Linux-Misc Digest #466, Volume #25               Wed, 16 Aug 00 21:13:02 EDT

  Re: Help! reboot command doesn't work ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: File transfer from NT to Linux and save ownership ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Help: How to get module IP_ALIASES.O? ("JP")
  Re: If X is directed to a windows box, am I doomed to hell? (Valentin Guillen)
  Re: can I create root equivalent users? (Kent Perrier)
  Re: HD LED permanently on (Jo Hallel)
  Re: swapd crash - any leads appreciated (Tony Lawrence)
  Re: newsgroup reader??? (Tony Lawrence)
  Re: Help: How to get module IP_ALIASES.O? (Eric en Ine)
  Re: removing Gome panel (Gareth Williams)
  Re: Problem With /bin/login Behavior ("Mark T. Dame")
  Re: Busy cdrom (Gareth Williams)
  Re: Help: How to get module IP_ALIASES.O? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: HELP:  No Sounds for Events (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: random Linux freezing (NoMadis)
  Re: Memory recommendation (Jim Broughton)
  Re: Can't modify inetd.conf file (Peter Moore)
  Re: Busy cdrom (J Bland)
  Modem Troubles (Scott Billings)
  Re: How to disable CTRL-ALT-DEL restart in console mode? (John Thompson)


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Help! reboot command doesn't work
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 20:57:30 GMT

Have you been able to reboot before you got "hacked"? If yes need to
reinstall. If no, have a look at the man reboot. I have seen that with
some Irix machines, they wouldn't reboot unless you gave it an option to
force/confirm it.
In article
  David Coppit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a machine (RedHat 6.1) that I remotely administer. From time to
time, I
> need to reboot it. Unfortunately, the reboot command simply doesn't
respond. I
> get the broadcast message that the system is going down, but then the
> comes back up. There are no messages in /var/log/messages. (and I am
root when
> I do this.) Anyone have an idea why this doesn't work?
> We got hacked a while back... If that gives any clues.
> Thanks a lot,
> David

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: File transfer from NT to Linux and save ownership
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 21:00:24 GMT

I tried the cp -p command and discovered it doesnt work.  I think the
reason there is because when you use samba to connect to the NT share
it sets a UID to the share.  In my case root's.  Therefore the samba
share appeared that all the files were root's files and they "cp -p"'d
the same way.  I have yet to try smbtar.  Thanks for the try.


In article <8ne8rr$r1b$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Andre-John Mas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <8ne2ki$jbd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Ok, does anyone know how to transfer files from NT to Linux and keep
> > ownership?  We have an internally public file system that we are
> > changing from windows based to linux based using pam and samba.
> > we copy files over, suddenly the copier becomes owner.  Scopy
> > work.  Any suggestions?
> I don't know what method you are using to copy, but if you are using
> a mounted NT file system, then you should take a look at the cp man
> page. I believe that there is a -p option that should do exactly what
> you are wanting to do.
> Andre
> --
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Help: How to get module IP_ALIASES.O?
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 17:18:38 -0400

In Slackware 3.9, there is a module inside ipv4 called IP_ALIAS.  This
module can allow putting multiple IP addresses on one physical interface.

Since Slackware 4.0, the module seems to have disappeared from the
distribution.  I am running Slackware 7.1 Kernel 2.2.16 and would like to
use multiple addresses for 1 interface.  Without this module, I have no way
of doing it.

Does Slackware 7.1 have a new way of doing it? Or is the module distributed
somewhere else?




From: Valentin Guillen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: If X is directed to a windows box, am I doomed to hell?
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 21:18:56 GMT

Try these for good sources and advice.

The X org at:

Kenton Lee's X site at:

and specifically here:

when looking for X clients for DOS/Windows

I use freeware bundled with SuSE, called MIX.  Runs under windows, and
some later SuSE bundles also include Hummingbird's Exceed (eval version)
for Win9x/NT.  You'll find links to all you need!



From: Kent Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: can I create root equivalent users?
Date: 16 Aug 2000 16:27:02 -0500

"Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On the same/similar topic...How about renaming the root account to
> another name..still only having one "root" account.  Is this possible,
> or not?

