Linux-Misc Digest #550, Volume #26               Fri, 15 Dec 00 08:13:01 EST

  best linux soundcard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: mpeg layer 3 wavs (DualIP)
  Rawrite difficulties ("Jason Greenbaum")
  Re: Problem with samba printer in Mandrake 7.2 (r1ckey)
  Re: blindly accepted net advice--> blew away filesystem ("green")
  can't map '/lib/' ("Kurt Weber")
  RH & Keyboard (Davide Santo)
  shell script question (Manitee)
  Hauppauge Wintv (Flo)
  my list of RH7.0 bugs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ssh problem (Arkadiusz Szyc)
  Re: shell script question (Michael Heiming)
  Re: Q: can't load library ''? ("Jonathan G. Campbell")
  Mylex AcceleRAID 170 (Sebastian Kollmann)
  archive (Edith Gincel)
  Re: my list of RH7.0 bugs (Bob Marafino)
  Re: my list of RH7.0 bugs ("Peter T. Breuer")
  origin installation (maher abedib)
  Booting problem... (Bill Thompson)
  Re: Rawrite difficulties ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Switching to Linux ("Sid Trewin")
  What can I delete in /tmp? (Dragan Colak)
  Where does bash hold history of current session? (Dragan Colak)
  Re: Clock is always behind unlike in WIN95-- what to do? (Dragan Colak)


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: best linux soundcard
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 06:55:21 GMT


I'm about to purchase a new soundcard.

What type of soundcard is ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED to work with Linux,
including all sorts of SMP kernels?



Sent via


Subject: Re: mpeg layer 3 wavs
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 07:22:08 GMT

On 15 Dec 2000 01:18:14 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)

>Thanks to a misfeature found in certain programs, however, a file with 
>the .wav extension can actually be encoded in a format other than
>little-endian PCM.  If you have a .wav file that is actually
>mp3-encoded, rename it so it has a .mp3 extension and give it to xmms or
>"mpg123 -y" and see what you get.  Both programs should be able to
>muddle through the RIFF header, then play the audio effectively.
>(Does anyone know *why* the above misfeature exists?  

Just another MS-feature
Some MP3s found on the net start with a .WAV header. 
(In some MS programs this feature can be turned of by checking "save
raw data only")
Moreover , some form of ID-tagging puts in artist info in front of the

To play both these files , the decoder should try skipping some bits
at the start until the 1st mp3 header is found.



From: "Jason Greenbaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Rawrite difficulties
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 02:47:11 -0500

For some reason, I can't get rawrite to run properly on my computer.  I
create a boot disk and execute rawrite, but then the computer just hangs.  I
have tried to use it on several other systems and have run into similar
problems.  Is there any other program that I can use to write image files to
a floppy?



From: r1ckey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with samba printer in Mandrake 7.2
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 07:52:37 GMT

Thaddeus L Olczyk wrote:
> Sorry, I forgot. I've tried both the web version of the cups
> configuration tool, and printtool, both don't fix things.
> On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 20:08:22 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thaddeus L
> Olczyk) wrote:
> >So let's see:
> >lpr-0.50-7mdki586.rpm
> >cups-1.1.4-3mdki586.rpm
> >cups-drivers-0.3.6-30mdki586.rpm
> >samba-2.0.7-18mdki586.rpm
> >samba-client-18mdki586.rpm
> >samba-common-18mdki586.rpm
> >installed ( Mandrake 7.2 ).
> >I have a printer installed on another Linux box ( Mandrake 7.1 ).
> >The printer is accessible from an NT box ( but I have to do Find
> >Computer to see the computer, Network neighborhood can't find
> >the computer, only thing shared is printer ). I can't find it from
> >a Win98 box ( but I haven't tried hard, it's a junk/game box ).
> >LinNeighborhood sees the printer.
> >But print jobs don't get printed.
> >( BTW lpc doesn't support restart anymore ).
> >Any ideas?
Did you install the CUPS ESP PrintPro license???  Follow the links on
the CUPS WWW admin tool...


From: "green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: blindly accepted net advice--> blew away filesystem
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 18:58:41 +1000

>     rm -rf / tmp

I once did this and in a paniced leap i hit power (what the hell it was gone
any way.)
tured out linux hadn't sync 'ed the disks and nothing was lost!. fluke.
teach me to work as root.


From: "Kurt Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: can't map '/lib/'
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 03:18:14 -0600

I try to boot up after a minor brownout. Everything goes fine until it tries
to run agetty. When it goes to that
stage, I get the following error message, 7 times in a row:
/sbin/agetty: can't map '/lib/'

Then, it says:
sbin/agetty: can't load library ''

Then, it shows the two error messages in order, one time each.

