Linux-Misc Digest #732, Volume #27               Sat, 28 Apr 01 09:13:02 EDT

  Re: Web Server (Ian Northeast)
  Applix spreadsheet background color (Goodyear)
  Re: Web Server ("Peter T. Breuer")
  automatically set/clear bootable-flag on one partition (peter pilsl)
  Re: Linux-Mandrake, MandrakeUpdate and proxy servers ("Jonathan Duhs")
  Re: cant reset terminal settings ("Glitch")
  Re: Linux-Mandrake, MandrakeUpdate and proxy servers ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: no core dump (Garry Knight)
  Re: cant reset terminal settings ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Free ISP For Linux? (Gerald Willmann)
  Re: Protect yourself!  I got hacked by the Ramen worm (Christian Rose)
  NewsGrabber For Linux? (Young4ert)
  Re: How to change resolution in X (rh 7.1)? (Christian Rose)
  Re: XMMS Kernel 2.4.3 (Mandrake 8.0) (Lee Webb)


From: Ian Northeast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Web Server
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 11:29:12 +0100

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
> > "WaCkOkId" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Which distribution would be the best for running a dedicated webserver?
> >>
> >> It will be running on a Pentium 120 with 64mb of Ram and a 1gig hard drive.
> > Based on your hardware, you probably should limit yourself to the set
> > of distributions that "play well" without X.
> Good grief! A p120 with 64M ram is fine for X (now my 486sx50 with 8M
> is getting tight, but it still functions OK as an X terminal). Yes,
> he has to load some of the lighter window managers but KDE 1.1 (for
> example) would be no stretch in 64M.  The cpu speed is irrelevant.

Yes but with a 1G hard drive once you have loaded a modern distro
complete with X there won't be a lot of space for the web site:) Why
would a web server need X?



From: Goodyear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Applix spreadsheet background color
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 06:55:47 +0000

Hi...Does anyone know how to change the default background color for Applix 
spreadsheets.  Google didn't and help just gives foreground color.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Web Server
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 13:01:55 +0200

Ian Northeast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
>> > "WaCkOkId" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >> Which distribution would be the best for running a dedicated webserver?
>> >>
>> >> It will be running on a Pentium 120 with 64mb of Ram and a 1gig hard drive.
>> > Based on your hardware, you probably should limit yourself to the set
>> > of distributions that "play well" without X.
>> Good grief! A p120 with 64M ram is fine for X (now my 486sx50 with 8M
>> is getting tight, but it still functions OK as an X terminal). Yes,
>> he has to load some of the lighter window managers but KDE 1.1 (for
>> example) would be no stretch in 64M.  The cpu speed is irrelevant.

> Yes but with a 1G hard drive once you have loaded a modern distro
> complete with X there won't be a lot of space for the web site:) Why
> would a web server need X?

It wouldn't. On the other hand, if his web site occupies more than
64MB, I would be surprised. X needs 64MB as "fully" installed, and I
probably could have it working well in 16MB.

He probably needs about 400MB for his system, and that's with a lot of
fat. I reckon about 32MB as the absolute minimum for an
installation (editor, net and all) these days.



From: peter pilsl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: automatically set/clear bootable-flag on one partition
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 13:22:03 +0200

Due to funny behaviour of my suspend-to-disk-partition on my laptop I need 
to clear/set the bootable-flag of this partition at every regular 
startup/shudown. I want to automate this task and looking for a tool to do 
it (If possible something more failure-save than a pure dd command ;) 




From: "Jonathan Duhs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux-Mandrake, MandrakeUpdate and proxy servers
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 21:27:30 +1000

Thanks for your help.  Unfortunately I still haven't been able to get it
working.  I think all I had to do was add the following lines to the end of
the "bashrc" file in /etc/:


Is that right?  If so, that is what I tried and unfortunately it didn't
work.  Perhaps Mandrake 8.0 is different from 7.2?