No.  I have found (from experience) that if the first line in the passwd
file is not root's account, no one can log in (at least on Sun and AIX).

You think your Commodore 64 is really neato
What kinda chip you got in there, a Dorito?
Weird Al -- All about the Pentiums


Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 22:27:18 +0100
From: Jo Hallel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HD LED permanently on

Jo Hallel wrote:
> In windows my HD LED behaves normally. However in Linux (SuSE 6.4) it
> now remains permanently on. The only time that it does behave "normally"
> is if I cause the CDROM to fail. Previous advice (thanks Hal) suggested
> that there may be CD applets running, but I see no evidence of this.
> (Trivial, but important, as it was the first thing a mate commented on
> when showing him Linux. If I can get this sorted, I may be able to
> convince him to load Linux himself).
> Any answers?
> Thanks
> Jo

Thanks to all who have replied regarding this problem. My HD LED is now
working properly.

It would seem that the CD-ROM does need to be Master on the second IDE
port rather than Slave. (Achieved by moving the jumper on the CD drive).
I originally discounted this as a possibility, given that Smart and
Friendly (the manufacturers) state categorically that "The optimum
configuration for the CD.SpeedWriter RW on most systems is alone as
Slave on the Secondary IDE port". This is clearly not correct for Linux.

(Incidentally, it still works OK under windows, both reading and
writing. I haven't yet tried writing under Linux).

Other issues (that may trap the unwary). Clearly, when changing from
Slave to Master on the Secondary IDE port, the Device needs to be linked
to /dev/hdc (rather than /dev/hdd). This can be done with SuSE using
YaST (which presumably just changes the link from /dev/cdrom). This
allows the CD to be mounted. However, to get YaST to recognise it (on
loading, rather than having to select installation medium), one will
also need to amend /etc/install.inf (hdd to hdc).

Thanks to those who suggested that software running and continually
trying to access either the CD to the HD might be a contributory factor,
in my case this can certainly be discounted. But it might be worth
considering for others where the above solution does not seem to work.



From: Tony Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: swapd crash - any leads appreciated
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 17:47:53 -0400

Alan Needleman wrote:
> Sorry about the multiple postings if they are not appropriate, but I
> have been having repeated crashes and my previous single post (probably
> to the wrong group) did not get a response.
> I have 256 Megs of RAM and a 384 Meg swap partition (hda10). I am the
> only user on a RH 6.1 system with kernel 2.2.16-3. As best I can tell,
> the swap file is rarely used but I get swapd crashes 1-3 times a week
> with error messages like that below.

It can be used for paging even if you aren't swapping.  I
thought 128 MB was the limit for a single swap partition?

Tony Lawrence ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SCO/Linux articles, help, book reviews, tests, 
job listings and more :


From: Tony Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newsgroup reader???
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 17:57:25 -0400

Davis Eric wrote:
> Hi, there,
> Just a simple question. What is the newsgroup reader program in Linux,
> say RH6.2? And how about in Sun OS?

Whatever you want it to be: Netscape, tin, trn, and more..

Tony Lawrence ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Linux articles, help, book reviews, tests, 
job listings and more :


From: Eric en Ine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help: How to get module IP_ALIASES.O?
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 21:52:17 GMT


My Slackware 7.0 kernel 2.2.13 source-config does not give any
opportunity to select IP_ALIAS-ing as a module. So you just compile it
in statically and aliasing works like a charm.

Checking.... yes:
>From linux/Documentation/networking/alias.txt comes the following (right
up front):
 "For IP aliasing you must have IP_ALIAS support included by static

JP wrote:
> In Slackware 3.9, there is a module inside ipv4 called IP_ALIAS.  This
> module can allow putting multiple IP addresses on one physical interface.
> Since Slackware 4.0, the module seems to have disappeared from the
> distribution.  I am running Slackware 7.1 Kernel 2.2.16 and would like to
> use multiple addresses for 1 interface.  Without this module, I have no way
> of doing it.
> Does Slackware 7.1 have a new way of doing it? Or is the module distributed
> somewhere else?
> Thanks.
> Joe



From: Gareth Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: removing Gome panel
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 23:28:58 +0100

> Odd they should say that, since I've done it often on my RH6.1..

