Linux-Misc Digest #319, Volume #26               Wed, 15 Nov 00 20:13:03 EST

  Re: Raw block device interface (Ronald Cole)
  Re: Creating PDF (acrobat) files ? (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Getting system to re-read conf.modules (mike)
  Program to create desktop icons (mike)
  Logging everything with Sylog-ng ??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: question about rpm verify (easy) (ray)
  Re: Creating PDF (acrobat) files ? (Daniel Wollschlaeger)
  waiting 5 minutes for route results ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: the relation between Linux and GCC (Robert Clayton)
  Re: Creating PDF (acrobat) files ? (John Hasler)
  Re: Help... X Windows runs at a crawl.. Be my mentor,, Please ("Jim")
  Re: Path problem (Ryuji Yokoyama)
  ...Answering my own question... (Jerome Mrozak)
  Re: Anybody know how to get an answering machine running on Linux? (Vladimir 
  Re: Getting system to re-read conf.modules (Vladimir Florinski)
  Kernel Too Old error (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: True GTK+ will eliminate Qt in next few years? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Ronald Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Raw block device interface
Date: 15 Nov 2000 14:53:17 -0800

> Ronald Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Manoj Patil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Is raw interface available in linux for block devices ?
> > 
> > I think you mean: "Is a character device available for hard drives"?
> I think the way it was said was reasonably well-put.

Yeah, you figured out what he meant and I figured it out, too, but
your definition of "reasonable" is quite a bit looser than mine (given
that you consider calling a character device a block device

> > > I have a partition and need to access it through a raw interface.
> > > Basically the aim of my program is to bypass the buffer cache and be
> > > assured that every read/write operation results into disk activity.
> > 
> > I fancied a post where it seemed that someone was able to do it with
> > RedHat 7.0.  I didn't see it in the docs and I haven't had time to
> > look into it yet, but Stephen Tweedie's raw disk I/O may be there.
> Here are some pretty relevant links:
> <>
> <>
> <>

Ok, I looked.  Raw disk I/O is in RH7.0.  That makes your links

Forte International, P.O. Box 1412, Ridgecrest, CA  93556-1412
Ronald Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      Phone: (760) 499-9142
President, CEO                             Fax: (760) 499-9152
My GPG fingerprint: C3AF 4BE9 BEA6 F1C2 B084  4A88 8851 E6C8 69E3 B00B


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: Creating PDF (acrobat) files ?
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 22:59:30 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jan Schaumann wrote:

>>Does anyone has a trick to create PDF file with using Tex or the
>>PostScript format ? From a .doc (staroffice) would be really cool !

>if you have it in tex-format, do teh following:
>latex foo.tex
>dvips foo.dvi
>(there might be shorter way for the tex-thing).

There's a version of TeX (pdftex?) that creates pdf output
directly rather than going through dvi and ps intermediates.
I've never tried it. You can't use EPS figures w/ pdftex (which
I want to do), so I do exactly what you've described above.

You'll generally get much better PDF results if you use
standard PS fonts rather than the TeX default CM fonts:


Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I have accepted
                                  at               Provolone into my life!


From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Getting system to re-read conf.modules
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 23:05:20 GMT

Hi Vilmos,
                if you depmod -a, will that cause any modules to be loaded.
How does depmod -a effect the running Linux system. What does
depmod actually do?


Vilmos Soti wrote:

> mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >     I am presently using Redhat Linux 6.1 and would like
> > to be able to get the system to re-read /etc/conf.modules
> > with out rebooting the system. I would find this useful
> > for testing various configuration changes.
> # date
> Tue Nov 14 22:57:44 PST 2000
> # ls -l --time=atime /etc/conf.modules
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root          710 Nov 14 17:58 /etc/conf.modules
> # depmod -a
> # ls -l --time=atime /etc/conf.modules
> Tue Nov 14 22:57:53 PST 2000
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root          710 Nov 14 22:57 /etc/conf.modules
> I am running RedHat 6.0.
> Vilmos


From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Program to create desktop icons
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 23:09:04 GMT

    I was wondering what programs could be used to create the icons
that are on the X Windows desktop?




Subject: Logging everything with Sylog-ng ???
Date: 15 Nov 2000 23:12:08 GMT


What's the best way to logging everything on a virtual console (=tty10)
with syslog-ng ????



Subject: Re: question about rpm verify (easy)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 23:10:03 GMT


> what does the verify option do for rpm ?
> below is what i get when i do a verify for the package.
> the file defans is empty and so is for log. so what are we
> verifying here. i need to verify that the package was installed
> fine. also is there a command for finding all the installed
> packages on the box ?
> #rpm --verify Sostt-4.0-Build12
> .M......  /opt/Sostt/defans
> .M......  /opt/Sostt/sott/log
> thanks
> john
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

    From time to time, I do this: rpm -qa >rpms.txt
This makes a text file of every packagename installed.
another handy is rpm -qa |grep part of packagename
If you even get close, grep will give you the exact name that's in the

The verify process is working, also. All those "symbols" out at the left
have meaning as to the condition of the files. In the docs for rpm and
in it's man page they are explained.

