45, right?
>  No, I didn't. My mistake. However, I tried both now, and they both work
> with at, and they both give the same error with batch. So the parser 
> catches that, the problem has to lie somewhere else.
> --
> Alex

Did you see /usr/bin/batch ? Surprice!! It's just  script, it invokes "at" with some 
And as far as I understand  it assumes  start "now"

exec ${exec_prefix}/bin/at -qb now "$@"


Best regards, Alexei Kichkine


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Memory leak
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 07:26:31 -0500

Tauno Voipio wrote:
> "Pim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 12:39:48 GMT, "Tauno Voipio"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >"Pim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > >>
> > >> I've got a memory leak somewhere in my system. There are no user
> > >> programs that show abnormal memory usage. The problem are the buffers.
> > >> A sample output of vmstat 60 is:
> > >>
> > >
> > >This begins to be a FAQ:
> > >
> > >There is *no* memory leak - the kernel functions prefectly normally.
> > >
> > >There is no sense for the kernel to keep some RAM totally unused. So, if
> > >there is no other sensible use, the system keeps disk buffer cache in RAM
> > >for as much as there is space. The cache speeds up disk accesses if the
> > >accesses are for sectors already in RAM. The kernel kicks extra sectors
> out
> > >of the cache as soon as there is some better use for the RAM space.
> > >
> > >Tauno Voipio
> > >tauno voipio @ iki fi
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > I know that. I am not talking about cache, but about buffers. The
> > system crashes after some weeks, and there are only not-abnormal
> > processes running: sendmail, apache and bind.
> >
> The buffers together *are* the buffer cache I was talking about.
> AFAIK, the 2.4 kernels are not yet too stable. Try a 2.2.<even> kernel
> instead. I have experience of 2.2.12 and 2.2.14 and both have not shown any
> memory problems whatsoever.

Why an even patch-level? the 2.even.* are all supposed to be stable
releases, with any value of *. A change in * is only supposed to be a
bug fix. So normally, you would want 2.even.highest, would you not? Is
there some secret about the * position?
 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 7:25am up 4 days, 14:53, 2 users, load average: 2.06, 2.06, 2.01


Subject: X not getting exported on Dell m/c
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 12:30:08 -0000

My Dell GX110  m/c (Intel 810 chipset), with redhat 6.2 (2.2.14-6.1.1)
comes out with error while exporting a cad tool - signal scan from a
solaris m/c. the error is:

fatal: FATAL ERROR: MSG 0x0034deb2 [CAT 3/4 STD 57010 ]
Category: XVT release 3 assert (Signaled assert4)
Function: xvt_app_create
File:     ./kpalet.c line: 480
Recursive call to msg or fatal: FATAL ERROR within last chance error
exiting application            

The same program can be exported to Copmaq deskpro redhat 6.2 on inter 810
chipset ( 2.2.14-5.0) .

Pls help me out

tnx in advance

Posted via CNET


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Backup Hard Drive...
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 07:46:38 -0500

Jeffrey Hood wrote (in part):
> I am trying to find the "best" solution to the problem of backing up a
> drive and/or the data stored on it (the box is mainly a storage location
> for backed-up files over the network... some have already been tarred and
> gzipped...), using RedHat 6.2 on Intel...
> Since hard drive storage is sooo cheap nowdays (40 GB ide is around $150)
> I would like to have a fileserver that has 2 (or maybe even 3) drives
> that provide redundancy and backup, instead of going the expensive, slow,
> and unreliable (unless you get the very expensive) tape backup route...
> The pre-requisites for the solution are that it is as inexensive as
> possible (I might have to put up multiples of these boxes) and that if
> one of the drives fails, it has to be back up as quick as possible
> Any advice or solutions suggested would be appreciated...

I still fear doing a backup from one drive to another, unless you have
hot-swappable hard drives, and you remove the backup drive and replace
it with a spare after each backup. 

If the drive is on the machine and the software or hardware goes mad,
nothing stops the machine from zapping BOTH drives. Furthermore, if
"lightning" strikes and burns your place down or just melts your
machine, you are up the creek.

The reason I favor tape is that I can take the backup tape out of the
machine every day (actually, it is automatically ejected immediately
after the backup and verify are complete) and store it fairly safely
not in the machine. And once a month, I take a backup tape to the safe
deposit box. So they would have to have a serious riot or act of war
to take out both my machine (one hand grenade or Molotov cocktail
could do it) and my bank (would probably require plastic explosives).
And the DDS-2 tapes I use are only around $8.00 each.

For quick return after an individual drive quits, of course, something
like RAID5 with hot-swappable hard drives is perhaps the way to go. In
that case, I suggest both a RAID system and a tape system. A lot
depends on the problems you expect (based on a realistic assessment of
the hazards at your location) and the cost of the consequences of
failure, including the failure to assess the hazards at your location.

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 7:35am up 4 days, 15:03, 2 users, load average: 2.21, 2.15, 2.07


Subject: email security
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 12:43:41 GMT

I am making a presentation on open source email security. The scope of
the presentation is overview of how email works and security risks and
prevention. Now i need some material like case studies, graphs,
statistics, email server usage statistics, some diagrams etc. on email
security. Can anybody help me?


