Linux-Misc Digest #663, Volume #25                Mon, 4 Sep 00 04:13:02 EDT

  Re: Is delphi5 good for linux? (Peter Mitchell)
  xanim for Mandrake ?.mov ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Partitions (Peter Mitchell)
  Re: for in list     in bash ("Peter Sundstrom")
  kppp:name,password not remembered? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: what's up with Sun? (David Steuber)
  Re: Is Mandrake Really Red Hat... (Harry)
  Re: X Windows Can't Support Sony Monitor? (Donald White)
  Re: Please contribute.  Null modem serial connection Windows/Linux (Peter Mitchell)
  Re: so what do I do with my spare CPU cycles? ("Bob May")
  Re: Is delphi5 good for linux? (Neil Koozer)
  Restrict user login (Jack Cheng)
  Re: Need Web Info On Linux OK Hardware ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Recommended CD-RW drive for Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Installing Red Hat, and Turbo Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Recommended CD-RW drive for Linux (Isaac To)
  Re: for in list     in bash ("Andreas Moroder")
  Re: Recommended CD-RW drive for Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  php on RH6.1 ("someone")
  PPP works but web browsers don't ("Chew GH")
  Re: php on RH6.1 (Arnstein Oseland)
  Re: Please contribute.  Null modem serial connection Windows/Linux ("Peter T. 
  Re: Recommended CD-RW drive for Linux ("Steven Cory")


From: Peter Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is delphi5 good for linux?
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2000 19:01:04 -0700

I haven't used the Linux version, but the Delphi for
Windows, even in older versions, is excellent!


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Subject: xanim for Mandrake ?.mov
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2000 19:27:02 -0800

   I am running mandrake 7.1.  Netscape 4.75 with the latest plugger 
(downloaded today.) 

Anyway, I got the 'codec not supported' message.  Plugger says it's a 
licensing issue and xanime for Mandrake/RH doesn't have them all.  
Is there an RPM or Tarball for Mandrake/RH that will help?  Or a HOWTO?

Editing the makefile is still way too far above my head.



From: Peter Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Partitions
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2000 19:09:46 -0700

Some distributions make it very hard to read the docs until
you have the system up and running! Fortunately there are
many places on the internet (which you have, or you wouldn't
be asking the question here).

Very good is the Linux Documentation Project at



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From: "Peter Sundstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: for in list     in bash
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 14:41:28 +1200

Ross Goodley wrote in message <8oo9e9$b40h5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Well you could always;-
>for i in $( ls | grep *.log | sort )
>echo $i
>man sort for options

Have you actually tried your code?  Apart from the Useless Use of Grep, it
also contains an invalid regex.

Should be

for i in $(ls | grep "\.log" | sort )

which is the same as

for i in $(ls *.log | sort)

which is the same as

for i in *.log


Subject: kppp:name,password not remembered?
Date: 4 Sep 2000 03:10:27 GMT

        I recently lost my old ISP and deleted the entries for it from
kppp and added an entry for the ISP I'm using now.  However, kppp doesn't
remember either the username or password (at least it remembers the ISP
name!); I have to type both in every time.  "Remember password" is checked
in the apropriate place.  Any ideas what's wrong, and how to fix it?

John Meshkoff    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
remove "nospam." to reply
"I do not know that I know the self fully,
neither do I know that I know him not"
                ...from the Upanishads


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: what's up with Sun?
From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 04:00:02 GMT

"Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

' That and realistically, Linux does not yet match Solaris when it
' comes to enterprise solutions.  Sun has no reason to be jealous, Linux
' is not in the same ballpark, yet (it will be).  I am bound to piss some
' people here off by saying this, and don't get me wrong, I LOVE Linux.
' However, for large scale computing, and high availabitly storage
' servers, Linux does not come close (yet).  The marriage between Sun's
' hardware and software is very tight, and it works very well.  Linux
' is getting there, and companies realize this.  There seems to be a
' rush to support Linux these days, and for good reason.  The funny thing
' is that many vendors may be their own undoing!