Ray R. Jones
Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel Wollschlaeger)
Subject: Re: Creating PDF (acrobat) files ?
Date: 15 Nov 2000 23:38:21 GMT

* Marc Frei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone has a trick to create PDF file with using Tex or the
> PostScript format ? From a .doc (staroffice) would be really cool !

I only use teTeX, but it might be the same with other TeX distributions:  
Just type pdflatex file.tex and you're done. If you include the hyperref
package in your document ( \usepackage{hyperref} ) all references in
your document are clickable links, very cool.

HTH, Daniel


Subject: waiting 5 minutes for route results
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 00:15:04 GMT

When I issue the route command it has to think for quite some time
(minutes) before displaying the routing table.  Also, pinging the local
ip address (not loopback) results in 70 to 80% packet loss.  Pinging
this same ip from the network gets 0% loss.  I've tried multiple
NIC's.  Anybody have any ideas?


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Robert Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: the relation between Linux and GCC
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 16:46:49 -0500

> I hope that someone can direct me how to boot only a linux kernel.

Probably nothing happens - kernel forks to init, init calls rc scripts,
Without these files, kernel only waits for I/O, I guess.

>     Are there any documents on Linux System calls?  I will ask my next > question 
>when I read those documents?

There are man pages for many, if not all.  Also, I found a book called
"Linux Kernel Internals" (The author's names escape me, six people)
I highly recommend this book, the system calls are well documented in an
appendix, and the kernel code (data structures, algorithms), are all
described in fairly understandable terms.


Robert Clayton - System Administrator - ACTiX
"I do not consider it an insult, but rather a compliment to be called
an agnostic.  I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are 
sure -- that is all that agnosticism means."
     - Clarence Darrow, Scopes trial, 1925.


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Creating PDF (acrobat) files ?
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 22:47:07 GMT

Marc Frei writes:
> Does anyone has a trick to create PDF file with using Tex or the
> PostScript format ?

Type 'apropos pdf'.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Help... X Windows runs at a crawl.. Be my mentor,, Please
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 01:17:37 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jason B
>        Hello all, please help . 
>    I've had Linux installed on my system for a year and some now. 
> Here's whats' up: X windows has never really worked good . It was  slow,
> like I was running Windows '95 on a 386 or something (I have a Pentium
> ii 300Mhz /98 Megs ram). Recently, I edited my XF86Config file
> (I'm scared to touch this thing) I put in some new modelines for my
> monitor, calculated from a posting describing how to do it. But, my 
> system seems to just skip over them or something as if they weren't even
> there.  I can't change the resolution by using 'ctrl - alt - +/- keys'
> either.
>        So, I'm wondering, is there a way of seeing exactly what video 
> mode that X Windows is running in? Like,some log file or something? I 
> know how to switch between users or whatever by pressing 'ctrl - alt -
> f1, f2, f7 '.

A pentium ii 300 should not be running as slow as you are describing.
Logged in as root from the command prompt run:


This will run you thru a script to reinstall your hardware for X.  It sounds 
to me like maybe your memory for your graphics card is not correct or 
maybe your not using the right graphics driver.  At the same time you 
can fix your mouse problem by selecting a generic mouse driver instead
of the microsoft one.

Good Luck,

>       Also, I installed a new 'microcrap wheelmouse' on my box lately. 
> I found out how to set it up using 'mouseconfig'. It works on the 
> console, but not in 'X'. It jumps around the screen and acts like it was
> on coke or something. DOes anybody know what's up with this ? I don't
> care about if the wheel works, I just want to get my fucking mouse
> working so I don't have to quit X windows every time.
>                If anyone knows any  of this, and wants to help, I'll 
> appreciate it.. 
>            Jason 
> --


From: Ryuji Yokoyama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Path problem
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 17:28:39 -0500

> Ryuji Yokoyama wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks for people who responded my question.  However, I can't find the
> > solution.  I tried ./ instead of ., and there is export statement at the
> > bottom of each file.  In addition, I once put path into .bash file.  Is
> > there any other suggestion?  I have been using RH linux since 4.2 and as
> > well as Slackware and Openlinux, but I have never experienced this
> > problem.
> > 
> > Yes, I tried from KDE's terminal window like Bill mentioned.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> > > Hello All!
> > >
> > > I just installed RedHat 7 and have a problem. I wanted put current
> > > directory into PATH, so I put . into /etc/profile, which has following
> > > line.
> > >
> > > PATH="$PATH:.:/usr/X11R6/bin:"
> > >
> > > However, it did not work, so I also put . into .bash_profile file
> > >
echo $PATH doesn't contain my current directory.  Also, it doesn't 
contain path, which I put.  This is not only the problem of current 
directory.  I can't put any path into PATH environment variable.  For 
instance, I stalled JDK, so I put path (not CLASSPATH), but my system 
doesn't recognize ~/jdk1.3/bin path.

