Linux-Misc Digest #612, Volume #26               Fri, 22 Dec 00 17:13:02 EST

  Network Everywhere (Linksys) NC100 Installation ("Brent R. Scott")
  Question about performance ("al")
  Re: Question About Timing Functions Under Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Mylex AcceleRAID 170 (Dan Jones)
  Re: Sound Recording using ALSA? (Kevin E Cosgrove)
  Re: Problem with tar/ssh ("Kevin White")
  Re: How to call 'stty' from inittab? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  KDE headers (Martin Greco)
  Problem with gdb ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ruined my /etc/bashrc. Can I login? (John Thompson)
  rcpthosts (RC Walker)
  Re: anyone got recommendations for laptops? (Bonnie Stephens)
  Re: Question about performance ("al")
  Help with 'chat' (Daniel Bair)
  Re: kernel questions (Richard Chase)
  Re: KDE headers (James Blanford)
  Re: Question about performance (Michael Heiming)
  Re: Question about performance ("A.H.P. den Bourgondier")
  Re: Question about performance ("A.H.P. den Bourgondier")


Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 15:12:02 -0500
From: "Brent R. Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Network Everywhere (Linksys) NC100 Installation

I was once told that many people were having difficulty with the NC100
10/100 NIC card installing under Linux (and other OSes). Here is an
install Proc I developed based upon what I had to do to get this card to


From: "al" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,
Subject: Question about performance
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 12:16:51 -0800

I have a question about general Linux performance.  I installed the mandrake
distribution (7.2, after trying a number of others over ftp: redhat and
caldera failed and I couldn't figure out how to do ftp installation of
slackware, and I didn't want to make N floppies with debian).  I was really
impressed by the mandrake installation (single floppy, rest over ftp) and
the simplicity of generally configuring the system after Linux is up (except
for some initial problems with setting up X11).  I used slackware some yeas
ago, and then various BSDs in the last few years, but none were quite this
easy to get running.  I want to use Linux because I am trying to experiment
with some databases (like DB2, and maybe others that give you a free preview
version, and I don't think these are available on FreeBSD, other than mySQL
and the like, which I can't use at the moment with the application I am

My problem is with the performance of the Linux installation, and I am
wondering if performance can differ between different distributions.  I
would assume that most things would be the same (kernel, X11, window
managers, etc), so the distribution wouldn't make a great deal of difference
as far as performance is concerned.  My past experience with slackware (and
the BSDs) is that you don't need a cutting edge system to get pretty decent
performance (better than windows).  Perhaps this has changed in the last few
years, but my system is pretty much a dog compared to W2k (I am comparing
X11 applications like Netscape).  There could be a number of reasons for
this, and I was hoping that maybe someone can suggest something on the Linux
front that might improve things.

One of my suspicions is that the main problem may be X11 in general.  It has
sure become a lot more complicated (and nicer) since the last time I used
it.  Perhaps the window managers need a lot more memory than they used to (I
ran slackware on a 486/33 laptop with 4 megs of ram about 5 years ago, and
it was usable even with X11).  The two window managers I tried are KDE and
Gnome, and they are both quite slow.  The system I am running mandrake on is
a dual Pentium Pro 200 with 64 megs of ram.  It's no state of the art, and
it could use more memory, but I was still expecting reasonable performance
under Linux.  The kernel version that came with the mandrake release is
2.2.17-21mdksmp (this is what uname -r gives me), and I have not rebuilt it
(past experience tells me that it's typically time consuming, but this may
have changed also).

So if anyone can suggest anything, please let me know.  Thanks.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.embedded,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Question About Timing Functions Under Linux
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 12:25:56 -0800

"H. P. Friedrichs" wrote:
> Hello:
> Is there a system timer function that could somehow trigger the process
> described above with reasonable precision at the prescribed 3mS frame
> rate? If so, how would this be accomplished? Any URL's or code examples
> you could point me to?

I have read the replies to your article, and I am in a similar situation
to yours.  I need to input a datum at up to 68kHz and output the result
of a calculation each time, and NEVER miss a datum.  This means I must
either use a dedicated processor, a PC running a single tasking OS like
DOS, or real time linux.  I am currently investigating RT Linux.  Check
it out.

>From what I've read, there doesn't seem to be a clear way to set up an
arbitrary length of time in which to periodically call some program
function in Linux.  If it can be done, any explanation I have run across
was not very easy to understand, probably because it involved a
knowledge of kernel internals that is beyond me.  

