Linux-Misc Digest #501, Volume #26                Sat, 9 Dec 00 13:13:03 EST

  nsform* (Christian Wenz)
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? (Allen Wong)
  Changing ports for telnetd? (Patrick M Geahan)
  Shutdown and halt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: LILO floppy question (James Blanford)
  Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop ("drovar")
  Re: limiting buffer cache (Christopher Wong)
  Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop (Steve)
  Re: amd k6 - signal 11 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: MySql is Unstable ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  What the heck is "remadmin"?? (Penpal International)
  MC and .alias (Timo Benk)
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? (Colin Watson)
  Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop (Jerry McBride)
  Re: j2sdk1.3 - jdb doesn't work (Paul F. Kunz)
  Re: Telnetd don't work (Carfield Yim)
  Re: NFS setup question (insecure port??) (Jerry McBride)
  MySQL socket problem (Mike)
  Re: limiting buffer cache (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: problems with .rhosts? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Christian Wenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: nsform*
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 16:18:07 +0100

i recognise a couple of files under ~/tmp called nsform3A2E660D04601DA
for example.
these files contains same information about mails i got:

Content-type: multipart/form-data;
boundary=---------------------------670907394Content-Length: 1475

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_do_savemsg"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_goto"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_mid"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_recover_user"

... and more.

could anybody tell me which program produce these files ???


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Allen Wong)
Subject: Re: What is the command to  . . . ?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:22:07 GMT

In alt.os.linux.slackware Markus Amersdorfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What is the command to find the occurance of a string in a group of
>> files in a directory?

> find . -name '*.txt' -exec grep "Hello World" {} \;

This works, but it's alot slower than "find . -type f -name '*.txt' -print |
xargs grep "Hello World".

Linux:  If you're not careful, you might actually learn something.
  7:00am  up 1 day, 10:59,  9 users,  load average: 3.09, 3.04, 3.00


From: Patrick M Geahan<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Changing ports for telnetd?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:30:01 GMT

Here's the problem I'm having - I'm attempting to switch ports with
regard to ssh and telnetd.  I've changed the ssh launch line to
"$PATH/sshd -p 23", which seems to work.  I've changed /etc/services for
sshd to be port 23, and telnetd to port 22.  Now, ssh incoming works OK,
but telnet incoming connects, then says "bind:address in use".  Same
problem if I switch to some other random port that I know isn't in use.

Can anyone give me any help?

=======Patrick M [EMAIL PROTECTED]=======ICQ:3784715======
Quote of the Week: "Where in the bible does it say `God so loved the
world that he congested bandwidth by forwarding email to everyone in 
his address book?'" - Tom Sevart in alt.folklore.urban


Subject: Shutdown and halt
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:32:48 GMT

I have Mandrake  7.2.  Everything is running  except
 for one thing:  it will not complete a shutdown.
After shutting down processes it generates the message "INIT: No more
processes in this runlevel" at  which point the machine just sits
there.  I don't want to say the box is hung, because when I hit
Ctrl-Alt-Delete the disk gets hit with something.
I can also switch to other console using ALT+ F2...F6 but I can not log.

I was trying:
shutdown -h now -     the same
halt -     the same
How to soleve this problem, I did not have such problems with Mandrake
7.1 and RH 6.2. On RH 7.0 I had the same problem.

P.S If this message apear two times it is because I had problems with our
news Server Rafael

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Blanford)
Subject: Re: LILO floppy question
Date: 9 Dec 2000 15:53:09 GMT

In article <90rrea$2oi0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Emmanuel Beranger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I want to boot from a floppy with LILO, offering me to boot hdb1. (I just
> want to keep self HD boot with hda1)
> I have made such a floppy with "mkbootdisk", BUT :
> I would like to load the kernel image that is on the disk, and not on the
> floppy (which happens now, which is veeery slooow). I know this is possible,
> because I once had such a floppy, which just LILOed, and loaded the HD
> image.
> I think I have tried anything, including mentionning root=hdb1, and also
> making "lilo -r /mnt/floppy", but nothing seems to work yet.
> Any ideas ?
Do you have a copy of the compressed kernel on hdb1?  Like /boot/bzImage or 
/boot/vmlinuz?  If not do:

        mkdir /boot 
        cp /mnt/floppy/bzImage /boot/
        cp /mnt/floppy/ /boot/

then edit /mnt/floppy/lilo.conf and change

        image = /mnt/floppy/bzImage
        image = /boot/bzImage
then run:

