Linux-Misc Digest #594, Volume #27               Fri, 13 Apr 01 13:13:02 EDT

  Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!! (Anonymous)
  Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!! (Anonymous)
  Re: Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!! ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Xconfigurator help. ("Kenny@BUI")
  Re: unmounting /usr - how to? ("ekkis")
  Re: how to install 2 kernal in redhat 6.2? (J Hayward)
  Re: Xconfigurator help. ("Kenny@BUI")
  Re: [HELP] mount cdrom ("Kenny@BUI")
  Re: unmounting /usr - how to? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!! (Anonymous)
  Thank You Sc...! (Query_String)
  Re: Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!! ("Peter T. Breuer")
  technical question, please help, about browsers (Jason)


Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 09:33:47 -0500
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!!
From: Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

I would really appreciate some assistance and follow up.  Configuration
details are below.  And my thanks in advance to all that reply.

We have several new Supermicro 6010 L\H series servers.  They work fine
until you add more than 2 DIMMs ram.  Then for the life of us we can not
keep them running.  See the set up information below.  They are more
stable under a 2.2 kernel than a 2.4 kernel but not entirely so.  Also,
we run Netfilter and MySQL so being able to take advantage of the 2.4
kernel is a priority.

Once installed they will not compile anything without seg faults and
core dumps.  They kernel panics about every 4 to 8 hours and we have
been unable to figure out what is going on.

We get this on different machines and we have tried lots of processor,
ram and drive substitutions.

I have made sure that APM is on in the BIOS and CAS is set to 3.  I have
been administrating linux for 3 years now but only on single
processor/IDE machines.  So I am at a complete loss.

Is there anything else I might be missing?  Distro, Ram, BIOS???

Scott ES

Configurations are:
Supermicro 6010 L\H (H is a dual channel scsi, L is single)
 BIOS set to Optimal Settings (APM must be on or it will not install)

Hardware additions: (all items were bought at the same time from one
 SMP Intel 833's running at 133mhz fsb
 Reg ECC 128's or 256's (Micron chips on 3rd party silicon)
 IBM 9GB, 18GB, and 36GB SCA Ultra 160's

Kernel's have been compiled with variations of the following:
 Monolithic and Modulated.
 Kernels 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.3-ac4, 2.4.4-pre1
 MTRR support on and off
 4GB memory support
 SererWorks IDE Chipset
 USB on and off
 APM on and off
 AIC7XXX drivers (old and new including the latest 6.1.11)
  With and without Luns
  5000 ms Initial bus reset delay
 Netfilter on and off
 QOS on and off

Compilers used:


All other patches are current. (libstdc++, etc)

  --------== Posted Anonymously via Newsfeeds.Com ==-------
     Featuring the worlds only Anonymous Usenet Server
    -----------== ==----------


Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 09:45:35 -0500
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!!
From: Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

I would really appreciate some assistance and follow up.  Configuration
details are below.  And my thanks in advance to all that reply.

We have several new Supermicro 6010 L\H series servers.  They work fine
until you add more than 2 DIMMs ram.  Then for the life of us we can not
keep them running.  See the set up information below.  They are more
stable under a 2.2 kernel than a 2.4 kernel but not entirely so.  Also,
we run Netfilter and MySQL so being able to take advantage of the 2.4
kernel is a priority.

Once installed they will not compile anything without seg faults and
core dumps.  They kernel panics about every 4 to 8 hours and we have
been unable to figure out what is going on.

We get this on different machines and we have tried lots of processor,
ram and drive substitutions.

I have made sure that APM is on in the BIOS and CAS is set to 3.  I have
been administrating linux for 3 years now but only on single
processor/IDE machines.  So I am at a complete loss.

Is there anything else I might be missing?  Distro, Ram, BIOS???

