Linux-Misc Digest #412, Volume #27               Wed, 21 Mar 01 14:13:04 EST

  Re: fuser -v /dev/dsp ... (Esa Tikka)
  Re: problems with netscape 4.75 and 4.76 (Dave Trahan)
  Re: Best E-mail Client? (H.Bruijn)
  Re: pdf (was: Best E-mail Client?) (Jan Schaumann)
  Re: pdf (was: Best E-mail Client?) (Timothy J. Lee)
  hard driving constantly accessing like crazy - how can I find the culprit
  Re: when is rh 7.2 comming out ? (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: linux install restart (Markku Kolkka)
  Re: Best E-mail Client? (Bob Hauck)
  Re: question about mailing an excel file from linux ... (Jeremiah DeWitt Weiner)
  Re: terminal behavior after "man", "less", etc. (Thomas Dickey)
  Re: Weird /proc/mtrr ("Tauno Voipio")
  Re: hard driving constantly accessing like crazy - how can I find the culprit 
  Re: Best E-mail Client? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: hard driving constantly accessing like crazy - how can I find the  (David)
  Re: How to disable the "call waiting feature" of the modem ? ("Ethan M. Schwartz")
  NYC LOCAL: Wednesday 21 March 2001 NYLUG: Len Santalucia on IBM's S/390 GNU/Linux 
mainframe ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  'make config' utility (AJL)
  LILO 21.7 patches issued (8-Mar, & 20-Mar) (John in SD)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Esa Tikka)
Subject: Re: fuser -v /dev/dsp ...
Date: 21 Mar 2001 16:11:36 GMT

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Gaurav Navlakha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>:If 'ls /dev/dsp' does show the file there's something strange, but I 
>:believe the problem is sound card driver misconfiguration (or mere 
>:non-existence of it). 
>:Have you compiled correct sound card support in kernel?
>'ls /dev/dsp' does show the file!
>How can I find out if I have compiled the correct (or compiled at all)
>sound card driver in the kernel?

You should know yourself if you have compiled SOME sound card driver :)
Well, first quick try could be checking what 'cat /etc/sndstat' says.
But anyway, tell us what your sound card is. 

Esa Tikka                     reply address for non-spammers
LTKK/ti4                         esa dot tikka at lut dot fi
Vote against spam in EU @


From: Dave Trahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: problems with netscape 4.75 and 4.76
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:59:58 -0500

Editting an entry and saving solved the problem for me.

Jeremiah DeWitt Weiner wrote:

> In comp.os.linux.misc Hans Christianson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I had a similar problem and just figured out how to fix it.  Assuming you
> > have root access, log in as root and use "userdel -r  <user>" to delete
> > youself.  Then use "useradd  -d <dir> -m <user>" and "passwd <user>" to add
> > yourself again.  The next time you log in and try netscape, you'll have a
> > fresh copy waiting for you.  Worked when I screwed something up and every
> > time I opened the address book netscape crashed.
>         Jesus Christ, man, this isn't Windows.  Deleting yourself as a user
> just to fix an application problem is a bit harsh.  Trust me, it is _not_
> normal to need to reinstall things - programs, users, OSes - to fix them.
> That's brain damage perpetrated on you by Gates and his cronies.
>         If deleting your home directory and recreating it fixed problems with
> Netscape, then try deleting your ~/.netscape directory, hopefully backing up
> your bookmarks.htm and address book (pab.na2?  I forget.) first.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H.Bruijn)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Best E-mail Client?
Date: 21 Mar 2001 17:09:09 GMT

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 14:43:13 +0000, John Beardmore allegedly wrote:
>>>What's this ps2pdf thing ?  A sort of copyleft Distiller ?
>>It is a tool which converts postscript files/documents to pdf. It is
>OK.  Sounds handy.
>>The disadvantage of postscript is that it is quite large, and it never
>>made it in the Microsoft world (where incompatible word formats and
>>bitmap images rule the day).
>Well, M$ probably didn't want to base their GDI on an Adobe technology.
>They could, and most certainly did, make a far bigger balls of it
>themselves !