        /sbin/lilo -C /mnt/floppy/lilo.conf

You may have to change this to reflect your system's directories and 
files - and - well, it's just an idea.  That's what you asked for.
And make a copy of the floppy, BEFORE you do any changes.

Good Luck,

        - jim


From: "drovar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 10:56:53 -0500

> the best gnome window manager install i've ever used is Helix Code.  Easy
> install with Caldera and other distros.
> follow the download instructions and yer dun.
> very fast install over kewl update utility and bug report
> tool.
> munke:-p

Agreed, if you want Gnome, go with Helix Code. Very easy installation.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Wong)
Subject: Re: limiting buffer cache
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:56:16 GMT

On Sat, 09 Dec 2000 07:49:46 -0500, Jean-David Beyer
>Fred wrote (in part):
>>         Hi everyone,
>>              I'm having trouble limiting the buffercache on our server. It's
>> got 1GB of ram and I'm trying to get an Oracle 8.1.6 database to work well
>> on it. 
>IMAO, the kernel can allocate your memory better than you can. Do not
>forget the axiom: The more you try to outsmart the operating system,
>the more it will outsmart you.

In the general case, that might be true. However, this guy is trying to
implement a heavy duty database server. The problem is that OS folks and
DB folks are not really seeing eye to eye: databases have rather
different locality and access behavior from ordinary disk usage. It is
better for Oracle to manage its own memory: it is unlikely that the
operating system will "outsmart" the database server in DB
matters. OTOH, I was under the impression that the kernel will only
allocate memory that is unused by other apps. If Oracle claims the RAM
that it needs, the kernel will not steal it for buffering. Perhaps this
is more a question of Oracle's configuration rather than Linux.



Subject: Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 10:12:27 -0500

* munke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> David Liana wrote:
> > I have downloaded all the gnome files from:
> > in rpm format.
> > Installed all of them.
> > I cant load Gnome because it says its missing a libjpeg file, yet i have
> > all the jpeg libraries installed.
> >
> > Any help?
> the best gnome window manager install i've ever used is Helix Code.  Easy
> install with Caldera and other distros.
> follow the download instructions and yer dun.
> very fast install over kewl update utility and bug report
> tool.
> munke:-p
I installed helix gnome, and at the last when the splash screen came up
asking me if I wanted to make it my default wm I said no. I was lead to 
believe that to start it all I had to do was type 'gdm' from
the console. However that doesn't work nor does 'gnome-session'. Seeing as
I have it installed, how do I start it from runlevel 3?

This is on a Caldera box btw.

Steve - Toronto
work like you don't need the money
love like you've never been hurt
dance like no one's watching


Subject: Re: amd k6 - signal 11
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 13:28:24 GMT

> : Well, my old machine has an amdk6 -233 and I get signal 11 when doing
> I bet your CPU is becoming too hot!

I second the heat suggestion, however, when I've had this problem, it's
been the memory, which you've checked, or the MB. I've had some *very*
weird problems caused by MB's and power supplies. I've never seen a
signal 11 from a power supply problem though, usually unreliable
booting, and mysterious reboots in the middle of the night, despite
being on a UPS.

If you do want to try another CPU, you can find old stuff like this on
eBay, Yahoo, and other auction sites. The prices seem a little high
though. I was thinking of upgrading my workshop machine to 233MHz, the
fastest the MB can do, but the bidding on the auction sites was getting
high enough that I've decided to get a 500MHz or so (probably AMD) at
a local store and a new MB with it, some time after the Christmas
expenses. Sure it will still cost more, but a much better
performance/dollar ratio...

