Linux-Misc Digest #548, Volume #26               Thu, 14 Dec 00 22:13:02 EST

  Re: Problems configuring my Linksys Etherfast NIC. ("AndyW")
  Re: MySQL and Red Hat 7 ("AndyW")
  Re: Q:Newbie Looking for alternatives from MacroShot
  Re: Mandrake 7.2, High security -- cannot su? ("Alan Burns")
  Re: blindly accepted net advice--> blew away filesystem (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: ".bz2" extensions ("D. Stimits")
  Linux Demo in Davis - Dec 16th (William Kendrick)
  Re: ".bz2" extensions ("Steve Wolfe")
  Re: ".bz2" extensions (A Guy Called Tyketto)
  ssh problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ssh problem (Brandon McCombs)
  Re: Gnome-ALSA  no sound.  KDE Ok (Brandon McCombs)
  Re: mpeg layer 3 wavs (Dances With Crows)
  kernel 2.2.18 compile fails on slackware (Peter R. Schmitt)
  Re: Linux and cooling fan (ljb)
  Re: howto verify I'm online??? (Graham Wilson)
  Clock is always behind unlike in WIN95-- what to do? (Denis)
  Re: Q:Newbie Looking for alternatives from MacroShot ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  MANDRAKE 7.2 (modem problem) (Daniel Bechard)
  Re: Q:Newbie - Comparing Linux's (Graham Wilson)
  RealPlayer and Mandrake 7.1 ("Aubrey Kilpatrick")
  Problems getting CDRECORD to burn 99min CDS..bug? ("AK")


Subject: Re: Problems configuring my Linksys Etherfast NIC.
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:56:08 +0000

In article <XYa_5.108371$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Mordak"

> I have SuSE 7.0 Pro installed. I just installed a Linksys Etherfast
> Network card. It has setup instructions for several versions of Linux,
> not SuSE. I tried unsuccessfully to configure the tulip.o driver as it
> stated in the instructions.
> I tried to use YaST and YaST2 to setup the card and "No Network Card Is
> Detected" is the message I get. I followed every direction to the letter
> and still no luck. What am I overlooking. This doesn't seem like rocket
> science, and I'm sure the answer is fairly simple.
> I will have it connected to a cable modem with access to the net using
> IP-Chains as my firewall. I have read the Ethernet HOWTO and it also
> says to use the Tulip drive / module but I just can't get it to work.
> The SuSE data base says it is supported as does Linksys.
> Please help, Mordak

I've never used SuSE, but it should simply be a case of putting this line
in /etc/modules.conf (or maybe conf.modules):

alias eth0 tulip

...then restart the network service, however that's done in SuSE.



Subject: Re: MySQL and Red Hat 7
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 23:13:58 +0000

In article <918754$94l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "River Storm"

> I just got RH7 installed and MySQL.  I need help answers for my
> problems.
> 1.  I typed "safe_mysqld" that didn't seem to work.  How do I start the
> server?

What happened then? If you installed MySQL as part of the RH7 install,
you'll find there's a mysqld startup script in /etc/rc.d/init.d/. To get
it to start on boot, do

# chkconfig --level 35 mysqld on

> 2.  How do I change the admin password.

# mysqladmin password my_password

> 3.  Where is the data directory.  I have previous mysql database I need
> to
> load.

/var/lib/mysql/mysql/           (assuming a standard RH7 install)



Subject: Re: Q:Newbie Looking for alternatives from MacroShot
Date: 14 Dec 2000 15:30:40 -0800

Maybe they are assuming your stupid (the windows world is like that,
so comming from there why wouldn't they) and assuming you don't know
how to ldconfig or something. --- just a guess.

