Linux-Misc Digest #348, Volume #25                Sat, 5 Aug 00 01:13:04 EDT

  RE: Help with .gz files and other downloaded stuff ("Miguel Martínez")
  Re: Help with .gz files and other downloaded stuff
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (Christopher Browne)
  Re: Book to learn about Server-Side Apps? (Christopher Browne)
  linux can't boot (lu tong)
  Re: the psychology of linux and the hacker ethos ("D. C. & M. V. Sessions")
  Re: Book to learn about Server-Side Apps? (Paul Rubin)
  Re: Dual NICs of same type? (Jim McKean)
  Re: telnetd: All network ports in use ("Donald B. McGee")
  Re: mgetty: prevent answering (Bill Unruh)
  Config.sys parameters is my Question.  What is it or are they? (G. Eugene Mitchell)
  Re: linux can't boot (muzh)
  Re: Almost Lost New Hard Drive After Linux Install (NoMadis)
  Re: linux can't boot (lu tong)


From: "Miguel Martínez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Help with .gz files and other downloaded stuff
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 02:03:26 GMT

Shocky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje de noticias
> May i know what are .gz files and how do  i run them? Why is it that when
> i click on a folder i've downloaded they give an error? In,
> when i try to download some files, the links lead me to another page full
> of words - is anything wrong? If not, what should i do to the downloaded
> text?

.gz files are compressed files (with gzip). To uncompress them just type on
a terminal "gunzip file.gz". Right clicking on them should show a menu with
an uncompress option (at least on Gnome), too.
That page full of words is the file. If that happens you have two options:
"Save as..." and give it the name of the original file, or go back, right
click on the link, and choose "Save link as...".


Subject: Re: Help with .gz files and other downloaded stuff
Reply-To: Steven Smolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 02:07:26 GMT

Shocky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>May i know what are .gz files and how do  i run them? 

You don't run them; they're compressed files.  

'.gz' files are gzipped and you need to gunzip them (try 'man 
gunzip'; something like 'gunzip filename' should do).  Then run it,
if it's executable.

'.tgz' and '.tar.gz' files are tarred and gzipped, like a .zip
archive; you can get to them with the tar program (try 'man tar';
something like 'tar xzvf filename' should do).

If you use KDE, they have an excellent program that's much like
WinZip; it's called Karchiver or something in the menus, and I 
think the program name is 'ark'.  It will take care of these
files nicely.

>Why is it that when 
>i click on a folder i've downloaded they give an error? In, 
>when i try to download some files, the links lead me to another page full 
>of words - is anything wrong? If not, what should i do to the downloaded 

That's the Netscape displaying a binary file.  What you should do is
either shift+click on the link instead (to bring ip the 'save as' 
dialog) or right-click on it and choose 'save target as...'



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 02:10:32 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when John Hasler would say:
>Zebee Johnstone writes:
>> Does tax deductability work differently in the US?
>No, but the "they'll just take it off their taxes" myth is widespread among
>the less well educated.

It's one of the reasons why understanding even the most _basic_
differential calculus is spectacularly valuable, out of having a way
to coherently think about rates of change.

When in grad school, I did a course on macroeconomic modelling, cross
listed as a 4th year course for Econ majors.  We were doing all sorts
of difference equations.  The arts kids were struggling to memorize the
formulae; I'd look at the equations and say "Hmmm... If I pretend it's
continuous, I can take derivatives, and come up with useful conclusions
if I estimate an integral."  (I was somewhat evil, and took notes
on a laptop using a spreadsheet package.  Clackity Clack, "After 42
generations, the money supply grows to 4592, sir!"  No, I never _said_
that, even if I calculated it...)

>I once accused this blowfish person of being John Dyson.  I apologize: that
>was an insult to John.  I think he just might be Ray Lopez, though.

John Dyson definitely argues much better than "blowfish," and whilst we've
had occasion to disagree fairly vigorously, we've also had occasion to
correspond cordially.  I just can't see the "they're idiots" sorts of
reactions coming from Dyson.
Why do we wash bath towels, aren't we clean when we use them? 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: Book to learn about Server-Side Apps?
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 02:10:35 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Mitchell Timin would say:
>Can someone recommend such a book?  I'm an out-of-date programmer.
>I don't know CGI, PHP, XML, or most of the other acronyms involved in
>active websites.  I would like to understand how it all works.

There are a number of major "approaches" to different kinds of 
server-based applications, so that the software good for one thing
may be pretty poorly suited to another.

