On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Ken Rutledge wrote:

> > We have an instrument that uses bidirectional EPP under dos/windows.
> > We feel our lives would be simplified if we could replace the windows OS
> > with LINUX.  Our instrument is a spectrophotometer, with DOS graphics.
> > Graphics launch when we try, but it seems the parallel port is not
> > interacting with the instrument.
> > Can anyone offer suggestions?  Are we asking to much from DOSEMU?  If not,
> > what guidance can you offer to get these units talking?
>  Now clarifications:
> DOSemu version is 1.0.2.
> Linux version is Red Hat 7.2.
> We are running a DOS executable. We have no source code for controlling this 
> instrument.
> The parallel port needs "SPP" not "bidirectional EPP" as I mentioned originally.

you could try running dosemu as root and putting the relevant port numbers
in $_ports in dosemu.conf

>From the dosemu-howto:
4.8. How can I get the parallel ports to work?

   The dosemu.conf has lines at the end to redirect printers to either
   lpr or a file. If you want direct access to the bare metal, comment
   out these emulation lines, and add the line
    $_ports { device /dev/lp0 fast range 0x3bc 0x3bf  } # lpt0

   for the "monitor card" printer port (corresponds to /dev/lp0), or
    $_ports { device /dev/lp1 fast range 0x378 0x37f } # lpt1

    $_ports { device /dev/lp1 fast range 0x278 0x27f } # lpt2

   for LPT1 (/dev/lp1) or LPT2 (/dev/lp2) respectively(97/2/9).

   Hans Lermen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:

   But NOTE: these lines should not be _added_ simply, the string should
   be concatenated such as:
    $_ports = "...."
    $_ports = $_ports, " device /dev/lp0 fast range 0x3bc 0x3bf"
    This blank is important

Though this would not normally be a good idea security-wise, if it is a
stand-alone box it should not be a big deal.

If running dosemu as root you might need to copy
dosemu.conf to /etc/dosemu.conf
global.conf to /var/lib/dosemu/global.conf


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