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Jeffrey Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Changing font when printing with lp
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 12:54:07 GMT

I have an HP 5L (RedHat 6.2) that prints fine using lp and lpr, and under 
X prints fonts perfectly...  Is there any way to get it to use a smaller 
font as the default when printing from the command line (with lp or 

It is currently using a 10 cpi font, and I would like it to use something 
that would be much smaller...

Any info on how to do this or where to look would be appreciated...



Jeffrey Hood
HM Consulting, Inc.
jhood [you-know-why] at


From: Greg Varnadoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: login problems
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 13:12:47 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> Greg Varnadoe wrote:
> > 
> > I cannot login as root on my Linux box at home
> > (redhat 6.1  2.2.13 kernel)
> > 
> > If I try to login as root the console clears back to the login prompt. I
> > can login using my user login and password, but I cannot su (incorrect
> > password).
> > 
> > If I clear the root password (single user mode, edit /etc/passwd), when I
> > try to login as root I am still prompted for the root password.
> Are you sure you don't have shadow passwords enabled? If so, you'll have
> to delete the password in /etc/shadow.
> seb
I used pwunconv/grpunconv to remove the shadow files. That was how I got 
my user login to work. I 'm beginning to think the only way to resolve 
this is to reinstall Linux.
Greg Varnadoe
Man who run in front of car
get tired.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem?
Date: 30 Nov 2000 13:27:19 GMT

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 13:03:01 +0100, Eric wrote:
>> dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=64
>> sync
>> sync
>> mkswap /swapfile
>> swapon /swapfile
>> Add /swapfile to /etc/fstab to enable the extra swap space at boot time.
>Why would you sync there?
>Is there a good reason, or are you just afraid of crashes?
>I'm just curious.

Tradition.  The dd command creates a honking big file, so it doesn't get
written to disk immediately unless you force it.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin Croxen)
Subject: Re: Screw KDE 2.0!! - Im going crazy trying to install it.
Date: 30 Nov 2000 13:32:57 GMT

YAST / System administration / settings of susewm


In article <CSdV5.2061$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Janssens wrote:
>I installed this version of KDE2 and it works fine (SuSE 6.4). Still I do
>not know how to make KDE2 my default Xwindows?
>"Jerry L Kreps" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>news:8vjf4q$d25$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> SuSE has a set of rpms for kde2 that worked very well for me.
>> Since RH uses rpm and essentially the same dir structure
>> they may work for you..   Also, there is some help on
>> the webpage for what happens to you.
>> > I really didn't want this discussion to be RedHat vs.Slackware or Gnome
>> > vs. KDE
>> >
>> > I wanted to get KDE2 on my machine so my mom and mother in law would be
>> > able to use Linux.
>> >
>> > I believe that KDE2 will give Linux a better user interface, in
>> > addition that I like the tools that come with it.
>> >
>> > Right I installed RH7 with gnome only. Then I am installing the rms
>> > likewise:
>> >
>> > libmng.rpm (qt needs it)
>> > qt-2.2.1-6
>> > kdesupport-2.01
>> > kdelibs-2.0
>> > kdelibs-sound-2.0-7. (kdebase needs it)
>> > kdebase-2.01
>> >
>> > Then after that I should be able to come out to the gui login page
>> > select kde as my interface, username, password, and boom I'm in right??
>> >
>> > WRONG . Still the screen opens for a second and then kicks backout to
>> > the gui login screen.
>> >
>> > What is the deal guys???
>> >
>> >
>> > Sent via
>> > Before you buy.


From: Kirill Kozmin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: netscape 4.xx
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 15:17:46 +0100

> But now I have the problem that when composing a mail message, the
> address completion does not work, and when I try to get the address from
> the address book, Netscape will crash.

======= Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2000=04=19 02:15

   (to recap part of an off-line discussion)

   > grep locale $HOME/.netscape/*.js says:
   > /home/cnhr/.netscape/liprefs.js:user_pref("ldap_2.servers.pab.locale",


   Close all netscape windows, and remove these lines from those files;
   should solve the problem in this case.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Gack! unchangable file!
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 14:28:45 GMT

I have 2 files on an ext2 partition (on a local raid5 device) that
I cannot change in any way.

# file   MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
MGTPRC_0711.dat: setuid setgid sticky fifo (named pipe)
MGTPRC_0771.dat: setuid setgid sticky ASCII text

# ls -l MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
pr-Sr-S--T    1 28912    games           0 Nov 22 08:23 MGTPRC_0711.dat
-r-sr-Sr-T    1 25993    games        4096 Nov 22 08:23 MGTPRC_0771.dat

# df -m .
Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1                385847    224869    160978  59% /data

# chown root  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
chown: MGTPRC_0711.dat: Operation not permitted
chown: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Operation not permitted

# chmod a+w  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
chmod: MGTPRC_0711.dat: Operation not permitted
chmod: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Operation not permitted

# rm -f  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
rm: cannot unlink `MGTPRC_0711.dat': Operation not permitted
rm: cannot unlink `MGTPRC_0771.dat': Operation not permitted