"Alex Yung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9c739t$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I believe MandrakeUpdate uses wget behind the scene (at least in 7.0
> - 7.2).  wget uses the following 3 variables to set proxy
> information:
> http_proxy=http://your_proxy.your_domain:proxy_port_num/
> ftp_proxy=http://your_proxy.your_domain:proxy_port_num/
> no_proxy=your_domain
> If you set the above variables in "/etc/bashrc", it should work after
> re-login.
> Jonathan Duhs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : Hi
> : I am fairly new to Linux, so I hope this isn't a really stupid question
> : I am running Linux-Mandrake 8.0 (I tried 7.2 a few weeks a go - my intro
> : Linux) and I am trying to use the MandrakeUpdate program to check for
> : securities.  The problem is, I can't get a list of mirrors - I press the
> : button to update the list of mirrors but it can't find a list.  I think
> : problem is because my ISP requires me to use a proxy server, and I can't
> : work out how to make MandrakeUpdate use the proxy server.  I have got
> : Netscape and Konquerer Web Browser working fine.
> : Thanks in advance for any help
> : Jonathan


From: "Glitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cant reset terminal settings
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 07:38:26 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Peter T. Breuer"

> Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Peter T. Breuer"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> reconfigure the port with setserial. And possibly also rmmod serial to
>>> take the serial driver out of the kernel.
>> of course if the serial driver is built in that won't be an option. I
>> can
>> try setserial but i doubt it can reset a modem/serial port
> That's precisely what it does do, in the sense of resetting the kernel
> drivers state at least. The port itself is dependent on the modem for
> the wellbeing of its state, since you have an internal modem and it's
> its job to emulate a real serial port. Note that being a pci modem, its
> irq and io gate will be at "unusual" locations.
>>> Don't do the "something stupid" in the first place! But obviously,
>>> yes., see above!
>> if u are referring to me rebooting i cant help it. Since i havent
>> figured
> No, I was referring to killing the connection inappropriately. Use
> "killall pppd".

i'll do that

>> out a way to fix it w/o rebooting it is my only option.
> Well, you could use setserial after rmmodding and insmodding the serial
> module, as suggested. Where does the word "only" derive from?

only part of that first sentence can happen. My serial driver isn't
a module so that rmmodding and insmodding is out of the question.

The word 'only' derives from my level of knowledge dealing with this
*particular* problem.

>>> If your modem is internal, then you have discovered that resetting the
>>> modem is only possible by restting the PC. That's a feature of
>>> internal modems.
>> yes, i know that
> Good .. that realization's practically progress.

do i sense sarcasm? nah, not from peter, never.

>>>  I also would bet that you are not telling us that you have a
>>> winmodem, and that you are thus blaming us for something for which you
>>> should blame yourself. Yes, winmodems don't work in themselves. You
>>> KNEW that. They have a state that is dependent on the computer.
>>> Intrrupting a software process that deals with them can leave them in
>>> strange states (well, I guess that's how the "driver" leaves them,
>>> anyway!).
>> uh, no, i dont have a winmodem. Good job of assuming. It worked out
>> well, just like they said it does.  I have an Actiontec PCI modem.  In
>> Windows
> Is that a ...
>>  Communication controller: Lucent Microelectronics Venus WinModem (V90,
>> 56KFlex)
>  .. yes lucent venus. I _believe_ that those are indeed full modems.
> Don't quote me. Go look it up to make sure.

i don't hav to. I know its a real modem, just lspci identifies it
strangely. I've had the thing for almost 2 years now. I'm just now
getting to the point where i dont feel i should have to reboot after a
seemingly simple problem arises and am trying to figure out a way to fix

>> however I need no driver to use it in Linux. A simple setserial command
> How do you know?

do u take me for a fool? I know b/c the damn thing is working(and has
been for almost 2 years) and all i had to do was set teh appropriate port
and irq values using setserial. I didn't have to fool with anything like a
stupid Lucent winmodem driver that some people have to fool with.

>> configured the port and irq for me and i was up and running with it.
> And what is that setserial command and what happens when you do it
> again, when the modem is in a funny state?

Well, 2 things to tell you. One, i don't remember the command syntax
specifically but it wasn't anything special, just setting the port, irq, and uart
type.  Two, I can't look in my startup script b/c i just realized that I don't need to
use the command anymore after kernel 2.4 magically knows what values to
use already for the modem(2.4 recognizes the modem's serial port upon
boot), but before when I used 2.2.13 or so i had to use setserial since it
woudln't automatically find my modem upon boot.