Scott ES

Configurations are:
Supermicro 6010 L\H (H is a dual channel scsi, L is single)
 BIOS set to Optimal Settings (APM must be on or it will not install)

Hardware additions: (all items were bought at the same time from one
 SMP Intel 833's running at 133mhz fsb
 Reg ECC 128's or 256's (Micron chips on 3rd party silicon)
 IBM 9GB, 18GB, and 36GB SCA Ultra 160's

Kernel's have been compiled with variations of the following:
 Monolithic and Modulated.
 Kernels 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.3-ac4, 2.4.4-pre1
 MTRR support on and off
 4GB memory support
 SererWorks IDE Chipset
 USB on and off
 APM on and off
 AIC7XXX drivers (old and new including the latest 6.1.11)
  With and without Luns
  5000 ms Initial bus reset delay
 Netfilter on and off
 QOS on and off

Compilers used:


All other patches are current. (libstdc++, etc)

  --------== Posted Anonymously via Newsfeeds.Com ==-------
     Featuring the worlds only Anonymous Usenet Server
    -----------== ==----------


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!!
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 16:56:35 +0200

In comp.os.linux.misc Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have several new Supermicro 6010 L\H series servers.  They work fine
> until you add more than 2 DIMMs ram.  Then for the life of us we can not
> keep them running.  See the set up information below.  They are more

> Once installed they will not compile anything without seg faults and
> core dumps.  They kernel panics about every 4 to 8 hours and we have

Set the bios to very conservative values ..  and check that the mobo
accepts the type of ram you have. 

> I have made sure that APM is on in the BIOS and CAS is set to 3.  I have

ON! You mean OFF, don't you? You can't have APM in an SMP machine.

> Is there anything else I might be missing?  Distro, Ram, BIOS???

It's purely a hardware question. The O/S does not touch the ram

> Configurations are:
>  SMP Intel 833's running at 133mhz fsb

Drop the speed a bit. You need to find a stable configuration, then
vary one parameter at a time.

>  Reg ECC 128's or 256's (Micron chips on 3rd party silicon)
>  IBM 9GB, 18GB, and 36GB SCA Ultra 160's

> Kernel's have been compiled with variations of the following:
>  Monolithic and Modulated.
>  Kernels 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.3-ac4, 2.4.4-pre1
>  SMP
>  MTRR support on and off
>  4GB memory support

You don't want that.

>  SererWorks IDE Chipset

IDE turned OFF in the bios, no?

>  USB on and off

If you can turn it off, turn it off. Also , no IRQ for neither
VGA nor USB, please.

>  APM on and off

OFF is correct.

>  AIC7XXX drivers (old and new including the latest 6.1.11)

Could be that. You'll have to take the board out to find out!

>   With and without Luns
>   5000 ms Initial bus reset delay
>  Netfilter on and off
>  QOS on and off

> Compilers used:
>  kgcc-1.1.2-40

That's right.

>  gcc-2.96-69

That's wrong. Don't use it.



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Xconfigurator help.
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 11:20:29 -0400

thank you. i will try your suggestion.

"LittleFish" <littlefish_au[SPAM ME AT YOUR OWN RISK]> wrote in
message news:S3CB6.2193$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> edit the XF86Config file in ect/ uncomment the NO_ACELL option(Remove the
> in you video driver bit  SAVE IT and restart Linux and presto it should
> great!!!!!
> Littlefish
> "Craig Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > "Kenny@BUI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > hello,
> > > we just upgraded to from 6.2 to 7.0.
> > > the thing would not display properly. we are trying to use
> to
> > > fix the problem. it appears that the monitor is being detected but
> we
> > > type startx the
> > > screen does not refresh properly. the icons are there but you have to
> put
> > > the mouse over them for them to appear. there are also lines all over
> the
> > > screen. looks like the tile effect in win98.
> >
> > 7.0 uses XFree86 4.0.2, while 6.2 uses XFree86-3.x -- you may want to
> > downgrade your X11 server to the older one so that it works again.
> >
> > --
> > It won't be long before the CPU is a card in a slot on your ATX
> > Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: "ekkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat.misc,redhat.general
Subject: Re: unmounting /usr - how to?
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 08:25:50 -0700

"Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> It is also usual to perform a "pivot" operation here. I.e. copy /usr/
> to another partition, reboot to use the other partition instead, then
> shrink the original partition, then reboot again to use the original
> partition, now shrunken.
> Peter

hmm... from what you're saying it sounds as though parted doesn't save the
information in a partition when you resize it... the docs don't state that
it does and I've not found anyone who's used it that can tell me whether it
does... if it doesn't, I'm kinda screwed since I'll be coming full circle
(see conversation below).  Just as a short backgrounder:  my intent is to
eliminate all but 1 partition in the hard disk (the one where / is mounted).
to do this I mean to start with /usr...

