Linux-Misc Digest #644, Volume #25                Fri, 1 Sep 00 22:13:03 EDT

  Re: Caching files from CD---problem when playing MP3s on CD (Kaz Kylheku)
  Re: Solaris x86 won't boot from LILO ("freekick")
  Re: marking 'bad' sectors? - Thanks! (Quentin Christensen)
  Re: summarize disk usage (Justin B Willoughby)
  regaining Linux partition... ("karma")
  Re: Caching files from CD---problem when playing MP3s on CD (Grant Edwards)
  xlockmore makes machine freeze (David Rysdam)
  Re: Freeware/Open Source COM/DCOM? (Christopher Browne)
  Re: what's up with Sun? (Christopher Browne)
  Re: summarize disk usage (Arlan Lucas de Souza)
  Re: SiS video cards ("Lonni J. Friedman")
  Re: Netscape Sucks, I need another option. (Tim Joseph)
  Re: console screen questions (Shannon S. Harvey)
  Re: for in list     in bash (Dave Brown)
  Re: How to exclude dirs from tar-backup? (Dave Brown)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kaz Kylheku)
Subject: Re: Caching files from CD---problem when playing MP3s on CD
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 23:10:53 GMT

On 01 Sep 2000 23:19:51 +0100, Bruce Stephens
>The irritation is that (it seems) the CDROM is intermittently active
>just about all the time.  

Pre-read the file to get it into the buffer cache before invoking the player.

    dd if=file.mp3 of=/dev/null


    cp file.mp3 /dev/null

Or hack the player to buffer more mp3 data.


From: "freekick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.solaris,alt.solaris.x86
Subject: Re: Solaris x86 won't boot from LILO
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 17:32:33 +0800

I just have a same question.I do as following, it does work.
But I have another problem:
I installed Solaris7 for x86 and linux Redhat 6, Windows 98 just on one fix
After I set the FAT32 partition active,The LILO only prompt k. and don't go
to solaris
boot manager when I enter solaris options.
I thinked that solaris boot manager would run normally when its partition is
It is really disappointed.
Anybody have new suggestion?
Thanks in advance.

"Timothy J. Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8ojoi3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Philip Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 20:52:05 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>
> >>After installing Solaris 8 x86, I reconfigured LILO on Linux with
> >>
> >>other = /dev/hdb
> >> label = solaris
> >
> >err.. isn't taht supposed to be
> >
> >other = /dev/hdb1
> >
> >or something like that?
> After a bunch of fiddling, the following works:
> other = /dev/hdb1
> label = solaris
> loader = /boot/chain.b
> unsafe
> The "loader = /boot/chain.b" is needed when booting from something
> other than the first disk, and unsafe is needed to keep lilo from
> complaining about the partition table.
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Timothy J. Lee
> Unsolicited bulk or commercial email is not welcome.
> No warranty of any kind is provided with this message.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Quentin Christensen)
Subject: Re: marking 'bad' sectors? - Thanks!
Date: 1 Sep 2000 23:26:56 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc, on 29 Aug 2000, Quentin Christensen announced:

Hi all,

Thanks everyone for all your help, and patience :)  I got it working yesterday 
(it didn't actually take me this long to figure it out, just to getting the 
time to look at it :), everything seems to be working ok.



My Freeware:
Please don't send me junk leaves! (take them out before replying).

No Silicon Heaven?  But where do all the calculators go? - Kryten.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)
Subject: Re: summarize disk usage
Date: 1 Sep 2000 23:26:32 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)

Arlan Lucas de Souza ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
> Why I have two different results when I try summarize the disk usage of my
> $HOME directory?
> [arlan@alpha arlan]$ du -shc
> 45M     .
> 45M     total
> [arlan@alpha arlan]$ du -shc *
> 5.4M    Arquivos.PDF.PS
> 153k    Barton
> 4.6M    Bigelow
> 17k     CodigoFonte
> 126k    Dicas
> 306k    GNUstep
> 3.0k    Shell.Scripts
> 3.8M    mail
> 2.6M    office52
> 11M     temp
> 28M     total

