Linux-Misc Digest #682, Volume #24                Fri, 2 Jun 00 08:13:05 EDT

  Re: View Linux shared space from Win95 ("Kenny Leong")
  Re: Choice of modem ("serverman")
  partition lost (Jeroen)
  Re: how to enter a bug report against linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Unzip problem??? (John Thompson)
  Re: Zip for Linux (John Thompson)
  Re: Abit Hot Rot or Promise UDMA66 with Linux? ("LUW")
  Re: partition lost (Svend Olaf Mikkelsen)
  Re: Random letters all over my screen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Sun Sparc faster then intel pentium: is this true???? (Tor Slettnes)
  Re: how to enter a bug report against linux? (Mark Wilden)
  Easiest way to share ISP connection to H/PC? (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: Black and white Netscape ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Zip Drives (James Stevenson)
  DNS and Apache startup (Subba Rao)
  kernel and systelm logger ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: capturing desktop before exiting X? (Marc D. Williams)
  Re: Enlightenment Sound Problems (Marc D. Williams)
  Re: Mutt and "word wrap" (Marc D. Williams)
  Re: xvfilemgr - help needed! (Marc D. Williams)


From: "Kenny Leong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: View Linux shared space from Win95
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 16:34:12 +0800
Reply-To: "Kenny Leong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank for reply.

One thing I forgot to mention is my IDE2 is under Linux Native file system.
The purpose I want to know is, because my user want to add another hard
disk(10GB) onto the Linux box. The user will make noise when they can only
see 2GB instead of 10GB.

Kenny Leong

Mark Bratcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Kenny Leong wrote:
> >
> > I have a small problem like this:
> >
> > RH5.1, setup up as file and print sharing server. Second IDE(4G) of
> > box mounted as /data and shared as name Public. Win95 client can see it
> > can store data onto  it. The problem is, in win95, when i right click on
> > Public and select Properties, I just can see 2G only.
> You didn't say, but I'm assuming you're using Samba (inferring from the
> setup you described).
> Samba makes your Linux box look like an NT server with NTFS file system.
> Win95 is pretty stupid about disk space over the net. From what I've
> seen, it has 2GB limit assumptions in many of its built in disk
> functions. I believe this is what you are encountering.
> --
> Mark Bratcher
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Escape from Microsoft's proprietary tentacles: use Linux!


Reply-To: "serverman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "serverman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Choice of modem
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 08:32:42 GMT

any external modem should work fine.

Rob Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9TLQ4.521$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Sandhitsu R Das  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Can somebody tell me which of the following should I choose for linux ?
> >I'm not sure if any of these are winmodems, so if some are, please let me
> >know. If you have used any of these in Linux successfully, please let me
> >know (send an email too please!)
> Please check the "big list" at


From: Jeroen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: be.comp.os.linux
Subject: partition lost
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 10:57:10 +0200

i have 2 harddiscs, hda and hdc i boot from hda1 (win98) or hda5 (linux
mandrake 7.0) now i installed linux again, mounted the root on hda5
again (that partition was formatted). and after the installation i
couldnt find hda6 and hdc7 anymore (two ext2 linux partitions) but all
my other win98  vfat) partitions were not gone. fdisk can still see
those two linux partitions, but i cant mount them.... i DONT wanna LOSE
the data on those partitions, can someone help me out here?
thanx in advance,


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: how to enter a bug report against linux?
Date: 2 Jun 2000 01:45:21 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mark says...

>Robert J Carter wrote:

>There is a school of thought (Martin Fowler is a don) that says that
>commenting indicates that the code is too complicated, and needs to be

There is a difference between 'comments' in code, and documentation.

>I don't go that far. I do like to see a brief comment at the top of each
>function expressing its contract with the outside world.

Now, what is the format is this 'brief' comment will be?

Think before you answer.



From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unzip problem???
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 18:41:32 -0500

> Does anyone know how I could unzip a self-extracting .exe file on linux?

Self-extracting zip archives are just ordinary zip archives with
an executable "unzip" stub tacked onto the beginning of the
archive.  Just run "unzip filename.exe" and it should unzip just




From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Zip for Linux
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 18:43:22 -0500


> Where can I find the zip utility for Linux  ?
> Please send your reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

zip and unzip are usually part of a typical linux distribution. 
Just type "unzip" at a command prompt and see what happens.




Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Abit Hot Rot or Promise UDMA66 with Linux?
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 11:42:11 +0200

I own an Abit BE6 motherboard with the HPT366 controller built in and
am not even using it with my UDMA/66 drive. I could go into
details if you want, but I think the consensus would
agree--stay away from the Highpoint controller. I've had
nothing but trouble with it and there have been BIOS updates
after BIOS updates.

