Linux-Misc Digest #367, Volume #26               Wed, 22 Nov 00 01:13:01 EST

  LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 & Redhat7.0 (Peter Bismuti)
  Re: lpd network permissions problems (Bob Martin)
  error compiling tulip.c (Peter Bismuti)
  Re: HELP: Netscape Download file location. (Paul Ahlquist)
  Re: wu-ftp group permissions help (ljb)
  Re: LinkSys betrayed us! Poor prospects for Linux. (Henry_Barta)
  Re: xmms playing CDs? (Y-C. Roger Lin)
  Re: Which Linux to try? (Michel Catudal)
  Re: LinkSys betrayed us! Poor prospects for Linux. (Vincent Fox)
  Re: RPM's (Michel Catudal)
  Re: How can I dual-boot between Red Hat and SuSE distributions? (Peter Mitchell)
  Re: Why does linux keep crashing? (Jerry L Kreps)
  Re: Why does linux keep crashing? (Jerry L Kreps)
  Re: mpg123 + NTFS ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: question about vim ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Netscape 6 ("Horst Simon")
  test sorry! ("Terry Moore-Read")
  error compiling tulip.c, which file with -I? (Peter Bismuti)
  Re: NVidia GeForce 256 DDR Acceleration ("Chris Warren")
  Re: How can I dual-boot between Red Hat and SuSE distributions? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)
Subject: LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 & Redhat7.0
Date: 22 Nov 2000 00:18:05 GMT

I'm trying to install the driver for a LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 LAN Card
V4.1 with Redhat 7.0.  According to the LinkSys page it should work with
the tulip.o driver that comes with Redhat but it doesn't.  

I've tried following the instructions in the linksys page and they don't work.
I've tried following the instructions on the page and they don't
work either. I was told that there was an archive that included  tulip.c 
and a makefile on the linksys page but I cannot find it.  

If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it.



From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: osu.sys.linux
Subject: Re: lpd network permissions problems
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 18:28:06 -0600

doug reeder wrote:

[ snip ]
> I have added the remote machine to the hosts.lpd file on the machine
> with the printer:
> [root@yodel /root]# cat /etc/hosts.lpd
> # hosts.lpd
> lpd is running fine on both hosts:
> [root@yodel /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd status
> lpd (pid 667 513) is running...
> [root@yodel /root]# ps -e | grep lp
>   513 ?        00:00:00 lpd
>   667 ?        00:00:00 lpd
> [root@slendro /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd status
> lpd (pid 777 513) is running...
> [root@slendro /root]# ps -e | grep lp
>   513 ?        00:00:00 lpd
>   777 ?        00:00:00 lpd
> and all other network communication between the two machines runs fine.
> Is there some other place I need to enable this?
> --
> P. Douglas Reeder      Lecturer, Computer. Science. Dept., Ohio State Univ..
> GE/S d+ s+:- a C+@$ UH+ P+ L E W++ N+ o? K? w !O M+ V PS+() PE Y+ PGP- t 5+ !X
> R>+ tv+ b+++>$ DI+ D- G e+++ h r+>+++ y+>++

May or may not make a difference but I just put the hostname ( tactus )
and not the FQDN in the hosts.lpd file with an entry in hosts.

Also I don't think you should have two instances of lpd running. I saw
this before when there was bad data in printcap, lpd would not function.
The second instance was a fork from the first that was hung.

Bob Martin


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)
Subject: error compiling tulip.c
Date: 22 Nov 2000 00:34:01 GMT

This is the error message I get when I try to compile the tulip.c driver

#gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -O6 -c tulip.c
tulip.c: In function 'tulip_open':
tulip.c:1437: structure has no member named 'tbusy'
tulip.c:1438: structure has no member named 'start'

Anyone know what this is about?  I'm using Redhat7.0.



From: Paul Ahlquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP: Netscape Download file location.
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 19:32:22 -0500

> ..... But that raises the question, why
> do not the downloaded files go there for the original poster?

That's a good question.  Netscape generates an error on save 
when you don't have sufficient privilege or when the directory 
just doesn't exist.

