On 09/28/2011 02:03 PM, Praveen G K wrote:
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 2:01 PM, J Freyensee
<james_p_freyen...@linux.intel.com>  wrote:
On 09/28/2011 01:34 PM, Praveen G K wrote:

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 12:59 PM, J Freyensee
<james_p_freyen...@linux.intel.com>    wrote:

On 09/28/2011 12:06 PM, Praveen G K wrote:

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Linus Walleij
<linus.wall...@linaro.org>      wrote:

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 7:05 AM, Praveen G K<praveen...@gmail.com>

I am working on the block driver module of the eMMC driver (SDIO 3.0
controller).  I am seeing very low write speed for eMMC transfers.  On
further debugging, I observed that every 63rd and 64th transfer takes
a long time.

Are you not just seeing the card-internal garbage collection?

Does this mean, theoretically, I should be able to achieve larger
speeds if I am not using linux?

In theory in a fairy-tale world, maybe, in reality, not really.  In R/W
performance measurements we have done, eMMC performance in products users
would buy falls well, well short of any theoretical numbers.  We believe
theory, the eMMC interface should be able to support up to 100MB/s, but
reality on real customer platforms write bandwidths (for example) barely
approach 20MB/s, regardless if it's a Microsoft Windows environment or
Android (Linux OS environment we care about).  So maybe it is software
implementation issues of multiple OSs preventing higher eMMC performance
numbers (hence the reason why I sometimes ask basic coding questions of
MMC subsystem- the code isn't the easiest to follow); however, one looks
further than what Apple has done with the iPad2 to see that eMMC probably
just is not a good solution to use in the first place.  We have measured
Apple's iPad2 write performance on *WHAT A USER WOULD SEE* being double
we see with products using eMMC solutions. The big difference?  Apple
doesn't use eMMC at all for the iPad2.

Thanks for all the clarification.  The problem is I am seeing write
speeds of about 5MBps on a Sandisk eMMC product and I can clearly see
the time lost when measured between sending a command and receiving a
data irq.  I am not sure what kind of an issue this is.  5MBps feels
really slow but can the internal housekeeping of the card take so much

Have you tried to trace through all structs used for an MMC operation??!
  Good gravy, there are request, mmc_queue, mmc_card, mmc_host,
mmc_blk_request, mmc_request, multiple mmc_command and multiple scatterlists
that these other structs use...I've been playing around on trying to cache
some things to try and improve performance and it blows me away how many
variables and pointers I have to keep track of for one operation going to an
LBA on an MMC.  I keep wondering if more of the 'struct request' could have
been used, and 1/3 of these structures could be eliminated.  And another
thing I wonder too is how much of this infrastructure is really needed, that
when I do ask "what is this for?" question on the list and no one responds,
if anyone else understands if it's needed either.

I know I am not using the scatterlists, since the scatterlists are
aggregated into a 64k bounce buffer.  Regarding the different structs,
I am just taking them on face value assuming everything works "well".
But, my concern is why does it take such a long time (250 ms) to
return a transfer complete interrupt on occasional cases.  During this
time, the kernel is just waiting for the txfer_complete interrupt.
That's it.

I think one fundamental problem with execution of the MMC commands is even though the MMC has it's own structures and own DMA/Host-controller, the OS's block subsystem and MMC subsystem do not really run independent of either other and each are still tied to each others' fate, holding up performance of the kernel in general.

In particular, I have found that in the 2.6.36+ kernels that the sooner you can retire the 'struct request *req' (ie using __blk_end_request()) with respect to when the mmc_wait_for_req() call is made, the higher performance you are going to get out of the OS in terms of reads/writes using an MMC. mmc_wait_for_req() is a blocking call, so that OS 'struct request req' will just sit around and do nothing until mmc_wait_for_req() is done. I have been able to do some caching of some commands, calling __blk_end_request() before mmc_wait_for_req(), and getting much higher performance in a few experiments (but the work certainly is not ready for prime-time).

Now in the 3.0 kernel I know mmc_wait_for_req() has changed and the goal was to try and make that function a bit more non-blocking, but I have not played with it too much because my current focus is on existing products and no handheld product uses a 3.0 kernel yet (that I am aware of at least). However, I still see the fundamental problem is that the MMC stack, which was probably written with the intended purpose to be independent of the OS block subsystem (struct request and other stuff), really isn't independent of the OS block subsystem and will cause holdups between one another, thereby dragging down read/write performance of the MMC.

The other fundamental problem is the writes themselves. Way, WAY more writes occur on a handheld system in an end-user's hands than reads. Fundamental computer principle states "you make the common case fast". So focus should be on how to complete a write operation the fastest way possible.

I mean, for the usual transfers it takes about 3ms to transfer

64kB of data, but for the 63rd and 64th transfers, it takes 250 ms.
The thing is this is not on a file system.  I am measuring the speed
using basic "dd" command to write directly to the block device.

So, is this a software issue? or if

there is a way to increase the size of bounce buffers to 4MB?

Linus Walleij

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J (James/Jay) Freyensee
Storage Technology Group
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J (James/Jay) Freyensee
Storage Technology Group
Intel Corporation

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J (James/Jay) Freyensee
Storage Technology Group
Intel Corporation
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