The sorts of things to consider include:
-> Are you going to have a database for storing information?
   What data will be in there, and how do you plan to integrate it
   into the application?

-> How do you plan to manage the text that is to be presented to
   users of the system?  Some schemes involve pushing that into
   the database, and having things strongly tied to the DBMS.
   Others involve having "files" containing templates.  Still
   others involve creating closures, where the point of the
   exercise is to write programs that then write programs to
   generate HTML.

   That's a _big_ mouthful, and only _starts_ to characterize
   the differences between web apps.

-> XML comes into the picture when you want to have pieces of
   the system communicate with one another, transferring
   application-specific kinds of documents around.  I'd suggest
   that you not start with this, at least not immediately, as
   it tends to leap you into the "frying pan" of having to
   design your own computer language (e.g. - DTD/Schema), and
   if you're not yet clear on things like CGI and other ways of
   doing server-side processing, this may expand the complexity
   of the application too high for you to initially cope with.

-> Note that there tends to be more than one way to accomplish
   things.  CGI, the original way of making servers "do work," tends
   to get a "bad rap" as being inefficient due to the inefficient ways
   that it is often implemented.  People then conclude that "CGI
   is inefficient, and we must strew salt on the earth so we never
   seriously consider using anything like it," whilst things like
   the FastCGI "protocol" make it possible to make virtually
   identical implementation strategies work entirely faster.

You might try installing a Linux distribution on a box, along with:
a) Apache, the "commonly deployed" web server;
b) PHP3, one of the common web app implementation schemes;
c) Perl and Python, two of the most popular "scripting languages"
   commonly used to build web apps;
d) Try out some further web app scheme like Zope, to see some
   different strategies.
Why do we wash bath towels, aren't we clean when we use them? 


From: lu tong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux can't boot
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 10:26:50 +0800

 My redhat linux can't boot again! After I defragment the dos patition!!

               when I boot with Lilo,occurs the follwing


then stop,

And I boot with boot disk, occurs the follwing

                           attemp to access beyong end of device
                           Ext-fs: Unable to read superblock
                          kenel panic: VFS unable to mount roots

It's any method to settle this probelm!

                           I ran the fdisk of linux ,and then
                           found that the patition of linux disspeared.

                           What had happened?
                           Is that mean all information lost?


From: "D. C. & M. V. Sessions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: the psychology of linux and the hacker ethos
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 19:43:43 -0700

Mary P wrote:
> On 4 Aug 2000 16:47:35 GMT, brian moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >On Wed, 02 Aug 2000 22:18:29 -0700,
> > D. C. & M. V. Sessions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> shawn wrote:
> (one of you wrote this:)
> >> What the (Free|Opensource) world needs as much as programmers is
> >> * Writers.  Especially writers.  Really, really, REALLY especially
> >>   writers who are totally new to Linux and open software and can see
> >>   it with new eyes AND KEEP NOTES ON WHAT THEY LEARN.  Document your
> >>   discovery of Linux.  Read the HOWTOS (which are barely tolerable),
> >>   grok their inadequacy, AND FIX IT.
> >>
> >> Boy, howdy, do we need people who can write about Linux from the new
> >> user's point of view.
> How can I help? I'm relatively new. I'm systematic, keep great
> notes. I read everything. I am willing to try stuff. And I can
> even write! I spent several years as an editor for academic
> publications, in fact.
> I'm sure there are more people like me out there. Give us some
> leads on how we can participate, please.

Good chance to put in a plug for the Linux Documentation Project.
Home URL is
A good place to start on being a volunteer is -- there are plenty of
guidelines there on joining the project.

The really great thing about the LDP is that ANYONE can contribute.
You don't have to be a wizard code, just motivated and (barely)
literate.  Those who don't code can write; those who can't write
can edit (and believe us here, there is LOTS of room for editorial
work in the LDP.)  Of course, if you're polylingual you will be
treasured beyond description.

| Bogus as it might seem, people, this really is a deliverable       |
| e-mail address.  Of course, there isn't REALLY a lumber cartel.    |
| There isn't really a tooth fairy, but whois works.  |
+----------- D. C. & M. V. Sessions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----------+


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Rubin)
Subject: Re: Book to learn about Server-Side Apps?
Date: 5 Aug 2000 02:54:14 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mitchell Timin  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Can someone recommend such a book?  I'm an out-of-date programmer.  I don't
>know CGI, PHP, XML, or most of the other acronyms involved in active
>websites.  I would like to understand how it all works.