Could be that mysterious malady that affects users on my LAN: 
lost files.  The whole problem stems from the user not having 
mastered mental directory tree traversal.  A trivial matter to 
old hands that apparently isn't so trivial.  I've yet to find a 
method of explaining the hierarchical structure of directories 
in a way that is certain to click.  I guess it's one of those 
topics that each must find their own understanding on.  
(remember that moment--long, long ago--when linked lists 
clicked? I do :-)



Subject: Re: wu-ftp group permissions help
Date: 22 Nov 2000 01:01:21 GMT

>I am trying to set the permissions for a group
>of web editors to work on a site on a server
>running RHL 7.0 and wu-ftp 2.6.1-6.
>I have a group called webadmin and I want
>any user in that group to be able to edit any file
>or folder in the site.
>I have set the defumask to 0002 and the main
>folder permisioins are drwsrwsr-t with user
>and group webadmin... files can be written to
>the server by user a with -rw-rw-r--
>permissions but can not be deleted by
>another user in the group.
>has anyone any pointers.

Yes, why did you add "t" rights to the directories? This prevents anyone
but the file owner from deleting them, which sounds like the problem you
describe. The proper way to set up what I think you want is: umask 002,
main directory rights 'drwxrwsr-x' (that is, read/write/execute for owner
and group, set-group-id to propogate group ownership), and set the group of
the main directory to 'webadmin'.
Also if they are uploading via FTP, make sure FTP gets the umask 002 too.


From: Henry_Barta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: LinkSys betrayed us! Poor prospects for Linux.
Date: 22 Nov 2000 01:12:34 GMT

    Swapping the card to another PCI slot fixed it. I didn't realize that
    PCI cards were sensitive to which slot they were plugged into.

In comp.os.linux.hardware Michael Westerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> do you stop the network first ?

> since you have io and local host interfaces.

> mabey read the stuff on multiple netcards.

> do you need to pass anything to lilo eg eth0= "0x320,15....."

> or simila (example only ) to specify options for your card.
> or in /etc/modules.conf ?

Hank Barta                            White Oak Software Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   Predictable Systems by Design.(tm)
                Beautiful Sunny Winfield, Illinois


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Y-C. Roger Lin)
Subject: Re: xmms playing CDs?
Date: 22 Nov 2000 01:13:40 GMT

Once upon a time, Gero Marten wrote:
> > probably /dev/cdrom will
> /dev/cdrom as a directory or *mountpoint*? Hardly. /dev/cdrom usually
> is a link to /dev/hdc or where ever your cdrom is.
> Anyway, thanks for the try.

Also, does your user have permission to read the cdrom?  I forgot to do
this when I tried to play a CD, then a 'chmod +r /dev/hdc' solved the


Y-C. Roger Lin 


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Which Linux to try?
Date: 21 Nov 2000 19:37:06 -0600

Jim Cleary a écrit :
> I am planning to try out Linux and have a partition available to install
> it into.
> I have copies of              Corel Linux
>                                        Red Hat 6.2
>                             and      Caldera Open Linux 1.3.
> I would welcome suggestions of which of these three would be the best to
> go for.  I have a fair amount of computer experience but none with Linux
> [or Unix].
> Thanks for any help.
> Jim.

Any of them would be fine except for Corel. Depending which version of Corel you got
you may get your partition table blown. Red Hat and Caldera are safe.
SuSE 7.0 would be a better choice though.

Tired of Microsoft's rebootive multitasking?
then it's time to upgrade to Linux. for all kinds of links and info for SuSE 7.0 Linux RPM packages


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vincent Fox)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: LinkSys betrayed us! Poor prospects for Linux.
Date: 22 Nov 2000 01:36:45 GMT

In <8vf6i2$96o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Henry_Barta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    Swapping the card to another PCI slot fixed it. I didn't realize that
>    PCI cards were sensitive to which slot they were plugged into.

PCI cards are not.

However, the PC design and it's goofiness with IRQ's is.

        "Who needs horror movies when we have Microsoft"?
         -- Christine Comaford, PC Week, 27/9/95


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RPM's
Date: 21 Nov 2000 19:45:05 -0600

TimCJ a écrit :
> I seem to have a bit of a problem with unsatisfied dependencies when
> installing rpm's.  I often get the unsatisfied dependencies
> and but both are in the lib/lib directory, and glibc-2.1.1 is
> definitely installed.  I am totally stumped, any help appreciated!
> Thanks in advance
> TCJ.

Which distribution do you have?
I have found out that many RedHat RPM won't install on SuSE because of a few 
Looking at the SPEC file may give you a clue at to what is needed. Often also the RPM 
you may find was compiled for a particular environment which may be fairly different 
yours. All the packager needs to mess things up is to have a program upgraded and 
that particular upgrade in the package and you're screwed.
Recompiling the package often fix this but you may have to modify the SPEC file to do 

Tired of Microsoft's rebootive multitasking?
then it's time to upgrade to Linux. for all kinds of links and info for SuSE 7.0 Linux RPM packages


From: Peter Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How can I dual-boot between Red Hat and SuSE distributions?
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 01:39:23 GMT

Just a suggestion - Have a third partition mounted in both of the
filesystems to make it easier to share work between them.