I haven't done the command yet b/c the modem hasn't messed up yet. It
doesn't happen everytime I disconnect.  I can usually tell something bad
is going to happen or has happend b/c Simpleppp graphs my throughput and 
when the graph flatlines after heavy downloading for no apparent reason 
(download was not done) I disconnect thinking the modem received garbage 
data.  When I try to reconnect is when i experience the error message previously

Any other time i disconnect the modem is hungup just fine.  Ive been
using the modem about 1.5 years, if not 2, but have only used Simpleppp
since about January, after kppp wouldnt work correctly.  I hardly ever experience
this problem(but it didn't just appear, it's happend on and off for months now)
and unfortunately I cant remember if i've always had to reboot before(whether in
Linux or Windows) I connect again after the modem messes up or if I can just
redial again. My usual uptime is about 20 days before the modem needs reset or
the system locks up from lack of swap space to work with but it could be
higher if i didnt have to reboot b/c of the modem, the lack of swap not

>>> If it does, then that is the correct thing that it should be doing.
>> what else would it be doing?
> It might be sending "+++" down the line for all I know! Whatever, the
> result is that whatever held the port dies without removing its
> lockfile, and the whatever should have been pppd.

maybe the killall pppd will cure the problem then. We'll see the next
time the modem messes up.

To respond to another message concerning my experience/knowledge level
(instead of posting a 2nd message) i'll respond here.

I've been using Linux for 2-3 years now. THe past year i've used linux
almost constantly at home. I'm studying for the Linux cert exams from LPI
and don't think i will have much trouble with them.  I worked for
Alabanza Corp (, you may have heard of them, they host
servers for customers and let customers resell their storage) which runs
Red Hat on all their servers. I troubleshooted DNS, Sendmail, FTP, SSH,
and simple newbie problems and anything I couldn't do in a timely manner
I let a level  2 tech handle.

I can recompile my own kernel. Im currently using 2.4.0. Ive put Linux
Suse 6.3 on an old Toshiba 210CDS laptop as well as my Sony VAIO z505hs
laptop and also this PIII 450mhz machine and also my Cyrix P166+ machine.
 I'm learning new and fun commands almost everyday (just started playing
with ethereal yesterday). I've dabbled in Perl scripting and I am trying
to learn simple GUI programming using GTK+.  I obviously don't know
everything or I woudln't be here except to help others but I am wondering
how I can fix a simple problem such as resetting my internal modem w/o
having to reboot the machine, or at least preventing the modem from being
put into the state it is being put into.  I tend to remember things I
experience very easily and once I learn a command it sticks with me for a
while. But usually I have to be put into a situation where i'd learn the
command or trick in order to know it exists. This is one of those times.

I think that's about it.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux-Mandrake, MandrakeUpdate and proxy servers
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 11:49:17 GMT

Jonathan Duhs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for your help.  Unfortunately I still haven't been able to get it
> working.  I think all I had to do was add the following lines to the end of
> the "bashrc" file in /etc/:

> http_proxy=http://httpproxyname:portnum/
> ftp_proxy=http://ftpproxyname:portnum/
> no_proxy=your_domain

Well, not bashrc in /etc, but YOUR bashrc, would be appropriate!
I.e. $HOME/.bashrc. And I'd do the same for .profile.  Nevertheless, it
should "work" (kindly explain exactly what you mean instead of using
generalities like that - you'll find the response is much better) in
the sense that those definitions should make it into your environment.

  env | grep proxy

to check. 

> Is that right?  If so, that is what I tried and unfortunately it didn't

"Tried"? Do you mean "did"?

An "export http_proxy" etc. etc would also help. You want wget to inherit
these variables!

And of course you have to put your addition somewhere in the file where
it will be executed!  Outside of "if ..  fi" clauses.

> work.  Perhaps Mandrake 8.0 is different from 7.2?

"man bash". The section about initialization will tell you which files
are executed on login. 

Are you even using bash as your shell?



From: Garry Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: no core dump
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 04:14:08 +0100

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001 23:47:34 +0200 in article 
<9ccp15$r9f$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ozymandias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How do I prevent programs from core dumping when a sigfault signal arrives

You need to use ulimit. You didn't say which distro or shell you're using, 
but in my Mandrake 7.2 /etc/profile contains this:

# Users generally won't see annoyng core files
[ "$UID" = "0" ] && ulimit -c 1000000

This prevents core dumps from programs run by regular users but allows core 
dumps from programs run by root. If you don't want any core dumps at all, 
you can use:
  ulimit -c 0

Garry Knight


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cant reset terminal settings
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 14:12:30 +0200

Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Peter T. Breuer"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Peter T. Breuer"
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> reconfigure the port with setserial. And possibly also rmmod serial to
>>>> take the serial driver out of the kernel.
>>> out a way to fix it w/o rebooting it is my only option.
>> Well, you could use setserial after rmmodding and insmodding the serial
>> module, as suggested. Where does the word "only" derive from?
> only part of that first sentence can happen. My serial driver isn't
> a module so that rmmodding and insmodding is out of the question.

