Linux-Misc Digest #340, Volume #24                Tue, 2 May 00 05:13:02 EDT

  Digital Research Technologies (DRT) UDMA/66 Card and SIS 5597 ("John Mazza")
  Re: XMMS only runs as root ("Gil F.")
  Re: linux hd problems (Matthew Gatto)
  Re: How do I shutdown my PC? ("vector_sector")
  Re: rebooting wipes loopback interface (lo) (bluto)
  Re: Executing own program fails - command not found ("Peter T. Breuer")
  help synchronizing threads......... (Bonny Gijzen)
  2GB file size limit? ("Jake J Sadowski")
  How do I set the clock properly???? (Bo Berglund)
  Re: 2GB file size limit? (brian moore)
  Adding new app. in the right-click menu(X)?? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux Journal Python supplement (Graham N Hays)
  Linux newbie (ary)
  Re: re-installed windows now system does not recognize LiLO (Duane Evenson)
  Re: inetd, named, httpd when to start and stop. (Villy Kruse)
  Partitioning (Alex Borghgraef)
  Re: inetd, named, httpd when to start and stop. (Jonathan Mendez)
  Re: How do I set the clock properly???? ("Quiney, Philip [HAL02:HH00:EXCH]")
  Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon (Michael Borgwardt)
  Re: How do I set the clock properly???? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  iBCS (Paul Oldham)


From: "John Mazza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Digital Research Technologies (DRT) UDMA/66 Card and SIS 5597
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 04:32:55 GMT

Does anyone know of a driver or a technique to use this card with any flavor
of Linux?  I have tried it, and it is flat-out not recognized.  DRT has been
as useful as a football bat in helping to solve this problem.  Due to my
existing Win95 and NT setup, I really can't blow away my drives and start
over, and of course, Linux needs to be installed to a drive on the DRT

Also, has anyone had luck getting Linux to work properly with the SIS
5597/5598 video controller chips?  On my machine it results in an unusable

Thanks in advance all!!!


From: "Gil F." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XMMS only runs as root
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 09:11:25 +0400



chmod 666 /dev/dsp /dev/audio



Andrew wrote:
> Do nonroot users have write permission for /dev/dsp?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Gatto)
Subject: Re: linux hd problems
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 05:18:46 GMT

Some info is needed here before anyone can recommend what to do..

1) Is your "D:" a partition or a separate drive?

2) Is it a windows formatted drive/partition? If it is, and win can't
   see it, it's most likely trashed. although.. make sure you have
   installed the drivers for it (if it's a separate drive), before
   assuming it's trashed because windows can't see it.

Installing linux (using a distro) won't harm/overwrite any partitions
already there unless the partition-table is screwed up, in which
case.. it won't matter if you overwrite it since that
partition probably isn't able to be recovered (unless you wanna
attempt to recover with recovery software).

On Mon, 1 May 2000 22:40:59 -0500, Mark Willits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I tried to install mandrake linux 7.0 on my computer and share it with Win
>98 on the same drive. Somehow the partision did not work out right and I had
>to format the C:.  I ended up putting Win 98 back on for now.  I also have a
>D: that I have a lot of files like mp3 and what not on there. It also
>screwed up the partision on the D:.  I am wondering if I install linux and
>the D: will I lose all the files on the drive that are already there since
>the partision is already messed up.   I don't what kind of partision is on
>the D: right now but I do know that Windows will not recognize it. Thanks


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From: "vector_sector" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I shutdown my PC?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: 2 May 2000 14:20:38 +0800

try also : 
shutdown -h now
at the command prompt ofcause

Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> Tandem Guy wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'm a new user of Linux in general and Redhad 6.0 in particular.  This
> > may be a silly question, but what is the safest/best way to turn off my
> > PC which is running Redhat 6.0 (and only Redhat 6.0).  I've been
> > out of X-Windows or whatever it is called and then logging off with
> > which puts me back at the login prompt.  Once at the login prompt I
> > the power to the PC.  Should I be doing something more, because when I
> > turn the PC on I often get errors telling me there are problems with my
> > filesystem which need to be repaired?  So, should I be doing something
> > more when I'm ready to power off my PC?  Thanks in advance.
> > 
> > Tandem Guy
> You've gotten lots of helpful information, but it may have been
> confusing.  Let me try to summarize.
> 1. Don't just shut off the machine unless something is so badly
> hung you have no other choice.  People explained why.
> 2.  With your current set up, exit from your Graphical User
> Interface (running under X).   Then logout.  Then use
> Ctrl-Alt-Del
> and after all the messages cease and the machine just starts to
> boot again, shut it off.
> 3.  Consider instead changing the runlevel you are operating under.
> To do this edit the file
> /etc/inittab
> and change the line
> id:3:initdefault:
> to
> id:5:initdefault:
> That will bring you up in runlevel 5, which has X already running.
> There will be a graphical interface with a login screen.  (This
> would be what would happen in a normal RH6.0 installation.) One
> of the buttons, perhaps called system, if you click on it will
> given you the option to reboot or to halt.  Choose halt and then
> wait until the messages tell you the machine has halted.  Under
> 6.0 I think it actually tells you twice, so wait for the final
> halt message.  Then turn it off.
> 4.  If you every get hung in X, use Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to
> get out of it.
> -- 
> Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
> Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: bluto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: rebooting wipes loopback interface (lo)
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 06:28:34 GMT

