Linux-Misc Digest #711, Volume #26                Fri, 5 Jan 01 05:13:01 EST

  Re: StarOffice 5.2 & JRE 1.3 (Reinhard Karcher)
  Re: Red Hat dead/dying? (Donn Miller)
  Re: Roaring Pengquin a showstopper in kernel 2.2.18 ("sccsb")
  Xenix fs support under Linux ("Phil Botha")
  Re: Using Nvidia GeForce 2 with XFree86 4.0.1 (R.Joseph)
  Re: Red Hat dead/dying? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: who's rewriting /etc/fstab? (Eric)
  Re: Locating wiped files (Evert Meulie)
  Re: Please Help me with XPERT 98 Video card and Redhat 7.0 (fred smith)
  problem with linux as printserver for mac via netatalk  ("Ingo Brand")
  Re: Setting Up Several Apache (Immortal Love)
  Re: Step-by step to install Linux RH7 and Win98. ("kiwiunixman")
  Linux on laptop ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Installing on laptop... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Increasing file descriptor for Informix with Linux ("Leandro Dardini")
  HELP NEEDED ("David")
  Re: away message ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Matrox AGP G450 on Redhat 7 - Can't get X to Start (benoit mordelet)
  rxvt and input length problem? (Ray Fencey)
  Re: memory question (Graham Wilson)
  accton (Speedlnx)
  Re: Printing is sooooo slow... (André)
  Re: Scanner (André)
  Re: Xfree sux, in any form (Srihari Vijayaraghavan)


Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 22:06:18 +0100
From: Reinhard Karcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: StarOffice 5.2 & JRE 1.3

J.W. Sargent <jwsarge(no-spam)> wrote:
>Good afternoon and Happy New Year. I recently installed StarOffice 5.2 that 
>came on a Storm 2000 disk. After that I downloaded JRE 1.3 (tar ball) from 
>Sun's site and following their instructions set it up in /usr/local. When I 
>go to the Java bookmark in 5.2 as a user and point the Java set-up to 
>/usr/local/jre1.3 I get a msg that there is no java runtime enviroment. I 
>think this is so to some configuration issue that I'm not aware of. Any 
>assistance that anyone may be able to provide would be greatly appreciated.

Try java 1.1.8 from



Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 01:08:48 -0500
From: Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.unix.solaris
Subject: Re: Red Hat dead/dying?

James Hutchins wrote:

Typical business downsizing.  I've always maintained that the best jobs
were with universities doing research.  At CMU (Carnegie Mellon
University) in Pittsburgh, certain staff/research positions involving
hacking on the Linux kernel, and getting paid to do it.  That would be a
decent job to have, seeing as to how a lot of people do hacking on the
Linux kernel in their free time.  I think universities should be doing a
lot more of this.  I say this because Berkeley produced a fine unix
distribution like this, and I don't see why the trend couldn't
continue.  I'm not saying run the colleges' budgets dry developing
Linux, BSD or whatever.  Rather, unix open source development should be
fit in where ever possible.  The result is that they would get a return
on their own research, that is, a great operating system for free.

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From: "sccsb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Roaring Pengquin a showstopper in kernel 2.2.18
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 14:17:07 -0800

I've tried to compile the prerelease 2.4 kernel ... everything is fine but
when the LILO boots up. it says that its uncompressing and booting kernel
but hangs there. I had followed the readme very carefully but it proved to
be not effective. have also tried running LILO multiple times but to no
please help

"Seth Rothberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:IE746.5341$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I've been trying to upgrade kernels from 2.2.14-5.0 to 2.2.18 on a RedHat
> 6.2 system and have run into 2 problems. One is not a big deal but the
> other is a showstopper.
> The simple problem first:
> 2.2.18 does not load my scsi card driver (the aic7xxx) during boot even
> though the module is in /lib/modules/2.2.18/scsi and modules.conf has the
> line "alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx". It's not a major deal because
> aic7xxx works fine. But it would be nice to have it load automatically so
> could avoid the RedHat New Hardware screen everytime I reboot, which is
> happening fairly often as I'm dealing with:
> The showstopper:
> Trying to load the Roaring Penquin pppoe client causes a very impressive
> freeze. I have to reset the machine. I'm using the 2.5 version compiled
> from the tar ball. Any clues as to what is going here? Are there fixes
> available?
> Thanks,
> Seth


