Linux-Misc Digest #890, Volume #26               Mon, 22 Jan 01 13:13:02 EST

  Re: Why do I get auto-logged-out of my telnet session? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  [Advice]: Multi-Modem for a Small ISP (Youngert)
  Re: bzip, rpm files in Windows (Michael Heiming)
  mounting as nonroot? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Best way to replicate Linux partition? (fred smith)
  Re: Swap size / Memory upgrade (Eric P. McCoy)
  Re: How to use accented characters in BitchX? (Steve Ackman)
  touch screen (Daryl)
  Re: Protect yourself!  I got hacked by the Ramen worm (Jan Johansson)
  Re: Linux not free anymore? (JCA)
  Re: Swap size / Memory upgrade (ekk)
  Re: backup for NT and linux over the network (-ljl-)
  Re: HELP : Adaptec AHA1505 SCSI-card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: German Linux Portal Project - Need content writers (Sandy Drobic)
  Re: Swap size / Memory upgrade ("Steve Wolfe")
  Re: Suggestions on A+ self-study course? ("Steve Wolfe")


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Why do I get auto-logged-out of my telnet session?
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 16:59:40 GMT

None that I know of - this happens whether I'm connecting to the box
from work, home (DSL), or at a friend's house (RoadRunner).  Maybe I
can write a macro for Tera Term that will send some unobtrusive packet
every hour or so to keep the connection alive (or use another client,
like someone else suggested - thanks Tom).

But I'd really rather solve the problem than piece a kludge together.
Could it be some RH 6.2 setting that needs to be modified?

> Are you maybe going through a proxy or a network device that kills
> term in-bound connections?
> In article <94a9po$4cm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I'm running RedHat 6.2 on a PIII-700.  Whenever I telnet OR ssh into
> > that box, then leave the sessions idle for some amount of time
> > 1.5 - 2 hours), I get auto-logged-out.
> >
> > Actually, maybe that's not quite it.  When I return to the
> > window, it doesn't say that I've lost my connection... at least not
> > yet.  But as soon as I begin to type something, it immediately gives
> me
> > a "Connection lost" message.
> >
> > I thought maybe it was a feature of my telnet/ssh client (Tera Term
> > Pro), but I get the same result with other clients.  So it seems to
> > server-side.
> >
> > Next I thought maybe there was some shell setting that was doing it.
> > But my login shell is tcsh - a version I compiled WITHOUT the auto-
> > logout feature. (i.e. "echo $version" does NOT show the two
> > character "al" option, which would indicate auto-logout support).
> > be safe, I even "set autologout = 600" (i.e. 10 hours) - but that
> > no difference.  So I don't think it's tcsh-related.
> >
> > What else could it be?  And how can I disable it, or at least
> > the inactivity time to something much more suitable to me?
> >
> > Thanks to anyone who can help.
> >
> > Sent via
> >
> >
> Sent via

Sent via


From: Youngert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Advice]: Multi-Modem for a Small ISP
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 17:02:32 GMT


My linux system is connected to the Internet through a cable modem.  So 
far, I have setup my Linux machine as a PPP dial-in for several accounts and
am planning to provide a four local PPP dial-in for my friends whom do not 
have a cable modem access.  What I am looking for is a small equipment I 
can use to connect to my Linux machine and phone lines so that my Linux 
machine can act as a small ISP for my friends.  It will also be nice if 
such equipment can emulate a phone line in the sense that I can connect my 
aplio/phone as well as webTV and dreamcast machine to my Linux.  Any 
suggestion on the equipment part as well as software setup?



From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: bzip, rpm files in Windows
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 19:31:37 +0100

Thaddeus L Olczyk wrote:

> OK. Sorry to bring up "the other platform", but since
> bzip and rpm are Linux tools I feel this forum is appropriate.
> Are there any tools out there that will allow me to view bzip
> and rpm files on Windows, similar to WinZip?


"other platform" you mean this wintendo thing from Redmond, I would
hardly call it an platform or even OS...

IMHO rpm should be contained in the cygwin package for Windows...