> Ed

Hi, Ed.  Yes, I've posted this around and a few people like your good
self have said the same thing.  I recall I was able to run "pure"
Enlightenment on 6.0 but was unable to do so on 6.2.  As I said, the
official support line was you couldn't.  I thought it strange, too, but
there you go.  Using SuSE now, but not for that reason ;-)
Greetings from Queen Maud Land

Gareth Williams, Penguophile


Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 18:32:33 -0400
From: "Mark T. Dame" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem With /bin/login Behavior

> Really, as much as I hate this sort of advice, your best bet is to
> switch to a less problematic method of automated logins than expect
> scripts. There are a plethora of other solutions, including the
> automatic login feature found in the telnet client/server shipped with
> RH 6.2.

That's not an option.  The server is being used with proprietary
software that is already distributed to a lot of users.  The login
script worked fine with the old server, but the new RedHat 6.2 server
broke it with the "Login incorrect" stuff.  It would be completely
impractical (i.e. expensive) to try to ship a new login script to every
user.  Especially considering the average computer ability of the user
base is just this side of seaweed...

Anyway, I fixed the problem by hacking login and ignoring blank user

## Mark T. Dame:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
## WWW:
## MFM Communication Software:
"And that's all I have to say about that."
     -- Forrest Gump


From: Gareth Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Busy cdrom
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 23:37:36 +0100

Try "cd" first? Then "umount /mnt/cdrom".  This is tantamount to "is it
plugged in?" but very often I've tried unmounting a cdrom when it's my
current working directory!  The "busy" element is me!

Greetings from Queen Maud Land

Gareth Williams, Penguophile


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help: How to get module IP_ALIASES.O?
Date: 16 Aug 2000 22:34:25 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc JP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In Slackware 3.9, there is a module inside ipv4 called IP_ALIAS.  This
: module can allow putting multiple IP addresses on one physical interface.

: Since Slackware 4.0, the module seems to have disappeared from the
: distribution.  I am running Slackware 7.1 Kernel 2.2.16 and would like to

I run slackware 7.0 and have no troouble doing ip aliasing. Anyway,
this is a kernel issue, not a distribution issue. Do whatever your
kernel needs you to do for ip aliasing. Compile it your way if you
don't like the way it is.

: use multiple addresses for 1 interface.  Without this module, I have no way
: of doing it.

Then compile it.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Re: HELP:  No Sounds for Events
Date: 16 Aug 2000 22:48:36 GMT

Matthew Lybanon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

[ I run under KDE, sounds for events work.

[ If I use the GNOME Configuration Tool to "Enable sound server
[ startup," then when I log in it takes 30 seconds or longer, rather than
[ the second or two required otherwise.  Also, it then takes longer to
[ load programs.  And I still don't get sounds for events (even when the
[ "Sounds for events" box in the GNOME Configuration Tool is checked )!
[ None of the systems people here can figure it out.

[ Here are the details of the setup I'm using:
[ Linux Mandrake release 7.0, Operating System Release 2.2.14-15 mdk

dont know if this helps but the only time I got sound in GNOME/Mandrake is 
when I fired up Enlightenment. Now I've kept enlightenment only ;-) due 
to meager resources and my need to show my wife how purty Linux is

Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


Subject: Re: random Linux freezing
Date: 16 Aug 2000 23:19:52 GMT

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 18:33:15 GMT, Crni Gorac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>Again, everything is fine there.
>I've also tried in the meantime with downgrading to RedHat 6.1, as well
>as to installing Slackware 7.1. But the problem is still there - kernel
>compilation is always freezing machine...

I have some more cheap tricks you could try:
change your flatcable from the controller to the disk. Cables that have
for some reason gone bad cause random freezes.
or you could try to underclock your processor by say 30%. You might not
have overclocked your processor, but your vendor might have been
swindled, and yes it happens even with very reputable vendors.

