Linux-Misc Digest #421, Volume #26               Wed, 29 Nov 00 06:13:04 EST

  Re: how to find out linux version ("David ..")
  Re: Where can I get a pre-built POSE for Linux ? ("Arthur Hagen")
  Re: Newbie: difference between... (Reiner Griess)
  Re: simple alias question (Sebastian Hans)
  netscape 4.xx (Guy-Armand Kamendje)
  "cannot route to sender..." Why?? (GYULAI Mihaly)
  Multi_key ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  loggin everything ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy (Villy Kruse)
  Re: Migrate a running process from machine A to machine B (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: I don't understand my password encoding (Villy Kruse)
  Re: Kernel parameters (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: Console fonts have changed to being unreadable :) ("Chris West")
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Ketil Z Malde)
  Re: Cdrecord. ("Federico Baraldi")
  Re: disable right mouse button in X ? (Joerg)
  Re: via82cxx (Kevin Hayes)
  Packer for Linux and Windows ("David Feller")
  Re: How Removing an installed application? (James Blanford)
  Re: apache and cgi (Buckaroo Bonzai)


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to find out linux version
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 22:04:01 -0600

Mohit Aron wrote:
> Hi,
>         how do I find out what version of Linux I'm running - 'uname -a'
> command only gives the version of the Linux kernel. How do I find out the
> version of RedHat that I have ?
> - Mohit

cat /etc/redhat-release

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
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ID # 123538
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From: "Arthur Hagen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where can I get a pre-built POSE for Linux ?
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 05:11:29 GMT

"Peter da Silva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8vtn36$qfg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Children, children, stop fighting!
> Look, the bloke made a mistake, but geeze, why are you all jumping on him
> like a bunch of wannabe Alpha Geeks.

Is that better or worse than a MIPS Geek?



From: Daniel Bechard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 00:20:21 -0500

I'm new with linux and I need a little help

I install COREL LINUX SECOND EDITION on a partition that I create
during installation, the installation was successfull but when I
reboot I don't have any lilo it going straight to win98

Thank you


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Reiner Griess)
Subject: Re: Newbie: difference between...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:48:09 +0100

On 28 Nov 2000 14:32:43 GMT,
 Andrew Purugganan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Reiner Griess ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>[ can anybody eplain, what's the differenc between /usr/sbin and
>[ /usr/local/sbin. OK, I see there is a difference, but what should I put into
>[ /usr/local...? /sbin has an historically background, I know. But
>[ /usr/local/sbin?
>a lot of RPMs or software packages that you will be downloading may be 
>set up in such a way as to put the executables or commands there
>You may choose to put your own homegrown stuff in there as well. Helps 
>distinguish between software that came 'out-of-the-box' with your distro 
>vs. stuff you've d/loaded & installed yourself. Later when you upgrade 
>this can either be trashed or saved
thanks a lot! has helped.



From: Sebastian Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: simple alias question
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:13:42 +0100

Mark Post wrote:
> >There is no way for a bash alias to accept command line parameters.
> If I'm understanding what you're saying, then I have to disagree with this
> statement.  I have a SuSE Linux/390 system at work that has various aliases
> for the 'ls' command.  One of them is 'll = ls -l'.  I can still do 'll -tr'
> which is the equivalent of 'ls -ltr'.  Are these the kind of command line
> parameters you say won't work?  Or were you referring to something else?

I forgot to say, this depends on where you want to put the command line
parameters. You can do your "ll -tr" because this expands to
"ls -l -tr". What you cannot do is create an alias like
"grepmytexts = grep /very/complex/path" and expect a "grepmytexts foo"
to grep for foo in your files. I't will expand to
"grep /very/complex/path foo" and, of course, that's not what you
intended. That's when you need functions. You'd do this like this:

function grepmytexts {
    grep "$1" /very/complex/path


sebastian hans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]      `\O/'  don't panic
student of comp sci - technical university of munich  \-^-/  ...just RUN
i'm a .signature virus! copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread


From: Guy-Armand Kamendje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: netscape 4.xx
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:43:28 +0100

I have the folowing problem. Netscape 4.61 (libc5) used to work pretty 
well on my system (Redhat 6.2) but for some reasons that I don't realy 
know, my system started to crash regularly when I tried to access 
certain URLs. I then decided to install Netscape 4.62 But this new 
version couldn't even start and just crashed with the error message "bus 
error" I then tried to install Nestscape 4.76. I was able to start it. 
But now I have the problem that when composing a mail message, the 
address completion does not work, and when I try to get the address from 
the address book, Netscape will crash.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
  G.A. Kamendje || Tel +43 316 873 55 51
  T-U Graz      ||
  I.A.I.K       ||


Subject: "cannot route to sender..." Why??
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 07:31:14 GMT

After I changed my ISP, I can't send messages with SMTP!

I use 'sendmail' and previously it worked.
(Of course I changed the appropriate ISP-specific data in .)

Now I receive the following messages:

  "cannot route to sender my_login_name@my_machine_name"

I don't know what it means... :(

Can anyone help?


