Linux-Misc Digest #640, Volume #25                Fri, 1 Sep 00 12:13:03 EDT

  Re: Mandrake 7.1 Problem (SOMERTON KENNEDY)
  looking for FAT32 gurus.... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Samba: Win95 + Win98 (Greg F Walz Chojnacki)
  Slow system, RAM memory requirements ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Samba: Win95 + Win98 (Rasputin)
  Root password ("Micromans")
  Re: Slow system, RAM memory requirements ? (NDQ)
  Re: How to exclude dirs from tar-backup? (NDQ)
  Re: Root password (Andreas Kahari)
  Re: Installing RedHad Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: CAUTION: I am under attack from an incompetent hacker probably in  germany 
  remote kernel upgrade (Eugene Y Lee)
  Re: netscape problem ("Chris")
  Terminal Emulation (Jem)
  Re: URGENT - sshd getpeername failed: Bad file descriptor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  IP Masquerade - A successfull story (fernando)
  Re: for in list     in bash (Barry Margolin)
  Re: TCP/IP networking and PPPD???? (John Hasler)
  SiS video cards (fernando)
  Re: 2 "new" cdroms under Win98 ("David S. DeWitt")
  Re: #@$%@#$% Linux modules...... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: #@$%@#$% Linux modules...... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.1 Problem
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 13:29:02 GMT

change your bios to  run from cd rom

Ted Kegebein wrote:
> Martin Racette wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I have a problem installing and running any Linux and the last one is
> > Mandrake.
> >
> > The problem is after the install when I try to start it using the boot
> > disk that I just created while installing I get this:
> >
> > LILO
> > (the message that tells me to wait or press enter to boot Linux using
> > /dev/sdb1)
> > boot:  (I press ENTER)
> > 0x10
> > boot: Linux (I press ENTER again)
> > 0x10
> > boot: Linux (so I added /dev/sdb1)
> > 0x10
> >
> > At that point I use the CTRL+ALT+DEL to reboot my computer to OS/2
> >
> > the setup is :
> >
> > ALL HDD are SCSI
> >
> > Disk 1:
> > Bootmanager
> > C: OS/2 Warp 4
> >      Windows 98SE
> > Extended partition
> > D: , E:, F:, G: (HPFS)
> >
> > Disk 2:
> > Linux (mount point /)
> > Linux swap
> > Extended Partition
> > H: (HPFS)
> > I:   (FAT-16)
> > J: ,K: (HPFS)
> >
> > Disk 3:
> > Not seen by Linux during installation is a ZIP100 SCSI
> >
> > I would like to know how I can install and use Linux with that setup
> >
> > Thank you in advance
> >
> > Merci a l'avance
> >
> > Martin
> If you have OS2, a standard install isn't going to work.
> From Linux Complete by Grant Taylor:
> [For OS/2]  your LILO config file should look something like this:
> boot = /dev/hdb2 (or whatever you named disk 2)
> install = /boot/boot.b
> compact
> image = /vmlinuz
>  label = linux
>  root = /dev/hdb2
>  vga = ask
> You then have to run /sbin/lilo
> I have no idea whether or not that will work with a SCSI harddrive.


Subject: looking for FAT32 gurus....
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 13:23:05 GMT

Hey all, I'm trying to implement a FAT32 file system for an embedded
device and there isn't a ton of info on the net about the specifics of
FAT32. Does anyone out there have any experience with the linux FAT32
stuff, or could you point me to the source files that contain the FAT32
code. I've looked at some stuff in the fs/vfat/ dir but its a little
confusing. Anyways, the specific info I'm looking for is about the FAT,
how do I load it into memory? is it at cluster 1? and if so how do I
know how long it is?

thanks in advance,

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Before you buy.


From: Greg F Walz Chojnacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Samba: Win95 + Win98
Date: 1 Sep 2000 13:35:23 GMT

Well, my solution was to remove encryption from the Win boxes and setup user
accounts on the linux server.