Try to use a search engine...

Good luck

Michael Heiming


Subject: mounting as nonroot?
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 17:07:25 GMT

When I try to mount a device (e.g. -- floppy & zip disks) as nonroot,
I get the following error:

        mount: must be superuser to use mount

Can anybody suggest the bst way to enable user access to the mount



Sent via


From: fred smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best way to replicate Linux partition?
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 11:48:53 GMT

: I want to migrate to a new hard drive that I have bought but do not want
: to lose any of the additions/customizations I have in my current
: installation.  What is the best way to do this.  I currently am running
: Red Hat 6.2.  Would dd or cpio be the best way?

There are probably several ways to do this, but the one I use is "cp -a".
See 'man cp'.

The steps I use are (from memory):
-install new drive as a slave (or seconary master), 
-do the fdisk thing to create the partitions you need
-use mkfs to format any non-swap partitions
-use mkswap to set up swap space
-mount the new partition(s)
-use cp -a to copy old partitions to thir counterparts on the new drive
-umount the new partitions
-MAKE A BOOTABLE FLOPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-shut down
-swap new drive for old
-boot the floppy
-do any necessary edits in /etc/fstab
-do any necessary edits in /etc/lilo.conf
-run lilo: 'lilo -b /dev/hda' or whatever the boot volume actually is
-shut down, remove floppy, reboot.

Since this is from memory, any wise person will validate these steps
before blindly following them.


---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------
  "For him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his 
 glorious presence without fault and with great joy--to the only God our Savior
 be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before
                     all ages, now and forevermore! Amen."
============================= Jude 1:24,25 (niv) =============================


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Swap size / Memory upgrade
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric P. McCoy)
Date: 22 Jan 2001 12:24:35 -0500

ekk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just upgraded from 512 RAM to 1 GB.  My swap space is 768.  Should
> I increase the swap?  We do often use all of the RAM available on a
> machine, but we of course try to avoid using the swap.

Somewhat tangentially, why would you want to do this?  It seems that
if your memory requirements stay about the same and you add RAM, you
shouldn't be increasing swap.

On the other hand, I've seen people advise exactly what you're
suggesting here.  Is it for performance reasons?

So I guess I'm asking the same thing.  I have 64MB RAM on this box and
gave it 128MB swap, which I surely don't need, but I figure this
prevents repartitioning should I, at some point, need that much.

  "Knowing that a lot of people across the world with Geocities sites
absolutely despise me is about the only thing that can add a positive
spin to this situation."  - Something Awful, 1/11/2001


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Ackman)
Subject: Re: How to use accented characters in BitchX?
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 11:58:29 -0500

On Sun, 21 Jan 2001 16:32:32 GMT, GYULAI Mihaly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I use BitchX 1.0c18 on the console.
>My problem is that I can't use accented characters.
>(In other programs I can).
>Can anyone help me to set it?

  You don't give many details, and to be honest, I don't
even know what BitchX is.  But... I have a little textfile
I made up so on those occasions when I need a character from
above the normal character set, and can't use the alt-key combo,
I just cat it, and copy'n'paste the character I need.

  In the case of console apps, jump over to the next available
console, cat the file, highlight, jump back to original app,
paste.  Remember gpm defaultly uses right-click to paste.  If 
you're used to X, you might be inclined to middle-click to paste.

161 ¡           181 µ           201 É           221 Ý           241 ñ
162 ¢           182 ¶           202 Ê           222 Þ           242 ò
163 £           183 ·           203 Ë           223 ß           243 ó
164 ¤           184 ¸           204 Ì           224 à           244 ô 
165 ¥           185 ¹           205 Í           225 á           245 õ
166 ¦           186 º           206 Î           226 â           246 ö
167 §           187 »           207 Ï           227 ã           247 ÷
168 ¨           188 ¼           208 Ð           228 ä           248 ø
169 ©           189 ½           209 Ñ           229 å           249 ù
170 ª           190 ¾           210 Ò           230 æ           250 ú
171 «           191 ¿           211 Ó           231 ç           251 û
172 ¬           192 Á           212 Ô           232 è           252 ü
173 ­           193 Á           213 Õ           233 é           253 ý
174 ®           194 Â           214 Ö           234 ê           254 þ
175 ¯           195 Ã           215 ×           235 ë           255 ÿ
176 °           196 Ä           216 Ø           236 ì           256 (next word)
177 ±           197 Å           217 Ù           237 í           127 (bkspc)
178 ²           198 Æ           218 Ú           238 î           
179 ³           199 Ç           219 Û           239 ï
180 ´           200 È           220 Ü           240 ð           


