Linux-Misc Digest #329, Volume #27               Sat, 10 Mar 01 20:13:01 EST

  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! (John)
  qpopper RPM? (Steven Katz)
  Re: bind, bind8, bind9 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! (Andreas Dietrich)
  Re: Netscape eats 100% CPU and hangs when viewing Java pages (Harold Stevens 
  Re: Switching To Linux From Windows ("Harlan Grove")
  How To CDRW ?  Not CDR, but CDRW,... ("Arctic Storm")
  FontTastic Font Server for WordPerfect Office 2000 ("Harlan Grove")
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! (Paul Lew)
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! ("Charles E Taylor IV")
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! (Arctic Storm)
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a CD and 
it won't boot with it. (The Great Suprendo)
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! (enkidu)
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! (Grant Edwards)
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! (Thomas)
  Re: Change memory limits for large executable? (Thomas Ruedas)


Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 21:18:20 GMT

Steve Withers wrote:

> If anything is going to drive me back to Windowss it is *&%^$ Netscape.
> I have both V6.0 and v4.75 installed on my RH Linux 7.0 system (kernel
> 2.4.1) and they are a word...SHIT.
> I have "kill-9" permanently in my command line buffer.....Netscape craps
> out usually within 10-15 minutes of active use. What happens MOST often
> with Netscape 6.0 is that links cease to be active. Nothing reacts to a
> mouse click. It may aswell have crashed....and when I do a PS-A...I see
> about 20 Java VMs all stacked up. Eh?
> I need Java do I have any options? Opera? Konqueror?
> Haven't tried either recently....tried Opera like 3 years ago.....
> MS Explorer is starting to look good to me..... :-(

I use Mozilla. It is a bit slow but it works and doesn't crash as much as 
Netscape 4.7x

And, yes, mozilla can handle Java. Just go to a size that needs java and 
the browser will inform you of this and install it for you ;)

I got java working on mozilla 0.6. Have not really tried 0.8 since I don't 
need java that much



Subject: qpopper RPM?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steven Katz)
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 21:21:34 GMT


Is there a qpopper 3.1 RPM somewhere?



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: bind, bind8, bind9
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 21:36:44 GMT

Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
>> Interesting. But how does it access the domain port? That's below 1024.
>> So root processes are the only ones allowed there.

> When you start named (bind), it is running as root, but if it has a -u
> argument, it does a setuid() or something to become that. Similarly
> for a -g arguement where it probably does a setgid().

Well, well, well. I love it. It works!

> If you do a -t argument, you have to do a lot of preparation. You move
> all the stuff from /etc to /var/named/etc (if /var/named is the
> argument of -t), so my /var/named looks something like this (slightly
> edited output of du -a /var/named):

<snip chroot env>.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Dietrich)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 22:31:45 +0100

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001 10:06:21 +1300, Steve Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>If anything is going to drive me back to Windowss it is *&%^$ Netscape. 
>I have both V6.0 and v4.75 installed on my RH Linux 7.0 system (kernel
>2.4.1) and they are a word...SHIT. 

I use galeon here and it does almost everything I want. Its pretty fast,
quite solid (yes, it does crash occasionally) and renders nearly everything
really well, including javascript and java.

Galeon is a Gnome-UI for mozilla (Mozilla has improved a lot since ns6 was
forked from it).

You have to download mozilla 0.8 from,
the java plugin from somewhere on and galeon 0.10.1 from 

If you can live with incomplete javascript support, konqueror from KDE 2.1
is an even nicer experience.

"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the
complete works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not
true."  -- Robert Wilensky


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harold Stevens US.972.952.3293)
Subject: Re: Netscape eats 100% CPU and hangs when viewing Java pages
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 21:49:41 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jean-David Beyer:


>I do not think I am mistaken. Whenever my X Windowing system locks up,
>I know for sure that C-A-Backspace and C-A-PF[1-6] do not work. IIRC

Same for me when I added an "/sbin/fdisk -l /dev/hd? > /fdisk.lst 2>&1"
to rc.local (Turbolinux Coyote, 2.2.14-3). But, the mouse (ttyS0) still
works; I just can't enter anything into the gdm login prompt or get the
X abort or console switching keys combos to work, as you mention.