What I guess I'd really like, though, is anonymous use of the printer -- no
longin needed.

I haven't found that in the how-to. Any ideas?



[EMAIL PROTECTED]     UW-Milwaukee News Services & Publications    414/229-4454                                     FAX:414/229-6443


Subject: Slow system, RAM memory requirements ?
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 13:34:13 GMT

Slow system, RAM memory requirements ?
I have Cyrix 686 PR200 with 16 MB SDRAM and 1.4 GB hard drive.
I recently installed RedHat Linux 6.2 with GNOME; 64 MB swap partition.
It's extremely slow!
I read that the minimum requirement is 4 MB RAM, so 16 MB RAM should be
more than sufficient.
Then why is the system so slow?  I mean, even simple things like
opening/dragging windows becomes a time-consuming production.
Is there any way to "speed" up the system, without adding more RAM;
don't want to upgrade an old computer that's got one foot in the grave.
What are some methods to "trim" down the system, without losing the
user-friendly GUI,...


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Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rasputin)
Subject: Re: Samba: Win95 + Win98
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 14:00:43 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] <Greg F Walz Chojnacki> wrote:
>Well, my solution was to remove encryption from the Win boxes and setup user
>accounts on the linux server.
>What I guess I'd really like, though, is anonymous use of the printer -- no
>longin needed.
>I haven't found that in the how-to. Any ideas?

O'Reilly 's SAMBA book is online at their site:

Don't know for sure it'll help; I don't run Samba myself,
so haven't read it.
(One of those things you find and file away in bookmarks...).


Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns.


From: "Micromans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Root password
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 07:05:21 -0700

I have a Redhat 6.0 Linux system on a training machine that also has W98,
NTWS 4.0, and NT Server 4.0. The Redhat boots from floppy. All others boot
with NT boot loader. I have lost the Linux root password. How can I get it
back? I have complete access to the machine since it is in my home office. I
could rebuild the Linux but would rather just get the password back.



Subject: Re: Slow system, RAM memory requirements ?
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 16:02:27 +0200

> Slow system, RAM memory requirements ?
> I have Cyrix 686 PR200 with 16 MB SDRAM and 1.4 GB hard drive.
> I recently installed RedHat Linux 6.2 with GNOME; 64 MB swap partition.
> It's extremely slow!
> I read that the minimum requirement is 4 MB RAM, so 16 MB RAM should be
> more than sufficient.
> Then why is the system so slow?  I mean, even simple things like
> opening/dragging windows becomes a time-consuming production.
> Is there any way to "speed" up the system, without adding more RAM;
> don't want to upgrade an old computer that's got one foot in the grave.
> What are some methods to "trim" down the system, without losing the
> user-friendly GUI,...

Forget GNOME or KDE if you have ONLY 16 MB RAM !
IMHO, you have to at last 32 MB for these desktops.
Why not use another Window Manager like (Blackbox, Fvwm,...)



Subject: Re: How to exclude dirs from tar-backup?
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 15:59:59 +0200

Diana Block wrote:
> Hi all,
> i try to realize a backup-script, that mounts the hdds our win-clients via
> samba on the linux-backupserver and backup them.
> the problem is that eg i try to backup only the files on C:\ mounted to
> /mnt/nt/C without all subdirs:
> tar cvfz /tmp/test.tgz --exclude=/mnt/nt/C/Eigene\
> Dateien/ --exclude=/mnt/nt/C/WINDOWS/ --exclude=/mnt/nt/C/Programme/ *
> it doesn´t work.
> can everybody tell me what i´m doing wrong?
> thanks in advance for your help
> diana

My script :

echo "-----------------------------"
echo $LABEL
echo "-----------------------------"