Joshua Beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From what I know, this is false information.  The only real time I need
>reboot is after compiling my kernel so it will take affect, but not after
>installing software.  You (typically) just unpack, compile, install and
>you're good to go.
>        ~ Josh.
>Richard wrote:
>> I just read on Corel's web site about adding prog under linux & it mentioned
>> that it would take effect upon starting the computer again.  I thought
>> didn't need to be rebooted after adding things.  I'm buying a computer
>> don't know which distribution I should get (No Win for me, I hate the
>> crashes & reboots).  Any direction would help.  Please respond via the
>> newsgroup.
>> --
>> Thank You,
>> Richard Cassidy - Operations
>> BTX Air Express, Inc.
>> /Bacarella Transportation Services
>> 4700 Hoover Blvd North, Suite H
>> Tampa International Airport
>> Tampa FL  33634
>> USA
>> (813) 870-3001 * (813) 870-3203 Fax


From: "Alan Burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.2, High security -- cannot su?
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 17:22:09 +0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jonathan G. Campbell"

> However, twice now, after selecting the 'high' security option, I've had
> to reinstall because I cannot log on as root (via su, or otherwise).

I assume by "high security" you mean level 4.  That's the security level I
always install at, and I've never had any trouble su-ing to root.  I do
believe that root console login is disabled in level 5 (paranoid), but
you'd have to be completely insane to install at that security level for
everyday use. :)


Subject: Re: blindly accepted net advice--> blew away filesystem
From: Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 23:35:45 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Gabriel) writes:

> In article <916aa7$59d$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       "Dan Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Here's an example of what happens when you go blindly ahead and
> > execute well intentioned netnews advice.  What this message in big5 Chinese says
> > is that
> > he wanted to remove his many "core" files, and the respondent forgot to tell him
> > to add '-name' after 'find /' ... and indeed his entire filesystem was wiped.
> > Don't let it happen to you.
> I recall an operator who looked after a SVR3 minicomputer some 20 years
> ago.  One morning, he went to clear /tmp as he usually did, but got a
> slight mis-type in the command:
>     rm -rf / tmp

An article with a description of how a system was brought back to life
after a similar catastrophe was posted to Usenet many years ago and is
something of a classic.  This was in the days when Unix systems were
typically loaded from 9-track mag tapes.  If anyone has the article
I'd love to read it again.

Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Web Page :
Linux FAQ:
Tired of spam?  Please forward messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:43:31 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: ".bz2" extensions

Dan Jacobson wrote:
> "Anders Lund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ????? news:n6IZ5.7005
> > If the file is just named <something>.bz2
> >
> > the commeand is
> > bzip2 -d <something>.bz2
> how does one list the files in a .bz2 archive without unpacking?  I see there is
> not
> the normal -l switch to list contents.  Is that because they are not like
> multifile zip archives, but only contain one file, e.g. a tar file which would
> then contain
> many subfiles itself?  I bet I must pipe output of bzip2 -d into tar -tv...
> --
> E-mail: restore ".com."  ???
> Tel:+886-4-5854780; starting in year 2001: +886-4-25854780

As far as I know, bzip2 is not an archiver of multiple files. True, you
can name multiple files, but it just runs bzip2 on each of those
separately, like a batch mode. The file inside it is the name without
the .bz2. Often tar files are bzip'd, and THAT is where you need a list
command. You can pipe bzcat output of the .bz2 to tar and use the tar
options. Sample:
bzcat SomeFile.tar.bz2 | tar --list


From: William Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Demo in Davis - Dec 16th
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 23:42:46 GMT

LUGOD, The Linux Users' Group of Davis, will be holding a Linux demonstration:

  December 16, 2000
  1:00pm - 4:00pm

The demonstration will be held at:

  Davis Food Co-Op
  Demo Kitchen (near produce)
  620 G Street
  Davis, CA 95616

Drop by to see Linux in action, try it out for yourself, and ask questions
and learn more about this awesome free operating system and our humble
users' group!