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Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Multi_key
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:09:40 GMT


My keyboard (104 keys) has a "menu key" between Right_Control and
Right_WindowsKey. I want to set up my X server so that this "menu key"
would serve as the Multi_key. I can do it for each session with

xmodmap -e "keysym 0xff67 = Multi_key"

Unfortunately, I have to do it every time I boot up / log in.
How can I make this selection permanent?

Please enlighten me!



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Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: loggin everything
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:12:46 GMT


Is there any way to log all (failed and successful) attempts to
connect to my linux box (all ports)?

Thanks in advance!


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy
Date: 29 Nov 2000 08:43:59 GMT

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 18:41:44 GMT,
              Martin Gregorie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>- number of sides used
>- number of tracks per side (40 or 80)
>- single or double density recording (some OSs used single density for
>track zero and single or double density for the rest depending on the

In the past it was not uncommon to have the first track low density
and the rest high density.  The idea was that the software could
read the first track with standard density and if some disk lable
says the rest is high density switch to high density for the rest of
the disk unit.  MS-DOS and family never did that, but old unix system
often had floppy drivers that could handle these disks.



From: Stefano Ghirlanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Migrate a running process from machine A to machine B
Date: 29 Nov 2000 09:49:39 +0100

Snoopy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello
>     Is it possible to do that?
>        This idea is quite simple, we just want to migrate ( hope that
> this is the correct wording) a running process on Linux machine A to
> another Linux machine B.

It's a kernel patch enabling exactly what you say. No changes in user
programs required.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Subject: Re: I don't understand my password encoding
Date: 29 Nov 2000 08:53:02 GMT

On 29 Nov 2000 02:41:09 GMT, Bill Unruh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The only place I have seen it is as a module to pam. I have not seen it
>as a standalone subroutine, like you can for crypt(3).

The crypt that comes with glibc2 understands the MD5 style passwords, if
you give it the right salt.  The salt is $1$saltvalue$hashed-stuff.
That is, if the salt value starts with $!$ crypt will take the following
bytes until the next $ sign as the salt value and build a crypted password.

Even perl crypt understands this.

$ perl -e ' print crypt q[abc], q[$1$abcdef$];'



From: Stefano Ghirlanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.sources.kernel
Subject: Re: Kernel parameters
Date: 29 Nov 2000 09:53:38 +0100

"Nils Magnus Eide Englund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm trying to make the boot-up process look as nice
> and "userfriendly" as possible. I'm wondering how I
> can make the kernel send all it's output to /dev/tty12.

You mean that users are disturbed by seeing the messages?
Why should users see the boot messages at all, do they boot the
If you want to just see the messsages, man dmesg

> I was told I could use the "console" kernel parameter
> when booting and configuring syslogd for sending all
> kernel messages to the same tty, after the system has
> booted. 

You can set where the kern.* messages go in syslog.conf, see man
syslogd. No kernel parameters needed.



From: "Chris West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Console fonts have changed to being unreadable :)
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 09:25:03 -0000

tput rmacs

"Tim Banner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
message news:DV8T5.6174$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi,
> I did a "cat" on a database file, and for some reason my console fonts
> changed to a symbol set.  Perhaps now my Linux server is secure from
> internal persons playing with it ;)
> Can anybody tell me how to change the fonts back?  Or how to reset the
> console without downing the server?  I have a few other consoles which are
> still readable if required.
> Tim Banner - admin.bridgec*NOSPAM*
> Network Administrator - Bridge College
> Please remove the *NOSPAM* from the e-mail address above if you wish to
> reply via e-mail.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
From: Ketil Z Malde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 09:26:05 GMT

"Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I think have a problem with you attitude.  Somebody thinks a bunch of
Linux artwork sucks, and offers to improve it.  So why do you have to
flame him?

> Does the contents of the splash-screen file effect the system in ANY
> way? 

> A) yes
> B) NO!

As you succinctly point out, splash screens (and icon design,
backdrops, etc etc) have little bearing on the technical qualities of
a system, they are only aestethic.  

Personally, I really like aesthetics, as long as they don't get in my
way.  I don't see why I should have a sucky splash screen if I could
have a nice one.  I secretly enjoy my co-worker's envious grunts when
they compare my slick Linux desktop with their crummy windows one.

If you don't want blur's icons or splash screens, fine!  But please
quit whining and ranting against people who want to do volunteer work
and contribute it to the community.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants


From: "Federico Baraldi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,de.comp.periph.cdrom
Subject: Re: Cdrecord.
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 10:00:41 +0100

"Paul Lew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Did you specify the device (e.g. /dev/scd1) when doing mkisofs?

Well ... actually I tried to burn cd with this command:

cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -isosize /dev/scd1

where /dev/scd1 is my DVD player. So I bypass mkisofs command.

> If you had used cdrecord 1.9, then I found that version required it when I
> used it (at least with my system).

Do you think I shold try making a cd iso-image and then triying to burn
from the iso-image and not diretcly from my cd-player ??