I have not changed my system configuration since the last reboot.

Obviously, since it can't run agetty I can't even log in; therefore, it
seems my options are pretty much limited to:
a) reinstalling
b) since it uses a UMSDOS filesystem, booting to DOS and poking around in
the C:\LINUX directory (DOS loads
without a hitch)

Kurt Weber
ROW Software and Web Design


From: Davide Santo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH & Keyboard
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 10:17:04 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Dear all,
    I am a ultra beginner in Linux and I have a basic question I am sure
most of you wise men out there could answer.
I have RH 6.2 on a PC having an Italian Keyboard but when I write C code
I like to use the US keyboard map (I remember by heart where the keys
are). So I learnt how to chenge keyboard mapping using linuxconf but it
worked on a normal Terminal not under the Xterminal or under any editor
that I can call under XWindow.
Can anyone please teach me the trick ?


Davide Santo

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Davide Santo
Content-Disposition: attachment;

org:MOTOROLA SPS TSG DIS;Driver Information System Europe 
adr:;;Schatzbogen 7;Munich;;D-81829;Germany
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:System Engineer
fn:Davide SANTO



From: Manitee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: shell script question
Date: 15 Dec 2000 01:48:07 PDT

I want a simple script that uses grep.

cd /etc/aliases

grep the aliases file for user

return the line grep would return

usage, for example (let's say I call the script gr).

gr bob

bob: robert


gr webmaster

beth: webmaster

That kind of thing.

The purpose of this is for people to look at aliases without having to
cd to the /etc/mail directory. Thanks.

Best Regards,



Subject: Hauppauge Wintv
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 11:16:42 +0100

When I start kwintv I get a very good picture and at a few stations 
sound, but not at every time. when i start "program edit" and change the 
frequenz (and then back to the old frequenz) of the station i get sound, 
then i exit the edit-dialog and have sound and pic. But when I change 
the station and back to the old station I don't have sound.

Can someone help me




Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: my list of RH7.0 bugs
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 10:12:12 GMT


Here are the bugs that I noticed personally (please tell me if you had
the same experience)

1) shutting down from the graphical login doesn't always work (I
sometimes have to click there twice)

2) from konsole (kde console?), /bin/su works, while "login root"
doesn't.accept the passwd

3) sometimes kpackage wouldn't accept the root passwd (probably related
to (2)

4) ls --color is different for "root" and "user" (doesn't color rpm
files when run by "user", for example) Somebody told me that this can be
"customized" however.

5) Suddenly, new instances of xemacs acquired white instead of the usual
grey background. I removed all ~/.emacs* files to exclude the
possibility of "customazation". It still has white background

6) screensavers in KDE used to work fine. At some point, I got stuck
with "Science" screensaver and I couldn't change it back via "display

7) In KDE, I always configure the panel to be "tiny". Sometimes it goes
back to being "normal" without asking for my permission.

8) X server dumps messages to tty1 (this is probably a "feature")

9) Sometimes, shutting down results in blank screen, sometimes it ends
with "System halted", sometimes "system is halted", while putting
"system halted" in tty2

BTW, who needs xinetd.d ? What was wrong with inetd.d ?


Sent via


From: Arkadiusz Szyc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ssh problem
Date: 15 Dec 2000 10:59:33 GMT

Brandon McCombs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I recently installed ssh-2 on my red hat 6.2 linux server.  I have a
>> bunch of users and I would like for only a select few users to actually
>> have ssh priviledges.  Is there a way that I can disable certain users
>> or only enable certain users to have the ability to connect to my server
>> using ssh?

And another way is to create a group of users who will have permition to execute ssh 
*Arkadiusz Szyc*


From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: shell script question
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 13:13:35 +0100


I didn't though this newsgroup was for people who want others to write
them their scripts,
it should be more that if you have a problem you can't get solved or
looked up via www search, ask.....