Maybe the second one is not picking up hidden directories?? (directories
that start with a .  (dot) )

- Justin
   _/     _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/    _/ _/   _/   = Justin Willoughby   =
  _/       _/    _/_/  _/  _/    _/   _/_/     = I use SlackWare!!   =
 _/       _/    _/  _/_/  _/    _/    _/_/     =  =
_/_/_/ _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/_/   _/   _/    =--- Jesus Is Lord ---=


From: "karma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|p|a|>
Subject: regaining Linux partition...
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 18:33:54 -0500

Okay, here's the deal. I have a dual-boot Linux/Win98 machine. I'm using
Windows now, mostly, because I use Photoshop, Napster, and a lot of other
"Wincentric" software for work/play. I'm using System Commander as a boot
manager, and have been for quite some time now. I've never had a problem
with the software, and especially not like the one I'm having now. I was
re-installing RH 6.1, and I wanted a little more disk space, so I used
System Commander to compress my Windows partition. I've done this a few
hundred times, as I'm often removing and re-installing Linux on this
particular box. For some reason, this time, when I tried to launch windows
after the compression, it would hang when launching Windows. I finally got
back into Windows by hand-picking what to load during the boot sequence,
which is how I'm posting this now.

During the time that Windows wasn't working, I installed RH 6.1 on my
machine again. Once I got it up and running, I transferred a lot of files,
including all my art work, writings, and mp3 files, to the Linux partition.
I had to delete these files off my Windows partition to make room for it
all. However, I installed a Gnome Workstation instead of a Custom Install,
which screwed up the MBR. When I tried to run the Windows thing again, I
couldn't access System Commander. System Commander comes with a (sometimes)
handy program called checkmbr.exe, which will restore your MBR to a previous
configuration or something like that (really don't know that much about it,
except that it's always worked before). When I did that, I booted into the
System Commander program and tried to set the boot partition for Linux to
boot into RH 6.1. However, System Commander is telling me that there is no
MBR for that partition. So now I have all this data I need on the Windows
partition stranded on the Linux partition. Any ideas on how to get back into
the Linux partition in this particular situation? And sorry for the
long-windedness. Any help would be appreciated.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: Caching files from CD---problem when playing MP3s on CD
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 23:38:51 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bruce Stephens wrote:
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Can you use hdparm to activate dma transfers on the cdrom alone ?
>> This won't cause it to buffer everything, but should decrease the
>> amount of time it spends reading. The drive motor would still be
>> running, though.
>I'll certainly try that.  However, I don't think that's the issue:
>this is a O(5M) file, and it's going to be read in little bits for O(5
>minutes).  There isn't really a speed issue there---any CDROM can read
>data at that rate!
>The irritation is that (it seems) the CDROM is intermittently active
>just about all the time.

Here's a though...

Try cp'ing the file to /dev/null before you play it.

$ cp my-5meg-file.mp3 /dev/null
$ whatever-you-do-to-play-the-file

If you've got plenty of unused RAM, most/all of the file
should be in the buffer cache after the "cp" command, and the
next program to use it won't cause the CD to spin-up.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  .. My vaseline is
                                  at               RUNNING...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Rysdam)
Subject: xlockmore makes machine freeze
Date: 1 Sep 2000 23:06:14 GMT

Hash: SHA1

(I have to avoid the word "lock" in this post so I don't confuse

A few months ago I swapped out the video card I had in my machine
(don't remember what, but I can check if it matters) for an S3 Virge
DX2.  I immediately began having two problems.  

1) Random freezes--screen suddenly goes "test pattern" and machine is
   total frozen, can't alt-sysrq-anything, have to power off.

2) Non-random freezes--screen freezes as is (i.e. no test patter)
   otherwise exactly like #1.  I call them "non-random" because it
   happens, without fail, when I startup xlockmore (password or not).
   It generally freezes within 10 seconds of starting xlockmore.  I
   just downloaded 4.16 last night and it has the same problem.  When
   I first started having the problem I tried xscreensaver and had the
   same problem.