The thing is they don't have any standards they adhere to. Files create
with newer version of MS-Word can't be opened in _any_ previous version
of MS-Word. I can understand that new times may require extension in
technology, but the error message attitude " This file was created with
a newer version of MS-Word, please fork over more money and upgrade!"
doesn't make me happy. It doesn't even try, even when it is just plain
text, and I can't believe that each new version of Word is complete
rewrite and the file-format used is completely incompatible with any 
other version, without special conversion routines. It is good 
for generating revenue from upgrades though.

I prefer the attitude found in webbrowsers: Hey, that's new! I haven't
seen that before! Should we contact headquarters and see if they have a
plug-in for us to deal with that new technology, or do we just skip it
and continue with what we do understand?

>> PDF files are generally smaller, and are
>>now quite accepted on windows platforms.
>Well yes and no.  Quite a few people have never downloaded a 6 or 8 meg 
>PDF viewer, and far fewer still have forked out money Distiller !

Granted. But one of the advantages of PDF is that what you get on your
display, is exactly what it will/would look like printed. Unlike html, 
which is displayed  depending on your browser, size of the window etc.
Unlike MS-Word where the default setting is that of editor, not a viewer
of how things will look like when printed. PDF shows your documents how
you intended them to be seen. The other is that it is much more platform
independant then other formats. Viewers exist for nearly all platforms I
know. And it depends on the audience. In physics, mathematics and other
sciences, where a lot of equations are used, people loathe to use words
equation editor, aside from that fact that it renders rather ugly, it
just takes for ever to type any equation more involved than the adding,
substracting and multiplying you learned as a child.
Using groff, tex, and nowadays mostly latex, typing equations is fairly 
easy, and using postscript to render them has beautifull results, except 
that windows doesn't like postscript much. PDF documents though, simply 
converted with ps2pdf, can now easily be read on windows thanks to the 
free pdf viewers. The best know equation of Einstein, often abbreviated
to E=mc^2, is properly formatted something like the ASCII art below
             m c^2
E =  -----------------------
      sqrt( 1 - (v^2 / c^2))

In MS-Word that would require clicking nearly 20 different boxes, in tex
format the same equation is the admittedly cryptic, but strictly ascii:
E = \frac{ mc^2 }{ \sqrt{1 - \frac{ v^2 }{ c^2 }}} which would result 
in the slides at (18k)
I used the extra features PDF documents allow so please admire the 
thumbnail images and the clickable link at the bottom (generated from
latex with pdflatex).

>PDF is further loathed as many documents are authored with printing 
>turned off which makes it hard to read a PDF file in the bath or on the 
>bus !

Well if you can display it, you can print it. It is that it just won't
print with adobe acrobat...

But then why would you lock them? The whole reason for using pdf for me is
that it is diplayed on my screen just as would look when printed, unlike
HTML, the latex source code and such.
If a trainstation is the place where trains stop, what is a workstation?
Herman Bruijn                            mail:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Netherlands                       website:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Schaumann)
Subject: Re: pdf (was: Best E-mail Client?)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:09:36 GMT

* Jean-David Beyer wrote:
> Jan Schaumann wrote:

> > If they want to generate PDF's, surely they could use ghostscript
> > (which, IIRC, is available for Windows as well (I know it's available
> > for Mac, so I assume it's there for Win as well)) to convert a ps into a
> > pdf.
> Perhaps they could get ghostscript, but they have stuff in Microsoft
> Word, not .ps, so how do they convert Word .doc files to .ps files so
> they can use ghostscript to convert that to .pdf?

Doesn't "Print to file" in Windows generate a postscript just like in

> You are lucky. I have gotten them to tolerate e-mail not in HTML
> format, but they wonder why my replies do not have all the fancy
> fonts, sizes, and colors that they included originally. If they
> included images, they just get something like:
> [image]
> (or something like that) instead of the image we are trying to
> discuss. I know I could make this Netscape use HTML just for them, but
> it is too much bother.

I fell sorry for you.  But I assume you have to make the decision:

1) Use only one application for all your mail
        a) one that supports HTML and is most likely not as powerful/useful
           as another one, but the folks you communicate with get their crappy
           html-mail with lots of <blink>fancy</blink> stuff and security holes
           via *script

        b) a real mailreader such as mutt ( that you can
           configure to spawn external applications if you receive non-ascii
           mails.  You won't be able to /send/ html (unless you code it by
           hand), but you have a sane MUA

2) Use two applications.  Maybe even two email-accounts?  Use procmail
   to filter the mail and if it's work-related or from a person you know
   to only send and expect html, sort it into another mailbox.  This way
   you only use the crappy app for the crappy mail and use your normal
   app for your normal mail.