Who knows what the future will bring?  With Linux and the *BSD
systems, improvement is based upon what hardware the developers who
know what they are doing have available to them.  Linux is in fact
heavily dependant on GCC.  So the development of GCC is rather
fundamental to the continued improvement of Linux.

There are other issues.  How does the Linux kernel evolve?  Are new
features constantly added to it?  Or is old code culled out and the
whole reorganized for greater maintainability.

As for scalability, that is an area Linux is likely to have problems
with for a time to come.  Imagine an SMP system with 16 CPUs.  Sun has
those, and they kick.  But they also cost.  How many people would be
working on building a scheduler that scales from one to n CPUs without
suffering from extreme diminishing returns?  The people at Solaris can
tweak their code so that the kernel doesn't become a bottle neck by
only running on one CPU at a time.

Not that I am an expert in such things.  Or even that knowledgeable.

What Linux gives me is control and the ability to put cheap hardware
to good use.  Ok, my ~$1,000 566Mz Celleron FC-PGA box with 384MB RAM
and 40GB of disk (semi-slow IDE) will never be able to blow out 100
http requests per second.  Hell, I will be lucky to manage 25 requests
per second at a sustained rate.  Realistically, I'm looking at 5 or
so, depending on which pages are hit and what backend processing is
required and how well I can tune the system.

But I am not dependant on Microsoft for solutions.  I have Apache,
mod_perl, and Perl 5.6.  Linux is incidental.  I could go with one of
the *BSD flavours, but I already have a feeling for where things go on
a Linux box.  Old dogs and new tricks, so the saying goes.  I've
escaped Microsoft at least.  I'm still stuck with Intel.  I suppose an
AMD box with an Athalon or Duron could have done the trick for me.  I
wasn't really aware of those options when I built my box.

Built my box.  Sure does put a new spin on building a web site now,
doesn't it?

David Steuber | "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member
NRA Member    | of the NRA?" --- HUAC, 2004

Happiness is a SAAB Gripen <> in the
garage, an FN-FAL in the safe, and an HK P7M8 on the hip.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Is Mandrake Really Red Hat...
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2000 21:01:14 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michel Catudal 

> It is multilingual. It just fixes the fuck ups of RedHat in that regard 
> while maintening
> a similar amount of core dumps that RedHat users are used to.

That's probably a nice way of summarizing the difference between the two 
distros, albeit Mandrake manages, miraculously, to screw up some of the 
simplest things beyond belief (like, currently, I can NOT apply any RPM 
updates, without RPM turning into a runaway process, and finally 
freezing the machine completely.. Cute, eh? This is on a virgin, fresh 
install (with ReiserFS, albeit).



From: Donald White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: X Windows Can't Support Sony Monitor?
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2000 21:33:52 -0700

The Trio3D is picky about modelines.  See the XFree86 FAQ.

"T.F.Lai" wrote:
> Hi, I'm installed RedHat 6.2 on the following hardware :
>  AMD K6-400, 32MB RAM, S3 Trio3D Graphics Card, Sony CPD-15SF II.
> But the X Windows seem to detect the graphics card but when I type startx at
> the command prompt. The monitor doesn't display and the button become
> orange.
> Can anyone give me some tips or hints?
> I'll appreciate for your kindly help.
> Thanks.


From: Peter Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please contribute.  Null modem serial connection Windows/Linux
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2000 21:16:30 -0700

In article <V0Ds5.6740$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Arctic Storm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am unable to find a "how to" on establishing a null
> modem serial
> connection between a Win98SE/Win2K computer and a
> Linux computer.

It depends a bit how you want to use the serial connection.
The possibilities include

1. SLIP or PPP with one machine as a server for http, ftp,
telnet etc and the other running a browser such as Netscape.

2. File and print server type sharing.

3. Dumb terminal connection, where one is just a terminal
for the other.

4. Mini bulletin board type systems, where one uses a
terminal with file download capability (eg kermit) and the
other acts as a host which may be able to upload or download

I have done a bit with (3) using a Linux box as host, but I
haven't got my system sorted out properly, though it works.