"Floyd Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Become root, and go to single user mode first, with "init s". Then
> do:
>      mkdir /u1
>      cp -a /usr /u1
>      mv /usr /u2
>      mv /u1/usr /usr
>      umount /dev/hda5
>      rmdir /u2
>      mount -t ext2 /dev/hda5 /u1
> You can now return to multiuser mode, with "init 5" or whatever
> is appropriate for your particular Linux distribution.  Before
> deleting files on /dev/hda5 (now mounted on /u1), make sure that
> things are working OK with the new /usr directory.  Once you are
> satisfied that all is well you can rm the files, just reformat
> the filesystem, or whatever.

too cool.  thx!  ok... since I don't have enough room on / to move /usr's
contents I'll have to shrink /usr and give the space to /.  the docs for
parted don't specifically state it but I imagine a resize kesps data.  if
this isn't the case, please someone scream!

here's my layout:

(parted) print
Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0.000-19623.515 megabytes
Disk label type: msdos
Minor    Start       End     Type      Filesystem  Flags
1          0.031     23.532  primary   ext2        boot
2         23.533  19618.439  extended
5         23.563   8958.120  logical   ext2
6       8958.151  17892.707  logical   ext2
7      17892.738  18151.567  logical   ext2
8      18151.598  18410.427  logical   ext2
9      18410.458  18669.287  logical   linux-swap

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda8               256667     83514    159901  35% /
/dev/hda5              9005272   3280128   5267696  39% /usr

and what I mean to do.

parted# resize 5 23.563  4490.842
parted# move 6 4490.873 13425.429
parted# move 7 13425.460 13684.289
parted# resize 8 13684.320 18410.427

does the above seem reasonable?

1k thx - e


From: J Hayward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to install 2 kernal in redhat 6.2?
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 08:29:47 -0700


Try this:

        Jim H

percy wrote:

> hi,
>   how to install 2 kernal in redhat 6.2?
> thanks
> --


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Xconfigurator help.
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 11:37:46 -0400

i cannot find that line in my XF86Config line.

> edit the XF86Config file in ect/ uncomment the NO_ACELL option> in you
video driver bit  SAVE IT and restart Linux and presto it should work
> great!!!!!
> Littlefish
> "Craig Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > "Kenny@BUI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > hello,
> > > we just upgraded to from 6.2 to 7.0.
> > > the thing would not display properly. we are trying to use
> to
> > > fix the problem. it appears that the monitor is being detected but
> we
> > > type startx the
> > > screen does not refresh properly. the icons are there but you have to
> put
> > > the mouse over them for them to appear. there are also lines all over
> the
> > > screen. looks like the tile effect in win98.
> >
> > 7.0 uses XFree86 4.0.2, while 6.2 uses XFree86-3.x -- you may want to
> > downgrade your X11 server to the older one so that it works again.
> >
> > --
> > It won't be long before the CPU is a card in a slot on your ATX
> > Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: [HELP] mount cdrom
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 11:42:51 -0400



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat.misc,redhat.general
Subject: Re: unmounting /usr - how to?
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 17:51:13 +0200

In comp.os.linux.misc ekkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> It is also usual to perform a "pivot" operation here. I.e. copy /usr/
>> to another partition, reboot to use the other partition instead, then
>> shrink the original partition, then reboot again to use the original
>> partition, now shrunken.

> hmm... from what you're saying it sounds as though parted doesn't save the
> information in a partition when you resize it... the docs don't state that

?? Parted certainly maintains the file system data and structure, if that's
what you mean. It certainly does not maintain what is usually known as "the
partition information", because that's what it changes!

> it does and I've not found anyone who's used it that can tell me whether it

??  That's the whole point of the utility.  What would be the point
otherwise?  You can resize the partition with fdisk and mke2fs if you
don't care about the filesystem inside!

> does... if it doesn't, I'm kinda screwed since I'll be coming full circle
> (see conversation below).  Just as a short backgrounder:  my intent is to
> eliminate all but 1 partition in the hard disk (the one where / is mounted).