Absolute best overview: Philip and Alex's guide to Web Publishing,
by Philip Greenspun.  Available from the usual places or the entire
book is online at

Slashdot review is at:

It's worth buying the paper edition just as a coffee table book
for the photographs.  Though it's a normal sized large paperback
it weighs more than any book its size I've seen (heavy glossy paper).


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim McKean)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Dual NICs of same type?
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 03:03:56 GMT

I am trying to do the same thing with 2 LNE100TXs.  I have not had
much luck with PCI auto-configuring the NICs and have to put options
statement into conf.modules to get the first one to work.  Now I am
lost trying to figure out an io address and irq for the second.

I'd appreciate any advice . . . 

On Wed, 02 Aug 2000 11:26:15 -0500, "Clifton T. Sharp Jr."

>L Slade wrote:
>> > 3c905s are PCI cards.  PCI cards have their IRQs and I/O addresses
>> > auto-configured by the BIOS so they don't step on each other's I/O
>> > ports, assuming you have the BIOS "I have a PnP OS" option set to NO.
>> > PCI cards can share IRQs as well.
>Sort of. I played a lot last week when I installed my second Linksys
>LNE100TX. The only configuration that didn't work was when the BIOS
>assigned the same IRQ to both cards; then eth1 wouldn't work at all.
>|   Cliff Sharp   |  Hate spam? Take the Boulder Pledge!                      |
>|      WA9PDM     |  |


From: "Donald B. McGee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.questions,
Subject: Re: telnetd: All network ports in use
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 03:16:27 GMT

I have a similar problem.  I was running RedHat 2.2.5 with a PPTP patch
successfully for a year or more.  I recently upgraded my kernel to
2.2.15 with an IPSec patch.  Everything works fine except I cna't telnet
in and get the identical message you describe.

Nothing else was changed on the system.

If you find anything out, I hope you'll let me know.


> I've been running telnetd under inetd with kernel 2.2.5-15.  After I
> upgraded to kernel 2.2.16-3, telnet clients are rejected with the
> message "telnetd: All network ports in use". Other ports and daemons
> like ftpd and httpd work fine with both kernels.
> What is this message trying to tell me?
>   advTHANKSance
>   Alan
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Donald B. McGee
XFI Corporation
206.524.3044 fax


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: mgetty: prevent answering
Date: 5 Aug 2000 03:20:14 GMT

In <8melk0$qsk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>I'm using mgetty to answer and allow shell and ppp connections.  It's
>working fine, but I found out that another user on a different computer
>needs their modem to answer that same line.

>Is it possible to prevent mgetty from answering during certain times?

Have two files mgetty.config.2 and mgetty.config.12
in the 2 put 
rings 2
in the 12 file, put
rings 12

Then in crontab, put a link from /etc/mgetty-sendmail/mgetty.config to 
mgetty.config.2 or mgetty.config.12 at the appropriate times of the day.


From: G. Eugene Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Config.sys parameters is my Question.  What is it or are they?
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 03:30:03 GMT

I am practicing on a pentium pci/isa.
Can't seem to boot up from dos. 
too many unknowns.
 Thanks in advance.

I am using Windows 95, upgrade.

Posted via CNET


From: muzh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux can't boot
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 16:01:16 +1200

lu tong wrote:
> hi,
>  My redhat linux can't boot again! After I defragment the dos patition!!
>                when I boot with Lilo,occurs the follwing
> Lilo:linux
> linux........
> then stop,
> And I boot with boot disk, occurs the follwing
>                            attemp to access beyong end of device
>                            Ext-fs: Unable to read superblock
>                           kenel panic: VFS unable to mount roots
> It's any method to settle this probelm!
>                            I ran the fdisk of linux ,and then
>                            found that the patition of linux disspeared.
>                            What had happened?
>                            Is that mean all information lost?

How did you create the Linux partition originally?  If you did it with
Fips, then Windows might still think it was the original size, so that
any DOS tools will over-write the Linux partition.
Possibly best to use Partition Magic to create the partition, if you are
still going to use Windows a lot -- :)

Never trust a man in a suit --


Subject: Re: Almost Lost New Hard Drive After Linux Install
Date: 5 Aug 2000 04:28:32 GMT

