Linux-Misc Digest #483, Volume #26                Wed, 6 Dec 00 22:13:01 EST

  Re: lynx and https problem (Tom Hoffmann)
  Re: linux compiler problem?? (Jeff Lacki)
  Re: Parser generator (Robert Heller)
  Re: Applixware 5 crashes Red Hat 7 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: crontab question (Jean-David Beyer)
  logging lpd errors?? (Douglas Nichols)
  Evanescent Screen Messages?? (David B. Chorlian)
  Re: can't compile gimp-print.-4.0.2 (John Thompson)
  Re: Adobe drops linux beta (Matt O'Toole)
  Re: Does anyone know!?!?! (Dances With Crows)
  so where do you get the new realplayer? (Douglas Nichols)
  Re: updating rpm ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Logs of dhcpd ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Pop to imap to client? (Liquor)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Hoffmann)
Subject: Re: lynx and https problem
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 00:12:39 GMT

On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 21:16:31 GMT, Bryan Hoyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Who ever said Tom Hoffmann couldn't write what follows?:
>>I have RH7 w/ lynx 2.8.4. When i try to access a secure login page, I
>>get the message "This client does not contain support for https URLs".
>>I looked at the lynx man page and at the lynx user guide. The only
>>thing I found was the -validate option, but I can not get it to make a
>No. RedHat comes with a non-SSL-enabled lynx, which means it can't navigate
>secure protocols. Go to, and type in "lynx-ssl" in the search
>area. This will bring up a list off SSL-enabled lynx rpm packages. Download
>one which most suits your system (i.e., one that says something like "RedHat
>7.0" beside it) and upgrade to that. Now go to an https URL just like you would
>for an http URL. 

Thanks. I'll check it out.


From: Jeff Lacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux compiler problem??
Date: 7 Dec 2000 00:14:14 GMT

The first error I had was:

gcc  -L../../lib -L../../common/lib  -o ../../bin/ondemand bod.o bod_init.o bod_main.o 
bod_signal.o bod_util.o bod_io.o bod_open.o bod_close.o bod_machine.o -lgl_video 
-lgl_audio -lgl_setup -lil_network -lil_msg -lil_shmem -lgl_util -lgl_pid -lcodecs 
-lnsl -lm -lbe_client -lgl_od
bod_util.o: file not recognized: File truncated <-------??????
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


Jeff Lacki ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: This is a wierd problem so I wasnt sure where to post it.
: We're running RH 6.2:

: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/egcs-2.91.66/specs
: gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

: We lost power at work for several hours, when the machines came back up,
: I started having a couple different compiler problems yet nobody else
: seems to be affected.

: Here's the one Im trying to figure out now:

: ar -rcus ../../lib/libfe_ondemand.a fod.o fod_init.o fod_io.o fod_main.o 
: BFD: fod_init.o: invalid string offset 1769472 >= 102 for section `.shstrtab'
: BFD: fod_init.o: invalid string offset 1769472 >= 102 for section `.shstrtab'

: Ive been getting these all over the place.  Earlier I was seeing
: gcc try to link the executable with errors saying a particular
: .o file was truncated.  I removed the .o and .c, checked it out again,
: recompiled with the same results.  

: I had thought maybe the disk had some bad blocks and was intermittant,
: however that doesnt seem to be the case (or so I believe).

: Any suggestions?

: Ive tried using gcc, ld, make, and ar from other machines (same 6.2),
: as well as copying over libc.a etc thinking they might have been
: corrupted.

: Thanks in advance
: Jeff


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Parser generator
Date: 6 Dec 2000 18:39:32 true

  "Flej Ling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  In a message on Wed, 6 Dec 2000 05:44:15 -0800, wrote :

"L> Bison is described in man pages as "a parser generator that replaces yacc".
"L> What is a parser generator and what is it good for?

A 'parser generator' is a program that generates a program (actually a
procedure or function) that will parse an input stream.  Typical uses:

Command Line Interpreters
Expression Processors
Parsing complex textual data or configuration files

A bit of history:

yacc == Yet Another Compiler Compiler

The typical input to bison or yacc is a sort of BNF notation of a
grammar that describes some sort of context-free language.  Bison (or
yacc) will take this, plus some additional declarations and create a
function that will parse an input stream consisting of legal statements
in the specified language.

"L> Flej Ling

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


Subject: Re: Applixware 5 crashes Red Hat 7
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 00:57:00 GMT

>>>>> "C.Wong" == D Stimits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
C.Wong> Christopher Wong wrote:
>>  This is most unnerving. I recently installed Applixware Office
>> 5.0, upgrading from version 4.4.1. I tried the word processor. When
>> I selected some text and tried changing the font, Red Hat 7 would
>> crash. Hard. The screen goes blank and the machine would suddenly
>> and silently (or with a beep) reboot. The file system was not
>> cleanly unmounted, so an fsck was forced. This has happened several
>> times, both with XFree86 4.0.1 and 3.3.6 servers.