I thought for a while that it was an OpenGL problem (don't ask me why
I thought that).  But for the last several nights I've been doing
OpenGL tutorials and they work just fine.  Now I don't know what to
think.  I'd replace the card but other than these freezes it works

System: RH 6.1, upgraded.  Kernel 2.2.16.  I can supply other
hardware/software data on demand--I just don't know what might be

- -- 
My public encryption key is available from
Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: Freeware/Open Source COM/DCOM?
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 00:39:09 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Andries Dippenaar would say:
>  Is anyone out there aware of an open source or freeware implementation
>of COM/DCOM; the Microsoft Component Object Model?  Has this ever been
>attempted or is it not worth the pain and (possible) suffering?  It
>would make a great way to expose Linux functionality directly to Windows
>clients such as to have remote components embed themselves in Windows
>documents or component applications.  Since COM/DCOM is based on the DCE
>RPC mechanism, I would hazard a wild guess that it might not be a
>totally unfeasible thing to do.
>  I'm aware of a commercial implementation of COM/DCOM services by
>Software AG, but that was done in partnership with Microsoft and they
>want big bucks for it.

As far as I can tell, the Software AG DCOM implementation is free of
charge, but _totally_ unsupported, and thus not a great choice if you
actually want even the _slightest_ bit of support for it...

The most nearly _analagous_ thing that works quite well on Linux is
CORBA, of which there are several implementations.

The most nearly analagous thing to a "Free COM" is the Mozilla project
XPCOM facility.  <> It mimicks
COM, and is used in the Mozilla web browser apparently for a bunch of
(concatenate 'string "aa454" "@" "")
Rules of the Evil Overlord #119. "I will not attempt to kill the hero
by placing a venomous creature in his room. It will just wind up
accidentally killing one of my clumsy henchmen instead."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: what's up with Sun?
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 00:39:25 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when David Steuber would say:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rasputin) writes:
>' One important difference between Sun and M$ is that Sun make hardware.
>' They have less to lose in a world where software if Free.
>But they have a lot to loose where hardware becomes a commodity.
>However, I think Sun, SGI, et al, can beat Intel for bang for the buck
>if they continue to make servers that can beat large clusters of IA32
>machines in terms of raw performance.
>Also, not all servers are doling out web pages.
>AMD and Intel are heading upmarket, and they have a lot of money and
>a huge legacy hardware base to get them there.

I _suppose_ that I2O _arguably_ represents the way for Intel to head
"upmarket" by introducing functionality traditionally associated with
mainframes to "Pee-Cee" hardware.

It's "arguable" because it doesn't seem to have taken the world by

--> "Pee Cee hardware" is associated with being "cheap;" that
    generally leads to things like using enormous but slow IDE drives,
    and trying to share RAM with the video board.

--> Drivers are needed, and the purported merit of I2O was that it
    would make for "portable, tuned" device drivers.  

    Unfortunately, NDAs discourage participation amongst the free
    software community, and the "deaths" of so many Unixes in the wake
    of the oncoming IA-64 "train wreck" has not led to there being a
    "juggernaut" of I2O drivers demolishing all alternatives.

There's a _potential_ for Intel to do very well on this, but it looks
like they've squandered a whole lot of potential.

Maybe there is a vast IA-64 juggernaut about to hit us; with the
reports of upcoming "Pentium 4's" with _HUGE_ heat sinks and of IA-64
boxes with immense heating capabilities, this does not appear to bode
very well.