On Fri, 04 Aug 2000 Svend Olaf Mikkelsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>    the problem may be due to the basic hardware and bios
>>configuration, but it happened after an install of Mandrake 7.0
>>    I just installed a 20 gb hard drive in my old pentium 166 system,
>>80 mb memory. The bios only recognized about 8 gb so I
>>assumed that I could put Windows on the 8 gb and then
>>proceed to install different versions of Linux on the rest of
>>the drive. I installed Win95 and then Mandrake 7.0. The
>>installation went without hitches. When rebooted the
>>system, I got "LI" and lots of zeros.
>>  During the install of Mandrake, I made a seperate /boot
>>partition of 7 mb below the 1024 cylinders. It was very close
>>as it complained with 8 mb. Win95 would not boot either.
>>I removed the "linear" switch in lilo.conf and Mandrake booted.
>>Win95 still wouldn't boot.
>>   I figured that I would regenerate the MBR via fdisk /mbr.
>>What happened was very disturbing. My Win95 boot floppy
>>would not boot, but the Linux boot floppy would boot.
>>I tried to regenerate the MBR by doing Lilo - u , which I believe
>>is supposed to do it, but it didn't.
>>  The next step that I thought of was to make the new drive
>>a slave and put my old 6.4 gb Win95 drive as master. I figured
>>that I could somehow repair the drive with a bootable Win95
>>system. My old drive wouldn't boot either.
>>  I decided that the only possibility would be to try to fix the
>>hard drive through Mandrake. I did fdisk -o, which put a
>>DOS partition on the hard drive. After I did it, I was able
>>to boot my Win95 floppy. I did fdisk / mbr and it did not
>>regenerate the C: drive. I used Partition Magic and deleted
>>the existing Win95 partitions and then used fdisk again.
>>  I then tried to transfer the Windows DOS with sys c:
>>and it said system transferred, but it wouldn't boot. Then
>>I did format c:/s and I got a message "not enough memory
>>to load system." Then I did just plain format c: and it formatted
>>the c: drive without the system. Again, I did sys c: and the message
>>was "system transferred", but again it didn't boot and said "
>>missing operating system".
>>  Finally I did format c:/s again and it said "system transferred"
>>and it actually worked.
>>  This was the most frustrating time I ever had with a computer.
>>   I can't understand why a change on the MBR of a hard drive
>>would prevent a DOS boot floppy from booting. I thought
>>that if the bios was set for A,C booting that the floppy would
>>take priority independently from the hard drive, whether it
>>was bootable or not or not even there, but it seems that what
>>probably happened was that the boot process somehow still
>>needs some sort of confirmation from the hard drive. I
>>wish I had a handle on what happened because I never want
>>it to happen again.
>>   Does anyone know why it happened and how I can setup
>>my present hardware to do what I origionally wanted it to do?
>>                                                        Thanks
>>                                                                    Mike
>The problem was that the Linux installation made cyclic partition
>tables. DOS cannot boot in that situation. Since no suitable
>partitioning tools exist for Linux, you cannot expect to be able to
>install Linux or expect data to be safe, if other operation systems
>are in the system.


I have used dual, tripple, quadrupal OS'ses on many systems for years.
They ( win9x, NT, linux, BSD, even dos) never bother one another on a
well configured system.
What happened here is that his computer is too old to be able to cope
such a large disk. I'm actually surprised his system came up at all.
Since BIOS upgrades are unlikely to exist for a P166 to support +20 GB
disks, the best route here is to put a Promise Ultra ATA card in the
system, even though the new disk might not be Ultra ATA.
These cards have a built in BIOS and can deal with very large disks,
and windows and linux will both run happily on their respective
The linuxkernel of course will have to be patched with the appropriate
IDE patch and recompiled. This patch can be found on

as for suitable partitioning tools for linux, ever tried sfdisk?

 Joop Bollen.   Nuts & Bolts Department,    Nomadis Systems, Holland
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: (31)-252-532489   PGP-ID: FFB003FD
We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon.


From: lu tong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux can't boot
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 12:53:40 +0800

I patition the linux use fdisk at the installation of linux
The patition as follows
hda1     1-250    primary  Win32FAT
hda2     251-750                  extended
had3      751-760 ................ linuxswap
hda4      760-1245 .............. linux native   /
hda5      251-499                  Win32FAT
hda6      500-750                  Win32FAT

Now it becomes:
hda1     1-250    primary  Win32FAT
hda2     251-750                  extended
hda5      251-499                  Win32FAT
hda6      500-750                  Win32FAT
So there is any mehtod to save the work in linux

muzh wrote:

> How did you create the Linux partition originally?  If you did it with
> Fips, then Windows might still think it was the original size, so that
> any DOS tools will over-write the Linux partition.
> Possibly best to use Partition Magic to create the partition, if you are
> still going to use Windows a lot -- :)
> --
> Never trust a man in a suit --
> cll



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