But you are lucky today....:-)

Try this one:

# lookup username or alias in /etc/aliases
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 2000-12-15
if [ "$1" = "" ];then
echo "usage:gr <username or alias>"; exit
cat /etc/aliases | grep $1

Good luck

Michael Heiming

Manitee wrote:

> I want a simple script that uses grep.
> cd /etc/aliases
> grep the aliases file for user
> return the line grep would return
> usage, for example (let's say I call the script gr).
> gr bob
> bob: robert
> or
> gr webmaster
> beth: webmaster
> That kind of thing.
> The purpose of this is for people to look at aliases without having to
> cd to the /etc/mail directory. Thanks.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Manitee

       __   __   __     Virtueller Bau-Markt AG
 \  / [__) [__] [ __    Meerbuscher Strasse 64
  \/  [__) |  | [_./    40670 Meerbusch        Michael Heiming ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: "Jonathan G. Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q: can't load library ''?
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:09:53 +0000

"Jonathan G. Campbell" wrote:
> I have a problem when attempting to run Adobe Acrobat reader, I get:
> ... can't load library ''
> Any ideas on what I need to load; or a workaround?

Okay, that was a silly question. All corrected by downloading and
installing a new Adobe Acrobat; I had forgotten that Adobe Acrobat gets
installed -- and, presumably, customises itself according to the
software environment,

Best regards,

Jon C.

Jonathan G Campbell, Computer Science, Queen's University
Belfast, BT7 1NN Tel +44 (0)28 90 274623 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Sebastian Kollmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Mylex AcceleRAID 170
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:22:18 +0100

Hello everyone,

i would be very thankful if somebody could tell me how to setup
RedHat7.0 on a Mylex AcceleRAID 170 controller or how to create a driver
disk that supports this hardware. I've only found some sources of a new
driver that can be compiled into a new kernel. But I really need setup

Thanks for any possible help.

Greetings, Sebastian.


From: Edith Gincel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: archive
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 11:36:26 GMT

Can someone tell me where (if there is any) are the archive of this
newsgroup ?
Thank you 
(I would prefer not to ask the same thing that was already answered many



From: Bob Marafino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: my list of RH7.0 bugs
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 11:50:47 GMT

Wow.  I just installed 7.0, and I haven't seen some of these, though it
sounds like you use different functions than I do ... I'm pretty much a
command line commando.

But I would like to HEARTILY echo your comment on xinetd.  As a teenager, I
was a spike-haired punk rocker, and just like most of my friends we were
desperately trying to distinguish ourselves from the Izod-wearing masses.
This change of inetd to xinetd seems to be the same effort to say "but
we're different!"

Aside from the socialogical observation, this change makes me wonder what
other subsystems changed there configuration files.  This is especially
anoying when trying to build a "hardened" server, while also trying to
identify the differences that might change my "hardening" procedure.  The
addition of the /etc/xinetd.d directory only makes my efforts more
difficult, and allows another area for a hacker to exploit.

> Hi,
> Here are the bugs that I noticed personally (please tell me if you had
> the same experience)
> 1) shutting down from the graphical login doesn't always work (I
> sometimes have to click there twice)
> 2) from konsole (kde console?), /bin/su works, while "login root"
> doesn't.accept the passwd
> 3) sometimes kpackage wouldn't accept the root passwd (probably related
> to (2)
> 4) ls --color is different for "root" and "user" (doesn't color rpm
> files when run by "user", for example) Somebody told me that this can be
> "customized" however.
> 5) Suddenly, new instances of xemacs acquired white instead of the usual
> grey background. I removed all ~/.emacs* files to exclude the
> possibility of "customazation". It still has white background
> 6) screensavers in KDE used to work fine. At some point, I got stuck
> with "Science" screensaver and I couldn't change it back via "display
> properties".
> 7) In KDE, I always configure the panel to be "tiny". Sometimes it goes
> back to being "normal" without asking for my permission.
> 8) X server dumps messages to tty1 (this is probably a "feature")
> 9) Sometimes, shutting down results in blank screen, sometimes it ends
> with "System halted", sometimes "system is halted", while putting
> "system halted" in tty2
> BTW, who needs xinetd.d ? What was wrong with inetd.d ?
> Wroot
> Sent via


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: my list of RH7.0 bugs
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:53:01 +0100

In comp.os.linux.misc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 1) shutting down from the graphical login doesn't always work (I
> sometimes have to click there twice)

This is a bug.

> 2) from konsole (kde console?), /bin/su works, while "login root"
> doesn't.accept the passwd

This is NOT a bug! (if you don't understand why, look up "securetty").

> 3) sometimes kpackage wouldn't accept the root passwd (probably related
> to (2)

No. It's a bug.

> 4) ls --color is different for "root" and "user" (doesn't color rpm
> files when run by "user", for example) Somebody told me that this can be
> "customized" however.

This is not a bug. You are supposed to custi
mize things the way you like.