Duane Evenson wrote:
> I didn't have a loopback interface (lo).
> netstat -rn
> shows no interfaces.
> ifconfig lo up
> route add lo
> adds the loopback interface. I can then run C-forge server (but only as
> root).
> netstat -rn shows the interface.
> If I reboot, the loopback interface doesn't exist.
> What do I check/do??
> Thanks, Duane

I had the same problem 

  What I was doing wrong was exiting X, while I still had
the Network Configurator from the "control-panel" open...  
  Every time it wiped out my lo and eth0 entries
Now I am very careful to close all application before  
exiting X..

hope this helps


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Executing own program fails - command not found
Date: 2 May 2000 06:19:25 GMT

Karsten Wutzke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> From a security standpoint, I would NOT recommend putting "." in your PATH.
:> Rather put you program in a directory that is in your PATH, like
:> /usr/local/bin

: May I ask why?

No you may not. You may read the unix FAQ instead, or backtrack up this
group, or any other unix group, for the millionth explanation of why.



From: Bonny Gijzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: help synchronizing threads.........
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 08:28:01 -0400


I need help synchronizing threads.

One thread is waiting on a condition, the other thread is signalling the

This works, but not always.

If the condition is signalled BEFORE the other thread is waiting for
this condition,
then the signal is lost.
The second thread is then for INFINITE time waiting on the condition.

Is there a possibility that a condition, will keep his signal
information ??

Regards Bonny Gijzen,


From: "Jake J Sadowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 2GB file size limit?
Date: 2 May 2000 06:31:38 GMT

Does linux limit files to 2GB in size ?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bo Berglund)
Subject: How do I set the clock properly????
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 07:12:50 GMT

My RH5.2 system is constantly running one hour off, showing 10:00 when
it is actually 9:00 etc.
How can I go about changing the clock?
I have tried /sbin/hwclock --set --date=07:00 (since we are 2 hours
away from GMT) but it does not help at all. In fact when I changed the
hwclock one hour the date command still returned the old hour setting.

Please advice which commands to use in succession to do the following:
1) Interrogate/set the time zone (central european daylight savings
2) Interrogate/set the clock

I am a poor Windows user with a Linux machine running as a test bed
for web development so I am not real versed in how all these command
line commands should be typed. Please be specific in your advice.

How can you clear the screen when you connect to a Linux machine using
Telnet from Windows NT? When I do this and try to use the man pages
the screen gets all cluttered and misformatted (can't read man hwclock
for instance) and I want to clear it all out and start over. CLS does
not work like it did on MS-DOS. There must be a corresponding


Bo Berglund
Software developer in Sweden

PGP: My public key is available at the following locations:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: 2GB file size limit?
Date: 2 May 2000 07:17:13 GMT

On 2 May 2000 06:31:38 GMT, 
 Jake J Sadowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does linux limit files to 2GB in size ?

On x86?  Yes.  On 64-bit machines?  No.

Brian Moore                       | Of course vi is God's editor.
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
      Usenet Vandal               |  for it to load on the seventh day.
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.


Subject: Adding new app. in the right-click menu(X)??
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 07:07:30 GMT

I am using lesstiff window manager. When I right-click in the screen I
get a pop-down menu listing several applications like 'xpdf, xdvi,
netscape' etc.
I want to add few new applications to this list, how do I do that?
I tried the following :

1> Putting the <application>.desktop file at  required
places(/usr/share/.. , /etc/X11/applnk/.. , ~/GNUStep , ~/.gnome/.. )
but without any benefit.


3> tried querying on and the FAQ's

I couldn't find an answer. Can anyone please tell me how do I add a new
application to the pop-down menu list ?

Apologies if this is a FAQ ... (although I have searched them)

Thanks in advance.
-- Jahagir.