This is a very bad idea.

> to do this I mean to start with /usr...

/ and /usr shoudl be separate, and both should be separate from
/var. You need only about 32MB for /, so give yourself 64MB and you'll
never have to resize it. /var of course has to be separate from both,
as it's readwrite and highly "variable", whereas the others are
readonly (thank goodness) and highly static. Then you need a separate
area for /home ... this contains all your own files. Folks who compile
their own stuff also maintain a separate /usr/local area. I also
maintain /spare (a copy of the root FS .. very useful when something
goes wrong with /) and /opt (for large packages .. can be symlinked to
/usr/local/share ..) and a separate area for real users, not the ftp,
www, stuff. It's useful to cut the space up into 2GB chunks if you have
more, as you don't want to be around when a fs of over 2GB gets fscked,
or lose one of more than that size, or backup one of more than that
size ...

> "Floyd Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
[pivot operation, with cheat via mv to maintain open inodes while
changing filesystem names]



Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 11:15:36 -0500
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!!
From: Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for responding Peter.  I have some notes on your responses below.

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
> In comp.os.linux.misc Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We have several new Supermicro 6010 L\H series servers.  They work fine
> > until you add more than 2 DIMMs ram.  Then for the life of us we can not
> > keep them running.  See the set up information below.  They are more
> > Once installed they will not compile anything without seg faults and
> > core dumps.  They kernel panics about every 4 to 8 hours and we have
> Set the bios to very conservative values ..  and check that the mobo
> accepts the type of ram you have.
> > I have made sure that APM is on in the BIOS and CAS is set to 3.  I have
> ON! You mean OFF, don't you? You can't have APM in an SMP machine.

It gets worse if it is off.  I only detect 64MB of the 512MB to 1024MB. 

> > Is there anything else I might be missing?  Distro, Ram, BIOS???
> It's purely a hardware question. The O/S does not touch the ram
> directly.
> > Configurations are:
> >  SMP Intel 833's running at 133mhz fsb
> Drop the speed a bit. You need to find a stable configuration, then
> vary one parameter at a time.
> >  Reg ECC 128's or 256's (Micron chips on 3rd party silicon)
> >  IBM 9GB, 18GB, and 36GB SCA Ultra 160's
> > Kernel's have been compiled with variations of the following:
> >  Monolithic and Modulated.
> >  Kernels 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.3-ac4, 2.4.4-pre1
> >  SMP
> >  MTRR support on and off
> >  4GB memory support
> You don't want that.

On the 1024MB machines I get the following warning in the dmesg:
Can only detect 824MB of Ram.  Try recompiling with 4GB support. 

> >  SererWorks IDE Chipset
> IDE turned OFF in the bios, no?

Not for the CD-Rom drives.

> >  USB on and off
> If you can turn it off, turn it off. Also , no IRQ for neither
> VGA nor USB, please.
> >  APM on and off
> OFF is correct.
> >  AIC7XXX drivers (old and new including the latest 6.1.11)
> Could be that. You'll have to take the board out to find out!

These are on-board chipsets.

> >   With and without Luns
> >   5000 ms Initial bus reset delay
> >  Netfilter on and off
> >  QOS on and off
> > Compilers used:
> >  kgcc-1.1.2-40
> That's right.
> >  gcc-2.96-69
> That's wrong. Don't use it.
> Peter

Scott England-Sullivan
Dir. MIS
InterHost USA, Inc.
901 A South Neil Street
Champaign, IL  61820
W. 217-403-1120

  --------== Posted Anonymously via Newsfeeds.Com ==-------
     Featuring the worlds only Anonymous Usenet Server
    -----------== ==----------


From: Query_String <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Thank You Sc...!
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 16:25:53 GMT

You helped me with a data loss problem, here's the
thank you followup.

  doc title 'An ext2 Data Recovery Story'

There's also a rehashed 'Lilo Fun' for all.

Critique welcome, flamethrowers stand down.

Suse-7.0, Kernel-2.2.18/2.4.2-4, ReiserFS, Asus-Tx97,
i200mmx, 64ram, Voodoo3-2000, hp6L, hp7550i, 
ibm34L1201nic, SbLive, usr56kV.
Remove all characters that may 
appear between may01 and @ to otherwise use 
normally until that date.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!!
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 16:39:26 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for responding Peter.  I have some notes on your responses below.