> 5) Suddenly, new instances of xemacs acquired white instead of the usual
> grey background. I removed all ~/.emacs* files to exclude the
> possibility of "customazation". It still has white background

I wouldn't use emacs instead of vi. It will probably rot your teeth and
invest your pension fund in jamaican securities (joke! joke!).

> 6) screensavers in KDE used to work fine. At some point, I got stuck
> with "Science" screensaver and I couldn't change it back via "display
> properties".

Edit your misbegotten corrupt .kde/.../kdeXYZrc file.

> 7) In KDE, I always configure the panel to be "tiny". Sometimes it goes
> back to being "normal" without asking for my permission.

Ditto. With kpanelrc.

> 8) X server dumps messages to tty1 (this is probably a "feature")

It's probably intended, yes. It rather indicates you don't have syslogd
running or configured, though.

> 9) Sometimes, shutting down results in blank screen, sometimes it ends
> with "System halted", sometimes "system is halted", while putting
> "system halted" in tty2

Sounds like you need to investigate your bios apm settings. Or this
might be a genuine race condition. But why do you care? Is there a 
functional difference?

> BTW, who needs xinetd.d ? What was wrong with inetd.d ?

Nothing. Put it back. Don't put up with redhat if you don't want to.



From: maher abedib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: origin installation
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 20:12:18 +0800


I would like to know, how do you install linux on intel architecture
when distribution like redhat,slackware,debian does not exist at that
time, I mean when the linux kernel was release in 1991 something ...

thank you very much


From: Bill Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Booting problem...
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 18:59:10 +0700


I have Mandrake 7.2 with the latest updates. When booting, the system
gives a "bad file descriptor" when it attempts to load the proc system
and eveything that follows. No entries in /var/log/messages for clues.
In fact, the last entry is for the day before this started. I have
re-installed 7.2, three times. The last time, I was able to boot the
about a dozen times before the error showed up. I am running my Linux
on an old HD without any problems - Quantum 4.3GB. The trouble occurs
when I
use my new Quantum 20.3GB HD. Could there be a connection? The
is a Gigabyte GA-5AX with a AMD k6-2-450 and 256KB of RAM.

Can you help?


>From the shores of Khlong YaiPhuan, Bangkok, Thailand...


Subject: Re: Rawrite difficulties
Date: 15 Dec 2000 11:53:14 GMT

Jason Greenbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For some reason, I can't get rawrite to run properly on my computer.  I
> create a boot disk and execute rawrite, but then the computer just hangs.  I
> have tried to use it on several other systems and have run into similar
> problems.  Is there any other program that I can use to write image files to
> a floppy?

(MS/PC/DR etc.) DOG ? 

Use "diskcopy" see your help program or manual for details.


From: "Sid Trewin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Switching to Linux
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:35:02 -0000

Hi there
A few observations and questions.

> I am considering switching to Linux...
What do you use your home PC for? Work? A toy? An education experience?
Why are you dissatisfied with it? What do you hope to gain from a change of
If your home PC does what you require - don't change it.
If what it does is important - don't change it.
If you use MS Office (powerpoint etc) then use a Microsoft OS

Get another box. Or a second drive on your current machine and dual boot.
Install linux (try Mandrake for starters?).
Suffer horrendous learning frustration and some satisfaction too. :)
Become a GURU

Have fun


From: Dragan Colak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What can I delete in /tmp?
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 13:49:07 +0100

Hi group,

I have a Linux installation here with 712 MByte of data in /tmp.
I would like to reduce the size of it. What can I delete and what
shouldn't I touch?
Can somebody give a little advice, please?

Thanks in advance



From: Dragan Colak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Where does bash hold history of current session?
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 13:55:17 +0100

Hi group,

the bash isn't writing user input directly to .bash_history.
It holds the list of the current session somewhere temporarily
and writes it to file when the session is closed.

Where does the bash hold the history of the current session?
Can somebody tell me, please?

Thanks in advance



From: Dragan Colak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Clock is always behind unlike in WIN95-- what to do?
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 14:08:18 +0100

Denis wrote:

> Hi,
> In the morning when I turn on my PC I have the correct time, but during
> the day my clock in Linux always gets behind by a few minutes at least.
> However, if I work in Windows (which I have also on my PC) it doesn't
> happen. Why is that and What do you think I can do?
> Thank you.
> Denis

Hi Denis,

are you running some kind of ntp daemon? I use xntpd. It gets its time
from a time server. If the local time and the server time differ the local
time is not changed at once, but in small steps. Maybe that's what you
are realizing.

Hope this helps




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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