=================== ==========================
"Vegetables aren't food -They're what food eats" -Unknown


Subject: Re: MySql is Unstable
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 13:59:04 GMT

Kim Houlne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are in the process of redesigning a couple of database programs on
[... bad stuff about MySQL ...]

I am very much not a database expert, so I can't comment on the
usability of MySQL for various business uses, but I have used it as a
backend for some intranet web search engines.

I just installed it per the directions that came with the search
software (UDM Search, since renamed, I can't remember the new name),
and it's been working perfectly since. I'm quite happy with it.

=================== ==========================
And all should cry, Beware! Beware! His flashing eyes, his floating hair!
Weave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honey-dew hath fed, And drunk the milk of Paradise.


Subject: Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive.
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 14:12:19 GMT

Walter Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a friend at work who has a 486 laptop with a 540M hard drive (not
> sure of the exact hardware), and he wants to install Linux on it.  I'm

I'm writing this on a laptop that has a 1.2G drive, 600M for W95, 600M
for Linux.

To make it worse, you can't use the floppy and the CD at the same
time, and various network installs could not see the ethernet card to
do a network install.

I loaded the A and N slackware (4.0, if I remember, I think 3.5 the
first time) sets from floppies, then set up networking. I then mounted
the Slackware CD via NFS and loaded the rest.

By careful package selection, I have X and everything I *really* need,
plus a small amount of data with 89M still free (81M free on the W95

When at home or work, with a network handy, I rely heavily on
NFS mounted filesystems and SMB/SAMBA so that I have a little more
space.Right now, I'm just X'ing back my news, mail and web software
from one of my desktop machines.

Jim Buchanan        [EMAIL PROTECTED]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
=================== ==========================
"This is the house of the long ago, Where the old ones murmur an endless woe,
 Where the pain of time is an actual pain, And things once known always come
 again." -Cordwainer Smith


From: Penpal International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What the heck is "remadmin"??
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:23:46 +0000


I got some trouble. Everytime when I try to run passwd I get this error:

> passwd searchy
Error message from remadmin :
Error message from remadmin :** ERROR **: file version.c: line 15
(handle_version): assertion failed: (atoi((char*)g_list_nth_data(args,
0)) == 3)
Error message from remadmin :aborting...

Does anyone knows how I can solve this? I realy need passwd.

(BTW. Lots of apps give a broken pipe. Does it has to do something with

Thanks in advance,

Frank de Bot!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timo Benk)
Subject: MC and .alias
Date: 9 Dec 2000 16:41:22 GMT


I've got a problem with the Midnight Commander.

1. the aliases doesn't work.
I have an alias "alias beep='echo -en "\a"'" which beeps at the console, but
not if i am in mc.

2. fetchmail does not deliver
if i try to fetch my mail with fetchmail everything works ok if i am at the
console but if i am in mc the mails never arrive in my mailbox 

any ideas ?



   .'o oOOOo`.      | Timo Benk 
  ;~~~-.oOo   o`.   | Germany
   `. \ ~-.  oOOo.  | Registered Linux User #186431
     `.; / ~.  OO:  | 
     .'  ;-- `.o.'  | 
    ,' ; ~~--'~     | Fax/Voicemail:    +49891488214215
    ;  ;            | 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin Watson)
Crossposted-To: alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: What is the command to  . . . ?
Date: 9 Dec 2000 16:49:20 GMT


[Bah. Removed distribution-specific groups, networking (!), hardware
(!), comp.os.linux.development.system - learn how to crosspost sensibly,

>grep -e pattern -lr ./*  seems to work

That works with newer versions of grep, but if you find yourself on
older versions of Linux or on some other Unix then you'll have problems.
'find . -type f -print | xargs grep -le pattern' is a more portable

Colin Watson                                     [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
"Lisp programs also have the advantage that very few programmers know
 Lisp, so your employer will have to keep you on staff to maintain it."
  - Joel Ray Holveck in Vigor,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jerry McBride)
Subject: Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 16:58:05 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
munke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>David Liana wrote:
>> I have downloaded all the gnome files from:
>> in rpm format.
>> Installed all of them.
>> I cant load Gnome because it says its missing a libjpeg file, yet i have
>> all the jpeg libraries installed.
>> Any help?
>the best gnome window manager install i've ever used is Helix Code.  Easy
>install with Caldera and other distros.
>follow the download instructions and yer dun.