> And some send data only in .doc format. The trouble with those is that
> you never know what version it is, and if it was done with the default
> "fast save" mode, I cannot import it into Applixware. Of course, some
> Microsoft Word versions will not read that crap either. Serves them
> right.

Indeed - how do they know that everybody they send it to has the exact
same version of Word?  AFAIK, the discrepancies are so big that one
Version of Word can not deal with the format of another version (M$
designed this so that all people have to continually upgrade)


Jan Schaumann <>

Programmer - A red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with
inanimate objects.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy J. Lee)
Subject: Re: pdf (was: Best E-mail Client?)
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (this is a valid address for a limited time)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:15:20 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jean-David Beyer  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>But some outfits will send data only in .xls format and if I do not
>like it, I cannot get it. Luckily, I can usually import it into
>Applixware, but not if there is Visual Basic in it.

But if there is Visual Basic in it, isn't there a high risk that
the Visual Basic stuff is a virus?

Timothy J. Lee
Unsolicited bulk or commercial email is not welcome.
No warranty of any kind is provided with this message.


From: "Fred A. Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:18:12 GMT

On 21-Mar-2001, Steve Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So.....Presidents can't ever be black?

Sure they CAN be. The point is that two separate holidays honoring two
presidents who were very important to this country (and to Black people, I
might add) were condensed into a single holiday that not even all the banks
close for.

This was done to make room for a holiday honoring someone of questionable
ethics and moral character, and everyone BETTER honor it, or there will be
no end of screaming on the part of certain more vocal people from the Black
and Liberal portions of society.


reading poptart in drive A  Delete kids y/n?


Subject: hard driving constantly accessing like crazy - how can I find the culprit
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:03:54 GMT

Lately i hear my hard drive accessing like crazy even when my computer is
doing NOTHING as far as I can tell.  No one logged in, pratically all
programs idle, system resources ~98%, etc.  How (if there is a way) can I
find out what's constantly accessing my hard drive?  Thanks.


Subject: Re: when is rh 7.2 comming out ?
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:33:08 GMT

>> As I know, RH doesn't talk about release dates. They release when *THEY*
>> think it is ready.
>   Which is, sometimes, vastly different than when it *IS* ready. : )

This is why I also emphasized the *THEY*. ;-)



From: Markku Kolkka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux install restart
Date: 21 Mar 2001 19:57:21 +0200

> I just dowloaded Corel Linux. I curently run on my computer a dual boot 
> Win98 and Win2000.  I have two hard drives.  One is partitioned in C, E, F 
> (Win98)and second is D (Win2000). I deleted everything from F and reserved 
> it for Corel Linux.

Did you actually delete the partition (with fdisk), not just its
contents? You need free, unpartitioned disk space for the installation.

> I did reserved an empty partition (6GB) on the hard drive which is dedicated 
> to Linux

An empty Windows partition is useless for normal Linux installation.
You must delete the partition, so that the installation program can
create the Linux partitions in the free space.

        Markku Kolkka


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Best E-mail Client?
Reply-To: hauck[at]codem{dot}com
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:50:14 GMT

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001 02:05:09 +1200, Steve Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Manfred Bartz wrote:

>> Well, do you need all that stuff?  For email???
> Yes. I receive several e-mails that have the best and richest content
> when I can display HTML. Otherwide they are almost unreadable. 

I get quite a few spams that contain html that would redirect me to some
offshore porn or gambling site, presumably for the downloading of code
that'll be good for my computer.  I also get some that contain nothing
but a bit of javascript that executes some unknown binary code out of a

Basically, interpreting html in email is a bit dangerous, interpreting
javascript is asking to be hacked.  I guess I just don't care for
"function rich email".

 -| Bob Hauck
 -| Codem Systems, Inc.


From: Jeremiah DeWitt Weiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: question about mailing an excel file from linux ...
Date: 21 Mar 2001 18:05:02 GMT

Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK as far as it goes, but many Excel files I get or send have commas
> in the cells, so a .csv file is no good. 