Basically, look in the serial how-to for basic stuff,
including cable. While there is a lot of stuff on setting up
a modem, you can find the null-modem stuff in there.

Other possibly relevant HOWTOs - net, nfs, PPP,
serial-laplink (new), smb, text-terminal.

Good luck


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From: "Bob May" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.society.futures,sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Re: so what do I do with my spare CPU cycles?
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 21:35:34 -0700

You should have bought a slower computer for less money!  <G>
Sounds like you have more time than you know what to do with.
Oh, if you do buy a slower computer, make sure that it doesn't have a
processor in it that understands the HCF instruction.
Bob May
Access1 has gone Chapter 7 so I don't know how long my website is
going to last.
Bob May


From: Neil Koozer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is delphi5 good for linux?
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2000 22:37:31 -0700

> say their delphi5 can program linux like VB.
> is it good?

Delphi5 is only for Windows.  They are trying to interest VB
programmers in delphi5 because if they start using delphi
now, they will have some apps ready to recompile for linux
when the linux version of delphi is released.



From: Jack Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Restrict user login
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 04:51:51 GMT


I'm using Redhat 6 linux system.
How can I restrict the user login from remote side but allow from some
specified IP and users

Jack Cheng

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Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Need Web Info On Linux OK Hardware
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 05:35:41 GMT

Hello Jason and Dances With Crows!

Thanks much for the information on Linux-OK hardware.
In particular, the site Jason mentioned seems to contain
lots of good information! Thanks much, guys!



In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Jason" <Jason(AT)> wrote:
> Pick the distro that you would like to run, then go to their website
> look at their Hardware Compatibility List (HCL).
> redhat for example has one at
> You will find something similar at all the distro web sites.
> --
>                          Jason
> ...and the geek shall inherit the earth...

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Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Recommended CD-RW drive for Linux
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 14:04:21 +0800

Hi, can someone recommend a good CD-RW drive for linux?

I'm looking at the following especially HP's. Are they compatible with
Linux? Thank you.

                    Toshiba SD-R1002

                    Ricoh MediaMaster
                    MP9060A (24X/6X/4X)

                   HP CD-Writer Plus 9100i



Subject: Installing Red Hat, and Turbo Linux
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 05:50:13 GMT


Is installing Red Hat and Turbo Linux on the same hard
drive okay? Since there are several different versions
of Linux, I am interested in playing with them.

A few days ago I posted a message on lilo. Since I had
difficulty installing NT, NT Workstations, and Linux
on the same hard drive, it was probably due to lilo.
I am thinking that I might encounter similar problems
when I try to install Red Hat and Turbo Linux on the
same hard drive. Am I going to be okay? Before I encounter
any disaster, I would like to have some advice from Linux

Thanks in advance.


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Before you buy.


From: Isaac To <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Recommended CD-RW drive for Linux
Date: 04 Sep 2000 14:09:48 +0800

>>>>> "Damon" == so excited <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Damon> Toshiba SD-R1002 CD-RW/DVD-ROM

    Damon> Ricoh MediaMaster MP9060A (24X/6X/4X)

    Damon> HP CD-Writer Plus 9100i (32X/8X/4X)

If you actually get to read the CD-ROM How-to, you will get the answer in a
very simple way:

  All SCSI and IDE (i.e. ATAPI) CD-ROM and writers are supported.  The
  latter is supported via SCSI emulation, which is the "native" mode for
  ATAPI devices.



From: "Andreas Moroder" <andreas.moroder@se-nord.[nospam]>
Subject: Re: for in list     in bash
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 07:47:41 +0200


I really want to do better things in this loop, but i did not post my entire
loop only to ask if the for loop uses a sorted list.

I did not want to stat this big avalanche.
It's the first time I get more than 3 answers.