Well, now you know why not to do that ! Compile it as a module. It'll
really help.

>>>> If your modem is internal, then you have discovered that resetting the
>>>> modem is only possible by restting the PC. That's a feature of
>>>> internal modems.
>>> yes, i know that
>> Good .. that realization's practically progress.

> do i sense sarcasm? nah, not from peter, never.

>>>>  I also would bet that you are not telling us that you have a
>>>> winmodem, and that you are thus blaming us for something for which you
>>>> should blame yourself. Yes, winmodems don't work in themselves. You
>>>> KNEW that. They have a state that is dependent on the computer.
>>>> Intrrupting a software process that deals with them can leave them in
>>>> strange states (well, I guess that's how the "driver" leaves them,
>>>> anyway!).
>>> uh, no, i dont have a winmodem. Good job of assuming. It worked out
>>> well, just like they said it does.  I have an Actiontec PCI modem.  In
>>> Windows
>> Is that a ...
>>>  Communication controller: Lucent Microelectronics Venus WinModem (V90,
>>> 56KFlex)
>>  .. yes lucent venus. I _believe_ that those are indeed full modems.
>> Don't quote me. Go look it up to make sure.

> i don't hav to. I know its a real modem, just lspci identifies it
> strangely. I've had the thing for almost 2 years now. I'm just now
> getting to the point where i dont feel i should have to reboot after a
> seemingly simple problem arises and am trying to figure out a way to fix
> it.

>>> however I need no driver to use it in Linux. A simple setserial command
>> How do you know?

> do u take me for a fool? I know b/c the damn thing is working(and has

It's a simple question.

> been for almost 2 years) and all i had to do was set teh appropriate port
> and irq values using setserial. I didn't have to fool with anything like a
> stupid Lucent winmodem driver that some people have to fool with.

So you are certain that your distro does not "detect" the modem and
load a driver for you in the case that it is a lucent winmodem? (this
is not your case, but I was asking for evidence before you gave the
evidence, and my question was intended to elicit that evidence - you
have indeed now given believeable diagnostics).

>>> configured the port and irq for me and i was up and running with it.
>> And what is that setserial command and what happens when you do it
>> again, when the modem is in a funny state?

> Well, 2 things to tell you. One, i don't remember the command syntax
> specifically but it wasn't anything special, just setting the port, irq, and uart


> type.  Two, I can't look in my startup script b/c i just realized that I don't need 
> use the command anymore after kernel 2.4 magically knows what values to
> use already for the modem(2.4 recognizes the modem's serial port upon

Yes, that is possible.

> boot), but before when I used 2.2.13 or so i had to use setserial since it
> woudln't automatically find my modem upon boot.

> I haven't done the command yet b/c the modem hasn't messed up yet. It
> doesn't happen everytime I disconnect.  I can usually tell something bad
> is going to happen or has happend b/c Simpleppp graphs my throughput and 
> when the graph flatlines after heavy downloading for no apparent reason 
> (download was not done) I disconnect thinking the modem received garbage 
> data.  When I try to reconnect is when i experience the error message previously
> stated.

> Any other time i disconnect the modem is hungup just fine.  Ive been
> using the modem about 1.5 years, if not 2, but have only used Simpleppp
> since about January, after kppp wouldnt work correctly.  I hardly ever experience
> this problem(but it didn't just appear, it's happend on and off for months now)
> and unfortunately I cant remember if i've always had to reboot before(whether in
> Linux or Windows) I connect again after the modem messes up or if I can just
> redial again. My usual uptime is about 20 days before the modem needs reset or

That's beyond the amount of time my external diamond modem goes before
needing a reset! Firmware bug. 

Again, you are probably learning that modems have bugs, and that's a 
reason not to stick one inside your computer if you like your uptimes

> the system locks up from lack of swap space to work with but it could be

?? What's using all your swap? I never use more than a few MB.