What occurred to me as a guaranteed way to get a precise controlled
periodic function call for your application is this:  Use the hardware
interrupt generation capability of a data IO board to generate a
periodic hardware interrupt, triggered by a hardware oscillator.  (Now
you can get a very accurate period)  Using RT Linux, have this interrupt
execute your control algorithm.  The worst case interrupt latency
advertized for RT Linux is 15 us.  That means about 0.5% worst case
jitter, which should be very OK for a control loop.

Perhaps you don't like having to rely on a hardware oscillator, or maybe
your present boards don't have interrupt generation ability, in which
case this may not help much.

Just my $0.02

Christopher R. Carlen
Sr. Laser/Optical Tech.
Sandia National Labs


From: Dan Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Mylex AcceleRAID 170
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 12:25:29 -0800

Sebastian Kollmann wrote:
> Cokey de Percin schrieb:
> >
> >
> > Correct.  RH 7.0 should have it; RH 6.2 does as I'm running it and I have
> > a AcceleRAID 250.  Note that the driver is a 'block' driver, not a SCSI
> > driver.  The normal install should find it if the hardware setup is correct.
> >
> > Note that if you're using it for a RAID level, then you need to set up the
> > raid configuration BEFORE you try to install your OS.  I used the onboard
> > configuration to set up my RAID 5 and then installed Linux on it.
> Sorry, but the installation supports only the old Mylex controllers with
> U2W/SCSI and not U160/SCSI controllers. So I'll need to create a RedHat 7 Setup
> or Driver Disk with a new patched kernel that I have build before, but I don't
> have any idea how to do that. I need any specs for RedHat Driver Disks and how
> to create them.
> If someone out there has any idea, please don't wait to tell me!!!!! I need
> that computer as soon as possible.
> Greetings, Sebastian.

Did you look at:

Dan Jones, Manager, Storage Products          VA Linux Systems
V:(510)687-6737 F:(510)683-8602               47071 Bayside Parkway
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            Fremont, CA 94538


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin E Cosgrove)
Subject: Re: Sound Recording using ALSA?
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 20:43:12 GMT

I assume you mean that you "can't" record.  Have you opened up a
mixer and looked at the line-in and mic enable buttons?  If
they're enabled, are their levels set to something sane, like
70ish (just not near zero)?

In article <Acw06.2476$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I installed the most recent sox copy without any problems.  But I still can
> record.  Any thoughts?

Unless otherwise noted, the statements herein reflect my personal
opinions and not those of any organization with which I may be affiliated.


From: "Kevin White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with tar/ssh
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 14:50:33 +0600

Why not use scp?



Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: How to call 'stty' from inittab?
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 20:46:54 GMT

Are you trying to connect to your Linux Box via Serial Cable?  I run
Red Hat Linux 6.2 and I added theses lines to the /etc/gettydefs
# 38400 bps Dumb Terminal entry
DT38400# B38400 CS8 CLOCAL # B38400 SANE -ISTRIP CLOCAL #@S @L login:

# 19200 bps Dumb Terminal entry
DT19200# B19200 CS8 CLOCAL # B19200 SANE -ISTRIP CLOCAL #@S @L login:

# 9600 bps Dumb Terminal entry
DT9600# B9600 CS8 CLOCAL # B9600 SANE -ISTRIP CLOCAL #@S @L login:

Then I addeded this /etc/inittab
# For COM1
S0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS0 DT9600 vt100

After that I ran
init q

I connected via HyperTerminal and noticed that you need to hit <ENTER>
to get a response, also it wouldn't respond properly, so I installed
TeraTerm (Freeware Product, no reboot needed) and it worked fine.

In article <rHK06.16313$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Scott M. Navarre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>   During my searches through the linux sites, I came across an
example which
> ran 'stty' from /etc/inittab.  Well, I lost track of where I found
this and
> cannot for the life of me find it again.  I would like to know how to
> this and also if it is a good idea to do it here rather than in an
> script such as rc.local.
>   From what I remember, the format was something like this:
> m0::bootwait:/bin/stty {options} ttyS0
>   Is this correct?  Or should the {options} come after the "ttyS0",
or what?
> Thanks in advance for helping me straighten this out,
>   Scott Navarre

Sent via


From: Martin Greco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: KDE headers
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 17:56:42 +0000

Hi there!

