Linux-Misc Digest #595, Volume #27               Fri, 13 Apr 01 15:13:02 EDT

  Re: Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!! ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Configuring The Time (Francis Litterio)
  Re: Kernel 2.4.1 and StarOffice (Colin Pinkney)
  Re: technical question, please help, about browsers ("Wayne Osborn")
  Re: bell south (Thomas Corriher)
  screen/keyboard freeze, cpu keeps going with RH7 (Alex Hart)
  Re: technical question, please help, about browsers ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: technical question, please help, about browsers (Jason)
  Re: technical question, please help, about browsers (LinuxBear)
  Re: technical question, please help, about browsers (LinuxBear)
  Re: technical question, please help, about browsers (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: bell south (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Blank screen ("Michael Jakscht")
  Re: technical question, please help, about browsers ("Wayne Osborn")


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Supermicro 6010 + (3to4 DIMMS) + RH 7 + 2.4 = HELP!!
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 18:53:12 +0200

In comp.os.linux.misc Peter T. Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In comp.os.linux.hardware Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks for responding Peter.  I have some notes on your responses below.
>> "Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
> Define the amount of memory you want to be seen in the boot parameters
> of the kernel, but leave APM off. It is not compatible with SMP.

BTW, you don't need to recompile for this. It's "apm=off" and
"apci=off" as I recall, from pm.txt in 2.4.0's Documentation
dir, and the source.

The BootPrompt HOWTO is being left behind ...

>> These are on-board chipsets.

> Disable it. Onboard stuff is always flakey.

You can also do that with boot params, I think, though I don't know
how .. the code isn't transparant. 



From: Francis Litterio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Configuring The Time
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 17:21:10 GMT

mpierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> My system has the time incorrectly set. I'm in Melbourne Australia which
> is GMT +10. Can someone tell me what program I need to access to correctly
> set the time? (Resetting from within KDE does not reset the time correctly
> on reboot.)

As root, the command "date 041314302001" sets the time known by the
system software (which I'll call "software time" from now on) to 2:30 PM,
April 13, 2001.  That string of numbers breaks down like this:

        0413    => April 13
        1430    => 2:30 PM
        2001    => The year (which is optional)

You should also set your timezone by copying the file


The above actions set the software time, BUT ...

The time is also stored in your motherboard's hardware clock (which I'll
call "hardware time" from now on).  The above "date" command does not set
the hardware time.  If you set your software time but not your hardware
time, then the next time you boot Linux, the software time will revert to
the hardware time (though the timezone will remain unchanged, since
that's controlled by the file /etc/localtime).

To set your hardware time to be the same as your software time, type the
above date command and then type this (as root):

        hwclock --systohc

This "burns" the current software time into the hardware clock, so that
after a reboot, the software time is still correct.

Once you get your time set correctly using the above steps, you have to
worry about software clock drift.  Linux keeps time by having the CPU
generate a "clock interrupt" periodically.  If device drivers mask
interrupts for too long (the framebuffer driver is known to do this),
then your software clock runs slow, sometimes by minutes per day.  The
best solution to this is to run an NTP (Network Time Protocol) daemon
that will keep your clock in sync with a server on the net.

See for source code and documentation for an Open
Source NTP daemon.

You also have to worry about hardware clock drift.  Motherboard clocks
often run slow, losing seconds or minutes per week.  The best way to
avoid this is to run an NTP daemon to keep your software time accurate
and have your boot scripts run "hwclock --systohc" whenever you halt your

I hope this helps.
Francis Litterio


From: Colin Pinkney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Kernel 2.4.1 and StarOffice
Date: 13 Apr 2001 17:25:33 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc rolf minder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
> i have had the same problem with kernel 2.2.18.

> in the directory-list i have had the following entrys

> /root
> /usr
> ....
> /windows/G
> /windows/H
> ...

> i must change it to
> /root
> /usr
> ...
> /windows/g
> /windows/h
> ....

> after this change i can write with staroffice to the vfat disk

> i hope you have success.

Thanks for the suggestions, but sadly none have worked so far. I
upgraded to kernel 2.4.3 and StarOffice still cannot save to a fat
partition. My Zip drive (with disks formatted as 16bit fat) is mounted
under /zip but StarOffice can't save to that either. I also tried
mounting my win98 and zip partitions as umsdos but it can't save to
those either. But absolutely everything else is fine. If I reboot with
kernel 2.2.13 then StarOffice works ok, but I need the latest kernel
for other things. I don't get it.