>Pieter Langendonck

I don't know about RedHat but the latest version of SuSE, SuSE linux 6.4
supports the HPT366 controller in the default Kernel , so you don't have to
be an expert for that.
Also if you have a fast internet connection you could download the
Gentus-distribution from
This in fact is Redhat 6.1 with some Abit modifications. I tried this and
it's working but I prefer SuSE because it is more sophisticated in my


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Svend Olaf Mikkelsen)
Crossposted-To: be.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: partition lost
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 09:53:21 GMT

Jeroen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>i have 2 harddiscs, hda and hdc i boot from hda1 (win98) or hda5 (linux
>mandrake 7.0) now i installed linux again, mounted the root on hda5
>again (that partition was formatted). and after the installation i
>couldnt find hda6 and hdc7 anymore (two ext2 linux partitions) but all
>my other win98  vfat) partitions were not gone. fdisk can still see
>those two linux partitions, but i cant mount them.... i DONT wanna LOSE
>the data on those partitions, can someone help me out here?
>thanx in advance,
>     :)
>          Jeroen

One option: Get Findpart at
boot to DOS or Windows, do:

findpart all +fat fp.txt

and post the content of fp.txt in a follow-up to this message. Maybe I
can help.

Do you have email and web access from another PC at the location of
the problem PC?
Svend Olaf


Subject: Re: Random letters all over my screen
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 09:48:55 GMT

Has anyone heard of the problem below?

In article <bicZ4.7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Jeffrey Tubes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, I couldn't get my ATI 128 Pro to work at all in 3.3.6 and
> 4.0 and it worked on the first try. It was great.
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8h38o6$agm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > This is a problem I've had for a few weeks.
> >
> > I think it first came about when I installed the 0.16 release of
> > Enlightenment.
> >
> > The problem occurs when I'm scrolling up or down a window. Randomly
> > line will vanish from the window I'm scrolling in and then appear
> > somewhere on the screen.
> >
> > I hoped the problem would go when I upgraded to RH6.2 and GNOME1.2
> > the problem still seems to be there.
> >
> > I'm using SAWFISH at the moment not enlightenment and my graphics
> > is if I remember correctly an ATI RAGE 3D.
> >
> > I assume the problem is with XFree86, but has anyone seen anything
> > similar?
> >
> > Duncan
> >
> > p.s The reason I haven't just upgraded to XFree86 4.0 is it was a
bit of
> > a hassle getting the graphics card to work in the first place. I
> > therefore don't want to go through all that if I can avoid it.
> >
> >
> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,comp.sys.sun.hardware,comp.sys.sun.misc
Subject: Re: Sun Sparc faster then intel pentium: is this true????
From: Tor Slettnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 10:03:31 GMT

>>>>> "Fredrick" == "Fredrick Gethers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    Fredrick> I saw the following and would like to know if this is true:
    Fredrick>   Sun Sparc Classic, 50MHz sun4m archtecture, 96mb RAM
    Fredrick>   (worth $30*6, $180 by itself), 2.1gb harddrive, Solaris
    Fredrick>   2.7 desktop with disks and manual and preloaded,
    Fredrick>   guaranteed against DOA (this is a currently working
    Fredrick>   system setup as my mail server), optional 20" sun
    Fredrick>   monitor in new condition add $175, optional type 5
    Fredrick>   keyboard and mouse add $55). This Sun workstation is
    Fredrick>   basically a Sparc 10 with different cache, and most
    Fredrick>   Sparc 10's are only 30MHz, this one is 50MHz (faster
    Fredrick>   than an Intel Pentium II 450 running Windows 95, really,
    Fredrick>   and NO crashes to boot). The only reason I am selling
    Fredrick>   this is because I am upgrading to an Ultra computer and
    Fredrick>   need some cash.

While Sparcs are faster than Intel's per MHz, there is no way a 50MHz
sparc chip has better performance than a PIII 450, as stated here.

You said you'd be running Linux on it - will it be mostly a network
server (i.e. firewall, mail/ftp/web/file server etc)?  If so, you are
probably OK with it.  OTOH, if you plan to use it as a desktop,
running X and so forth, you will definitely want to get a bit more
speed & capacity.

>>>>> "GENE" == GENE  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    GENE> I'd do a trade-off - determine why you want the Sun and how
    GENE> critical it is to your project.  Then cost the old Sun
    GENE> approach vs new sun vs "IBM" PC hardware.  BTW, I think Sun
    GENE> has ported Linux to the Ultra series, but you may want to
    GENE> check that out. I seem to remember that it was an internal
    GENE> Sun activity, and may not have seen the light of day.

Actually there are several projects:
    - UltraPenguin is Sun's own effort
    - Debian GNU/Linux has both a 'sparc' and 'sparc64' distribution
    - RedHat 6.2 has a Sparc distribution
    - Mandrake 7 has a Sparc distribution

Possibly more..