I'll second that and while you're at helix... grab a copy of PAN. It's one of
the nicest newsreaders that I've seen and it's a linux native...

>                  As I said before, I NEVER repeat myself                    <
>       11:30am  up 1 days, 12:05:02, load: 29 processes, 87 threads.         <
* NetRexx - The onramp to the Internet -  *
*                             ICQ# 76727806                                   *
*                    Registered Linux User Number 185956                      *


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul F. Kunz)
Subject: Re: j2sdk1.3 - jdb doesn't work
Date: 09 Dec 2000 08:56:39 -0800

"mmnnoo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I can't get jdb from j2sdk1.3 to work at all.  Here is a source file:

   Known problem.   Take a look at SUN's list of known bugs: "jdb
doesn't work under Linux".


From: Carfield Yim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Telnetd don't work
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 01:05:51 +0800

Alexei Kichkine wrote:

> Carfield Yim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> After installing mandrake, I find that my telnetd don't work. I have
>> check inetd.conf, there is should no problem. Where can I find common
>> problem and solution of telnetd??
>> The problem of my telnetd is after showing the Escape character, it
>> don't prompt the use input name and passwd but just quit:
>> Trying
>> Connected to localhost.localdomain.
>> Escape character is '^]'.
>> Connection closed by foreign host.
>> How can I solve?
>  check if telnet granted in /etc/hosts.allow and doesn't denied in /etc/hosts.deny

Both file are blank, can you tech me how do I set?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jerry McBride)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: NFS setup question (insecure port??)
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:36:36 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In comp.os.linux.misc Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In article <8s1tun$9t0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>When trying to mount a directory exported from a Linux (Mandrake
>>>7.0) box on an AIX 4.3.2 box, the Linux box is refusing
>>>the connection and giving the console message: "nfsd: request
>>>from insecure port (mac addr):64971"
>Change the exports entry to "insecure" (default is "secure").
>> Being a NFS newbie and learning it by setting up NFS across PLIP... I ran into
>> a similar mount problem that I "fixed" by using the "no-root-squashing" in the
>> exports file for the target resource.
>No, this is a different (non-)problem. He is making nfs calls from a
>non-priviliged port. His daemon has to be configured to let that
>happen. Normally it only trusts calls made by root through low (i.e.
>privileged) ports.

Then how about adding no-root-squashing in exports then?

>                  As I said before, I NEVER repeat myself                    <
>       11:30am  up 1 days, 12:05:02, load: 29 processes, 87 threads.         <
* NetRexx - The onramp to the Internet -  *
*                             ICQ# 76727806                                   *
*                    Registered Linux User Number 185956                      *


From: Mike
Subject: MySQL socket problem
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:37:06 GMT

I had MySql on a Linux box (Slack 7.0) and it suddenly stopped
working. I just re-installed with mysql-3.23.28 and I get the 
same error message I got with the previous one.

Here I'm trying to set the password after installing:

Enter password:
./bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (111)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'

Appreciate your help



From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: limiting buffer cache
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 12:55:15 -0500

Christopher Wong wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Dec 2000 07:49:46 -0500, Jean-David Beyer
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Fred wrote (in part):
> >>         Hi everyone,
> >>              I'm having trouble limiting the buffercache on our server. It's
> >> got 1GB of ram and I'm trying to get an Oracle 8.1.6 database to work well
> >> on it.
> >
> >IMAO, the kernel can allocate your memory better than you can. Do not
> >forget the axiom: The more you try to outsmart the operating system,
> >the more it will outsmart you.
> In the general case, that might be true. However, this guy is trying to
> implement a heavy duty database server. The problem is that OS folks and
> DB folks are not really seeing eye to eye: databases have rather
> different locality and access behavior from ordinary disk usage.