Subject: Re: disable right mouse button in X ?
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 10:24:00 +0100

Jean-David Beyer wrote:

> Cannot you achieve what you need by setting the ownership, group
> ownership, etc., on the various directories, placing the users in the
> correct groups, etc.?
> When they login, the shell they get is the one application you want
> them to have and no other. That application should be set up to have
> no shell escape.
> You could even have that application run in a private directory and do
> a chroot(2) to keep them in that private restricted directory.

Yes, I have already set the appropriate Rights so that the users cannot
screw up the system by executing commands from i.e. /sbin. What I want to
achieve with disabling the right mouse button is that the users cannot mess
around with the Gnome Desktop by adding things to the Panel...
I have to investigate wether it is possible to set the gnome-config-Files
read-only, so that no mods are possible.
The Application the Users are restricted to is Netscape Navigator. I already
experimented with setting it as the default shell in /etc/passwd, but
failed. Is it possible at all ?

Regards, Joerg


Subject: Re: via82cxx
From: Kevin Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 29 Nov 2000 19:55:28 +1000

Doug Angus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> --------------F472B2CDFC24594A1F75A753
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> I have the via82cxx module loaded and can run applications such as
> xmms.  Only problem is that no sound
> comes out.
> In /etc/conf.modules I have
> alias eth0 3c59x
> alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
> alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx
> options sb support=1
> and in /proc/modules
> lockd                  30344   1 (autoclean)
> sunrpc                 52132   1 (autoclean) [lockd]
> 3c59x                  18980   1 (autoclean)
> via82cxxx               2708   0
> sb                     33332   0 [via82cxxx]
> uart401                 6224   0 [via82cxxx sb]
> sound                  56792   0 [via82cxxx sb uart401]
> soundlow                 420   0 [sound]
> soundcore               2628   7 [sb sound]
> raid1                   7940   2
> Any ideas about what's going on?
> --
> Doug Angus
> Department of Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering
> Queen's University, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6, Canada
> --------------F472B2CDFC24594A1F75A753
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
> <html>
> &nbsp;
> <br>I have the via82cxx module loaded and can run applications such as
> xmms.&nbsp; Only problem is that no sound
> <br>comes out.
> <p>In /etc/conf.modules I have
> <p>alias eth0 3c59x
> <br>alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
> <br>alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx
> <br>options sb support=1
> <p>and in /proc/modules
> <p>lockd&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> 30344&nbsp;&nbsp; 1 (autoclean)
> <br>sunrpc&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> 52132&nbsp;&nbsp; 1 (autoclean) [lockd]
> <br>3c59x&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> 18980&nbsp;&nbsp; 1 (autoclean)
> <br>via82cxxx&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> 2708&nbsp;&nbsp; 0
> <br>sb&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> 33332&nbsp;&nbsp; 0 [via82cxxx]
> <br>uart401&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> 6224&nbsp;&nbsp; 0 [via82cxxx sb]
> <br>sound&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> 56792&nbsp;&nbsp; 0 [via82cxxx sb uart401]
> <br>soundlow&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> 420&nbsp;&nbsp; 0 [sound]
> <br>soundcore&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> 2628&nbsp;&nbsp; 7 [sb sound]
> <br>raid1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> 7940&nbsp;&nbsp; 2
> <p>Any ideas about what's going on?
> <pre>--&nbsp;
> Doug Angus
> Department of Geological Sciences &amp; Geological Engineering
> Queen's University, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6, Canada
> &nbsp;</html>
> --------------F472B2CDFC24594A1F75A753--

Have you made the devices such as /dev/audio etc needed to use the card...

Kevin Hayes
Freshwater, Australia


From: "David Feller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Packer for Linux and Windows
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 10:45:29 +0100


Does anyone know a good packer that works under Linux and Windows and can be
controlled from the command-line?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Blanford)
Subject: Re: How Removing an installed application?
Date: 29 Nov 2000 10:25:11 GMT

In article <900vjl$7fi$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Hi,
> suppose I had installed an application called something.tar.gz.
> For installing it I created for it a directory:
>  /usr/local/src/somthing/
> How I can remove proprely all traces of this application on my system?
Go back to /usr/local/src/something/ (if that's where you compiled 
something) as root enter:
                make uninstall
That will work if the program author made rules for uninstalling.  
Some software authors don't bother.  In that case look in Makefile,
there will be rules for install that tell where the files were 
installed.  Sometimes it is hard to sort out the directory names 
as they are combinations of environment variables like:

There may also be dot files in the home directory of the user.  You 
can delete these as well.

Good Luck,

     -  jim


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 05:09:20 +0000
From: Buckaroo Bonzai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.networking,tw.bbs.comp.linux
Subject: Re: apache and cgi

    Chmod the script to be setgid.  I believe it something like chmod
2664 <file> or something like that.  The first digit "2" will set the
group bit, and just change the remaining three as if the "2" wasn't

Regent Linus wrote:

> How could I force cgi running as a user that own the cgi?
> Thanks

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