Får i ulveklær


From: Mark Wilden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: how to enter a bug report against linux?
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 11:07:56 +0100

> There is a difference between 'comments' in code, and documentation.

I think the definition of 'comment' (in programming) is pretty clear,
and I was responding to a message about commenting.

> Now, what is the format is this 'brief' comment will be?

Generally, a sentence or two describing, from the client's perspective,
what the function does. In Java, I'll sometimes include @parameter and
@return clauses.

> Think before you answer.

I always do...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Easiest way to share ISP connection to H/PC?
Date: 2 Jun 2000 10:08:54 GMT

I curently use IPmasq with my Linux box dialed in, and a Wndoze 95 
sharing that connection. A handheld PC specifically an IBM Workpad z50 
(not the Palm-style workpad out now) that connects to the Windoze' serial 
port. I think Win only recognizes the 'live' network connection to the 
Internet & doesn't care whats on the serial port unless it's for 
ActiveSync purposes. At least as far as I can tell...

I could connect the z50 tothe Linux serial port, but will that get me
anywhere, as far as the Internet connection goes? Will it be seen as 
another workstation on the network?

jazz  annandy AT dc DOT seflin DOT org
Registered linux user no. 164098
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


Subject: Re: Black and white Netscape
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 10:17:15 GMT

Anyway, thanks for all the advice. Moved the display to 32bit and all
works fine.


Now all I have to do is sort out the random letters that appear on the
screen when I scroll up and down in netscape, pine and emacs.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Kahari) wrote:
> In article <jLvZ4.154540$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Rod Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >[Posted and mailed]
> >
> >In article <8h5da9$mr0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >     [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >> I resently change my XF86Config file so as
> >> to increase the colour depth from 16 to 24.
> >> But in doing so it has made all the icons
> >> that are used by netscape (i.e the home, back
> >> etc.. buttons) black and white)
> >
> >This is a known bug in Netscape. I hear that XFree86 4.0 was supposed
> >include a workaround, but I've seen no actual reports on this issue,
> >I don't know if it's really happened. I've also heard that
> >includes a similar workaround.
> Would the X-server include a workaround for a specific application?!
> How absurd!
> That's almost like saying "let's build an OS around this browser"...
> Eh..
> /A
> --
> # Andreas Kähäri
> # All junk e-mail is reported to the
> # appropriate authorities, no exceptions.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Stevenson)
Subject: Re: Zip Drives
Date: 2 Jun 2000 10:09:52 GMT


i am not sure if its alreay compiled as modules but i had a zip
parallel port zip drive working under RH5,5.2,6.0,6.1
but i did recompile my kernel

try something like "modprobe ppa" and watch the log files
if it picks it up you should be able to do something like

mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip
thats if you dont have any other scsi devices on your system


On Thu, 01 Jun 2000 15:04:05 -0700, Buddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>So, I have got the parallel-port zip drive. I'm running Red Hat 5.1 with Linux
>I'm some what familiar with the system. But, not sure how to make this happen.
>Robert Heller wrote:
>>   Buddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>   In a message on Thu, 01 Jun 2000 14:15:39 -0700, wrote :
>> B> I need to install a zip drive on my Linux machine. Does anyone have any
>> B> ideas.
>> Depends...
>> There are now four flavors of Zip Drives:
>> SCSI (Original/Mac) [external]
>> Parallel-Port (SCSI) (Original/PC) [external]
>> IDE (New/PC) [internal]
>> USB (New/PC or Mac) [external]
>> Linux supports the first three, with the first having the best overall
>> speed and the second the the slowest (I think).
>> The first and third are the easiest to set up.  The second can be a
>> bitch, esp. if you also want to use a silly printer on the same port.
>> The Parallel-Port uses the ppa driver (parallel port SCSI controller).
>> Linux does not support USB (at least the 2.2.x kernels on i386 -- I
>> don't know about PPC kernels).  2.3.x (development kernels) have USB
>> support (more or less).  I guess 2.4.x kernels will support USB.
>> *I* have a 100mb pure SCSI Zip drive (my whole system is 100% SCSI
>> (all Disks (internal), CD-ROM (external), Tape Drive (external), and Zip
>> Drive (external)).  I just plugged it to the end of the external SCSI
>> chain and re-booted -- presto, '/dev/sddX' goes live.
>> --
>>                                      \/
>> Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153

Check Out:
 10:00am  up 10 days, 18:44,  3 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.29, 0.50


Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 06:42:32 -0400
From: Subba Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DNS and Apache startup
Reply-To: Subba Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

One problem I have noticed is the slow startup of Apache at boot up time on my Linux.
It is trying to resolve the DNS name for this web server. The domainname on my
local LAN is a bogus domain. I do have the WWW server mentioned in the DNS table

www             A

What entries are required in the DNS to get Apache to start without delay?
I would appreciate if you could send me some sample entries in DNS for Web server.