For details, visit:

LUGOD is a non-profit organization dedicated to the
Linux Operating System, and which meets twice a month in Davis, CA.
Please visit our website for details:



From: "Steve Wolfe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: ".bz2" extensions
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:50:33 -0700

> Often tar files are bzip'd, and THAT is where you need a list
> command. You can pipe bzcat output of the .bz2 to tar and use the tar
> options. Sample:
> bzcat SomeFile.tar.bz2 | tar --list

  That's pretty unfortunate.  Bzip2 takes a lot of CPU cycles, and
decompressing the entire file just to look at the contents is a little less
than optimal. : )



From: A Guy Called Tyketto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ".bz2" extensions
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:21:27 GMT

Hash: SHA1

In comp.os.linux.misc D. Stimits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As far as I know, bzip2 is not an archiver of multiple files. True, you
> can name multiple files, but it just runs bzip2 on each of those
> separately, like a batch mode. The file inside it is the name without
> the .bz2. Often tar files are bzip'd, and THAT is where you need a list
> command. You can pipe bzcat output of the .bz2 to tar and use the tar
> options. Sample:
> bzcat SomeFile.tar.bz2 | tar --list

        Lot easier way. treat it like gzip.

        where you have gzip -cd foo.gz | less 

        do a

        bzip2 -cd foo.bz2 | less

        Voila. contents of the bzip2 compressed file.

- -- 
Brad Littlejohn                         | Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Systems Administrator,             |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web + NewsMaster, BOFH.. Smeghead! :)   |
  PGP: 1024D/E319F0BF 6980 AAD6 7329 E9E6 D569  F620 C819 199A E319 F0BF

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (FreeBSD)
Comment: For info see



Subject: ssh problem
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:28:06 GMT

I recently installed ssh-2 on my red hat 6.2 linux server.  I have a
bunch of users and I would like for only a select few users to actually
have ssh priviledges.  Is there a way that I can disable certain users
or only enable certain users to have the ability to connect to my server
using ssh?
thanks ryan

Sent via


Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 19:51:02 -0500
From: Brandon McCombs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ssh problem

> I recently installed ssh-2 on my red hat 6.2 linux server.  I have a
> bunch of users and I would like for only a select few users to actually
> have ssh priviledges.  Is there a way that I can disable certain users
> or only enable certain users to have the ability to connect to my server
> using ssh?

yeah, don't give them the ssh key and don't enable their IPs to connect
through ssh


Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 19:54:57 -0500
From: Brandon McCombs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Gnome-ALSA  no sound.  KDE Ok

look at some logs to see what errors are occurring otherwise the people
u are asking for help are flying blind.

frank wrote:
> Hi:
> I have a weird problem.  I compiled and installed ALSA driver under KDE
> environment and they work just fine.  I am using RH 6.2.  Now I installed
> the latest Gnome and I log in with Gnome environment.  My sound is gone.  If
> I switch back to KDE, the sound is still there.  I tried amixer under Gnome
> as well, but still no sound.  Do you have any clue?  Your help is great
> appreciated.
> Frank


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: mpeg layer 3 wavs
Date: 15 Dec 2000 01:18:14 GMT

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 20:44:36 GMT, Rick Pasotto staggered into the Black 
Sun and said:
>Is there an alternative to 'play' that works with mpeg layer 3 wavs?
>wavp doesn't complain but I get no sound and the values it displays
>don't look like it recognizes the format.

"MPEG 3 layer wavs"?  Er, what are those?  If the file contains MPEG 1
layer 3 compressed audio data, it's an MP3 and can be played with xmms
or mpg123 or mp3blaster or 5 or 6 other programs.  If the file contains
PCM data in little-endian order with a RIFF header describing sample
rate and file length, it's a .wav.

Thanks to a misfeature found in certain programs, however, a file with 
the .wav extension can actually be encoded in a format other than
little-endian PCM.  If you have a .wav file that is actually
mp3-encoded, rename it so it has a .mp3 extension and give it to xmms or
"mpg123 -y" and see what you get.  Both programs should be able to
muddle through the RIFF header, then play the audio effectively.

(Does anyone know *why* the above misfeature exists?  An OS that depends
heavily on filename extensions for file typing should stick to the
conventions that its designers invented.  After all, if you rename a GIF
file to "foo.txt", the OS doesn't read the green bytes in the file and
pull up an image viewer, it opens up the thing in NOTEPAD.EXE .  Hmm.)