        This is not really relevant to this group, but what the heck...
You can have commas in the content of a CSV if you quote the cell.  It just 
looks like this:
blah blah, woof woofa, "and this cell, not surprisingly, has commas"

        And yes, you can have quotes in a cell too -
"this cell says, ""hello"", don't you know"

        At least this is what Excel does, which is not to say it's necessarily



From: Thomas Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: terminal behavior after "man", "less", etc.
Date: 21 Mar 2001 18:09:13 GMT

Peter T. Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am going to add your comments to my .Xdefaults file!

man xterm (to long to quote in full):

     titeInhibit (class TiteInhibit)
             Specifies whether or not xterm should remove  remove
             ti  and  te terminfo entries (used to switch between
             alternate screens on startup of many screen-oriented
             programs)  from the TERM string.  If set, xterm also
             ignores the escape sequence to switch to the  alter-
             nate screen.

(hmm - that should be "termcap" here, not "terminfo")



From: "Tauno Voipio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Weird /proc/mtrr
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 18:13:04 GMT

"PoD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> The mtrr entry in /proc looks odd to me
> [root@localhost /root]# ls -l /proc/mtrr
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root           66 Mar 21 21:04 /proc/mtrr
> it contains
> reg00: base=0x00000000 (   0MB), size= 128MB: write-back, count=1
> reg01: base=0xe2000000 (3616MB), size=  32MB: write-combining, count=1
> every other entry (except kcore) has a size of 0
> Is it possible to create a normal file in /proc ?

/proc is *not* a normal directory, but a peephole into the kernel instead.
The 'files' and 'directories' in it are created by the kernel parts on the
fly. The directory contents is nowhere on the disk, so it is not possible to
create a file or subdirectory on it in the usual way.

It is perfectly normal that the file lengths are reported as zeroes, as the
file system does not know the read response length before the read is
performed. The 'contents' of a file is created by a suitable printf() inside
the kernel at the time of reading the file.

Tauno Voipio
tauno voipio @ iki fi


From: "Ozymandias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: hard driving constantly accessing like crazy - how can I find the culprit
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 19:18:20 +0100

what distro are you using ? and check the crondtabs and logs

really easy, greetz Ozy
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:_95u6.157176$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Lately i hear my hard drive accessing like crazy even when my computer is
> doing NOTHING as far as I can tell.  No one logged in, pratically all
> programs idle, system resources ~98%, etc.  How (if there is a way) can I
> find out what's constantly accessing my hard drive?  Thanks.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Best E-mail Client?
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 19:11:38 +0100

In comp.os.linux.misc John Beardmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter T. Breuer 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>There is no function served by html and java that is not covered by
>>ascii. After all, a human being has to receive it, and he doesn't speak
>>java or html.

> Stupid point.  None of the 'extensions' to standard email are intended 
> to be interpreted directly by people.  Plenty of packages do support 

If it isn't written, he won't be able to understand it in any formal

> html, embedded pictures etc -  I don't know about java.

Those are decorations, not information. 

They can send the decorations through the decorations protocol. Mail
is ostensibly intended for what human beings have taken the effort
to write for me.

> The more mail packages support this stuff,  the more pressure there will 
> be for new standards.

> With mime etc, is there even that much need for new standards ?

Not particularly. You can invent your own mime type.



Subject: Re: hard driving constantly accessing like crazy - how can I find the 
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 18:39:47 GMT

> Lately i hear my hard drive accessing like crazy even when my computer is
> doing NOTHING as far as I can tell.  No one logged in, pratically all
> programs idle, system resources ~98%, etc.  How (if there is a way) can I
> find out what's constantly accessing my hard drive?  Thanks.

What distro are you running?

Is there anything like the line below showing up in /var/log/messages?

VFS: Disk changed detected

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more W/U's than 99.125% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


From: "Ethan M. Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to disable the "call waiting feature" of the modem ?
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 13:43:37 -0500

No, just add *70, to your ISP number... so if your ISP dialup number is
5551234, you would put *70,5551234 (the comma produces a 1/2 second pause).