Thank you in advance.


Subba Rao

 => Time is relative. Here is a new way to look at time. <=


Subject: kernel and systelm logger
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 11:32:07 GMT

   I run a redhat6.1 on an i686  and i find that the kernel logger and
system logger take a long time to get killed during shutdown. Can anyone
point out the settings i'll have to tweak, to set this right?


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc D. Williams)
Subject: Re: capturing desktop before exiting X?
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 11:43:01 GMT

On 23 May 2000 20:01:16 GMT, Peter Bismuti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is there anyway of capturing a desktop before exiting the xserver?
>I'd like to automatically fire back up all of the apps I have 
>running (Netscape, xv, gvim) as well as pop back up all of the xterms
>and restore any settings I may have changed.  
>I use RH6.2 + FVWM2-MWM.  
I haven't used it yet but check out xsm which is a part of X I think.
It's a session manager tool allowing you to restore apps and their

If you always have those apps running you could also just put those
in your .fvwm2rc file. Something like this (taken from an old
config file I had, most are commented out). Long lines broken with `\'.
Xconsole, nxterm, and xmixer start on the first desktop and grok
and plan open on another.

man fvwm2 for some info.

AddToFunc "InitFunction" "I" Module FvwmButtons
+               "I" Module FvwmIconMan
#+              "I" Exec exec xconsole -geometry 692x137+68+0 -notify \
-verbose -file /dev/console &
#+             "I" Exec exec xv -root -quit /root/macross.gif
#+              "I" Exec exec xmixer &
+              "I" Exec exec nxterm -ls -geometry 80x25+0+180 -sl 1000 -e \
/bin/bash -login &
+              "I" Module FvwmAudio
#+              "I" Module FvwmIconMan
+              "I" Wait nxterm
+              "I" Desk 1
+              "I" Scroll +100 +0
#+              "I" Exec exec grok phone &
#+              "I" Wait grok
#+              "I" Scroll +0 +100
#+              "I" Exec exec /usr/local/lib/pland
#+              "I" Exec exec plan &
#+              "I" Wait plan
+              "I" Desk 0
+              "I" Scroll -100 -100


Marc D. Williams
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- DOS Internet & Tandy 1000 -- Win3.x Makeover


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc D. Williams)
Subject: Re: Enlightenment Sound Problems
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 11:43:01 GMT

On Tue, 23 May 2000 23:39:54 +0100, Chris Medcraft 
>Has anyone had any problems with sound using Enlightenment as a window
>manager?  With KDE I have no problems at all - wav files, mpg files
>all play perfectly.  However, when I switch to E, nothing.
>I've got a Turtle Beach Montego card, with the OSS drivers.  I've
>tried enabling sound in the Gnome settings and the E settings.
Not sure but do you have esd? I think Enlightenment and Gnome use
that for sound.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc D. Williams)
Subject: Re: Mutt and "word wrap"
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 11:43:02 GMT

On Wed, 24 May 2000 13:39:38 +0000, Frank Ekeberg H. 
>Is there a way to have Mutt make sure that the lines of my email messages do not 
>exceed 72 characters (or whatever length I choose to use)? 
>I use emacs as my editor, but other users might use other editors, and I want the 
>layout of all email sent from this domain to be similar. 
>If not Mutt, can Sendmail check this?

set smart_wrap


   Type: boolean
   Default: set

   Controls the display of lines longer then the screen width in the
   internal pager. If set, long lines are wrapped at a word boundary. If
   unset, lines are simply wrapped at the screen edge. Also see the
   $markers variable.

In my case it must be set by default since I don't have that set in
my muttrc but long lines are being wrapped.


Marc D. Williams
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- DOS Internet & Tandy 1000 -- Win3.x Makeover


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc D. Williams)
Subject: Re: xvfilemgr - help needed!
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 11:43:03 GMT

On Sat, 27 May 2000 00:37:26 +0100, fourje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is there anyone out there using this file manager.  I'm having problems
>with it.
>Basically, when I try to change the properties, the properties panel
>comes up, but I cannot execute any mouse-clicks against it.  I tried
>putting an empty .xvfmgrrc file out ther, but that caused a segmentation
>I remember that an earlier version (back in '97) worked fine, but the
>latest one I picked up has this problem.
>THanks in advance 
>Dave E.

I don't have any mouse problems with the properties dialog.
What version do you have?
The latest, 0.2g I think, is available from coyote's site in source
and binary packages.

In case you don't have that one check here.


Always pleased to see some xview app users. :-)


Marc D. Williams
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- DOS Internet & Tandy 1000 -- Win3.x Makeover



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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