Linux-Misc Digest #630, Volume #25               Thu, 31 Aug 00 05:13:02 EDT

  TCP/IP networking and PPPD???? (Rob Blomquist)
  Re: LTWinmodem work with Linux? (Rob Blomquist)
  Re: Hidden Partition - shouldn't be! Can't boot. (Wayne Pollock)
  Sawfish Saving Window size/position... ("Jeffrey Hood")
  Re: Port forwarding on RedHat 6.2 ????? (Cannon Fodder)
  Re: Newbie, Help, CLI Commands, (Andreas Kahari)
  Re: Sawfish Saving Window size/position... ("David ..")
  Gnome not seeing CD drives anymore (rescan devices) (Tim Van Holder)
  Re: cracker's file (Andreas Kahari)
  Netscape is the best web brower for Linux? Where is the alternative? (Hans)
  ATA-66 Help (Dave Barcelo)
  Re: From RedHat to SuSE: A simple question ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Redirect EMAIL ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Netscape is the best web brower for Linux? Where is the alternative? (Davide 
  Re: Lilo broken??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Xfree 4.0 installalation ? ("Frank Hofmann")
  access database on Linux
  Re: access database on Linux (Andreas Kahari)
  glibc-2.1.2 update error... How to install? (Mihaly Gyulai)
  Re: LILO..I forgot how to... (Andreas Kahari)


From: Rob Blomquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TCP/IP networking and PPPD????
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 22:40:14 -0700

I am building a TCP/IP network at my house and I am having a problem.

It appears that my IP addressing for my local network 
( is running afoul of my ISP's dynamic IP 
addressing. Is there a good work around? I would like to use both the LAN 
and the PPP connection simultaneously.

Rob Blomquist
Kirkland, WA


From: Rob Blomquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LTWinmodem work with Linux?
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 23:00:17 -0700

> Rob Blomquist wrote:
> > And the RH 2.2.12 driver for the LT WinModems are at, but
> > there are some opensource drivers that are being built around, too.
> I haven't seen them there.  URL, please.
I couldn't find it there either. Try 

Rob Blomquist
Kirkland, WA


From: Wayne Pollock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hidden Partition - shouldn't be! Can't boot.
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 06:54:52 -0400

The list of which drives are visible from each bootmagic menu
choice is configurable.  Re-read your partition magic and boot
magic manual to see how to make the partitions visible again.

Note no Linux tool (fdisk) will help since boot magic changes
the visibility of partitions at each boot, according to its
configuration files.

-Wayne Pollock

root wrote:
> Greetings.  I have a dual boot setup with linux as default and win  98 as
> secondary(as it should be!).  My boot manager is bootmagic.
> Some monkey was playing with the bootmagic setup and has somehow
> 'magically' hidden my primary partition so C: no longer exists - each of the
> consecutive drives have been renamed accordingly which means I am also having
> to floppy into linux.
> If I boot via win-floppy into DOS, and use Fdisk the C drive doesn't
> exist(non-DOS it says), but from linux /mnt/DOS_hda1/  I can still see all the
> structure etc in tact!
> Now.  Seeing as I can' use windows or DOS to access bootmagic nor access
> windows itself to use some other software to make the partition visible again,
> can anyone offer a solution?  Is there a linux proggy which can UN-hide my drive?
> Thanks in advance for saving my child's life.
> Shane/


From: "Jeffrey Hood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sawfish Saving Window size/position...
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 06:01:34 GMT

Is there any way to save the window size/position with the sawfish window

I can't seem to find how to do it...



Jeffrey Hood


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,comp.os.linux.questions,linux.redhat.list
From: Cannon Fodder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Port forwarding on RedHat 6.2 ?????
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 06:14:58 GMT


What you want to do has a precedent.  It's now
called Virtual Private Networking (VPN).  There's
a how-to on to guide you called


=======My Email Address is INVALID=======


Subject: Re: Newbie, Help, CLI Commands,
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Kahari)
Date: 31 Aug 2000 09:10:00 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Andrew N. McGuire  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 30 Aug 2000, Andreas Kahari quoth:
>~~ Date: 30 Aug 2000 20:43:03 +0100
>~~ From: Andreas Kahari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>~~ Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
>~~ Subject: Re: Newbie, Help, CLI Commands,
>~~ In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>~~ Andrew N. McGuire  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>~~ >On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Eric Potter quoth:
>~~ [cut]
>~~ >~~ rm -rf directory
>~~ >
>~~ >Why the '-f'?  The man page for rm states:
>~~ >
>~~ [cut]
>~~ Because most sane people have 'rm' aliased to 'rm -i' and the '-f'
>~~ optino takes away the effect of '-i'. This is nice when deleting huge
>~~ folders.
>True, but what I mean is that the first couple of times a newcomer
>to UNIX/Linux has to do that, he should be weary.  Unlike Windows,
>there is no real way of undeleting files.  Since the OP did ask
>about deltree, I assumed he was coming from a DOS/Windows environment,
>and may be accustomed to undeleting files.  Given that, that is
>why I questioned the use of '-f'.  The first couple of times he
>should not overwrite the '-i', as he could potentially destroy data
>he did not mean to.  I see nothing wrong with '-f', or pointing it
>out, but for a newbie I think there should be an accompanying 
>disclaimer (IMO).
>~~ Another way to temporarly "unalias" a command is to type e.g. '\rm'.
>Yep, use it all the time (well maybe 10% actually).
>Best Wishes,

Point taken. See the note in my very first reply to the OP.