It just doesn't look like Intel has stuff that is as readily scaled
for Heavy Duty Processing as the stuff that Sun sells.
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "@" "")
Perhaps there should be a new 'quantum' datatype; you would be able to
take its address or value, but not both simultaneously.
-- Michael Shields


From: Arlan Lucas de Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: summarize disk usage
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 23:21:52 -0300

On 1 Sep 2000, Justin B Willoughby wrote:

> > 45M     total
> > 28M     total

Difference = 17M

> Maybe the second one is not picking up hidden directories?? (directories
> that start with a .  (dot) )

I don't think so. The difference between the two du's command output is
17M and my hidden files sum only 76k as you could see:

[arlan@alpha arlan]$ du -shc .* --exclude="*"
2.0k    .
1.0k    ..
2.0k    .WindowMaker-errors
1.0k    .Xauthority
3.0k    .Xdefaults
3.0k    .addressbook
1.0k    .backups
10k     .bash_history
1.0k    .bash_profile
1.0k    .bashrc
1.0k    .cshrc
1.0k    .emacs
1.0k    .gnome
1.0k    .gnome-desktop
1.0k    .gnome-help-browser
1.0k    .gnome_private
1.0k    .kde
2.0k    .kderc
1.0k    .login
1.0k    .login_conf
1.0k    .logout
1.0k    .mail_aliases
1.0k    .netscape
1.0k    .newsrc
1.0k    .newsrc.old
17k     .pinerc
1.0k    .profile
1.0k    .sh_history
1.0k    .shrc
1.0k    .sversionrc
1.0k    .wm_style
1.0k    .wmakerconf
1.0k    .wmmonrc
1.0k    .wmrc
1.0k    .xauth
2.0k    .xinitrc
1.0k    .xinitrc.old
2.0k    .xsession
0       .xsession-errors
76k     total


From: "Lonni J. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SiS video cards
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 19:16:41 -0400

Specifically which chipsets & what version of XFree86?

fernando wrote:
> Hello there
> I just installed some PCs and they have SiS video adapters.   These
> adapters are in built with the board.   I have 3 different SiS chips
> (different models) and with all of them I have the following problem:
> Everything work well except xterm.   When I run an xterm it does not use
> the colors I have defined and it is impossible to see anything inside
> the xterm.   I already changed the colors in xterm, the parameters for X
> (including resolution, bpp, depth, acceleration and some strange
> parameters I saw in the XF86Config.   I already tried KDE and Gnome and
> later I saw the problem is with X itself because it also happens running
> an xinit.   I already tried with some xterm replacements applications
> but it is the same.


From: Tim Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape Sucks, I need another option.
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 09:51:05 +0100

Ben Ritchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I guess our milages vary, then, because


> isn't displaying correctly as I type this. The images (e.g. "Trescothick
> cuts another boundary") are being displayed on top of the text.

> Netscape 4.74, Mdk 7.0, 2.2.14-15mdk

> Ben.

> Jim Chisholm wrote:

>> Ben Ritchie wrote:
>>> Grant Edwards wrote:
>>> for one - with Netscape 4.74 (and most,
>>> probably all
>>> previous 4.xx). They may well just be using some IE-specific garbage
>>> to display
>>> images, but Netscape doesn't manage to display everything correctly.
>> Works fine for me.. netscape 4.74, RH 6.2 2.4.0-test6

Apologies if this has been mentioned to death on this thread/NG (still
finding my way around).

For me Netscape 4.7x was dire at displyaing anything until I installed a
True Type enabled font server for X. Now I use TT fonts as my default fonts
for Netscape, but let it use document specific fonts if needed. I can vouch
that this made the BBC News site as easy to read as under IE4 - and it
helped almost all the other sites I've been to (incl SlashDot).

It may be useful to grab the free TT fonts from the M$ (shudder) site.