Ships Are Safe In Harbour,
But They Are Not Meant To Be There.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 08:25:07 +0100
From: Graham N Hays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Journal Python supplement

Allen Ashley wrote:
> John Scudder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Yes, I thought that was a little unusual for Linux Journal...
> >In keeping with the general Monty Python theme..the cover is from the 70's TV
> >series opening where a similarly attired Michael Palin said " It's...."  and
> >then the Monty Python theme started.
> My recollection is the piano player was Terry Jones.

Your both correct IIRC.

Palin said the "it's" and jones was on the piano.


Subject: Linux newbie
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 07:30:04 GMT

Hi everyone,

I'm a Linux newbie, and am trying to install Redhat 6.1. I have to setup 
this o/s in diffrent system which some of the motherboard is bulid in and 
not.I'm having problem were the o/s did'nt boot up normally with the system 
using build In( Video Display & sound Card) .At the moment the error 
massage appear during the X configuration setup.Currently I'm using 
grapical login during X configuration setup.I don't know wheter the RH 6.1 
can run on build In system. After the setup completed and reboot.This 
massage appear for the 1st time login.

Red Hat Linux release 6.1 (Cartman)
Kernel 2.2..12 -20 on an i686

localhost login login :
Password :
last login Tue May 1 14:47:16 on tty1
[ary@localhost ary]$ 

what I should type after I key in my login and password?So far I'm having 
problem with this login and where I can find the right way to setup RH 6.1.

Does anybody know how to fix this?  Appreciate if you can help me on 
this. Thank you,


Posted via CNET


From: Duane Evenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: re-installed windows now system does not recognize LiLO
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 01:32:04 -0600

Here's a final solution, and possibly the easiest. If you placed the lilo boot
loader in your Linux boot partition, its still there. Windows just made itself
the active partition.
Use DOS's (or anyone's) fdisk to make the Linux partition the first active
partition. Voila, no boot disks or updating.
If you placed lilo in the MBR (dev/hda) instead of a boot partition (dev/hda2)
then you'll have to use one of the previous fixes. In the future, put lilo in a
boot partition. It also helps to have a copy of loadlin.exe on your Windows
drive (to boot Linux from DOS).

edgar domingo wrote:

> I re-installed windows98 on to my dual booted system ( one partition for
> windows and one for linux). well I had to re-install windows (#$%%#@%!!!),
> now when the system boots up windows seems to have overwritten the linux
> loader or that is how it seems. I suppose my question is how do i
> re-establish LiLo so i can boot into Linux after a reinstallation of
> windows or another operating system. my apologies i'm relatively new to the
> linux world.
> thank you for your time and have a good day.
> Edgar Domingo
> --
> Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Subject: Re: inetd, named, httpd when to start and stop.
Date: 2 May 2000 08:04:32 GMT

On Tue, 02 May 2000 03:37:51 GMT,
        Thaddeus L. Olczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Question is simple enough. THese weren't setup to start at boot by my
>instal, so is there a place where the "standard" way of setting up the
>startup scripts should be written?

Can't tell without knowing which distribution and version.  Probably
can't tell anyway, but someone else might when given enough information.



From: Alex Borghgraef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Partitioning
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 10:11:58 +0200

 I'm trying to install Debian on my pc, but I've run into a problem
partitioning my hd.
I have two hd's, one hda which is fully W95, and one hdb which did
contain a 1Gb W95
partition, another 1,5Gb W95 partition, a 1Gb SuSE linux ext2 partition
and a small linux
swap partition. I wanted more space for linux, so I used cfdisk in the
Debian setup to delete
the three big partitions, and make one 1Gb W95 partition and one 2.5Gb
linux partition.
When I completed the Debian setup and rebooted, lilo didn't want to
start, and when I tried
booting from the created Debian bootfloppy, I got the following message:

 e2fsck: Bad magic number in superblock while trying to open /dev/hdb6
(that was the new
linux partition).
Then some more stuff about it not being a correct ext2 file system.
What did I do wrong, and how can I fix it?

Alex Borghgraef


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Mendez)
Subject: Re: inetd, named, httpd when to start and stop.
Date: 2 May 2000 08:19:33 GMT

On Tue, 02 May 2000 03:37:51 GMT, Thaddeus L. Olczyk wrote:
>Question is simple enough. THese weren't setup to start at boot by my
>instal, so is there a place where the "standard" way of setting up the
>startup scripts should be written?