Andreas Kähäri, <URL:>.
All junk e-mail will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sawfish Saving Window size/position...
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 02:00:40 -0500

Jeffrey Hood wrote:
> Is there any way to save the window size/position with the sawfish window
> manager...
> I can't seem to find how to do it...
> Thanks,
> JH
> -----
> Jeffrey Hood

Yes, right click on the window's title bar and choose 

History/Remember Dimensions

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538


From: Tim Van Holder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Gnome not seeing CD drives anymore (rescan devices)
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 07:10:57 GMT


when Netscape crashed once again this morning (it has a habit of
freezing), X crashed along with it (a kill -9 on Netscape caused the
screen to flicker a few times and dumped be back to graphical login).
After logging back in, I didn't see my usual desktop icons, so I did
Rescan Desktop Directory and Rescan Devices. Aside from this killing the
names and icons assigned to the devices, it also made the icons for my
cd reader and writer disappear, and I have been unable to get them back.

My floppy and Samba share are showing up properly though.

The only change to the configuration was that I installed imwheel (from
rpms), but it seems unlikely that that would be the cause.

Tim Van Holder

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: cracker's file
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Kahari)
Date: 31 Aug 2000 09:33:38 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Thomas Corriher <[EMAIL PROTECTED], abuse@[], 
support@[]> wrote:
>    (warning: sarcasm around the next curve)
>I feel much safer knowing that some people are fighting to
>prevent others from posting questions about evil programs.
>Maybe we could make the usenet (and the rest of the Internet)
>safe for the children!  If only we could close-up software,
>and suppress programming knowledge: then the world would
>finally be safe, and computer operating systems would be 
>secure!  Dangerous knowledge such as the "ping" man page
>could be eliminated (reference "-f" parameter).  When will
>this OPEN madness stop!?!
>Oh no!  I accidently posted dangerous DoS information
>about the ping command.  Oh gosh!  Now I will probably
>lose my account for spreading dangerous information about
>the existance of manual pages!  That Internet thingy
>must be censured before it destroys us all.
>It is a good thing that I did not mention that cracking
>tools can be found with any search engine using the search
>term "warez".  DAMN!  I did it again!  I have to pull the
>plug before I do any more damage.
> (sarcasm over)

Hello again.

I just wanted to leave a comment on that sarcasm part since I didn't
read it very carefully yesterday.

Before hanging me as a pro-closed source and control-all-users
monster, you should do some research on me. My home pages are
available through the link in my signature.

After thinking things over last night, I acknowledge that I might have
spoken without thinking yesterday. The OP will be happy to know that
I'm very much sorry for my too quick post and that I never sent a
message to his admin (although I still think this is really a border

People on comp.lang.c is starting to ask for the source of "unix ping"
now. I hope some other people are making DoS-detection programs.

Any comments Thomas?


Andreas Kähäri, <URL:>.
All junk e-mail will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.


Subject: Netscape is the best web brower for Linux? Where is the alternative?
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 07:34:31 GMT


The Desktop Linux in the company has Netscape.
Netscape is unstable honestly. Netscape often stop or terminated during
the normal operation without a warning message.
Well, better than M$ Windows 95. Cause I can restart only netscape.
I need an web browser is more stable than Netscape. :-)

My homepage is ''

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Dave Barcelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ATA-66 Help
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 02:38:12 -0500


I'm still kinda new to Linux and I have a problem. I have a Abit HA66
ATA controller card in my system running my only hard drive. Apparently
Linux can't see the card or the Hard drive because when I try to do an
install it tells me I have no where to place the file system. I have
found a "patch" from Abit's web site but I don't know how I go about
applying the patch without first installing the OS.
The only option I have is to not use the card and install just using
regular IDE but I'm afraid that will mess up the other OS I have on
another partition. Any help or docs you could refer to me would be
greatly appreciated.


Paul (not Dave)


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: From RedHat to SuSE: A simple question
Date: 31 Aug 2000 07:49:19 GMT

Jerry L Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: which I've tested, SuSE (5.3-6.3) is much faster and more stable.  Part of my
: speed comes from the fact that I recompile the SuSE kernel to i586 optimization

Do you really have a pentium cpu? Those were never made in more than
200MHz versions, you know! It's much more likely that you have an i686
cpu, for which "optimization" as an i386 would be best. But anyway, the
difference would be about 10% at max, and you can overclock a 686 by
more than that quite safely (says he patting his years-old celeron 300a
running at 450MHz).

: monitor combination.  I have a Sony VAIO P166 with 64MB RAM and a 128MB
: swapfile.