From: "Phil Botha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Xenix fs support under Linux
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 08:58:11 +0200
Reply-To: "Phil Botha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,
Anyone know how to replicate a Xenix filesystem onto a new, bigger HD under
I am using Mandrake 7.2 on an i686 and need to duplicate an existing Xenix
installation on a 270MB ide hdd onto a 4.3 GB ide hdd.
The drive is used in an i386 PC and contains software which the owner relies
on and would like to continue using but for which no source or support is
available any more...

Any suggestions would be appreciated

Cape Town, South Africa (where it is summer and HOT!! )


From: R.Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Using Nvidia GeForce 2 with XFree86 4.0.1
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 06:49:12 GMT

> install ncurses (and link .4 to .5 if necessary).

Sorry, I'm an idiot.  Where and how do I do this?


Sent via


Subject: Re: Red Hat dead/dying?
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 07:35:36 GMT

Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> James Hutchins wrote:
> >,1411,40513,00.html
> Typical business downsizing.  I've always maintained that the best jobs
> were with universities doing research.  At CMU (Carnegie Mellon
> University) in Pittsburgh, certain staff/research positions involving
> hacking on the Linux kernel, and getting paid to do it.  That would be a
> decent job to have, seeing as to how a lot of people do hacking on the
> Linux kernel in their free time.  I think universities should be doing a
> lot more of this.  I say this because Berkeley produced a fine unix
> distribution like this, and I don't see why the trend couldn't
> continue.  I'm not saying run the colleges' budgets dry developing
> Linux, BSD or whatever.  Rather, unix open source development should be
> fit in where ever possible.  The result is that they would get a return
> on their own research, that is, a great operating system for free.

The problem is that universities are on the one hand getting strapped
for cash due to various effects, perhaps including the Cold War being
over, and on the other hand, being heavily tempted by businesses that
are willing to give professors grant money with the proviso that the
results of research become spectacularly proprietary.

Investing in "developing Linux" isn't "spectacularly proprietary," and
thus isn't likely to attract great gobs of money from those that hold
research fund purse strings.

Given a choice of:
a) Investing $1M in developing Linux, thereby helping the competition,
b) Investing $1M in genetic research with a view to patenting the gene
that causes blue eyes,

Which project is going to attract the $1M?

_My_ research at grad school didn't involve "spectacularly
proprietary" stuff, but a couple classmates were basically producing
"top secret" software for a big telecom company.  

I'd tend to think that the "producing proprietary stuff" should be
considered absolutely devoid of academic merit; the potential for big
bucks is certainly a dangerous temptation.  

Which takes us back to the old story about "Would you sleep with me
for a million dollars?" where if the answer is "yes," then the fact
that the price was $1M merely means that the woman is a higher priced
prostitute than the one willing to do it for $20.
(reverse (concatenate 'string "ac.notelrac.teneerf@" "454aa"))
"...Roxanne falls in love with Christian, a chevalier in Cyrano's
regiment who hasn't got the brains God gave an eclair..."
-- reviewer on NPR


Subject: Re: who's rewriting /etc/fstab?
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 09:08:31 +0100

> Does anybody have any idea what the hell is going on here? Is there any
> way of examining the /etc/fstab on /dev/hda5 before I reboot into Linux
> with /dev/hda5 mounted as root so that I can verify whether PQ is in fact
> corrupting this file or not? (I tried a couple of years ago to make a
> rescue diskette containing a root filesystem and failed miserably after
> many hours of work. I am not eager to repeat that experiment! Is there
> a pre-built rescue diskette image containing a root filesystem that will
> boot my laptop available on the web anywhere?)