Since this gdm login screen allows you to mouse into a "Reboot" that is
what I did and then used "linux single" at the LILO prompt to bring the
barebones shell environment up and remove the apparently rogue fdisk. I
had everything back to "normal" upon reboot.

Go figure...    :)


Regards, Weird (Harold Stevens) * IMPORTANT EMAIL INFO FOLLOWS *
Pardon the bogus email domain (dseg etc.) in place for spambots.
Really it's (wyrd) at raytheon, dotted with com. DO NOT SPAM IT.
Standard Disclaimer: These are my opinions not Raytheon Company.


From: "Harlan Grove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Switching To Linux From Windows
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 22:16:52 GMT

Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Harlan Grove wrote (in part):
>> Think of the thousands of man-hours that's already gone into
>> StarCalc, Applix Spreadsheet, KSpread and gnumeric and still none are
>> quite up to the level of Excel. And you're telling a likely novice
>> programmer to roll their own?!
> If my experience, and that of my Microsoft Office using friends at the
> novice level are typical, they nowhere anywhere nearly use all the
> features of Excel. So while gnumeric may not go far enough for their
> needs (missing XIRR function for investment types, for example),
> Applix spreadsheets is just fine for me, and I can import Excel
> spreadsheets unless they have Visual Basic and such stuff embedded in
> them.  . . .

Bad example. I know too many Windows users who don't care for Excel or
the rest of MS Office. Maybe I should have said Lotus 123 Release 5
(probably the cleanest spreadsheet ever made). And to be fair Xess is
arguably a better spreadsheet than Excel (certainly in terms of
functionality per megabyte of RAM consumed), but it has origins in Unix
proper rather than Linux.

A better example (highly idiosyncratic) would be MSW Logo under Windows
vs UCB Logo under Linux. Both are free software. The former has an
easier interface for children to use (based admittedly on anecdotal
evidence of my own kids and a few of their friends). Even though the
source code is available, it's written specifically for Borland's
compiler and library. Even porting it to Linix would be a nontrivial

My point remains: most people coming to Linux from Windows are not
frustrated programmers but frustrated users. It's not good advise to
tell them to work with source packages until they've learned their way
around the system.


From: "Arctic Storm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How To CDRW ?  Not CDR, but CDRW,...
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 22:27:37 GMT

I have RedHat 7 and Sony Spressa CRX140E/CH2.  I searched and searched, but
no information on how to use the CD ReWritable drive.  There are lots of
information on CD Recording, but not CD ReWriting.
Any help would be appreciated.


From: "Harlan Grove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FontTastic Font Server for WordPerfect Office 2000
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 22:34:53 GMT

I just upgraded to XFree86-4, which in part meant that many
configuration files were replaced. In particular /etc/X11/fs/config in
which there's the following lines

# don't listen on tcp by default
no-listen = tcp

However, WPO 2000's launcher script, /usr/lib/corel/bin/wpolauncher,
contains the lines

# Add FontTastic font server to the font path.
# Font server is assumed to run on the same host as the X display.
xset q | grep 'tcp/.*:7102' >/dev/null

and many similar that imply that FontTastic uses TCP. With this font
server configuration setting, FontTastic won't load, so neither will WPO
2000. Note: I've tried the Windows approach to dealing with this -
uninstall and reinstall, but that doesn't work. I would have RTFM if
there were a FM for FontTastic provided on the WPO 2000 CD, but there
ain't. Links to online documentation would be greatfully appreciated.