$TAR -cpf $DEVICE --label="$LABEL" --directory / --exclude=dev \
    --exclude=var \
    --exclude=tmp \
    --exclude=proc \
    --exclude=mnt \
    --exclude=lost+found \
    --exclude=popusers \

works very well ;-)
LTAS-Mecanique de la Rupture, ULG
Rue des Chevreuils, 1, Bat B52, Local 522
B-4000, Liege, BELGIQUE
Tel:+32-04-366.9098  Fax:+32-04-366.9311


Subject: Re: Root password
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Kahari)
Date: 1 Sep 2000 16:17:01 +0100

In article <FAOr5.4027$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Micromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a Redhat 6.0 Linux system on a training machine that also has W98,
>NTWS 4.0, and NT Server 4.0. The Redhat boots from floppy. All others boot
>with NT boot loader. I have lost the Linux root password. How can I get it
>back? I have complete access to the machine since it is in my home office. I
>could rebuild the Linux but would rather just get the password back.

Found this by searching for "lost root password" on the LDP at

1. Reboot (try [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Delete]) 

2. During the LILO prompt type: (kernel/image name) init=/bin/sh rw
   ... note that's usually going to be just: linux init=/bin/sh rw

3. This should start the Linux kernel, with the root filesystem
   mounted in read/write mode. The cool thing is that none of your
   normal init processes (like the gettys that ask for your name and
   call the login program) will be started.

4. (Maybe) mount your /usr filesystem with a command like: mount /usr

5. Change your root password with a command like: passwd

6. Flush the cache buffers: sync; sync; sync

7. (Maybe) unmount /usr: umount /usr

8. Remount the root fs in readonly mode: mount -o remount,ro /

9. Let init clean up and reboot the system: exec /sbin/init 6 
   ... there is a "6" (six) at the end of that command.


Andreas Kähäri, <URL:>.
All junk e-mail will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.


Subject: Re: Installing RedHad Linux
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 14:20:28 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Cook) wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 01:59:03 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> >Red Hat Linux on the second HD w/o success.  Can
> >anyone help.  Thankx.
> What version of Red Hat is this?  (Oops, I already erased some of what
> wrote, so I apologize if you already gave this info.)
> Could you give some info about the second drive?  How big is it?  At
> point of the install does it fail?  Are there any error messages?
> I suspect what may be happening is that you have a windows partition
> up all of the second drive.  If so, you can use DOS FDISK to remove it
> do a "Workstation" install.  Or do a custom Red Hat install, remove
> windows partitions on the 2nd drive in Disc Druid and create 2
partitions on
> it, /boot (16M) and / (the remainder).
> Note that unless you use a bootfloppy, you still need to install LILO
on the
> master boot record (MBR) of the first drive.
> Dave Cook
I'm trying to install RedHat 5.1.  On my IDE0, I have Win98 on the
Master and RedHat on the Slave (3.2GB).  I have only ONE error during
the install> Package: bc-1.04-5 failed.

When I try to boot Linux thru the book diskette, everything looks good
until I get the following error msg:
     /lib/aic7xxx.o: init_module: Device or resourse busy
     VFS: Cannot open root device 08:11
     Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 08:11
At this point I'm dead in the water.  Thanks for your help.

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Before you buy.


From: "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: CAUTION: I am under attack from an incompetent hacker probably in  germany
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 00:31:43 +1000

I don't know about this, OE works OK for me whenever I am forced to use a
Windows machine!

Not to say that I like MS one little bit, however. I just think that OE does
the job. If only Pan was more stable, although I don't have the latest
version (OK, so flame me!)


Black Dragon <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 15:18:46 GMT in comp.os.linux,
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> `Person 7' said:
> >On Mon, 5 Jun 2000 07:36:00 -0230, in comp.os.linux.admin,
> > ("FellowTraveller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:
> >
> >>am using one of the NT PC's here to post this, as I find Outlook Express
> >>best for news reading...  and I do find that Netscape has not been as
> >
> >Outlook express is crap at newsreading.
> >You want free-agent
> Pah ! Lookout Express, Nutscrape Messenger, and Forte Agent are all *SLRN*
> 'wannabes.  :-)
> --
> Black Dragon
> "Resist militant `normality' -- A mind is a terrible thing to erase."