Yes, there are several.

search for tom's boot/root disc.
And very likely each distribution provides it's own way of doing what
you want.
You can eg. use the RH6.2 installation CD for this.



From: Evert Meulie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Locating wiped files
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 08:02:17 GMT

On 4 Jan 2001 07:47:47 GMT, "Kilian A. Foth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Evert Meulie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I have on a file system an unknown number of files of which the
>> contents has been 'wiped' (replaced with all 0's).
>> How would I be able to locate these files? I imagine grep and find
>> useful here, but is there someone who can give me the exact command?
>  find / -size 0
>will show you all empty files. If it's about recovering the former
>content of the files, though, that's an entirely different ballgame...
>recent threads appeared to conclude that mc was the best tool for it.

This will only locate files with a filesize of 0. My problem concerns
wiped files: The files still have their original filesize, but all the
bytes have been set to 00.

Thanks to a UNIX-Guru from the Netherlands, Andre van der Vlies, I do
have the right solution however. For others who have come / will come
across the same problem, here it is:

        find / -type f -exec grep -lf nulbyte {} \; | less

(where 'nulbyte' is a file containing one or more ^@ (ctrl-V, ctrl-@).
The more you stick in, the more accurate it will be, but it might start
to skip really small files...)


Sent via


From: fred smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please Help me with XPERT 98 Video card and Redhat 7.0
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 18:14:12 GMT

: Please Help me with XPERT 98 Video card and Redhat 7.0

: I got a ATI Xpert 98 Video Card, NEC MultiSync XV17+ Screen and Redhat
: 7.0 and the best I could get this config to do is 640x480?

I've got a PCI version of that card, runs great on RH 6.2 using the
MACH64 X server. Which server are you running? (Note I've not tried
it with 7.0, YMMV).

: Can someone please tell me the best I could get this going and how

---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------
  "And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
  Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government there will be no end. He 
 will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding
      it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever."
=============================== Isaiah 9:7 (niv) ==============================


From: "Ingo Brand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: problem with linux as printserver for mac via netatalk 
Date: 05 Jan 2001 09:35:55 +0200

My problem:
I want to use a linuxbox as a printserver in a windows and mac-environment. The 
printersetup is working without any problems from the linuxbox and from the 
windowsboxes. But if I want to print from the macs I get the following output in  

Jan  4 20:46:58 linux papd[4002]: restart (1.4b2+asun2.1.3)
Jan  4 20:47:04 linux papd[4002]: register Laserwriter:LaserWriter@*
Jan  4 20:47:38 linux papd[4002]: child 4003 for "Laserwriter" from 65280.128
Jan  4 20:47:39 linux papd[4003]: read_ppd .ppd: No such file or directory
Jan  4 20:47:40 linux papd[4003]: lp_conn_unix connect /dev/printer: Connection 
Jan  4 20:47:40 linux papd[4003]: lp_print: lp_conn_unix: Connection refused
Jan  4 20:47:40 linux papd[4002]: child 4003 done

After restarting the printerdeamon (plp) it is working:

Jan  4 20:48:19 linux lpd[3955]: Terminated, exiting
Jan  4 20:48:20 linux lpd[4033]: local_dojob: lp: printing job 3 for 
operator@linux, 631047 bytes
Jan  4 20:48:20 linux lpd[4033]: lp: 1 copy of xxx.jpg, 631047 bytes

My configuration:
distribution: SuSE 7.0
printerdeamon: plp
Printer: Apple Laserwriter 12/640 with ethernetinterface via TCP/IP


        pr=|/usr/bin/lpr -Premote:\

When I choose the normal configuration it is also not working:

Where doese this following line come from?
Jan  4 20:47:40 linux papd[4003]: lp_conn_unix connect /dev/printer: Connection 

I don't have that device. I hope somebody can give me a solution.