Steve Ackman                   
Registered Linux User #79430


Subject: touch screen
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 17:19:11 GMT

Has any put a touch screen on your Linux machine?  If so, are there any
programs out there that utilize touch screen for Linux?  If not, how
does a person program a touch screen?

Thank you

Daryl Rose

Sent via


From: Jan Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Protect yourself!  I got hacked by the Ramen worm
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 17:32:51 GMT

>It wiped out all of my index.html with the Ramen worm webpage.
>I had to do an upgrade of all the RH7.0 packages I installed.  (2 hours
>of work)
>I had to get all personal index.html from my quite recent backup.
>I wrote to because they said it was a beneficial
>worm in their news story.
>What a shitty story!!!
>The Ramen work causes too much damage to my computer.

Hmm, lets see here, you didnt check for security updates before
connecting to the internet? 

You did not have a firewall in place?

You didnt have current backups (you said you had recent).

You didnt check freshmeat/securityfocus/slashdot/every otehr place
before commiting a system to the internet.

Im sorry to say this but, You pretty much asked for it if you ask me.


Subject: Re: Linux not free anymore?
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 08:10:26 -0800

    Remember that the Polish public administration is by and large
dominated by former communist individuals and organizations.
This is the kind of repressive action one is to expect from such

Rafael - LumesITSupport wrote:

> First when I get info about it I did not believed. But it seems to be
> true in Poland.
> Tax offices trying to find money or paid by Microsoft :) started to put
> tax from Linux.  Thus if you have company you have to pay tax if you
> have Linux, the level of the tax is the same like from Windows NT
> Server. It is against low and our Worldwide Linux community have to do
> something with it. Please do something to not spread it to more
> countries.
> Rafael


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Swap size / Memory upgrade
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 12:34:10 -0500


Ah, but my memory requirements are not going to be the same, now that I
have put more memory in.  My users will most definitely use the extra RAM
to its full potential!

You do bring up an interesting point about only needing that much swap in
case you need it in the future.  Maybe that is the reason my 'linux
mentor' advised me so.

"Eric P. McCoy" wrote:

> ekk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I just upgraded from 512 RAM to 1 GB.  My swap space is 768.  Should
> > I increase the swap?  We do often use all of the RAM available on a
> > machine, but we of course try to avoid using the swap.
> Somewhat tangentially, why would you want to do this?  It seems that
> if your memory requirements stay about the same and you add RAM, you
> shouldn't be increasing swap.
> On the other hand, I've seen people advise exactly what you're
> suggesting here.  Is it for performance reasons?
> So I guess I'm asking the same thing.  I have 64MB RAM on this box and
> gave it 128MB swap, which I surely don't need, but I figure this
> prevents repartitioning should I, at some point, need that much.
> --
>   "Knowing that a lot of people across the world with Geocities sites
> absolutely despise me is about the only thing that can add a positive
> spin to this situation."  - Something Awful, 1/11/2001


From: -ljl- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: backup for NT and linux over the network
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 17:41:09 GMT

In article <93uutq$nrh$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Christoph Kukulies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm seeking for a network backup system allowing to
> backup NT, Win2k and Linux systems to a DLT tape.
> IBM ADSM? $?

Here is a commercial solution:
There is a free and demo version, as I understand it.  Believe
SuSE bundles a version and sell it too.  Confuse, me too :-)

In my previous post I mentioned Cygwin; if security is an issue,
and it always is, then ssh (scp) is available for Win32 and Linux.