Colin Pinkney
======== 3rd Year Warwick University Computer Science Undergraduate =========
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Web Site:
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* "I am ready to go anywhere, provided it be forward" *-*-*


From: "Wayne Osborn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: technical question, please help, about browsers
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 01:34:59 +0800
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux


> If this is the wrong newsgroup, sorry. Hi, I have an important question,
> I'm not trying to cause trouble, but why is it that Internet Explorer 
> for Microsoft runs so much faster than any browser on Linux?  It is very
> horrible to browse from Linux. Netscape is soooooo slow and the buttons



I use the following linux apps and find each very fast and user friendly:

Browser: Opera 5.0b7 
Mail: Balsa 1.1.3
News: Pan 0.9.6

I had used Netscape for many years, lost interest when "updated" to
Netscape 6 for Windows (what a disapointment!). Netscape 6 for Linux also sucks the 
big preverbial.

I then tried Opera for Windows and loved it! Note: The Linux
version of Opera does not provide Mail/News clients, the Windows
version does.

Last month I retired my Win-Box and leaped fulltime into Linux. I now run Win4Lin
to cater for my Win Apps that I need (accounting, compilers, assemblers

Life is much better now!

Be Excellent To Each Other.

  |\                                         \
  | +-----------------------------------------+
  | |                                         |
  | | +-------------------------------------+ |
 _| | |                                     | |
|\| | |Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guiness)  | |
| | | |kernel 2.2.16-22.3.win4lin on an i686| |
| | | |                                     | |
| | | |Login: dnar                          | |
| | | |Password: ******                     | |
| | | |                                     | |
| | | |You have mail!                       | |
| | | |To reply: Remove 308 from dnar308    | |
\ | | |                                     | |
 \| | |Wayne Osborn, DNA Research           | |
  | | |Perth, Western Australia             | |
  | | |                                     | |
  | | |[[EMAIL PROTECTED]] $                | |
  | | |                                     | |
  | | +-------------------------------------+ |
  \ |                                         |
   \|                     oooo         O      |
      |\  o  oooo  oooo  oooo   ooo   = = =  \
       \\  ooooooooooooooooooo   ooo   oooo   \
        \\  ooooooooooooooooooo   ooo   oooo   \
         \\  ooooooooooooooooooo         oooo   \
          \\  ooooooooooooooooooo    o    oooo   \
           \\  ooo===========ooooo   ooo   oooo   \


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Corriher)
Subject: Re: bell south
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], abuse@[]
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 17:44:02 GMT

On Mon, 09 Apr 2001 23:18:27 GMT, jack wallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>has anyone been able to get bell south to work with linux?  i currently
>have had an @home connection for nearly two years and am going to move.
>unfortunately the @home service has had a meltdown in our area and are
>allow next to no new connections.  
>if anyone's managed to get bell south to work with Linux could you fill
>me in on what kind of hardware you were given and if there were any
>tricks you had to pull off?

I would recommend that you do not use Bellsouth, unless you
enjoy spending your time on the telephone with idiots, and
enjoy getting LOTS of spam.  Especially stay away from them
if you want DSL.

Read about Bellsouth's "screw the customer" policy:,4586,2695633,00.html

  The real email address is:
  tcorriher at earthlink.


From: Alex Hart <>
Subject: screen/keyboard freeze, cpu keeps going with RH7
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 17:51:55 GMT

I have a new IBM a21e with a 15in screen.

I installed Red Hat 7 and I keep running into a problem. When I use it
for a little while, suddenly the screen freezes up. The mouse still
moves on the screen, but it can't do anything. The keyboard doesn't
affect anything on the screen except for the built in function keys
(i.e. sleep mode, shut down hard drive).

But the computer still functions. If I am running a program, or ftping
something, it keeps going after the crash.

I have to do a hard boot to do anything.

I cannot install RH6 (6.1 or 6.2) because the drivers for my computer
don't seem to be on the disks.

Can anyone give me some advice as to what is breaking? Does this seem
like a Xfree86 problem? I've tried reinstalling xfree 4 from the source,
with no luck. Any ideas?

- Alex Hart


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: technical question, please help, about browsers
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 20:08:44 +0200

In comp.os.linux.misc Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I have an important question, I'm not trying to cause trouble, but

No you don't.