(Netscape 4.75, SuSE 6.2, xfstt font server)






From: Shannon S. Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: console screen questions
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 01:29:03 GMT

Curtis Brown wrote:
> Dances With Crows wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, 22 Feb 2000 16:44:08 -0600, Ed Hurst
> > <<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
> > >On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Curtis Brown wrote:
> > >>I have a couple of questions about customizing the console screens. I
> > >>1) How do I permenantly set the text resolution? I have figured out 
> > >>I can add the vga=ask line in my conf.lilo file and here's what I 
> > [snip]
> > >>So I press "a" and enter and I get the text size I want. At the lilo
> > >>boot prompt, I tried things like vga=a or vga=9, but all I get is 
> > >>vga values are ASK, NORMAL, EXTENDED, or a decimal number." What 
> > >>number is it expecting? How can I permenantly set the text 
> > >>Is there a way of changing the resolution on the command line, after
> > >>logging in?
> > 
> > Yes and yes.  In your /etc/lilo.conf, insert the line
> > vga=a
> > in the section before any "image=" lines, then re-run lilo.  Next time 
> > boot the system, text mode "a" will come up automagically.
> This is strange. I added that line to lilo.conf, but when I ran lilo, I
> got the message [Not a number: "a"]. I've tried a, A, and 030C. Now when
> I change the line to vga=9 and run lilo, lilo seems to like it and I can
> reboot and get that text size. Just for curiosity's sake, I tried
> vga=10, and that got the text size I wanted. It's if I can use numbers,
> not letters, so for modes 1-9 it's OK, but for modes A and greater, I
> have to use the decimal equivelent.
> Can someone verify this for me? I am using LILO version 21 that comes
> with RedHat 6.1 (kernel 2.2.12). 
> P.S. Matt, Thank you. This did help.
> -- 
> --= Curtis Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  OPTIMUS Corporation
>    software tester         fax: +1.970.226.3464
> ------------------------------------------------------------

According to the documentation on the site

1. Note: LILO cannot handle hex, for booting directly with 
         "vga=mode-number" you have to transform the numbers to decimal.
2. Note: Some newer versions of LILO appear to work with those hex values,
         if you set the 0x in front of the numbers.

p.s.  the documentation at is quite's a 
recent find for me so I'm excited :D

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Brown)
Subject: Re: for in list     in bash
Date: 1 Sep 2000 20:47:54 -0500

In article <z1Ur5.93$j55.2548@burlma1-snr2>, Barry Margolin wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Erik Max Francis  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Barry Margolin wrote:
>>> Didn't I say all that later in my message?  I was just addressing the
>>> actual mistakes in the above paragraph, not the redundancies.
>>Except that your eventual solution was to send those globs to ls, which
>>is totally redundant; the globs themselves are already sorted, so
>>sending them to ls is unnecessary.
>Not if you have multiple globs, as I said in my later part that you edited

I presume everyone knows that these do not produce "alphabetic sorts" that 
the original poster mentioned.  (Rather, ASCII collating sequence... 
  --Z comes before a.)

Dave Brown  Austin, TX


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Brown)
Subject: Re: How to exclude dirs from tar-backup?
Date: 1 Sep 2000 20:58:57 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, NDQ wrote:
>Diana Block wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> i try to realize a backup-script, that mounts the hdds our win-clients via
>> samba on the linux-backupserver and backup them.
>> the problem is that eg i try to backup only the files on C:\ mounted to
>> /mnt/nt/C without all subdirs:
>> tar cvfz /tmp/test.tgz --exclude=/mnt/nt/C/Eigene\
>> Dateien/ --exclude=/mnt/nt/C/WINDOWS/ --exclude=/mnt/nt/C/Programme/ *
>> it doesn´t work.
>My script :
>$TAR -cpf $DEVICE --label="$LABEL" --directory / --exclude=dev \
>    --exclude=var \
>    --exclude=tmp \
>    --exclude=proc \
>    --exclude=mnt \
>    --exclude=lost+found \
>    --exclude=popusers \
>    --exclude=opt
>works very well ;-)

It's been awhile since I've fought these battles, but...

If you're trying to exclude portions of a / backup, you might find the 
"-l" option handy.  This will confine the backup to only the filesystem 
named, such that mounts are not descended.

As I recall last time I tried "--exclude", that option will leave out the 
directory and its associately files and subdirectories from the archive.
So when you restore, you'll have to recreate those directories.  Likewise,
if you "--exclude proc", you'll be missing a chunk of your kernel source 
tree which is a directory called "proc".

Dave Brown  Austin, TX



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