From: Eugene Y Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: remote kernel upgrade
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 10:36:51 -0400

I have a network of RH systems I am planning to do an upgrade to 6.2
soon.  I would like to keep these systems in a similar configuration,
but many of the systems are different.  Right now, I do a nightly
systems sync except for user files using RDIST.  I would like to upgrade
these systems over the network.  Does anyone hav a good solution for



From: "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,alt.linux
Subject: Re: netscape problem
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 00:39:15 +1000

I have had this problem as well however I managed to "defeat" it by turning
off DNS resolution. I know that this isn't a very good way of doing things.
Looking at the freshmeat comments page someone commented that you may be
able to set an environment variable MOZILLA_NO_ASYNC_DNS to false and
possibly alleviate this problem.

IMHO Netscape is no good. Have a try of Mozilla, you may be pleasantly


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8ogvs5$sjt$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have linux redhat 6.2 and kde
> when I start up netscape , either from command line or by icon , I find
> that a blank netscape window shows up and it  is a long time before all
> the netscape features are visible . so I just have to sit for a long
> time.
> but suppose I remove the .netscape directory , the browser starts up
> relatively fast. now I have made sure that the cache is not affecting
> performance . Any suggestions
> thanks in advance
> sandy
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


Subject: Terminal Emulation
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 15:53:41 +0100

Hi guys, firstly an apology for the cross-posting...I am not at all sure 
what group this should go to so I hope someone can throw me some 

I need to emulate various terminal types under Linux, that is to say I 
need to communicate over a serial port with various servers - Sun, HP, 
DEC, etc... I would prefer to have a console app. rather than something 
under X but I can't find anything around that will do this for me.

Searching for "linux terminal emulator" and the like seems to produce a 
hundred links to terminal software that'll talk TO a Linux box but not 
run under Linux to talk to a host.

I obviously already have VT100 / VT102 emulation in the form of the 
standard console but it's the others I am looking for (please don't say 
which, I'm trying to get as wide a range together as possible!)

Due to my group ignorance could you CC replies to my return address 
(err, obviously remove the NOSPAM as usual...) 




Subject: Re: URGENT - sshd getpeername failed: Bad file descriptor
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 14:45:53 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> On Fri, 01 Sep 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >The problem has been descripted in below...
> >1/ I have a redhat linux 6.1 server with sshd and ssh installed.
> >2/ A new window 98 with ssh client contact the redhat server and
> >as "root".
> >3/ The window98 received a new key.
> >4/ Inputed two times incorrect root password.
> >5/ Inputed a correct root password at third time.
> >6/ Login as root from window 98
> >7/ Everything works fine, memory usage ok, cpu usage ok.
> >8/ But an error appear in the /var/log/message file.
> >
> >Sep  1 21:52:44 solar sshd[28003]: log: Closing connection to
> >
> >Sep  1 21:52:47 solar sshd[28502]: log: Connection from
> >port 1425
> >Sep  1 21:52:47 solar sshd[28502]: log: Could not reverse map address
> >
> >Sep  1 21:52:47 solar sshd[28502]: error: getpeername failed: Bad
> >descriptor
> >Sep  1 21:52:48 solar sshd[28502]: log: Password authentication for
> >root accepted.
> >Sep  1 21:52:48 solar sshd[28502]: log: ROOT LOGIN as 'root' from
> >
> >
> >9/ Tried to login again from the window98, same error appears again.
> >10/ Tried to login from another window95, same error appears again.
> >
> >Please help, what is the getpeername failed: Bad file descriptor?
> >How to fix this error?
> Fix your DNS so that nslookup returns a name for that IP from the
> lookup zone, or at least make sure that you have names for your Win95
> 98 IPs in /etc/hosts.
> --
> David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  http://cgi-

Thank you for your reply.