Anyway, I recall seeing somewhere (I don't remember where) that using
TCP in this context was a security risk. What is that risk? I suppose I
had this vulnerability under XFree86-3 (never checked those config
files), but I'd like to be less ignorant going forward.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Lew)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 22:48:22 GMT

On Sat, 10 Mar 2001, Andreas Dietrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Sun, 11 Mar 2001 10:06:21 +1300, Steve Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>If anything is going to drive me back to Windowss it is *&%^$ Netscape. 
>>I have both V6.0 and v4.75 installed on my RH Linux 7.0 system (kernel
>>2.4.1) and they are a word...SHIT. 
>I use galeon here and it does almost everything I want. Its pretty fast,
>quite solid (yes, it does crash occasionally) and renders nearly everything
>really well, including javascript and java.
>Galeon is a Gnome-UI for mozilla (Mozilla has improved a lot since ns6 was
>forked from it).
>  ......

Or just use NS navagator 4.76; no news and no mail stuff to mess with.


From: "Charles E Taylor IV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 18:01:07 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Steve Withers"

> If anything is going to drive me back to Windowss it is *&%^$ Netscape. 

> I have both V6.0 and v4.75 installed on my RH Linux 7.0 system (kernel
> 2.4.1) and they are a word...SHIT. 

Use Mozilla (0.8 is the current milestone).  Or use Galeon, which is 
basically a Gnome front-end to Mozilla with some nice benefits:

* UI is much faster (rendering is the same - same engine)
* If it crashes, which isn't very often, you restart it and it'll pop
  back up the sites you were on before (if you want that).
* Easy to turn on/off certain features (Java, Javascript, etc) in menus 
  instead of having to go through preferences.
* tabbed browsing
* Galeon (and Mozilla 0.8) seem much more stable than NS4.

The downsides:
* You have to have Mozilla installed to use Galeon (not that bad - just
  grab the package and go).
* Galeon can't print yet.  I use Galeon as my primary browzer and fire
  up Mozilla when I need to print.
* You have to have Gnome installed for Galeon.  (Which for me is no big
  deal - I use Gnome).

Charles E. Taylor, IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Arctic Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 22:57:31 GMT

> If anything is going to drive me back to Windowss it is *&%^$ Netscape.
> I have both V6.0 and v4.75 installed on my RH Linux 7.0 system (kernel
> 2.4.1) and they are a word...SHIT.
> I have "kill-9" permanently in my command line buffer.....Netscape craps
> out usually within 10-15 minutes of active use. What happens MOST often
> with Netscape 6.0 is that links cease to be active. Nothing reacts to a
> mouse click. It may aswell have crashed....and when I do a PS-A...I see
> about 20 Java VMs all stacked up. Eh?
> I need Java do I have any options? Opera? Konqueror?
> Haven't tried either recently....tried Opera like 3 years ago.....
> MS Explorer is starting to look good to me..... :-(

Internet has become such an important part of computing that it may be a 
breaker for most users.  I agree with your sentiments.  I heard that you 
can use MS Explorer under Wine.  As you know, Wine allows you to use 
Windows programs on Linux.  I often use VMWare and emulate Win2K, just so 
that I can surf over to some of the more Java-intensive sites.  Otherwise, 
I use Netscape 4.75 on Linux for most.

I hear a lot of internet-boxes that are dedicated for internet access and 
web browsing, and Linux is often mentioned along with such concepts.  Since 
Linux currently doesn't have a web browser that's worth mentioning, perhaps 
Win95 may be a better choice for a dedicated web browsing box, because 
Win95 at least has Explorer.  I'm not being sarcastic here!  As a Linux 
user, I know that Win95 can't compare to Linux, but at least Win95 allows 
you to do what you want/need to do; web.
I wonder if Linux will *ever* have a web browser that is a worthy opponent 
to Explorer,...


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 00:16:25 +0100

In comp.os.linux.misc Arctic Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I hear a lot of internet-boxes that are dedicated for internet access and 
> web browsing, and Linux is often mentioned along with such concepts.  Since 

I've always been happy with lynx. Occasionally I use netscape 3 gold,
or 4.51. Basically, if a site isn't viewable that way they'll get a
mail from me explaining what's wrong .. if neccessary in a cron job.
Mostly it's a simple matter of reminding them about alt tags and
that's all that's needed.