> What does `echo $PATH` return?
> This will work (if you use bash or ksh):
> (on one line)
> export PATH=$PATH:.
> now if you enter 
> `echo $PATH`
> you will see . is listed there
> Eric


From: Jerome Mrozak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: ...Answering my own question...
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 18:34:35 -0600

Jerome Mrozak wrote:
> I have an 800x600 pixel display, but the default size of most windows
> seems to be 1024x768.  Anyways, the file close buttons, etc, all are on
> the upper-right corner of the display where they are off of the screen.
> Q1:  Can I enforce applications to initially display themselves only on
> the screen, and not half off of the screen?
> Q2:  Is the a keyboard sequence for resizing a window?  I have heard of
> right-clicking and dragging to resize, but perhaps that is KDE...
> TIA,
> Jerome

My original question actually dealt with this circumstance:

In Gnome 1.2, at least in the themes & window managers I've seen in
Storm Linux, the only way to resize a window is using the right or
bottom edges of the window.  But if a big window displays off the right
and bottom edges, how can I resize it?  I can't get to the bottom
because I can't grab the title bar off of the top of the screen.

It turns out that my laptop can be configured so that it has a 3rd mouse
button.  When I click that 3rd button, the middle one, on the window
title the mouse movement resizes the window. 

Problem solved.  Pity those without a 3rd mouse button.


Jerome Mrozak          "Never buy a dog and bark for yourself"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     --"Slippery" Jim DiGriz
                         (the Stainless Steel Rat)


From: Vladimir Florinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Anybody know how to get an answering machine running on Linux?
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 17:21:57 -0700

> I know about the mgetty tutorial, but does anybody know of any
> tutorials on how to get an answering machine running on Linux?? I have
> Redhat 7.0 and I also have mgetty as well.
> Much is appreciated if you know of some software that is already out
> there or of a url I can look at.




From: Vladimir Florinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Getting system to re-read conf.modules
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 17:29:28 -0700

mike wrote:
> Hi,
>     I am presently using Redhat Linux 6.1 and would like
> to be able to get the system to re-read /etc/conf.modules
> with out rebooting the system. I would find this useful
> for testing various configuration changes.

Unload modules, make changes to conf.modules, load modules. Why would you want
to reboot?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Subject: Kernel Too Old error
Reply-To: Hal Burgiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 00:51:26 GMT

I get this message trying to install a package built on one machine and
then installing on another. The target system is very minimal with no
compiler, etc. and running 2.0.38 kernel. So I have to build this rascal
on a 2.2 system. Surely there is a way to do this. Any help appreciated.

Hal B


Subject: Re: True GTK+ will eliminate Qt in next few years?
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 01:07:54 GMT

>>>>> "JH" == John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JH> James Hutchins writes:
>> Because I then have to graphically display the results in
>> various charts, plots, etc.

JH> The display is the display and the analysis is the analysis.
JH> Use the best tool for each.  The best tool for the analysis is
JH> the one that meets your need for performance.  The best tool
JH> for the display is one that works well with whatever you
JH> choose for the analysis.


It may very well be (*highly probable*) that separating the system
into some distinct components, some involving GUI, others _not_
involving GUI, will represent a Highly Effective Way of attacking the

If, for instance, there is a bunch of the analysis that Rightly
Requires having a compilable language to get good performance, you
might have part of the system be a "language environment" that lets
you compile programs that calculate things, reading from files, and
writing to other files.

Drawing charts of the results is a separate task; it _tends_ not to be
as computationally intensive; you might well want to use a scripting
language like Perl/Python to take the output files and transform them
into forms that might get pushed into existing charting tools like

Note that there are organized links to a LOT of "scientific software"
at <>; "Scientific Applications
on Linux."  This includes links to charting tools, and all sorts of
numerical analysis tools.

It is entirely possible that much of the desired functionality might
be readily assembled together by "scripting together" some of the
tools at SAL.  

- For statistical analysis, you might start by writing a Python script
  that pulls data from a database, or a web site, or [somewhere].

- Next step is to massage that somewhat, extracting the _critical_
  bits, and reformatting them into a form amenable to analysis using
  an existing ANOVA package.

- Next step is you get results from the ANOVA analysis.  Perhaps to be
  archived, with a Python script that pushes the bits that need to be
  shown graphically into a form that may be parsed using Gnuplot.

Consider it stipulated that the suggestions above are made up out of
my head, and may need _substantial_ modification in order to comply
with the _true_ requirements.  But consider the basic steps as generic
 -> Data collection
 -> Data analysis
 -> Reporting

And at least _consider_ whether there may be existing tools that can
be "glued together" to satisfy the requirements.
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "")
Rules of the Evil Overlord #95. "My dungeon will have its own
qualified medical staff complete with bodyguards. That way if a
prisoner becomes sick and his cellmate tells the guard it's an
emergency, the guard will fetch a trauma team instead of opening up
the cell for a look." <>



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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