> higher if i didnt have to reboot b/c of the modem, the lack of swap not
> withstanding.

>>>> If it does, then that is the correct thing that it should be doing.
>>> what else would it be doing?
>> It might be sending "+++" down the line for all I know! Whatever, the
>> result is that whatever held the port dies without removing its
>> lockfile, and the whatever should have been pppd.

> maybe the killall pppd will cure the problem then. We'll see the next
> time the modem messes up.

It sounds more like a modem firmware/hardware problem to me.

> To respond to another message concerning my experience/knowledge level
> (instead of posting a 2nd message) i'll respond here.

> I've been using Linux for 2-3 years now. THe past year i've used linux
> almost constantly at home. I'm studying for the Linux cert exams from LPI
> and don't think i will have much trouble with them.  I worked for

Sounds like you won't!

> Alabanza Corp (, you may have heard of them, they host
> servers for customers and let customers resell their storage) which runs
> Red Hat on all their servers. I troubleshooted DNS, Sendmail, FTP, SSH,
> and simple newbie problems and anything I couldn't do in a timely manner
> I let a level  2 tech handle.

Those are the ones with a pickaxe and 3 feet? (sorry, erase visions of
silly video games flashing before eyes ...).

> I can recompile my own kernel. Im currently using 2.4.0. Ive put Linux
> Suse 6.3 on an old Toshiba 210CDS laptop as well as my Sony VAIO z505hs

Mmm .. I might kill for a sony vaio.

> laptop and also this PIII 450mhz machine and also my Cyrix P166+ machine.
>  I'm learning new and fun commands almost everyday (just started playing
> with ethereal yesterday). I've dabbled in Perl scripting and I am trying
> to learn simple GUI programming using GTK+.  I obviously don't know
> everything or I woudln't be here except to help others but I am wondering
> how I can fix a simple problem such as resetting my internal modem w/o
> having to reboot the machine, or at least preventing the modem from being
> put into the state it is being put into.  I tend to remember things I

Well, that's "debugging". But it sounds like a modem problem to me.
It's the modems business to keep itself reacting like an ordinary
serial port, and also like a modem attached to that port. If it does
one or both in firmware, there's lotsa room for bugs.

> experience very easily and once I learn a command it sticks with me for a
> while. But usually I have to be put into a situation where i'd learn the
> command or trick in order to know it exists. This is one of those times.



From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Free ISP For Linux?
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 14:39:39 +0200

On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, Andrew Donehue wrote:

>     I don't know of any ISP that is platform specific.

never heard of AOL?


From: Christian Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Protect yourself!  I got hacked by the Ramen worm
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 14:46:17 +0200

None wrote:
> Isn't this "subscription only" now days?

Yes, but you can subscribe and use it for free. You can go to to register for a free RHN account, that
lets you use up2date as much as you want on as many systems you want.

What costs is if you want *automatic* installation of updates with RHN
on *more than one system* - you can even have automatic installation of
updates on one system for free.



From: Young4ert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NewsGrabber For Linux?
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 12:34:07 GMT


A friend just showed me how easy it is to filter, grab, process, and 
assemble the attachment from posted news using a software called 
newsgrabber under a Windows OS.  I am wondering if anyone out there know of 
such software exits under Linux OS.  I have tried "bgrab" and sometimes it 
just halted as well as skipped some of the news.



From: Christian Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to change resolution in X (rh 7.1)?
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 14:57:43 +0200

Michael Heiming wrote:
> If you have only one reolution available, you may use some X config
> tool, check your distro docs what RH uses.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Webb)
Subject: Re: XMMS Kernel 2.4.3 (Mandrake 8.0)
Date: 28 Apr 2001 12:56:26 GMT

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001 22:30:06 -0000, Bigby wrote:
> I just installed Mandrake Linux 8.0 with the kernel 2.4.3-20mdk and XMMS
> 1.24 (i think).  When I play a CD using XMMS, it works.  I even have it set
> to use the OSS mixer to play the CD.  I am having problems with other
> things, like .wav files and .mp3 files.  In those cases the song advances
> at about 20x the normal rate and no sound is output.  I don't see any wav
> writer thing (and why would it do this to wave files too).  I need some
> advice, thanks in advance.
I managed to get around the problem by removing my $HOME/.xmms directory.




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