> why is it that Internet Explorer  for Microsoft runs so much faster than

It doesn't. Tried konqueror? Opera? The latest mozilla build? Grail?
Amaya? Etc. Etc.

> any browser on Linux?  It is very horrible to browse from Linux.

No it isn't, not that I have any wish to browse.

> Netscape is soooooo slow and the buttons on forms are ugly, pages

It's the same as always. If you have its internal disk cache set, it may
be slow. If you have your dns fouled up, it may be slow. Why don't you
stop beating your wife?

> flicker when you scroll down.  I've used Linux and OpenBSD for a couple

The rendering is not of much interest to me! I prefer lynx, so I don't
see the images.

> I have only browsed on Linux with Netscape, I haven't tried Mozilla on

where does the "any" in "any browser" in your question come from?

> sites because of javascript or stuff like that.  And why do the pages

Oh I can. If they truly need a shockwave plugin to get somewhere, I
send a letetr to the site manager, with a cronjob set to repeat every
day until they respond.

> flicker when I scroll down a web site?  On Internet explorer, it just

Flicker? People have the stangest hangups. I couldn't care less about

> windows browsing was faster, smoother and flickerless.

Your hangup.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: technical question, please help, about browsers
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 10:09:37 -0400

I've been using linux natively for a while(excepyt for browsing and gaming), but I'm 
not familiar with
win4lin.  Is that like wine(, the windows emulator?  Can you run native 
windows apps in
linux?    Is it open source or cost money? Actually, the important question for me, 
can I play
startcraft with it?  Last year, I was really into wine, helping out the developers to 
get wine working
with startcraft, but it was going to slow and needed more developers, but i don't know 
the status of
it now.  Thanks.  I'll try opera.

Wayne Osborn wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > If this is the wrong newsgroup, sorry. Hi, I have an important question,
> > I'm not trying to cause trouble, but why is it that Internet Explorer
> > for Microsoft runs so much faster than any browser on Linux?  It is very
> > horrible to browse from Linux. Netscape is soooooo slow and the buttons
> <snip>
> Try:
> I use the following linux apps and find each very fast and user friendly:
> Browser: Opera 5.0b7
> Mail: Balsa 1.1.3
> News: Pan 0.9.6
> I had used Netscape for many years, lost interest when "updated" to
> Netscape 6 for Windows (what a disapointment!). Netscape 6 for Linux also sucks the 
>big preverbial.
> I then tried Opera for Windows and loved it! Note: The Linux
> version of Opera does not provide Mail/News clients, the Windows
> version does.
> Last month I retired my Win-Box and leaped fulltime into Linux. I now run Win4Lin
> to cater for my Win Apps that I need (accounting, compilers, assemblers
> etc).
> Life is much better now!
> --
> Be Excellent To Each Other.
>    __________________________________________
>   |\                                         \
>   | +-----------------------------------------+
>   | |                                         |
>   | | +-------------------------------------+ |
>  _| | |                                     | |
> |\| | |Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guiness)  | |
> | | | |kernel 2.2.16-22.3.win4lin on an i686| |
> | | | |                                     | |
> | | | |Login: dnar                          | |
> | | | |Password: ******                     | |
> | | | |                                     | |
> | | | |You have mail!                       | |
> | | | |To reply: Remove 308 from dnar308    | |
> \ | | |                                     | |
>  \| | |Wayne Osborn, DNA Research           | |
>   | | |Perth, Western Australia             | |
>   | | |                                     | |
>   | | |[[EMAIL PROTECTED]] $                | |
>   | | |                                     | |
>   | | +-------------------------------------+ |
>   \ |                                         |
>    \|                     oooo         O      |
>     +-----------------------------------------+
>        ______________________________________
>       |\  o  oooo  oooo  oooo   ooo   = = =  \
>        \\  ooooooooooooooooooo   ooo   oooo   \
>         \\  ooooooooooooooooooo   ooo   oooo   \
>          \\  ooooooooooooooooooo         oooo   \
>           \\  ooooooooooooooooooo    o    oooo   \
>            \\  ooo===========ooooo   ooo   oooo   \
>             `======================================


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux
From: LinuxBear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: technical question, please help, about browsers
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 14:19:21 -0400