I have two drives. hda1 is DOS. hda2 is mounted as /main when it boots
from hdb1, and hdb1 is mounted as /backup when it boots from hda2. My
reason is to make it easier to get the system functioning if I stuff up.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Jerry L Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why does linux keep crashing?
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 20:22:28 -0600

Bob Jones wrote:

> The same thing happens when running the redhat supplied kernel as well as
> compiling the redhat kernel sources.

Red Hat, as other observers on this newsgroup have noted, IS bleeding edge.
Expect that sort of stuff and learn to deal with it or go to a more 
conservative distro.  Say, SuSE, Mandrake, or Debian.

> In article <8v73mj$sjc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jerry L Kreps"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "I'm running the latest developement development kernel"
> > If it's an odd numbered kernel that says it all. JLK
> > 
> > Bob Jones wrote:
> > 
> >> I'm having a hell of a time here. My kernel keeps dumping all over the
> >> place and the computer just suddenly reboots from time to time. It all
> >> started when I upgraded to redhat 7. I'm running the latest
> >> developement kernel. All of the kernel guys seem to think I have a
> >> hardware problem. I ran memtest for a day with no problems at all. I've
> >> got a PIII 550, Asus MB, Matrox G400 Marvel, 128 meg ram, SB Live, IBM
> >> Token ring card, Haughpauge TV Tuner, ummm I think that's it. I'll post
> >> some stuff from /proc to see if that helps. Here is a couple of the
> >> errors I get when the kernel dumps too. At the bottom is the /proc
> >> stuff.


From: Jerry L Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why does linux keep crashing?
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 20:24:02 -0600

Having a bad hair day Thomas, or just nothing to do?

Thomas Zajic wrote:

> On Sat, 18 Nov 2000 17:34:42 -0600, Jerry L Kreps wrote:
> > "I'm running the latest developement development kernel"
> > If it's an odd numbered kernel that says it all.
> > [ ... ]
> And of course you just *had to* quote the whole freaking 270 lines
> to place your two-line answer right *above* it, right? Some people
> these days ... *sigh*
> Thomas


Subject: Re: mpg123 + NTFS
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 10:44:03 GMT

Anton Osennikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hello!

: I'm trying to play mp3 files with mpg123 from a NTFS partition.

Some versions of mpg123 are somewhat flaky.
The last version I have found to be stable is 0.59q.

With later versions I have noticed all kinds of strange things.


Microsoft is NOT the answer. Microsoft is the Question.
The answer is: "NO!"
Friedhelm Mehnert,  Berliner Allee 42,  22850 Norderstedt,  Germany
phone + fax: +49-40-5236562        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: question about vim
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 11:36:09 GMT

Hal Burgiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In your .vimrc (or .gvimrc):

: :set wrap 
: :set textwidth=72 (or whatever floats your boat)

May I add;
Another methode is to format the the whole text, or even parts
of it, by use of an external command.

While in vim, you can type something like(without the quotes):

   ":1,$!fmt -w 72!"

This uses the GNU fmt utility to format your text.
"1,$" means all of your text. You could use other ranges here
like i.e. "3,5" which means: format only lines 3 to 5 or
"." which will format only the line the cursor is at.


Microsoft is NOT the answer. Microsoft is the Question.
The answer is: "NO!"
Friedhelm Mehnert,  Berliner Allee 42,  22850 Norderstedt,  Germany
phone + fax: +49-40-5236562        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Horst Simon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape 6
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 14:35:14 +1100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jean-David Beyer"