Well, you do have a pentium, indeed. But the swapfile will slow it
down. 64MB should be enough for all except staroffice so you might as
well get rid of the swap.

: I run KDE 1.1a with KDevelop for a dev tool. (I'm learning how to use the 
: QT toolkit).  

Yes, this will fit in 64MB comfortably. You can switch off the swapfile
(or partition, if that's what you meant).

: Linux support forums around is a fair statement.  The list is very civil and 
: friendly to both gurus and newbies, and SuSE's tech staff is always watching. 

Good for them.


(of course, SuSE _is_ better engineered than redhat. That wouldn't be
hard. It's been put together by real engineers, who keep it solid and
simple. The file placements are standard, unlike redhats, and the
result is maintainable by humans, not by machiens alone!),


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Redirect EMAIL
Date: 31 Aug 2000 07:56:06 GMT

Ernesto Gianoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I have a LOT of email in /var/spool/mail/root

: HOW CAN I GET THEM with my email client???

man <your email client>.

Me, I'd su to root and do "elm -f /var/spool/mail/root". Whassa



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Davide Bianchi)
Subject: Re: Netscape is the best web brower for Linux? Where is the alternative?
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 08:11:22 GMT

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 07:34:31 GMT, Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The Desktop Linux in the company has Netscape.
>Netscape is unstable honestly. Netscape often stop or terminated during
>the normal operation without a warning message.
>Well, better than M$ Windows 95. Cause I can restart only netscape.
>I need an web browser is more stable than Netscape. :-)

Try Opera


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: Lilo broken???
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 08:15:43 GMT

There are several ways to do it.
The easiest way is to:

Boot on a dos/windows diskett and make sure it contains the program
fdisk.exe (or I don't remember which extension right now)
At the commandline type: a:\fdisk /mbr
That will get rid of the LInux LOader.

If I remember correctly the /mbr is an undocumented switch.


In article <edlr5.9980$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "JoAnn Elliott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was reading the new group.
> What program is this? I had installed linux on my laptop and then
decided to
> restore my laptop from CD and now the lilo get to just up to the
> line...."li..." and I removed the whold linux off and now was trying
> reinstall windows. Even did a fdisk and reformat and still the
partial lilo
> on reboot. I need to restore the MBR and get that thing off, please
help me
> as I have worked several hours on this project already.
> please respond to me personally as well as the group.
> JoAnn Elliott

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Before you buy.


From: "Frank Hofmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Xfree 4.0 installalation ?
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 10:00:10 +0200
Reply-To: "Frank Hofmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I have downloaded the complete binary package of Xfree 4.0, but if I start
the installation script with the following command, I get this errormessage:


: command not found
: command not found
: command not found
: command not found
' line 119 : syntax error near unexpected token `Echo()
' line 119: `Echo()

What can I do ?



Subject: access database on Linux
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 08:29:21 GMT

I have an access database. Can I place it on a Linux server? If not, is 
there anyway I can place the data on an alternative database and make it 

Posted via CNET


Subject: Re: access database on Linux
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Kahari)
Date: 31 Aug 2000 10:58:03 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have an access database. Can I place it on a Linux server? If not, is 
>there anyway I can place the data on an alternative database and make it 
>Posted via CNET

I have never heard of anyone running an Access database on a GNU/Linux
server (but they might be out there).

As for other databases, there are a couple to choose from. The one I'm
most familiar with is PostgreSQL (see [1]) which is a free
(BSD-licensed I think) "Object-Relational DBMS".

See [2] for a GNU/Linux database page.

The LDP ([3]) might have some more info.

[1] <URL:>
[2] <URL:>
[3] <URL:>


Andreas Kähäri, <URL:>.
All junk e-mail will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.


From: Mihaly Gyulai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: glibc-2.1.2 update error... How to install?
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 08:49:57 GMT

I tried to install glibc-2.1.2 on my Debian 2.1 Linux.
Previously it had glibc 2.0.72 (something like that).

At 'make' of glibc I received the following error:

  ../ undefined reference to '__NR_rt_sigreturn'
  [makedeb] - Error 1

Now it seems that I can't compile anything!

What can be the problem, and what can I do now?

 Please help.

Mihaly Gyulai

Sent via
Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LILO..I forgot how to...
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Kahari)
Date: 31 Aug 2000 11:02:41 +0100

In article <8ojp8u$bjj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Darren Welson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I installed RH6.2 and made a boot floppy at install, as well as wrote lilo
>to the MBR.  When I boot up, I get "LI" and must use the boot floppy to
>start.  I think I had a hardware conflict causing this "LI" which has been
>I can't remember...What do I do to repair LILO so I can now boot from the
>MBR like I am suppposed to?  Do I need to change the /etc/lilo.conf file, or
>at least make sure it points to the /dev/hda (MBR), or what must I do?
>I have rerun LILO on several occasions, but still must boot from the floppy.

There's a HOWTO called "LILO, Linux Crash Rescue HOW-TO" at
<URL:>, it
might help you.


Andreas Kähäri, <URL:>.
All junk e-mail will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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