Yours, Ingo Brand
NewsGroups Suchen, lesen, schreiben mit


From: Immortal Love <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux,tw.bbs.comp.linux
Subject: Re: Setting Up Several Apache
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 16:38:31 +0800

sorry, still problem again...

First ,I set up both Apache and I make 1.3.14 be port 81 and 1.3.12 be
port 80. When I type my IP in my browser, the server tends to respond with
port 81. When I type my IP:80, the server responds with port 80. The
question is how I make port 80 be my default?

Second, pls look below...

On 4 Jan 2001, Tim Haynes wrote:

> "Zukich, Alen [SKY:6J00:EXCH]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Immortal Love wrote:
> > 
> > > I installed RedHat Linux 6.2 with everything, ie. I had Apache 1.3.12
> > > installed well. Now, I downloaded Apache 1.3.14 source code and
> > > complied and made in default destination, /usr/local/apache/. But how
> > > can I run and autorun when booting up both Apache servers together. Can
> > > anyone teach how to do it? Do I need to copy some files to somewhere? 
> > > Or do I need to edit httpd.conf script? Thanks.
> > 
> > I'm not sure what your asking here but I think its that you want to start
> > both apache servers 1.3.12 and 1.3.14. (why you would want to do this is
> > beyond me)
> He knows 1.3.12 works; keeping the other one separate until happy is one
> option.
> > You can edit /etc/rc.d/rc.local and add the line to start apache
> > (apache_dir/httpd)
> Erk! No need for that at all. Copying the existing /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd
> across to `apache' in the same directory would be the right thing to do;
> moderate amendments therewithin should suffice, and then symlink into
> ../rcN.d/ for suitable values of N.

I dun't know the above meaning, if I overwrite the apache 1.3.14 httpd
with the exciting one, then what's the significance of changing to a new
version? Also, I don't understand what I should do with rcN.d?

> > Also you must realize that you cannot have to apache servers running on
> > the same port. Make sure you change the ports for the servers so that
> > they are different in the httpd.conf file.
> Sure thing.
> Overall approach:
>         cd ~/C/apache-1.3.14
>         ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-module=all
>         nice make && sudo make install
>         cd /usr/local/apache/conf
>         mv httpd.conf httpd.conf.default
>         cp /etc/httpd/httpd.conf .
>         vi httpd.conf                   # adjust port from being 80
>         ../bin/httpd
> and hopefully, woopee.
> ~Tim
> -- 
>   10:17pm  up 11 days, 32 min, 13 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |Can you tell me how to get,
> |How to get to Sesame Street?



From: "kiwiunixman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Step-by step to install Linux RH7 and Win98.
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 08:57:16 GMT

Goto a proper Linux support group would be a good first step.


"gataway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm going to setup a new system with two ATA 100 harddisk, one for win
> 98 the other for  Linux RH7.I'm planning to have BootMAgic and Partition
> Magic install .
> So which OS do i install first? And what partition is needed for noth
> win98SE and Linux? Can i have and exmaple of how much space for each
> partition? I will
> Install most of the application and games on win98SE ,as for linux i am
> a newbie still
> need to explore more about it.Kindly give me a senerio on what to do.


Subject: Linux on laptop
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 08:48:53 GMT

I have a 133 mhz 16 megs ram laptop and wondering what would be the
best linux to install on it ?

Sent via


Subject: Installing on laptop...
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 08:47:32 GMT

I have a Pentium 133 mhz with 16 megs of ram
laptop. What would the best linux to install on
I dont know linux very well but I do have some
experience with Mandrake 6.2 but that is it. I
also have it on cd  already and would it run ok
on it using KDE ?