> Dan Allen wrote:
>> I know it is ridculous, the the absolute best way to run this netscape
>> 6 is to install it in your /home/ directory somewhere.
> Great, but I have several users and I refuse to give each of them their
> own separate copy.
>> Some people may criticize me for suggesting this, but I don't think
>> that they understand how badly they fouled up with personal security
>> manager when it comes to Linux security.  I did it and I have no
>> problems, so that is my advice, take it or leave it.
>> Dan
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Johan Kullstam"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Carter Brey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >
>> >> Hi--
>> >>
>> >> I recently downloaded and unzipped all the necessary files for
>> >> Netscape
>> >> 6, installed them, made the appropriate environmental variable
>> >> entries
>> >> in my
>> >> .bash_profile, and then tried to run the netscape binary. I keep
>> >> getting a segmentation fault. Has anyone else seen this? Any
>> >> suggestions? This happened both with the Netscape installer program
>> >> when I let it handle all the downloads, and when I did everything by
>> >> hand.
>> >
>> > i had this very problem with ns6pr3.  it seems that you must run it
>> > once as root (or at least with the appropriate permissions for the
>> > netscape files and directories) for netscape6 to set up its stuff.
>> >
> --
>  .~.   Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
>  /V\                              Registered Machine    73926.
> /( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
> ^^-^^  10:35pm up 7:48, 2 users, load average: 2.17, 2.14, 2.02
I am using SuSE 7.0 with KDE 2 and had no problem with the install.
I installed the flash plug-ins and it work ok on flash sites.
Anyone tried plugger or other plugins? When I install plugger
Netscape 6 will not start at all.

Horst Simon


From: "Terry Moore-Read" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: test sorry!
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 17:54:43 -0800


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)
Subject: error compiling tulip.c, which file with -I?
Date: 22 Nov 2000 04:57:44 GMT

I've been told that the problem with this is that I have not used the -I
flag.  Here's another command I've tried that gives the same message but
uses the -I flag.  The problem here is that the file specified is missing.
My question is where is the new file in Redhat7.0?

gcc -D__SMP__ -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/net/inet -Wall 
-Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c tulip.c  '[ -f /usr/include/linux/modversions.h ]
&& echo -DMODVERSIONS'  

This came the linksys page I believe and is for machines with two processors. 

>This is the error message I get when I try to compile the tulip.c driver
>#gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -O6 -c tulip.c
>tulip.c: In function 'tulip_open':
>tulip.c:1437: structure has no member named 'tbusy'
>tulip.c:1438: structure has no member named 'start'


From: "Chris Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: NVidia GeForce 256 DDR Acceleration
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 00:35:42 -0500

you have to get the cvs version of the driver check on nvidia's site in the
faq they tell you where to go to get it.. hope you have better luck than i..
i'm still trying to get the drivers to simply install on 2.2.17 (ML7.2) and
it's been nothing but a pain thus far.. good luck!
"Kevin Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am trying to get an NVidia GeForce 256 DDR working in linux.  I want
> the 3-D acceleration to work, specifically with IRIS Performer 2.3.1.  I
> had it working before in Linux Mandrake 7.1, but somehow I broke it and
> couldn't get it back.
> I have tried two different distros, both using NVidia drivers 0.9-5:
> RedHat 7.0:
>     When building the nvidia kernel from either the tar.gz or rpm, I get
> an error that says kernels above 2.2 are not supported and the headers
> don't match.  I am running the base kernel that comes with 7.0, which is
> 2.2.16-??.  Is there something that is telling the nvidia kernel the
> wrong core kernel version?
> Mandrake 7.2:
>     The nvidia kernel builds fine, but when trying to insmod it I get
> unresolved dependencies.  All of them have something to do with AGP,
> like agp_backend and stuff like that.  The glx builds fine, but when
> starting X it can't find the kernel module and stops.
> Can anyone tell me how to get it working in either of these
> distributions?  If not, can someone recommend another distribution where
> the setup would go easily?
> The system is a Dell Dimension with 1GHz Pentium III and 512MB RAM.  The
> video board is made by Dell I think, but the reference drivers work fine
> in windows, and the NVidia 0.9-2 drivers worked before in Mandrake 7.1
> with XF86 4.0.
> Thanks,
> Kevin


Subject: Re: How can I dual-boot between Red Hat and SuSE distributions?
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 05:33:22 GMT

Thank you very much for your help.

>> But how do I add them to LILO. I'm very new to Linux, but experienced
>> in DOS and Windows and I know about partitions. Could you please
>> explain how I would go about adding the correct parameters to LILO?
>Suses Yast contains a LILO-Config-Tool, which you can use.
>Manually it would something like:
># Suse 6.2
>image=/boot/vmlinuz (use _your_ kernel-image file from Suse6.2 here!)
>       root=/dev/hda1
>       label=Suse6.2
># Suse 7
>       root=/dev/hda2
>       label=Suse7
>Note: Use _one_ version of Suse to configure LILO or adapt _both_
>lilo.conf-files accordingly. Don't forget to run lilo after editing
>Hope it helps,
>  Lars
>dipl.-informatiker                                      innominate AG
>system engineer                                  the linux architects
>tel: +49-30-308806-90   fax: -698 



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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