That can be true. But for a dbms server to do that, it is better for
it to use raw io instead of system buffered io. It is my understanding
that Linux kernels 2.4* will have this capability, but that earlier
versions do not. I.e., were he using IBM DB2 UDB (instead of Oracle),
in his CREATE DATABASE command, he would use the MANAGED BY DATABASE
(instead of MANAGED BY SYSTEM) USING DEVICE /dev/rsda1 (or whatever
partition he wants it on)... . That way, he will not be at the mercy
of the IO buffering scheme of the OS he is using. I assume something
similar can be done in Oracle. Furthermore, if he writes a page to
disk, and then reads it back and compares, if the comparison is equal,
he can be sure the write went to disk. If it is also written to the
logfile or journal tape, he can safely commit the transaction.

> It is
> better for Oracle to manage its own memory: it is unlikely that the
> operating system will "outsmart" the database server in DB
> matters. OTOH, I was under the impression that the kernel will only
> allocate memory that is unused by other apps.

Not necessarily. It all depends, in the words of our president, on
what *used* means. The OS generally tries to keep a process's working
set in memory, but not the rest (unless the process locks the memory
in core), so his dbms server would need to use mlock(2) or mlockall(2)
calls to achieve this. Otherwise, the kernel would steal this memory
if it did not seem to be in the working set. The trouble with locking
a process's memory to core is that while it may do the desired local
optimization for that particular process, it frequently compromises
the throughput of the entire system. When things get really close, it
is better to use a real-time operating system instead of something
like Unix-Linux.

> If Oracle claims the RAM
> that it needs, the kernel will not steal it for buffering.

Only if it locks its buffers to core. Otherwise, if the OS deems the
buffers to not be in the working set, it can page them out.

> Perhaps this
> is more a question of Oracle's configuration rather than Linux.
> Chris

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 12:35pm up 4 days, 21:24, 3 users, load average: 2.33, 2.31,


Subject: Re: problems with .rhosts?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:50:46 GMT

I was just fighting the same problem with a new machine (password
required on remote host).  It turned out I had a double entry in
/etc/hosts.  I am surprised it worked at all.

- Don

In article <90j61j$a3d$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> thanks for the reply
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Assuming rlogin is enabled on both machines and
> errrm, i can do a rlogin into both machines from other machines so i
> presume thats rlogin enabled.
> > the same .rhosts is on both machines and you did a
> well, my home directory is on an NFS share and it is available to all
> the hosts that i have mentioned, so the answer to the question is
> both machines can read my ~/.rhosts"
> > chmod 600 .rhosts
> yep, already done
> > The problem is you do not have a carriage return on the end
> > of the greentea line.
> sounds strange, but i tried it anyway and i still had the same
> is there other things i need?
> >
> > On Tue, 05 Dec 2000 10:06:38 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >hi all
> > >
> > >i'm currently getting some strange behaviour with my ~/.rhosts in
> that
> > >in there, i have specified:
> > >
> > >  coffee    pfdev23
> > >  greentea  pfdev23
> > >
> > >and for which greentea and coffee are the official hostnames (as
> > >specified in their /etc/hosts files) of a solaris 2.6 and linux
> 2.2.17
> > >hosts respectively (and pfdev23 is my uid)
> > >
> > >however, when i try to do rsh/rlogin into the sun (greentea) from
> > >coffee, i am still prompted with the passwrd prompt.  once onto
> > >greentea, i can do a rlogin back into greentea and it doesnt ask me
> for
> > >a password.  is there something (other config) that i have missed?
> > >
> > >    pfdev23@coffee:[/tmp]$  rlogin greentea
> > >    Password:
> > >    Last login: Mon Dec  4 13:45:32 from greentea
> > >    Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.6       Generic August 1997
> > >    $ rlogin coffee
> > >
> > >the last rlogin (back to coffee) is fine.
> > >
> >
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Sent via
Before you buy.



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