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter R. Schmitt)
Subject: kernel 2.2.18 compile fails on slackware
Date: 15 Dec 2000 02:06:31 GMT

Greetings, folks!
    Well, this is a new one for me.
    I've been compiling kernels for quite some time; since the 1.2.x days,
and I've never seen anything like this..
    As a matter of routine, I'll usually upgrade when a new kernel version 
comes out, so, I downloaded the 2.2.18 patch, patched my 2.2.17 source
tree, and did a make menuconfig. All was peachy.
    Did a make zImage. It whirred along a bit, then I spied this just
before the compile erred out:
    warning: cannot find entry symbol _start
    Well, thought I, Ive seen situations where a make dep was needed also,
so, tried that. Make dep failed. Did a make mrproper, then another
make menuconfig, resulting in the same warning as before (see above)
and a total subsequent hang in the 'parsing..............' episode.
ctrl-c did work, however, and I was able to terminate the process.
    I'm running glibc 2.1.3, gcc 2.95.1, and all the usual goodies
in a default slack 7 install.  I was able to go from 2.2.16 to 2.2.17
with his setup no problem.
    Any ideas? I know that 2.2.18 is awfully new, but I figure my 
experience is not unique.
- Nobody moves very much in a Hanna Barbera cartoon! - Zorak
- After 16 years, MTV has finally completed its devolution into the shiny
- things network -The Onion
- Prschmitt at yahoo dot com


Subject: Re: Linux and cooling fan
Date: 15 Dec 2000 02:05:09 GMT

>I have a new Compaq Presario 1700T laptop which I installed RH 6.2 on
>(ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not
>Soon after, the hard drive crashed (it rattled when it got quite hot, and
>then would not boot until after cool down).  I sent it to Compaq for repair,
>and they replaced the hard drive.  They also replaced the mother board,
>which made me wonder if something was wrong with the fan controller.  The
>computer would get really hot, whether in Windows or Linux.
>Is there any chance the Linux is screwing up the fan control, or bypassing
>the fan altogether?  Seems like a very low level mother board/BIOS thing,
>but that is way beyond my area of expertise.

Sorry I can't help, but I was just thinking that if this were true -
that Compaq created a laptop which required a Windows driver or HAL
component to prevent it from overheating and burning up, then this would
be an evil thing surpassing even the invention of the Winmodem.

A lot of new laptops run very hot. I had a fan fail on a desktop PII-300
and it took out the processor module and motherboard, so it certainly can
happen.  I doubt Linux has anything to do with it, but did you check the
BIOS settings under energy management or similar to see if there are
settings for the fan operation, just in case?


From: Graham Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: howto verify I'm online???
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:05:28 -0800

cryofan wrote:
> What can I run while the pppd is running on wvdial in order to verify that I
> am online? I assume I need to switch to another virtual window in order to
> run another app while wvdial is running?

        If all you really want to do is make sure you have a connection so you
can debug lynx, look in /var/log/syslog.  All the relevant info will be
at the end of the file.  G.


Subject: Clock is always behind unlike in WIN95-- what to do?
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 21:10:53 -0500


In the morning when I turn on my PC I have the correct time, but during
the day my clock in Linux always gets behind by a few minutes at least.
However, if I work in Windows (which I have also on my PC) it doesn't
happen. Why is that and What do you think I can do?
Thank you.


Subject: Re: Q:Newbie Looking for alternatives from MacroShot
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 02:22:22 GMT

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Richard> I just read on Corel's web site about adding prog under linux
Richard> & it mentioned that it would take effect upon starting the
Richard> computer again.  I thought linux didn't need to be rebooted
Richard> after adding things.  I'm buying a computer & don't know
Richard> which distribution I should get (No Win for me, I hate the
Richard> crashes & reboots).  Any direction would help.  Please
Richard> respond via the newsgroup.