I wonder if someone could help

I'am trying to install some KDE apps, but when i run the configure script 
it says "KDE headers not found...check your installation"
I'm running REDHAT 7 and I've installed kde with rpms...I've installed all 
of them.
Anyone knows what those headers are or how can I solve this??




Subject: Problem with gdb
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 20:56:13 GMT

Compiling a simple hello world : gcc -g main.c
running gdb loads the program and "list" and "break main" both work as
type "run" and I get the message "Unable to find dynamic linker
breakpoint fuction" followed by stuff about not being able to debug into
shared libraries

Kernel 2.2.15 (mandrake distro)
gcc - 2.95.3
gdb - 4.18
make - 3.79
libc6.1 - 2.1.3 (I think)

Can anyone give me any clues???

This arose as I was trying to figure out why debugging wasn't working
using qt.2.2.2 on kdevelop 1.1. This refused to start the program and a
breakpoint on main() was never reached.

Sent via


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ruined my /etc/bashrc. Can I login?
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 11:11:23 -0600

Jean-David Beyer wrote:

> Jan Schaumann wrote:
> >
> > * "James Kuchler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I think I've corrupted my /etc/bashrc file while trying to set an alias.
> > >  When I try to log in now, I just get a new login prompt. I can't login
> > > as root or any other user on my system. Is there a way to change the
> > > shell which I login to? Any way around this at all? Don't want to
> > > reinstall. Just got through doing that - mozilla, JDK, Oracle DB. Took
> > > hours. Please help me out or give me the bad news.
> >
> > If you switch to runlevel 1 (or whatever runlevel "single user mode" is
> > in your distribution), you should be dumped into /bin/sh, IIRC.

> You better not be running Red Hat, then. In my Red Hat Linux 6.0,
> /bin/sh is a symbolic link that points to (you guessed it) /bin/bash.

I seem to remember that when you call bash as "sh" it provides
you with a "sh" environment instead of your normal bash


> Jan Schaumann wrote:
> > Then you can fix whatever you messed up and type "exit" and the machine
> > should reboot or switch to the appropriate runlevel.

You shouldn't even need to reboot.  Just type "exit" at the
prompt and linux will continue to load into your default




Subject: rcpthosts
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:33:58 -0800

I need to set up a linux server. The server is acting as a firewall,
also masquerading the clients behind it. I need to configure qmail to
all these clients to send messages to the outside world. With
'' as the out going SMTP server, I get an error
message stating that, 'the host (whatever account I am sending to), is
not found in rcpthosts'.  Any hints on how to fix this?

Sorry so long,


From: Bonnie Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: anyone got recommendations for laptops?
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 21:20:43 GMT

In article <91tuoh$t5l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Bruce Forsberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <912jtf$67o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > i'm currently thinkning of getting a laptop which i intend to install
> > linux on (make is either going to be a sony viao or a panasonic laptop
> > since i've heard some good reviews, albiet not 'linux' based reviews)
> > and am wondering if anyone out there has any strong recommendations
> I am using a Sony Vaio PCG-505TR. I have had it for over a year now
> and love it. It is kind of old, it is only a 300 MHz CPU but works
> like a charm. Modem works, sound works. A couple of minor annoyances
> are: 1) a crack has started to develop in the battery container. 2)
> Can't boot from a PCMCIA CD, only from a Sony CD.
> One interesting note, they come with 64MB of memory. Using linux this
> was very sluggish. I was using KDE as a window environment. I removed
> KDE and used blackbox instead. It is much more responsive now and has
> saved me a $200 memory upgrade.
> Bruce Forsberg
> Sent via

I have the Sony Vaio PCG-F340 and love it.  If I were to upgrade to a newer
laptop, I think I would go with a Sony Vaio again.  The price was right, and
I really like the style:  nice slim design and a combination of purple and
grey-purple coloring. I bought a PCMCIA ethernet card for network access and
an inexpensive external 56K modem.  (I haven't felt up to attempting to get
the "winmodem" working in Linux yet.)  Additionally, I have dual-boot set up
on the machine with Win98. It's a great way to compute on the go!