On Sat, 14 Apr 2001, Wayne Osborn wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > If this is the wrong newsgroup, sorry. Hi, I have an important question,
> > I'm not trying to cause trouble, but why is it that Internet Explorer
> > for Microsoft runs so much faster than any browser on Linux?  It is very
> > horrible to browse from Linux. Netscape is soooooo slow and the buttons
> <snip>
> Try:
> I use the following linux apps and find each very fast and user friendly:
> Browser: Opera 5.0b7
> Mail: Balsa 1.1.3
> News: Pan 0.9.6

don`t you find the ads on opera 5 extremely annoying? It is a great
bwoser but the only reason I don`t use it is those ads. Once they come
out with opera 5 final I will probably buy it.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

Arthur C. Clarke



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux
From: LinuxBear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: technical question, please help, about browsers
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 14:20:45 -0400

On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Peter T. Breuer wrote:

> In comp.os.linux.misc Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, I have an important question, I'm not trying to cause trouble, but
> No you don't.
> > why is it that Internet Explorer  for Microsoft runs so much faster than
> It doesn't. Tried konqueror? Opera? The latest mozilla build? Grail?
> Amaya? Etc. Etc.
> > any browser on Linux?  It is very horrible to browse from Linux.
> No it isn't, not that I have any wish to browse.
> > Netscape is soooooo slow and the buttons on forms are ugly, pages
> It's the same as always. If you have its internal disk cache set, it may
> be slow. If you have your dns fouled up, it may be slow. Why don't you
> stop beating your wife?
> > flicker when you scroll down.  I've used Linux and OpenBSD for a couple
> The rendering is not of much interest to me! I prefer lynx, so I don't
> see the images.
> > I have only browsed on Linux with Netscape, I haven't tried Mozilla on
> where does the "any" in "any browser" in your question come from?
> > sites because of javascript or stuff like that.  And why do the pages
> Oh I can. If they truly need a shockwave plugin to get somewhere, I
> send a letetr to the site manager, with a cronjob set to repeat every
> day until they respond.
> > flicker when I scroll down a web site?  On Internet explorer, it just
> Flicker? People have the stangest hangups. I couldn't care less about
> flicker!
> > windows browsing was faster, smoother and flickerless.
> Your hangup.
> Peter

gee Peter you are such a big help, and so charming too


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

Arthur C. Clarke



From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: technical question, please help, about browsers
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 14:29:26 -0400

Jason wrote:
> If this is the wrong newsgroup, sorry.

You might consider newsgroup Communicator for Unix on the (secure) news server.

> Hi, I have an important question, I'm not trying to cause trouble, but
> why is it that Internet Explorer  for Microsoft runs so much faster than
> any browser on Linux?  It is very horrible to browse from Linux.
> Netscape is soooooo slow and the buttons on forms are ugly, pages
> flicker when you scroll down.  I've used Linux and OpenBSD for a couple
> of years and I never play games or browse from Linux/BSD except for an
> occassional quake2  game.

I do not have that trouble with either of my machines. This one is
very fast (dual 550 MHz Pentium IIIs, 512 MBytes 100 MHz ECC SDRAM,
two 10,000rpm hard drives on Ultra-2 SCSI adapter, etc.), but my other
machine has only 64 Megabyte of 70ns SDRAM, 2 IDE 5400 rpm hard
drives, one 166 MHz Pentium. My other machine is quite a bit slower
than this one. When I click on the Netscape icon for this machine, it
comes up in about 1.6 seconds, whereas on the other machine, it takes
about 16 seconds. Even on the slow machine, though, my major problem
is the delay through my 56.6K dial-up modem, and even that is usually
not running anywhere near flat out because the servers at the other
end are slow. I can get 10K bytes/second through my dial-up link
sometimes when the source can be hardware compressed.

This machine has a Matrox G200 video card with 8 megabytes RAM. The
other machine had an ATI 64 something or other video board until it
gave up after 5 years, so now it has an ATI Xpert 98 video card with 8
Megabytes RAM.

Is your machine especially slow? Is your X window system properly
configured? Have you enough memory? 

Once in a great while, when I boot my old system, the BIOS reports
only 32 MBytes RAM. When the machine runs that way, Netscape runs just
awful as it is thrashing to swap. If your machine has less than 64
Megabytes, I suggest you get more.