About the only thing that Really Forcibly mandates rebooting is if you
install a fresh kernel.  Or if you want to install new hardware.

Aside from that, you may need to restart some processes; it is quite
unlikely that this mandates restarting the computer.

(reverse (concatenate 'string "ac.notelrac.teneerf@" "454aa"))
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to using Windows
NT for mission-critical applications."  --- What Yoda *meant* to say


From: Daniel Bechard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MANDRAKE 7.2 (modem problem)
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 21:36:24 -0500


I'm a little new at this linux, actually I tried a few distribution
and Mandrake is the one I like the most.

The installation went ok but my modem does not work (U.S Robotics 56k
Fax Ext) i get this error message: 
" Could not find the ppp daemon! Make sure that pppd is installed."

Also my sound card seems to be detected by Mandrake but there is no
sound. creative AWE64 (AWE32 compatible)

I could use help here

Thank you


From: Graham Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q:Newbie - Comparing Linux's
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:41:07 -0800

Richard wrote:
> I'm buying a computer & don't know which distribution I should get.  I'll be
> learning perl, cgi, and scripting for the web.  Is there a site that
> compares the 'up-time' etc. for the different distributions of linux.  Thank
> you in advance.  Any tips would help.

        I don't know what you mean by 'up-time', but I run Debian potato on my
PIII, and it works like a charm.  The installation would have gone
better if I had followed the instructions in the windows more carefully,
but that was my fault, and you can avoid that.  
        I've been using Linux for about four months now, and have found if I
make the effort to learn how to do things, I am rewarded handsomely.  I
think it has to be said, though, that Linux is not particularly
user-friendly, at least not in the beginning.
        I got my distribution from CheapBytes (over the web) for about $10. 
You'll need to know about The Linux Documentation Project: it's about
the best place I know of to get information.
        Hope this info is useful to you.  G.


From: "Aubrey Kilpatrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RealPlayer and Mandrake 7.1
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 21:00:00 -0600


I am trying to get RealPlayer to work on my Mandrake 7.1 system but get an
error saying "the installation file found a conflict with the installed
kde.lnk program".  The realplayer rpm does not get installed.

Has anyone else had this problem with installing realplayer in Mdk 7.1 and
if so did you get it to work and how?

Any help greatly appreciated.



Crossposted-To: alt.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Problems getting CDRECORD to burn 99min CDS..bug?
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 03:05:31 -0000

Had anyone tried using CDRECORD to burn 90+ min ?

Well I tried it with the Mitsumi 4804TE drive and when it gets towards the
of the DISK... it fails.. this is despite giving it -ignsize flag.

Looking at a typical ATIP for a 90min CD:

ATIP info from disk:
Indicated writing power: 4
Is not unrestricted
Is not erasable
Disk sub type: Medium Type A, low Beta category (A-) (2)
ATIP start of lead in: -14892 (96:43/33)
ATIP start of lead out: 359849 (79:59/74)

They stored the real capacity in the lead in, maybe thats why it does not

Here are the errors:

CDRECORD.EXE: Could not set realtime priority.
Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 2 in dummy mode for single session.
Last chance to quit, starting dummy write in 1 seconds.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
Starting new track at sector: 11702
Track 02: 679 of 739 MB written (fifo 100%).CDRECORD.EXE: I/O err
or. write_g1: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
CDB: 2A 00 00 05 7D 98 00 00 1F 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 24 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x24 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in cdb) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)

write track data: error after 712970240 bytes
Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Writing time: 2326.040s
WARNING: Some drives don't like fixation in dummy mode.
Fixating time: 0.000s
CDRECORD.EXE: fifo had 11294 puts and 11231 gets.
CDRECORD.EXE: fifo was 0 times empty and 11175 times full, min fi
ll was 92%.

There must be a way to burn 90min CDs
with this program... what is this error?

(this is using the windows port cause my linux drive is being fixed)

Anyway anyone smart enougth to make a quick patch to fix this?




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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