Louis-ljl-{ Louis J. LaBash, Jr. }

Sent via


Subject: Re: HELP : Adaptec AHA1505 SCSI-card
Date: 22 Jan 2001 09:52:48 -0800

"jacob childress" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "Rik Lambrichts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Normally the Adaptec Scsi-card AHA1505 is installed
> > at boot-time by giving bootparameters trough LILO.
> > I'm using a bootfloppy with the kernel on it to boot
> > my multihomed system directly and I would like to keep
> > it that way.
> > Is there a way to use that card without using LILO and
> > bootparameters ?
> Hi,
> I believe that you should be able to add the parameters you need to
> lilo.conf in an "append=" line.  Try looking at the man page for lilo.conf.
> Good luck,
> jacob

I have a similar card, the driver is a module and I pass parameters
along with insmod.  I can get away with that because my root filesystem
is not on a disc controlled by that controller, I use it for my
scanner.  You could also probably compile the kernel with the
parameters set in the code if you're a code warrior.

  -- Replace ragwind.localdomain with rahul for my email address


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sandy Drobic)
Subject: Re: German Linux Portal Project - Need content writers
Date: 22 Jan 2001 14:15:00 +0100

Als ich am 22.01.01 einen Brief von Marco Behnke
zum Thema "Re: German Linux Poral Project - Need content writers" las,
begab ich mich auf den Kriegspfad und beschwor die Stammesgötter mit:

>> i started a new german! linux portal.

> Wenn es doch German ist und Du hier in eine Deutsche Newsgroup postest,
> warum dann auf Englisch?

Because he was sloppy enough to crosspost the message to an english
newsgroup as well.


Keyboard failure. Press any key...


From: "Steve Wolfe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Swap size / Memory upgrade
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 10:51:38 -0700

> Thanks, Jamess for your advice.  The person whose job I inherited told me
> that the swap space should be double the amount of RAM for up to 512 MB,
> 1.5x for 512 - 1024, and 1x for above 1024 MB.

    Ideally, you should have more RAM than you'll use, and some swap for a
backup.  If you don't have that much RAM, then your RAM + swap should be
more than you'll use, and then some for safety.  If you regularly use a half
gig of swap, then having a gig total (perhaps more) would be a good idea -
but I hate to think of the performance at that point.  With RAM getting
cheaper and cheaper, I'm of the opinion that swap is simply there for
extremely abnormal situations.

>  I'm not terribly sure why he
> thought so much swap was required, but I think he arrived at those ratios
> through experience dealing with many different machines and RAM amounts.

  No, he just read them.  "rules of thumb" on swap are about as useful as
saying "Oh, a size 12 ought to fit any woman that's between 50 and 150
pounds."  Like women, each machine (and it's uses/needs) are different, and
need individual consideration.

> The machines he set up are stable and rarely get bogged down, as long as
> users don't push them over the RAM!

  There you go, his magic numbers for swap haven't helped.  You're still
stuch in the fact that swap is a few hundred (or thousand) times slower than
RAM.  If your machine is swapping, you're hamstrung.  If not, you're OK.



From: "Steve Wolfe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Suggestions on A+ self-study course?
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 10:54:35 -0700

> I have been managing a LAN for over 10 years now but I never bothered to
> get my A+ certification. I think I'd like to do it via self-study.
> Is there a good self-study program available for A+?  Preferably not
> just reading a book, but a CDROM or maybe online type of thing?

 I hear that they've changed the A+, but back when I took it years ago, it
was a complete joke.  Questions like:

A customer calls you, stating that your technician was rude.  You should:

1.  Tell the customer to get lost.
2.  Tell the customer that you'll fire your technician
3.  Express concern, and discuss it with your technician.
4.  1 and 2.

    Besides that, I've never seen jobs that are looking for an A+ cert,
except for things like tech support.  If you want to do LAN stuff, there are
other certifications that will get you a lot more money.   And it's not like
someone's going to say "Hmm, he has his Linux and Cisco certificates, but he
doesn't have an A+.  Too bad." ; )




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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