Actually, this redhat server with sshd has been up and run for more
then 3 months without DNS server nor the ip address for window98 and 95
in its /etc/hosts file.

It works fine in the last 3 months, it just could not reverse map
address. The sshd works ok until I type in the wrong password two times
yesterday. The error start appears in /var/log/message - error:
getpeername failed: Bad file descriptor.

Although it looks like DNS+/etc/hosts error, but actually it is not.
Since I have another set of server with same redhat+sshd, but it works

Sorry for my bad english : ), and thank you for your time.


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Before you buy.


From: fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP Masquerade - A successfull story
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 10:12:08 -0600

Yesterday I had that normal problem, not enough static IPs and a lot of
machines I needed for a training who need intranet/internet access.
I put an additional network card to a PC (now it has 2 NICs) and I
followed the intructions at:

And now everything is working just fine.

I wrote this in case somebody need it someday.

Real e-mail: sanabriaf at yahoo dot com
These are my personal opinions


From: Barry Margolin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: for in list     in bash
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 15:16:12 GMT

In article <8oo9e9$b40h5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Ross Goodley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Well you could always;-
>for i in $( ls | grep *.log | sort )

That grep won't work -- first of all, you're confusing wildcards and
regexps, and second of all you forgot to quote the wildcard.  But why use
grep at all, when you could do $(ls *.log | sort) ?

>echo $i
>man sort for options

As the other poster pointed out, this isn't necessary because the shell
guarantees that a wildcard expansion will be sorted.  However, if you're
matching multiple wildcards, e.g. *.log *.bak, each one will be sorted
within its group, but they won't be sorted together, so piping to sort
could be useful.

*Except* for the fact that the "ls" command *also* guarantees to sort its
output.  So if you're using ls to get the files one-per-line, you don't
need to pipe it to sort.  So you could just do:

for i in $( ls *.log *.bak )

Barry Margolin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Genuity, Burlington, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TCP/IP networking and PPPD????
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 13:09:19 GMT

Rasputin writes:
> Well, I would expect so, but I am trying to figure out why PPPD would
> bomb out after the connection is made. All I have done is tried to set up
> a home LAN since I last logged in.

You probably set up a default route to your LAN.  Get rid of it.  You don't
need it, and it prevents pppd from setting up the default route that it
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


From: fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SiS video cards
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 10:43:32 -0600

Hello there

I just installed some PCs and they have SiS video adapters.   These
adapters are in built with the board.   I have 3 different SiS chips
(different models) and with all of them I have the following problem:  
Everything work well except xterm.   When I run an xterm it does not use
the colors I have defined and it is impossible to see anything inside
the xterm.   I already changed the colors in xterm, the parameters for X
(including resolution, bpp, depth, acceleration and some strange
parameters I saw in the XF86Config.   I already tried KDE and Gnome and
later I saw the problem is with X itself because it also happens running
an xinit.   I already tried with some xterm replacements applications
but it is the same.

Any idea ?

Real e-mail: sanabriaf at yahoo dot com
These are my personal opinions


From: "David S. DeWitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: 2 "new" cdroms under Win98
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 10:09:18 -0500

I had this problem once when a lady at work asked me to fix her pc.   I
promptly removed the drive from device manager.  They would continue to show
back up.  After awhile I notice extra light on this drive and found out it
was an old 4 disk changer.

No problem after all.