 Joop Bollen.   Nuts & Bolts Department,    Nomadis Systems, Holland
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: (31)-252-532489   PGP-ID: FFB003FD
We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon.


From: Jim Broughton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Memory recommendation
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 19:18:59 -0400

Sandhitsu R Das wrote:
> Can somebody recommend a brand-name 128MB PC133 module for my K7V -
> remember K7V is picky about memory. The module that I have now seems to be
> generic - I don't want another generic module.

Any memory strip made with INFINION memory chips.
Go to for a review of memory
chips in his memory guide.

Jim Broughton
(The Amiga OS! Now there was an OS)
If Sense were common everyone would have it!
Following Air and Water the third most abundant
thing on the planet is Human Stupidity.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Moore)
Subject: Re: Can't modify inetd.conf file
Date: 16 Aug 2000 23:39:24 GMT

"Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>: ls -ln /etc/group
>: -rw-rw-r--    1 0              0        556 Aug 16 10:37 group

>: ls -ln /etc/passwd
>: -rw-rw-r--    1 0              0        932 Aug 16 10:37 passwd

>Arrrrrgh. Zero length passwd files. Well, just about what you'd expect
>if someone had a messed up FS. Or tried editing them in an unusual way.

Look again. That says owner=id0, group=gid0, file sizes=556,932. And he has given no
indication that his FS is messed up. Now as to how that immutable bit got set... That's
something to worry about -- though it's a good idea if you do it yourself.

-Peter Moore


Subject: Re: Busy cdrom
Date: 16 Aug 2000 23:55:54 GMT

>Try "cd" first? Then "umount /mnt/cdrom".  This is tantamount to "is it
>plugged in?" but very often I've tried unmounting a cdrom when it's my
>current working directory!  The "busy" element is me!

Nearly every "device is busy" I get is down to 2 things:

1) I (or someone) has a CWD of /device
2) KFM has decided to latch onto it but doesn't want to let go.

Nearly always, exiting KFM (or a KDE desktop) cures it.


John Bland MPhys(Hons) GradInstP  Webmaster and Sys Admin.      Condensed Matter Group
Email: j.bland at           Liverpool University
 "And it can suck a monkey through 30ft of garden hose!!"


From: Scott Billings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Modem Troubles
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 19:24:12 -0500

I recently bought a Hayes Acura 56K PCI modem (model #: H08-03357). The
box states, in very explicit terms, that there is a DSP on the modem
(even has a little soapbox speech on why Win/Softmodems are bad), so
logically one would think that it would work "out-of-the-box"......

I cannot, for the life of me, get this thing to work under Mandrake 7.1.
It's, as far as I can tell, seated properly in the slot..... It's in a
PCI slot, etc. The Windows driver defaulted to using COM5, so I used
MAKEDEV to generate a ttyS4 device. Not sure if my setserial settings
were right (I'm not sure what the I/O address for COM5 would be (if the
pattern follows, I'd guess 0x3d8?)).....

KPPP, no matter what device I try and use, says that the modem is
busy..... If I use ifup, I usually get error codes of 5 or 8.

I have set the /dev/modem link to the /dev/ttyS4 device, and still
nothing. I know the PCI slot is good, as I use to have my sound card in

If anyone can offer some assitance on this (even if it's telling me that
this particular modem doesn't work with Linux (of course, the same
model, only in external, claims support for Linux right on the box (this
one doesn't, only Win9x, NT4, and 2000... But again, the DSP
claim....)), I'd greatly appreciate it. A CC'd email response would also
be nice (bad memory).

(Remove the x's in email address to email)


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to disable CTRL-ALT-DEL restart in console mode?
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 19:51:42 -0500

> I have a series of linux and NT machine connected to a multi KVM switch and
> I'd like to disable the CTRL-ALT-DEL restart 'feature' on the linux boxes.
> Under NT CTRL-ALT-DEL is of course the key combo for logging in and I want
> to ensure no one does one, when they mean to do the other on another
> machine.  Any suggestions?

Edit your /etc/inittab file and comment out the line:

ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -a -t3 -r now

Re-run init and C-A-D will no longer shut down the system.





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