This isn't a lot of information to go by, but try chkconfig.  "chkconfig --list"
will give you a list of what runs at each runlevel.  Man chkconfig for more



From: "Quiney, Philip [HAL02:HH00:EXCH]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I set the clock properly????
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 09:11:18 +0100

Bo Berglund wrote:
> My RH5.2 system is constantly running one hour off, showing 10:00 when
> it is actually 9:00 etc.
> How can I go about changing the clock?
> I have tried /sbin/hwclock --set --date=07:00 (since we are 2 hours
> away from GMT) but it does not help at all. In fact when I changed the
> hwclock one hour the date command still returned the old hour setting.
> Please advice which commands to use in succession to do the following:
> 1) Interrogate/set the time zone (central european daylight savings
> time)
> 2) Interrogate/set the clock

Run 'timeconfig' to set your location/timezone. You can set the clock to
Hardware GMT if the machine dosen't use Windows - as Windows can't cope.

Set the time with the date command (as root)


date 05020908

Will set the time to May 2 9:08

Use 'setclock' to  write the current system time to the CMOS clock.



Phil Q


Phil Quiney                             CSIP Demonstrator
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              Nortel Networks,
Telephone: +44 (1279) 402363            London Rd, Harlow,
Fax:       +44 (1279) 402885            Essex CM17 9NA,
                                        United Kingdom.

"This message may contain information proprietary to Northern 
Telecom so any unauthorised disclosure, copying or distribution
of its contents is strictly prohibited."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Borgwardt)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon
Date: 2 May 2000 08:42:54 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Yanglong Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi all,
> I wake up to a horrific reality that some computer manufacturers may be
> trying to suppress and uproot Linux and all other free Operating
> Systems. How? They make computers that do not read nor write those free
> OS bootdisks in drive A. It is a very bad trick upon us free OS users.

I really don't think it's intentional, it may just be a technical problem.

I've recently run into the same phenomenon in a Toshiba notebook.
Linux installation bootdisks tend to use Syslinux as a bootloader, and
the Toshiba couldn't boot it, despite having no problems with LILO
or a Kernel written raw to floppy.

Michael "Brazil" Borgwardt --- Member of #WASHU# and Her would-be guinea-pig.
        Untiring defender of Washu-chan, Asuka-chan and Elektra-chan. 
   A Homepage for Elektra:
     ANT - Animeclub fuer Deutschland:
=============== Let`s shake the dew off this lily, shall we ? ===============


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I set the clock properly????
Date: 2 May 2000 08:43:47 GMT

Bo Berglund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: My RH5.2 system is constantly running one hour off, showing 10:00 when
: it is actually 9:00 etc.
: How can I go about changing the clock?
: I have tried /sbin/hwclock --set --date=07:00 (since we are 2 hours

/sbin/hwclock -w

should have been enough (write from system clock).

: away from GMT) but it does not help at all.

Yes it did.

:                                            In fact when I changed the
: hwclock one hour the date command still returned the old hour setting.

And so what? You didn't change the date.

: Please advice which commands to use in succession to do the following:
: 1) Interrogate/set the time zone (central european daylight savings
: time)

Eh? You already should be in the  CET zone. edit the zone pointer in
/var/lib/zoneinfo to point at the timezone you require.

: 2) Interrogate/set the clock

Which clock?  man hwclock. man date. Use date to see the system clock.
Use hwclock to see the hardware clock.

: line commands should be typed. Please be specific in your advice.

No way. You go do the work. I'm not a babysitter.

: How can you clear the screen when you connect to a Linux machine using
: Telnet from Windows NT? When I do this and try to use the man pages

Type "clear".



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Oldham)
Subject: iBCS
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 09:59 +0100 (BST)

[apologies if you've already seen this on u.c.o.l]

We've been struggling to compile iBCS with Debian 2.1 (2.0.36 kernel). For 
some reason I don't understand the 2.1 release comes with packages to 
support iBCS in kernels 2.0.3[345] but not 2.0.36, which seems bizarre given 
that that's the kernel shipped with on the Debian 2.1 CDs we have.

The Debian iBCS package maintainer doesn't reply to mail, the iBCS mailing 
list appears to be dead (not to mention that the majordomo it's running on 
is broken - echoing all the headers as well as the mail), and the imminent 
Debian 2.2 release isn't any better, only offering support for kernel 2.0.36 
while the kernel they're intending to ship is 2.2.x. So we're a bit stuck.

My questions are:

1. Does anyone know where Debian is with this? Both in release to 2.1 and
2. Has anyone got iBCS to compile with Debian 2.1/2.0.36?

Paul Oldham, Milton, Cambridge, UK



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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