Sent via


From: "al" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,
Subject: Re: Question about performance
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:33:44 -0800

I forgot to add that the problem may be disk drives performance.  Does Linux
have some kind of a disk benchmarking utility?  I'll look around, but here
are the specs in the meantime: the drive is a 4.5 gig ultra wide SCSI
(Quantum Viking SCA with Wide adaptor), the controller is Adaptec AIC-7880
ultra wide SCSI, built into the motherboard, which is an Intel PR440FX
(Providence?).  Again, not top of the line, but not too ancient either.  If
someone can think of any driver issues, or other drive performance
improvement possibilities, please let me know.  The boot sequence shows me
40MB/sec, so the drive and controller seem to be recognized as ultra wide.
Nevertheless, there may still be issues that case less than optimal

Thanks for any help on this.

"al" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:SIO06.58683$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have a question about general Linux performance.  I installed the
> distribution (7.2, after trying a number of others over ftp: redhat and
> caldera failed and I couldn't figure out how to do ftp installation of
> slackware, and I didn't want to make N floppies with debian).  I was
> impressed by the mandrake installation (single floppy, rest over ftp) and
> the simplicity of generally configuring the system after Linux is up
> for some initial problems with setting up X11).  I used slackware some
> ago, and then various BSDs in the last few years, but none were quite this
> easy to get running.  I want to use Linux because I am trying to
> with some databases (like DB2, and maybe others that give you a free
> version, and I don't think these are available on FreeBSD, other than
> and the like, which I can't use at the moment with the application I am
> testing).
> My problem is with the performance of the Linux installation, and I am
> wondering if performance can differ between different distributions.  I
> would assume that most things would be the same (kernel, X11, window
> managers, etc), so the distribution wouldn't make a great deal of
> as far as performance is concerned.  My past experience with slackware
> the BSDs) is that you don't need a cutting edge system to get pretty
> performance (better than windows).  Perhaps this has changed in the last
> years, but my system is pretty much a dog compared to W2k (I am comparing
> X11 applications like Netscape).  There could be a number of reasons for
> this, and I was hoping that maybe someone can suggest something on the
> front that might improve things.
> One of my suspicions is that the main problem may be X11 in general.  It
> sure become a lot more complicated (and nicer) since the last time I used
> it.  Perhaps the window managers need a lot more memory than they used to
> ran slackware on a 486/33 laptop with 4 megs of ram about 5 years ago, and
> it was usable even with X11).  The two window managers I tried are KDE and
> Gnome, and they are both quite slow.  The system I am running mandrake on
> a dual Pentium Pro 200 with 64 megs of ram.  It's no state of the art, and
> it could use more memory, but I was still expecting reasonable performance
> under Linux.  The kernel version that came with the mandrake release is
> 2.2.17-21mdksmp (this is what uname -r gives me), and I have not rebuilt
> (past experience tells me that it's typically time consuming, but this may
> have changed also).
> So if anyone can suggest anything, please let me know.  Thanks.


From: Daniel Bair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with 'chat'
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 16:41:47 -0500

I need to use chat to send some at commands to a modem, but I don't want 
to make a ppp connection.
What can I do? chat doesn't seem to work from the command line correctly.

Daniel Bair


From: Richard Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kernel questions
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 21:41:14 GMT


> I have a couple of questions.
> What is a backport?
> What patch goes with what kernel? i.e. Does patch-2.2.18 update kernel
> 2.2.17 or 2.2.18?
> best regards,
> charles

Patch 2.2.18 patches 2.2.17 to make it 2.2.18.

Good luck,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Blanford)
Subject: Re: KDE headers
Date: 22 Dec 2000 21:52:37 GMT

> I'am trying to install some KDE apps, but when i run the configure script 
> it says "KDE headers not found...check your installation"
> I'm running REDHAT 7 and I've installed kde with rpms...I've installed all 
> of them.
> Anyone knows what those headers are or how can I solve this??

Probably qt development package.  I don't know what Redhat names it, but it 
most likely has qt and dev or libs in the name.
Maybe also kde development package.


Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 22:50:36 +0100
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Question about performance


al wrote:

> I have a question about general Linux performance.  I installed the mandrake
> distribution (7.2, after trying a number of others over ftp: redhat and
> caldera failed and I couldn't figure out how to do ftp installation of
> slackware, and I didn't want to make N floppies with debian).  I was really
> impressed by the mandrake installation (single floppy, rest over ftp) and
> the simplicity of generally configuring the system after Linux is up (except
> for some initial problems with setting up X11).  I used slackware some yeas
> ago, and then various BSDs in the last few years, but none were quite this
> easy to get running.  I want to use Linux because I am trying to experiment
> with some databases (like DB2, and maybe others that give you a free preview
> version, and I don't think these are available on FreeBSD, other than mySQL
> and the like, which I can't use at the moment with the application I am
> testing).
> My problem is with the performance of the Linux installation, and I am
> wondering if performance can differ between different distributions.  I
> would assume that most things would be the same (kernel, X11, window
> managers, etc), so the distribution wouldn't make a great deal of difference
> as far as performance is concerned.  My past experience with slackware (and
> the BSDs) is that you don't need a cutting edge system to get pretty decent
> performance (better than windows).  Perhaps this has changed in the last few
> years, but my system is pretty much a dog compared to W2k (I am comparing
> X11 applications like Netscape).  There could be a number of reasons for
> this, and I was hoping that maybe someone can suggest something on the Linux
> front that might improve things.
> One of my suspicions is that the main problem may be X11 in general.  It has
> sure become a lot more complicated (and nicer) since the last time I used
> it.  Perhaps the window managers need a lot more memory than they used to (I
> ran slackware on a 486/33 laptop with 4 megs of ram about 5 years ago, and
> it was usable even with X11).  The two window managers I tried are KDE and
> Gnome, and they are both quite slow.  The system I am running mandrake on is
> a dual Pentium Pro 200 with 64 megs of ram.  It's no state of the art, and
> it could use more memory, but I was still expecting reasonable performance
> under Linux.  The kernel version that came with the mandrake release is
> 2.2.17-21mdksmp (this is what uname -r gives me), and I have not rebuilt it
> (past experience tells me that it's typically time consuming, but this may
> have changed also).
> So if anyone can suggest anything, please let me know.  Thanks.

you should lookup if your kernel is SMTP, cat /proc/cpuinfo will give you a

I only use SuSE, they have a SMTP kernel you can install on the distribution,
I buy the CDs, cause at home on a 64K ISDN link, that is paid metered....:-(

SuSE and other pay distros pay many linux folks, that they can work on their
and that's something I like to support...

X/KDE performance is IMHO a RAM problem, with 64 MB you can't do much. Sad most
you have to use this "crashicator" NS thing, a memory hook....

As for your HD try man hdparm -t /dev/sd? and lookup man hdparm, but for me it
seems like you
just have not enough RAM in your box and maybe you're running the wrong kernel.

Good luck

Michael Heiming
"Thank god it's friday!"


Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 22:58:54 +0100
From: "A.H.P. den Bourgondier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Question about performance
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,

There are quite a few things you can do to boost your system's
performance. I won't go into all the possibilities, but I'll name a few
that worked for me. 

First of all, your system seems pretty much up to date to me, so your
harddrive(s) will most likely be able to handle more than the MDK
defaults. Mandrake by default only enables 16 bit I/O and DMA for the
harddrives. To set this to 32 bit on boot up I added the following line
to my rc.local file:

hdparm -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hda
hdparm -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hdb

Secondly, it might help to put your swap space(es) and large database
files on a separate disk if you have one, and you might even consider to
buy a new one if you don't. 

Finally, off course, you could compile your own kernel with only the
features that you really need and disable all the start up services that
you do not need. 

Hope it works
"What knowledge have we save through our own minds. All happenings 
 are in the mind. Whatever happens in all minds, truly happens."

        --G. Orwell


Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 23:02:52 +0100
From: "A.H.P. den Bourgondier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Question about performance
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,

al wrote:
> I forgot to add that the problem may be disk drives performance.  Does Linux
> have some kind of a disk benchmarking utility?  I'll look around, but here
> are the specs in the meantime: the drive is a 4.5 gig ultra wide SCSI
> (Quantum Viking SCA with Wide adaptor), the controller is Adaptec AIC-7880
> ultra wide SCSI, built into the motherboard, which is an Intel PR440FX
> (Providence?).  Again, not top of the line, but not too ancient either.  If
> someone can think of any driver issues, or other drive performance
> improvement possibilities, please let me know.  The boot sequence shows me
> 40MB/sec, so the drive and controller seem to be recognized as ultra wide.
> Nevertheless, there may still be issues that case less than optimal
> performance.
> Thanks for any help on this.

hdparm -t /dev/hdx will show the speed of the specified harddrive



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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