I was quite shocked to find a shockwave plugin for netscape.
Seems to go fine.

I'm also very impressed by mozilla and konqueror. Hard to say which is
better since I don't go for visuals.



From: The Great Suprendo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a 
CD and it won't boot with it.
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 23:47:55 +0000

A certain Newbie from Win98, of uk.comp.os.linux "fame", writes :
>That's exactly what I have done.  I used Nero Creative.  It came
>with a Creative CD-RW drive.  I simply chose to make a Data CD and dragged
>the file over to the blank CD area and pressed Burn - there is no setting
>for making a "Boot Image" in this version of Nero.
>I can see the ISO file under Windows on the CD.  It's just a big single

What you have done is this : you've burnt the ISO file onto a CD. What 
you actually must do is use the contents of the ISO file to create the 
files and directory structure on the CD for you. Nero can do this for 
you. It will have an option somewhere such as "burn an ISO file to a 
blank CD". That's what you need to do.


This post was brought to you by a suppurating ring-blister named Colin.


From: enkidu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 13:07:17 +1300

Steve Withers wrote:
> If anything is going to drive me back to Windowss it is
> *&%^$ Netscape.
> I have both V6.0 and v4.75 installed on my RH Linux 7.0
> system (kernel 2.4.1) and they are a word...SHIT.
> I have "kill-9" permanently in my command line buffer.....
> Netscape craps out usually within 10-15 minutes of active
> use. What happens MOST often with Netscape 6.0 is that links
> cease to be active. Nothing reacts to a mouse click. It may
> as well have crashed....and when I do a PS-A...I see
> about 20 Java VMs all stacked up. Eh?
Funny. I have 4.7.5 on RH 7.0 and have had no problems. 
However I've not tried NS6.0 under Linux since it doesn't
work for me under Win NT or Win 98. I'm waiting for 6.1
or whatever.
> I need Java do I have any options? Opera?
> Konqueror? Haven't tried either recently....tried Opera
> like 3 years ago.....
Opera is now free, I believe.



[Wotcha up to these days, Steve?]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 00:29:28 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Steve Withers wrote:

>If anything is going to drive me back to Windowss it is *&%^$ Netscape.

I gave up on Netscape and tried Opera 5 a couple months ago.  I liked it so
much I bought two copies (though the free versions with the ads was
perfectly usable).

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I will SHAVE and
                                  at               buy JELL-O and bring my
                                 MARRIAGE MANUAL!!


From: Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 01:33:25 +0100

Grant Edwards wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Steve Withers wrote:
>>If anything is going to drive me back to Windowss it is *&%^$ Netscape.
> [...]
> I gave up on Netscape and tried Opera 5 a couple months ago.  I liked it
> so much I bought two copies (though the free versions with the ads was
> perfectly usable).

opera should be open source
i tried it as well, but got probs with java/javascript and ssl

switched back to ns


Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 01:32:52 +0100
From: Thomas Ruedas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Change memory limits for large executable?

Thanks for your reply.
>>> size convec3d 
>>   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
>> 649952  283536 1383243996      1384177484      5280df4c        convec3d
>>(as far as I understand it, it's about 650K). 
>Er, BSS alone is much larger than 650K.  Looks like about 1.3 GB to me.
You're right, I don't what I counted there... Maybe that's too much even
for the large swap space.
>Here's a snip from my kernel.config:
I didn't find such a file on my system (SuSE 7.0).

Comparing the size of the executable with an executable from the same
code produced by the AIX f77 compiler, I get largely different sizes
(>100M even for a substantially smaller version of the program). Does
the GNU compiler produce very large executables compared with other
compilers, or is this also due to differences in architecture? Or,
putting it in another way, would switching to another compiler, which is
maybe tailored for Intel processors, produce smaller executables?
Thomas Ruedas
Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, J.W.Goethe University Frankfurt



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