"Gabriel Gagnon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I just buy a new system..  And I install Linux on it
> (distribution Gentus (RedHat 6.2)).
> My system:
> CPU: AMD 800MHz
> Motherboard: ABIT KA7-100
> RAM:  128M
> HD:  Matrox 20G, ATA-100
>      Partitions (created with Partition Magic 4):
>           7G:  Fat32 with Win98 Second Edition       Primary
> Extended
>           2G:  Fat32
> Logical
>           9G:  Linux ext2  mount as "/"                          Logical
>           2G:  Linux ext2  mount as "/home"                  Logical
>           257M:  Linux Swap
> Logical
> Graphic Card:  Matrox G400 Max
> CDRW:  Plextor 12x/10x/32x
> DVD:  PC-DVD Encore 12x with Dxr3 (Creative Labs)
> My problem:
> Under Win98, in Explorer Windows, I have two more visible CDROMs, that I
> should not see.
> Before the installation:
> Visible under Win98:
> C:\   -> Win98 7G
> D:\   -> Fat32 2G
> E:\   -> Fat32 will be "/" under Linux 9G
> F:\   -> Fat32 will be "/home" under Linux 2G
> G:\   -> Fat32 will be "swap" under Linux 257M
> H:\   -> CDRW Plextor 12x/10x/32x
> I:\   -> DVD
> After the installation:
> Visible under Win98:
> C:\   -> Win98 7G
> D:\   -> Fat32 2G
> E:\   -> New CDROM
> F:\   -> New CDROM
> H:\   -> CDRW Plextor 12x/10x/32x
> I:\   -> DVD
> This problem makes my system very unstable when I try to get access to
> my real CDROM (CDRW;DVD) and this is not interesting to see.
> On my old system, I had this problem and I solve it by putting my swap
> partition the last one of my disk.  This seems to do not work on this
> system.
> So if you have a idea how to solve my problem without playing at erasing
> and installing Linux/Win98 multiple times (by tries and errors).
> I know that this question should have been already asked somewhere...
> but I did not find any traces of it.
> Thank you very much ! Have a nice day !
> Gabriel Gagnon


Subject: Re: #@$%@#$% Linux modules......
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 15:48:18 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> In article <8omf62$ct3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > hi all, I hope somebody will help me with this.
> >
> > The problem is that I'm building a custom kernel with modules
> > and everything work fine.  Except one tiny little thing: I have a
> > ServeRaid controller correctly configured with 2x18GB U2W Drives
> > in a mirror. I updated the ips driver(which is statically
> > not as a module) from IBM and recompiled = no problems.  But when I
> > reboot, I still get a !#$!$% "Loading ips module".... with 20 lines
> > telling me I have unresolved symbols.  This happens right after
> > Mounted root".  So I was wondering where the $%^%##@^ is this
> > configured.
> This applies to redhat, maybe not yours. The method is correct,
> though the file may be different.
> Your kernel is still looking for the module because it's listed in a
> configuration file someplace. On RH systems, it's /etc/conf.modules
> and it gets loaded every boot. If the file is a module on one kernel,
> it needs to be listed in the file. But, that makes all kernels look
> for the module when they boot
> To clear the error, you need to go to the file where module
> information is stored and change the line for the ips module,
> then try a reboot.
> Commenting it out may not work. I've tried this and had no
> success. Best bet is to back the file up, wipe the reference to the
> module out, then try it.
OK done this, but the ips driver is NOT compiled-in as a module...
I already went thru the conf.modules.
So I'm wondering where...

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Before you buy.


Subject: Re: #@$%@#$% Linux modules......
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 15:46:19 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Peter Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I suspect you get the message because the modules are not
> used by the kernal, which therefore does not have the
> symbols for them. I get similar messages for a stack of
> modules I have left out of my system.
The ips driver is in the kernel not as a module.
Nowhere in the startup file (rc.sysinit) there is a "Loading ips module"

I have to bother about the unresolved symbols that my raid controller's
driver gives me at boot up as it is a prod machine and I cannot spare
any glitch.

> I don't know where the list of things is that is checked
> during startup. You can alway trace through the startup
> files to find out. I haven't bothered because the screenful
> of startup error messages has no other effect, and is not
> enough to bother about. I would suspect that (if you have a
> RH distribution) the sysinit script probably is the relevant
> one.
> Peter
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