Thank you to all

Andreas Moroder

Barry Margolin schrieb in Nachricht ...
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Andrew N. McGuire  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hence, "the question is academic"!  What I am saying is that if
>>the poster JUST wanted to know how 'for; do; done' works, fine.
>>If he wanted to use it to ACTUALLY loop through a glob merely to
>>echo filenames, he is picking the wrong tool for the job.
>Although his loop used echo in the body, I think it's safe to assume that
>was just for example purposes, and it wasn't his actual goal.  His question
>was whether globbing would sort or if he needs to sort it himself.
>Sheesh, Usenetters can be *so* literal-minded.
>Barry Margolin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Genuity, Burlington, MA
>*** DON'T SEND TECHNICAL QUESTIONS DIRECTLY TO ME, post them to newsgroups.
>Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Recommended CD-RW drive for Linux
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 14:59:11 +0800

Thank you, Isaac.   :-)

Isaac To wrote:

> >>>>> "Damon" == so excited <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Damon> Toshiba SD-R1002 CD-RW/DVD-ROM
>     Damon> Ricoh MediaMaster MP9060A (24X/6X/4X)
>     Damon> HP CD-Writer Plus 9100i (32X/8X/4X)
> If you actually get to read the CD-ROM How-to, you will get the answer in a
> very simple way:
>   All SCSI and IDE (i.e. ATAPI) CD-ROM and writers are supported.  The
>   latter is supported via SCSI emulation, which is the "native" mode for
>   ATAPI devices.
> Regards,
> Isaac.


From: "someone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development
Subject: php on RH6.1
Date: 04 Sep 2000 06:55:04 GMT

I have installed RH6.1 and wanted to try php scripts.
But I can't configure apache to process php files as scripts.

Does anybody know how to enable php in default apache install in RH6.1 ?


Subject: PPP works but web browsers don't
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 14:56:52 +0800

I managed to get my winmodem working in Linux with the help of ltmodem.  I
could connect to my ISP via PPP after consulting the detailed PPP-howto.  It
worked perfectly and the next step is to fire up my web browsers.

After connecting to my ISP, Netscape (which came with RH6.1) could not
detect the connection and displayed messages as if the computer was offline
and I was trying to get online.  It said something about $SOCKS_NS.  Any
hints on what additional steps I need to take to get my PC online for


From: Arnstein Oseland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development
Subject: Re: php on RH6.1
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 09:29:18 +0200

someone wrote:
> I have installed RH6.1 and wanted to try php scripts.
> But I can't configure apache to process php files as scripts.
> Does anybody know how to enable php in default apache install in RH6.1 ?
> Thanks.

When you configure php, you can build either a cgi or an apache module.
If you build a cgi, copy php from the source directory to
/some/where/cgi-bin and add the following lines to httpd.conf:

Action php-script /cgi-bin/php
AddHandler php-script .php
AddHandler php-script .php3

Or build as an apache module using apxs
(--with-apxs=/maybe/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs). Then you probably don't
have to do anything. Just make sure you have the following lines
somewhere in httpd.conf (should have been added by apxs):

LoadModule php4_module        libexec/
AddModule  mod_php4.c
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3

In either case, you must restart apache to make it read the new



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please contribute.  Null modem serial connection Windows/Linux
Date: 4 Sep 2000 07:26:16 GMT

In Arctic Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I am unable to find a "how to" on establishing a null modem serial
: connection between a Win98SE/Win2K computer and a Linux computer.

Read the Serial-HOWTO. (not that there's a lot to explain!).

: There have been many posts confirming such connection, but no "step-by-step"
: instructions on how to accomplish it.

Well, it rather depends what you have at the windows end. Myself, I'd
put a terminal client that end and let it log in to the linux end
acting as server. 



From: "Steven Cory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Recommended CD-RW drive for Linux
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 07:27:00 GMT

I am using a memorex 4224 cd-rw and i don't recommend it for u. It doesn't
get recongized by Linux and you have to manualy tell it to use a scsi
emulator. To much work for it



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