I am following up my earlier post with some clarifications.
 First the earlier post:
> We have an instrument that uses bidirectional EPP under dos/windows.
> We feel our lives would be simplified if we could replace the windows OS
> with LINUX.  Our instrument is a spectrophotometer, with DOS graphics.
> Graphics launch when we try, but it seems the parallel port is not
> interacting with the instrument.
> Can anyone offer suggestions?  Are we asking to much from DOSEMU?  If not,
> what guidance can you offer to get these units talking?

 Now clarifications:
DOSemu version is 1.0.2.

Linux version is Red Hat 7.2.

We are running a DOS executable. We have no source code for controlling this 

The parallel port needs "SPP" not "bidirectional EPP" as I mentioned originally.

Thank you.


+  Ken Rutledge                  Analytical Services & Materials, Inc.  +
+  NASA Langley Research Center  Suite 300, One Enterprise Parkway      +
+  Atmos. Sci. Competency        Hampton, VA 23666-5845                 +
+ PH:(757)827-4643 FAX:(757)825-8659 e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  +
+ CERES Surface / Airborne Radiation Measurement and Calibration Group  +
+                    http://www-svg.larc.nasa.gov/                      +

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