Sent via


From: "Leandro Dardini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.databases.informix
Subject: Increasing file descriptor for Informix with Linux
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 10:02:41 +0100

I try to install Informix IDS 7.3 for Linux, and as written in "release"
there is a problem with the small number of fd Linux (Redhat) offers to
Informix, only 1024 instead of 3000 advised. Informix seems to runs well
with only 1024 fd, but before to use it in production, I'd like to correct
the problem. One way is to install an old kernel provided by redhat with
3000 fd defined, but it is an old kernel (2.0.36) and I want to use the new

Any idea how to raise the fd limit?


Dott. Leandro Dardini
Assistente Tecnico Programmatore @ Azienda USL n.4 di Prato
Centro Amministrativo Organizzativo
Viale della Repubblica, 240 - 59100 Prato (Italy)
Tel: +39 0574 434836
Fax: +39 0574 570013


From: "David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 10:10:50 +0100


I have a Redhat 6 server with a teles isdn card, this always worked well.
Since i've connected a Cisco router to the ISDN T0 as well (not for unix) my
server won't call anymore... On the console i get the following errorcode:

"Hisax: if_command 1 called with invalid driverid 0!" The number can also be
2,3,4,5,10 or some other number. I've tried to find the answer at the website but i can't find it...

Who will help me ?? PLEASE........


Forgot to mention that after a reboot of the Linux the stuff is working ok.
But since i can only reboot at night i don't know at what moment the error
occurs. Somewhere down the night the isdn is going down and i don't know


Subject: Re: away message
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 09:26:49 GMT

Glitch wrote:
> "Michael R. Fox" wrote:
> >
> > how would i set up an away message for if someone sends me a write or a talk?
> > i would appreciate anyone's help.  thanks.
> never heard of it being done before so dont know if its possible but why
> dont u read the man page for write and talk and see what options there
> are, if any.

I think that this person is talking about 'vacation'. I just read an
article about this somewhere. It notifies people when you are away or on
vaction when they send you e-mail.

"On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section, 
it said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux."



From: benoit mordelet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.redhat,linux.redhat.install,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Matrox AGP G450 on Redhat 7 - Can't get X to Start
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 10:25:10 +0100

Eric Ste-Marie wrote:
> Well I'm working in X with the G450 right now.  Are you guys not seeing
> anything at all?

well, when I tried with XFree86 4.0.1 + driver from matrox web site, and
kernel 2.2.17 or 2.4.0-test12, the result was always the same : X seemed
to start but then freezed and I couldn't switch to VT, kill X with
ctl-alt-backspace, or anything else and had to press the reset button.

> I have it running in 24bits at 1600x1200 and the card works very fine.
> once your XF86config file is well configured you start DualHead with
> "startx -- +xinerama"
> Also, read carefuly the /var/log/XFree86.0.log file for debugging info.
> This is how I manage to figure it out.
> The Chipset on the G450 seems to be G400 so it should work in single screen
> with the generic mga driver shipped with XFree86 4    .  But you might
> experience similar problems as I did.

judging from the mail of the guy who sent the patch for matroxfb, G450
behaves like G400 exept for initialization.

> [then follows a micro howto ;-)]
> I hope this helps,

thanks, I'll try this.

> -Eric



From: Ray Fencey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: rxvt and input length problem?
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 09:32:08 GMT

hi folks

i'm running rxvt-2.6.2 and bash-2.04 on my linux (originally slackware
7.0) and i have noticed that sometimes when the rxvt window is resized
(to say half screen size), typing a line into the shell that needs to be
line wrapped, the line is actually wrapped so that it starts to
overwrite the chars at the beginning of the line: eg

  begin term                                        end term window
  # thisisaverylongcmdname -and herearesome parameters

typing anything else (ie "and a few more") ends with the line looking
like this

  and a few more ngcmdname -and herearesome parameters

  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ overwritten the beginning of line!!!

executing a very long command does work but i just wonder if this is a
problem caused by an incorrect terminal database (i'm just guess right
now) but would really like to hear if other ppl have seen this and have
found a soln

i dont get this problem using xterms

best regards

Sent via


From: Graham Wilson <graham01~[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: memory question
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 01:32:30 -0800

Hajo Drescher wrote:

> Hi to all
> I have a general question about memory usage under Linux.