> I have only browsed on Linux with Netscape, I haven't tried Mozilla on
> Linux, but I would think that they would be similar.  I've ran Mozilla
> on Windows, and it seems slow also.  I thought that the problem could be
> the way that X was designed, but I disregarded that after seeing Mozilla
> on Windows.  Could it be because Microsoft knows there product better
> than anyone else so they have incorpated good code or something?  And
> why did the Unix/linux people choose to use those UGLY buttons, you guys
> know what I'm talking about.  They look so nice on Windows, is there any
> certain reason why the y used different buttons?  Are there any other
> good browsers for Linux? I know I could use Lynx(which I use all the
> time since my pentium 150 laptop runs slackware), but I can't reach many
> sites because of javascript or stuff like that.  And why do the pages
> flicker when I scroll down a web site?  On Internet explorer, it just
> moves smoothly down.  I'm not sure if this broswer problem is related to
> X, the actual browser or the OS, but I would like this issue to be
> addressed and maybe we can fix it.

> Oh, one more thing, I've always compared slow windows machines (AMD k6-2
> 300) with 64 MB of RAM with Linux 2.2(celeron 700 with 256 MB RAM) and
> windows browsing was faster, smoother and flickerless.
> Thanks
> Jason Toy

Beats me. Is there a Linux Users Group or computer club near you where
someone who knows how things should work could check out your machine?

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey 
^^-^^ 2:15pm up 11 days, 21:04, 4 users, load average: 2.11, 2.18,


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: bell south
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 14:32:32 -0400

Thomas Corriher wrote (in part):
> I would recommend that you do not use Bellsouth, unless you
> enjoy spending your time on the telephone with idiots, and
> enjoy getting LOTS of spam.  Especially stay away from them
> if you want DSL.
It does not matter if you use Bellsouth or not. I get lots of spam
from them even though I do not use them, and never have. I have not
quite gotten to the point of blocking all e-mail from bellsouth as I
have from, but I am getting close to it. I send it all
back to their postmaster, and get lots of form letters saying that
they are investigating.

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey 
^^-^^ 2:30pm up 11 days, 21:19, 4 users, load average: 2.10, 2.06,


From: "Michael Jakscht" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Blank screen
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 20:34:52 +0200


Thanks for your tip setterm -blank:0.
But - excuse me if this is a stupid question -
where can I set this?
Please help,


"Bart Friederichs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Michael Jakscht wrote:
> > How can I disable that Linux (SuSE) blanks the
> > screen after a few minutes?
> > Have you got an idea?
> setterm -blank 0
> Bart
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The internet is a too slow way of doing things you'd never do without
> it.
>                                               Bart Friederichs, 1998
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------


From: "Wayne Osborn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: technical question, please help, about browsers
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 02:35:11 +0800
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux

In article
"LinuxBear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<snip re: Opera>

> don`t you find the ads on opera 5 extremely annoying? It is a great
> bwoser but the only reason I don`t use it is those ads. Once they come
> out with opera 5 final I will probably buy it.

Not if you get the Pref's set correctly!

Try: Female born 1900, living in Irag, single parent with grammar school
ed, earning < 25k.

Besides, get your tool bar configured right you hardly notice it.


Be Excellent To Each Other.

  |\                                         \
  | +-----------------------------------------+
  | |                                         |
  | | +-------------------------------------+ |
 _| | |                                     | |
|\| | |Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guiness)  | |
| | | |kernel 2.2.16-22.3.win4lin on an i686| |
| | | |                                     | |
| | | |Login: dnar                          | |
| | | |Password: ******                     | |
| | | |                                     | |
| | | |You have mail!                       | |
| | | |To reply: Remove 308 from dnar308    | |
\ | | |                                     | |
 \| | |Wayne Osborn, DNA Research           | |
  | | |Perth, Western Australia             | |
  | | |                                     | |
  | | |[[EMAIL PROTECTED]] $                | |
  | | |                                     | |
  | | +-------------------------------------+ |
  \ |                                         |
   \|                     oooo         O      |
      |\  o  oooo  oooo  oooo   ooo   = = =  \
       \\  ooooooooooooooooooo   ooo   oooo   \
        \\  ooooooooooooooooooo   ooo   oooo   \
         \\  ooooooooooooooooooo         oooo   \
          \\  ooooooooooooooooooo    o    oooo   \
           \\  ooo===========ooooo   ooo   oooo   \



The service address, to which questions about the list itself and requests
to be added to or deleted from it should be directed, is:

    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can send mail to the entire list by posting to comp.os.linux.misc.

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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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