That's all the the Win9x checkbox does (insert that *70 thing)...

if you're still using pulse/rotary dialing (and you have a modem?) you can
dial 1170 instead...

this has nothing to do with linux or ppp or any other settings... it's a
function of the phone line.

"Stanislaw Flatto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Shaozheng Zhou wrote:
> > David Efflandt wrote:
> >
> > Dear David:
> >
> > That sounds very good idea. But where you get this idea from?
> What he suggested are insertions into "initialisation string" (sort of
config string)
> of the modem and are usually in the modem manual booklet.
> Stanislaw.
> >
> > And that is still not clear to me. How to get this effect from the
configuration of
> > control-panel==>add ppp interface==>...
> > How to configure from there?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Zhou


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: NYC LOCAL: Wednesday 21 March 2001 NYLUG: Len Santalucia on IBM's S/390 
GNU/Linux mainframe
Date: 21 Mar 2001 13:42:23 -0500

A few years ago, as free software was first seriously taking market share
away from source secret software in every single sector of the computer
business, it was often pointed out that the Movement needed money in order
to carry out our plan for World Domination.  Today, IBM is pitching in and
investing some of the billions that we'll be using to build yet more
powerful, convenient, and, as is our tradition, superbly marketed,
complete software solutions for the largest enterprise and for the home
user running an old 386, or, perhaps, a sleek hot-rodded Amiga.

Official NYLUG notice below.

Jay Sulzberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.


        *** New York Linux Users Group March 2001 Meeting ***
                        - -

            IBM zSeries Linux-based Mainframe a.k.a. the "S/390"
                        with Len Santalucia

IBM Headquarters Building
590 Madison Avenue at 57th Street
Check in at lobby for badge and room number


Credibility is a hard thing to come by. And when you have it, you don't
risk it recklessly. Microsoft has had great difficulty placing its
operating systems into the data centers of the Fortune 100 companies.
IBM has the trust of the Fortune 100.  And the operating system IBM now
runs across nearly its whole product line is Linux.

In December, IBM CEO Lou Gerstner announced a $1 billion investment in its
Linux initiative.  At the recent LinuxWorld Expo, IBM President and
COO Sam Palmisano called 2001 "the year Linux grows up in the enterprise."

Please join us for a talk with Len Santalucia, IBM Senior Consulting Sales
Specialist and Certified Professional. Find out why IBM is staking its
reputation on the Linux operating system, and IBM's plans for Linux on the
zSeries and System/390 Mainframe servers, and across the IBM product line.

About IBM...

IBM, is a vast organization, whose accomplishments are too many to mention
here. It not only brings credibility to Linux in the most cautious
companies, it has given the world the venerated System 360/370/390
Mainframe architectures, the RS6000 servers, and the Structured Query
Language (SQL) now in wide use everywhere.  On Wall Street, IBM puts the
blue in blue chip companies.

IBM is a valued NYLUG sponsor, providing us with many forms of support,
but most importantly, our meeting facilities at 590 Madison Avenue,
where it has maintained offices since 1938.

And then after the meeting... Join us around 8:15pm or so at the Typhoon
Brewery & Restaurant located at 22 East 54th Street between Madison and
5th Aves. Note - We don't find out until the day of the meeting if we have
the back room.

Please see our home page at for the HTMLized
version of this announcement, complete with graphics and additional
hyperlinks to related information.

March 2001 - The New York Linux Users Group,

Jim Gleason               VA Linux Systems
phone: 212-858-7684       President, New York Linux Users Group
fax: 212-858-7685


Subject: 'make config' utility
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 19:00:09 GMT

Hi everybody,

Well I am compiling 2.4.2 as we speak in hopes of getting my burner to
work, as well as 'upgrade' my kernel from 2.2.13.  I seem to remember a
utility that you could pick the options presented in 'make config' in a
form layout.  I wouldn't mind a console utility...  I run GNOME under
Slackware 7.0.

Done compiling, I just hope it boots now =)


root at


From: John in SD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: LILO 21.7 patches issued (8-Mar, & 20-Mar)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 19:05:52 GMT

Change Log at:

LILO 21.7 patches issued, primarily to add disk controllers new to the 2.4.2


LILO version 21.7 (24-Feb-2001) source at
patches to -2 at



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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