    I think the two previous responses to your post were right.  At the
Linux Documentation Project, there's a guide called The Linux Kernel Guide;
within it's pages, all is revealed.  G.


From: Speedlnx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: accton
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 09:30:09 GMT

In my linux redhat 6.2 kernel 2.2.17 at every shutdown a process fail with the
message: "accton: Funzione non implementata"
Can someone tell me why it fail and how to fix this problem?


Subject: Re: Printing is sooooo slow...
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 07:44:44 -0200

> [Author: Michel Catudal
> [Date: 4 Jan 2001 19:37:15 -0600
>Be more specific.


>Before I upgraded from Mandrake to SuSE my printing was extremmely slow. It seemed 
>it could take 3 to 5 minutes for a printout to actually start. I'm not sure of the 
>My printer is an Epson Stylus 660.

The problem is not start printing, but the time it take betwwen starting
printing a page and ending it.

>If your problem is not this one the other possibility could be the resolution that 
>you choose.
>If you chose the high resolution then it is likely to be slow.

I'm using 150x150 dpi. My printer is a Deskjet 870Cxi, so it supposed to
be fast.

Any ideas?



Subject: Re: Scanner
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 07:45:56 -0200

> [Author: Michel Catudal
> [Date: 4 Jan 2001 19:40:13 -0600
>Yes but not if your scanner is on a parallel port except for a very
>few scanners that I've never heard of until I looked at the list.

Where is the list?



From: Srihari Vijayaraghavan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Xfree sux, in any form
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.unix.bsd.misc
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 20:50:38 +1100

buckwheat wrote:

> Here's some results of finding good/stable X support for my ThinkPad 770
> -
> Xfree86 just sux, in any revision.  IMO, making a clear, hassle free gui
> for ALL hardware types is a monumental task.  Hell, I've got to admit
> Microsoft has done about the best job with this than anyone.  Except for
> maybe SGI - but nobody wants to put up with 7000 pompous aholes and
> whatever is their "OS of the week".
> And MS is about to release an absolutely kick butt font rendering system
> that about doubles the "apparent" resolution of screen fonts.  I've seen
> it in beta and it's absolutely stunning.  It'll be out with this years
> 37th new release of win.
> All the while, Xfree is still struggling and about 5 years behind Billy
> and his billions.  I commend those who support and code Xfree, but the
> reality is it's probably the toughest part of any OS to get right.  And
> they're so far behind.  There's so much to do, so many hardware
> types/variations.  It's scary.
> It's also Linux's Achilles heel, it's most troublesome area.  Its most
> frustrating part.  The X implementation alone is probably responsible for
> 80% of discouraged users as they re-format the drive and re-install
> Win98.  Just getting a dam browser to work with Xfree that's got readable
> fonts is a tall order on any system.
> About the only good implementation of X is Xig (  And
> they'll charge you handsomely but it works - boy does it work.  So if I
> want a working Xserver that I can see and understand it's gonna be xig.
> Yep, I'm gonna plunk down my $150 to xig and do it because the rest of
> the free Linux, BSD etc is phenomenally powerful.
> And to get to this Linux machine with a usable, modern gui than comes
> anywhere close to Winxx, I'm forced to go to a commercial Xserv.  So be
> it.
Hello There,

I understand it is a little difficult to configure XFree86 at the first 
time. But do not be discouraged, after all every one in Linux community 
will be more than happy in helping you if:
1. You can clearly explain what is exactly the problem you are having. (for 
eg: saying my xyz card is not working with XFree86 would be more helpful, 
than complaining XFree86 is very bad)
2. Be patient, and polite in explaining the technical difficulties.
3. And remember everyone of us had diffculties in configuring Linux first 
time (infact even sometime now), but we know for sure that someone out 
there who would help us.

I guess this will make you feel better.

Bye for now,

Thank you,



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