>> My machine used to run Mandrake 7 before I installed Red Hat 7 over
>> it, in case that is relevant. At this point, I don't even know
>> where to begin diagnosing this problem. The syslog is useless,
>> since the crash is sudden and silent. The only thing I did was to
>> select text in the word processor and change the font. I believe I
>> have installed most of Red Hat's fixes, including the latest glibc
>> 2.2.

C.Wong> Redhat 7 is in some places binary incompatible with other
C.Wong> distributions.  You might ask the Applix people if they
C.Wong> have RH 7 binaries.

A "binary incompatibility" _should_ mean that the application crashes,
complaining about the load format being incompatible.

And the issue is in the wrong direction for it to represent the cause;
I would expect RH7 to include libraries to allow it to run "foreign"
binaries; the issue is not that RH7 can't run "foreign" stuff, but
rather that binaries generated on RH7, using "GCC 2.96" won't play
well _elsewhere_.

The symptoms seem a whole lot more consistent with there being a
problem with the X server.

Theorized scenario:
- ApplixWare makes some request to the X server that tickles a bug;
- X server then asks for some memory it ought not to;
- System tumbles on down.

This is _the_ typical way that apps wind up hanging up the system

The "font change" sounds consistent with this; if the X server has
some memory aboard for buffering fonts, it would make sense that the
point in time at which the system would tumble would be when font data
is being thrown around in video memory.

What kind of video card have you got?  If it's a pretty new one, whose
support under X has not yet matured, that would be further suggestive
of the theory representing the cause...  As for answers/solutions,
that's yet another step down the road...
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "")
Stop the world! I want to get off!! 


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: crontab question
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 20:21:33 -0500

NDQ wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm under RH6.1. Before, I can edit crontab with command :
> $ crontab -e
> But now when I exit editor I see :
> [quy@iris] ~$ crontab -e
> crontab: no changes made to crontab
> File /etc/cron.allow is OK, daemon crond is running...
> Have you any idea for help me ?
> Thanks,
> --

After you type in the stuff you want in the editor, did you write it
out before exiting the editor? I do not want to insult your
intelligence, but I do not know your level of experience.

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 8:20pm up 2 days, 5:09, 5 users, load average: 2.07, 2.10, 2.08


From: Douglas Nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: logging lpd errors??
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 18:34:58 -0800

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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So how do you get lpd to log error messages? I was thinking I could do
something like add lpd.* /var/log/lpd to syslog.conf or add -l to the
lpd start script then add lf=/var/log/lpd to the printcap?


Douglas Nichols

121 Lakeside Ave., Suite 306
Seattle, WA 98122

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David B. Chorlian)
Subject: Evanescent Screen Messages??
Date: 6 Dec 2000 20:42:29 -0500

I have a 1 GHz Athlon running RedHat 6.2 with KDE 1.1.2. 
I occasionally see some rectangles flash on the screen and
then disappear too rapidly for me to tell what they are.
I think they may be messages of some sort.  Is there any way
to either slow them down, or tell whether these messages
(if they are messages) are being recorded somewhere.  Certainly
not in /var/log; I've looked there.

David B. Chorlian
Neurodynamics Lab  SUNY/HSCB


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can't compile gimp-print.-4.0.2
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 19:39:04 -0600

Zero Piraeus wrote:

> > I've been trying to compile gimp-print for my system (RH v6.1,
> > kernel 2.2.16) without success.
> I just replied to your earlier post under the subject "Problem with
> headers [was: Re: gimp-print won't configure]" - it seems that both our
> systems are having trouble turning <linux/something.h> into a correct
> path.
> Can anyone tell us both where this is defined?

I figured out what my problem was.  I had been doing a little
file pruning (too aggressively, as it turns out) and deleted the
kernel-headers package from my system.  Since I no longer run the
RH kernel (I downloaded the generic source from
and compiled that) I thought I could get rid of the RH
kernel-*.rpm packages.  It turns out the kernel-headers package
was still needed by egcs for compiling other programs from




From: Matt O'Toole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adobe drops linux beta
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 01:52:10 GMT

Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> Christopher Michael Collins () <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why not just release the code?
> FrameMaker is a very expensive Desktop Publishing application available
> for many platforms (including Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX).  Many who use it,
> swear by it.  For Adobe, releasing the code would kill their ability to
> sell it on all the other platforms.

Their ability to sell it on the other platforms is killed by the crushing 
cost and dwindling popularity of those platforms, compared to Linux.  If 
Adobe wants to keep selling Frame, they'd better port it to Linux.  The 
future of mainstream Unix is Linux.
> There *is* more than Linux, and there are applications that justify
> being sold.  That being said, for publishing, TeX/LaTeX (open source
> and freely available) do the job quite nicely.