# cat >> MGTPRC_0771.dat
bash: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Permission denied

Aaargh!  Of course, I'm root.
How do I get rid of these?  Any help is greatly appreciated.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Allen)
Subject: Re: root filesystem resore from tape
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 14:30:36 GMT

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 15:15:30 GMT, -ljl- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>In article <01c0599e$8bc4a8c0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  "Jeremy Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Does anyone know how to restore a root filesystem from a scsi tape
>>CPIO backup?
>> I've done the usual mknod /dev/sda... and mount the disks etc,
>> but I can't persuade rescue to see /dev/st0.I've created /dev/st0 by
>> hand using  mknod /dev/st0 c 9 0 but it complains that there's no
>> such device.
>Try "dmesg | less"; you should see something like this:
>scsi0 : AdvanSys SCSI 3.2M: PCI Ultra 16 CDB: IO E800/F, IRQ 9
>scsi : 1 host.
>  Vendor: ARCHIVE   Model: Python 00072-001  Rev: 4.BT
>  Type: Sequential-Access     ANSI SCSI Revision:
>Detected scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 2, lun 0
>scsi : detected 1 SCSI tape total.
>You need three things to use an DAT,e.g. ARCHIVE,assuming
>that is what you are using:
>                       My /usr/src/linux/.config
>  Adapter card           CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS=y
>  SCSI core support      CONFIG_SCSI=y
>  SCSI Tape (st)         CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST=y
>These can be either modules or built-in the kernel.  For a
>rescue-system, I'd recommend compiling the stuff into the

The above response was right on.  But maybe you're not up to
recompiling the rescue kernel.

Basically you need the st.o module that's compatible with your rescue
kernel.  If you're really lucky, your rescue kernel is the same
version as your system kernel.  In that case you can just copy the
st.o module from your hard disk onto a diskette or something.  After
booting from the rescue diskette, restore the kernel, then load it.

More likely you're working from a rescue kernel that's not the same
version as your system kernel.  In that case you should try to get the
st.o module from the provider of the kernel.

Or, as the previous post suggested, recompile the rescue kernel with
scsi tape (st) support.

-Lee Allen


From: Toby Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: netscape 4.xx
Date: 30 Nov 2000 09:40:32 -0500

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am a new comer in the linux world. Please could you tell me how to
> upgrade and what I should upgrade in order to get rid of the problem

This will give you an installation of a Mozilla nightly build - just follow the
instructions. This is more of a trial installation, so if you don't like it,
you can just delete the whole mozilla directory and get rid of it.

Goto, and click on the link i386_Linux under 'Nightly Builds'
to download the Linux binary tarball. Save the file in your home directory for

    mkdir mozilla
    cd mozilla

Now this command unpacks the mozilla tarball into the current directory - make
sure your home directory name is correct (I just guessed).

    tar zxvf ../mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz

Go back to your home directory


Now you should be able to run Mozilla with the command

    mozilla/package/mozilla &

You'll need to set it up. You can run Netscape side by side and compare the two
configuration files.

Toby Haynes


Toby Haynes
The views and opinions expressed in this message are my own, and do
not necessarily reflect those of IBM Canada.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Allen)
Subject: Re: root filesystem resore from tape
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 14:49:46 GMT

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 00:29:56 GMT, "Jeremy Rogers"

>John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
>> > Any pointers would be most welcome.
>> Hmmm.
>> Does the kernel on your rescue disk support scsi tape?
>Presumably. It's the out of the box kernel shipped with red hat 6.2. Once
>booted, the DAT drive works fine. I assume that the kernel booted from the
>CD under "linux rescue" is the same as the one installed??


The RedHat 6.2 rescue kernel does not include scsi-tape support.  I
know because I have been through exactly what you are going through.
I can send you an st.o module compatible with the RedHat 6.2 rescue
kernel.  Shall I attach it to an email?

-Lee Allen


From: Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem?
Date: 30 Nov 2000 05:07:26 -0900

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows) wrote:
>On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 13:03:01 +0100, Eric wrote:
>>> dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=64
>>> sync
>>> sync
>>> mkswap /swapfile
>>> swapon /swapfile
>>> Add /swapfile to /etc/fstab to enable the extra swap space at boot time.
>>Why would you sync there?
>>Is there a good reason, or are you just afraid of crashes?
>>I'm just curious.
>Tradition.  The dd command creates a honking big file, so it doesn't get
>written to disk immediately unless you force it.

Which begs a couple of questions.  First, does it make any
difference at all?  Second, if it makes a difference why would
mkswap or swapon not do it?

Floyd L. Davidson         <>
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Sebastian Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Gack! unchangable file!
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 15:57:02 +0100

> I have 2 files on an ext2 partition (on a local raid5 device) that
> I cannot change in any way.
> Aaargh!  Of course, I'm root.
> How do I get rid of these?  Any help is greatly appreciated.

man chattr

You might want to try: chattr -i files


sebastian hans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]      `\O/'  don't panic
student of comp sci - technical university of munich  \-^-/  ...just RUN
i'm a .signature virus! copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread



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