> "Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
>> In comp.os.linux.misc Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > We have several new Supermicro 6010 L\H series servers.  They work fine
>> > until you add more than 2 DIMMs ram.  Then for the life of us we can not
>> > keep them running.  See the set up information below.  They are more
>> > Once installed they will not compile anything without seg faults and
>> > core dumps.  They kernel panics about every 4 to 8 hours and we have
>> Set the bios to very conservative values ..  and check that the mobo
>> accepts the type of ram you have.
>> > I have made sure that APM is on in the BIOS and CAS is set to 3.  I have
>> ON! You mean OFF, don't you? You can't have APM in an SMP machine.

> It gets worse if it is off.  I only detect 64MB of the 512MB to 1024MB. 

That merely tells you that the bios is not compliant, and that
you should not attempt to use it at all, still less for "memory detection"! 

Define the amount of memory you want to be seen in the boot parameters
of the kernel, but leave APM off. It is not compatible with SMP.

>> >  4GB memory support
>> You don't want that.

> On the 1024MB machines I get the following warning in the dmesg:
> Can only detect 824MB of Ram.  Try recompiling with 4GB support. 

Certainly the normal memory split allows you to put in up to about
950MB (1GB minus kernel minus indirection page tables). You shouldn't
need to change that unless you have about 1GB, and you shouldn't be
putting in 1GB just to do basic testing with! get to the basic stable
configuration, and then change things one at a time ...

> Not for the CD-Rom drives.

Take 'em out and turn off IDE: You have t get to a stable configuration
before you can begin testing variations.  If that means just ram plus
cpu plus mobo, so be it.
>> OFF is correct.
>> >  AIC7XXX drivers (old and new including the latest 6.1.11)
>> Could be that. You'll have to take the board out to find out!

> These are on-board chipsets.

Disable it. Onboard stuff is always flakey.

You must get to a stable configuration. It's not use saying of a heap
of devices that they don't work together! It doesn't help you diagnose
anything. You have to start with zero, and add one thing at a time
until you find the ONE addition that causes the instability.

Developing a surefire test for the instability would also be useful.
When I have had pci instabilities in the past, I have alsways found
that an ssh over the net would kill the machine, for example.
Memory problems in themselves tend to be shown up by kernel
compilations. CPU and DMA problems also are evoked by compilations.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux
Subject: technical question, please help, about browsers
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 08:48:50 -0400

If this is the wrong newsgroup, sorry.
Hi, I have an important question, I'm not trying to cause trouble, but
why is it that Internet Explorer  for Microsoft runs so much faster than
any browser on Linux?  It is very horrible to browse from Linux.
Netscape is soooooo slow and the buttons on forms are ugly, pages
flicker when you scroll down.  I've used Linux and OpenBSD for a couple
of years and I never play games or browse from Linux/BSD except for an
occassional quake2  game.
I have only browsed on Linux with Netscape, I haven't tried Mozilla on
Linux, but I would think that they would be similar.  I've ran Mozilla
on Windows, and it seems slow also.  I thought that the problem could be
the way that X was designed, but I disregarded that after seeing Mozilla
on Windows.  Could it be because Microsoft knows there product better
than anyone else so they have incorpated good code or something?  And
why did the Unix/linux people choose to use those UGLY buttons, you guys
know what I'm talking about.  They look so nice on Windows, is there any
certain reason why the y used different buttons?  Are there any other
good browsers for Linux? I know I could use Lynx(which I use all the
time since my pentium 150 laptop runs slackware), but I can't reach many
sites because of javascript or stuff like that.  And why do the pages
flicker when I scroll down a web site?  On Internet explorer, it just
moves smoothly down.  I'm not sure if this broswer problem is related to
X, the actual browser or the OS, but I would like this issue to be
addressed and maybe we can fix it.
Oh, one more thing, I've always compared slow windows machines (AMD k6-2
300) with 64 MB of RAM with Linux 2.2(celeron 700 with 256 MB RAM) and
windows browsing was faster, smoother and flickerless.
Jason Toy



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