Yeah, right.  I use both, and trust me, they're not equivalent.  Besides,  
Frame is still the tech writing industry standard, and integral to 
everyone's workflow.  Because of that, we're forced to run Windows, or an 
even more expensive, less versatile commercial Unix, to be able to run 

I don't mind paying the 900 bucks or whatever for Frame.  But I don't care 
to pay another $300 to Bill G., or waste days and weeks squashing his bugs, 
when Linux is a known reliable solution, and available for free.

Matt O.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Does anyone know!?!?!
Date: 7 Dec 2000 01:57:54 GMT

On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 13:33:08 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
staggered into the Black Sun and said:
>      I am trying to run the talk command but I get the message that
>the connection is refused. I changed the disable = yes to no for the
>talk file in the /etc/xinet.d/talk but still get the error. Am I
>missing some other config file? I could not find any usefull
>documention on the configuration of this. 

Did you look at the man page for talk?  This problem is addressed on
line 46 of that man page on my machine.  Anyway, "mesg y" can be your 
friend here.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: Douglas Nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: so where do you get the new realplayer?
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 19:32:31 -0800

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

So whats the deal? I cannot find realplayer anywhere? Are they pulling

Douglas Nichols

121 Lakeside Ave., Suite 306
Seattle, WA 98122

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fn:Douglas Nichols



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: updating rpm
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 02:36:46 GMT

I went through this process a while back.  It is kind of a catch 22.
You could spend a lot of time (like I did) trying to make it work.  I
found that I needed to upgrade to RH7.0 which includes rpm v4.0.  I
upgraded the OS and never looked back.

In article <TiwX5.46988$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Y2J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've updated the rpm 3.0 on my pc with redhat 6.2 with the new 4.0 and
> programs like kpackage or gnorpm don't work any more, when I try to
> some rpm packages by typing rpm -i .... I receive the following msg
from the
> shell:
> --> An rpm database in db1 format exists in /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm.
>     Please convert to db3 format by running "rpm --rebuilddb" as root.
> error: cannot open /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm
> But even after doing rpm --rebuild...., the error msg just continue.
How can
> I solve this problem?
> thank you in advance

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Logs of dhcpd
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 02:46:32 GMT

add the following line to /etc/syslog.conf

# send daemon logs (dhcp,etc) to a file
daemon.*                               /var/log/daemon.log

this will send MOST dhcpd logs to /var/log/daemon.log
some of your other daemon logs will also be put in this file.

In article <90fq50$mm7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Olivier Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to get rid of the logs from dhcpd daemon in the
> /var/log/messages file. This file is filled with a lot of pair of
> like
> DHCPREQUEST for ip_adress from network_card_address
> DHCPACK on ip_address to network_card_address
> that make hard to find messahes from other daemons.
> I have understood that the logs are generated by syslogd but is there
a way
> to redirect these logs to another file, secifically for the daemon
dhcpd ?

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Liquor)
Subject: Pop to imap to client?
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 03:05:12 GMT

Tossing this into CAL.questions didn't get an answer - so maybe
this is more appropriate here.

Ok, I know little or nothing of *n*x mail handling daemons,
and I don't want to learn the ins and outs of ALL of them....

I am looking at doing a set up on a few home/training networks
to allow mail to be shared between multiple clients.  It seems
that setting up an IMAP server on the gateway RedHat linux 
boxes is the most client independent method of doing this.

I want to end up with stored mail functionality roughly 
equivalent to the local Netscrape folders capability -(or M$ 
exchange server with less hassle)- multiple 'folders' on the server
for each user, and all available from any client that
can handle imap.  (Or am I misunderstanding here - are the
multiple 'folders' a function of Netscrape, not the server?)

Ideally, the clients do NOT have real accounts on the mail server
box (pop/imap only clients?) - and the mail-fetch script (only
runs while ppp is up) would sort the mail according to some
rules and drop it into the appropriate user's inboxes.

Security is not a significant consideration - the server would
only be accessible to internal clients, with no access allowed
through the firewall. Incoming mail would be fetched from the 
ISP's POP3 server. Outgoing mail would be a direct (masqed)
connection to the ISP's SMTP server.

Of course, there's more than one way to do this. My thoughts
are to just use the RedHat IMAP server with fetchmail. Is
this sufficient to do the job? (And do I need to use 
sendmail and/or procmail in there?)

Before I go off to RTFM (assuming I can find a suitable FM) 
on these two packages, perhaps someone would have some 
ideas or opinions on alternate servers or methods?

Liquor       So I want to get rid of Outlook....
               _before_ it gets rid of me.

To mail me, remove the dot spamstopper 



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