On St, 2002-11-06 at 12:55, Siim Vahtre wrote:
> > For example, when I open (read-only!) some file (let's say "L:\test.txt"
> > that is actually "/mnt/samba/test.txt") then I can't open the same file
> > with another dosemu. (It says "Access denied.")

OK, there ARE 2 locking problems. One with a file lock and another with
a record lock. Try to search archives. Try 1.1.3 version, for some
people it seems to work (not for me and for some clipper users i
think).  But  what do you try with test.txt is maybe ok, when I open for
ex. with NC some file for reading (F3 - view file), it opens the file in
DENY-ALL mode and it should deny other sessions to open the file.

> One thing more:
> It does not matter HOW I configure the samba. Even if there  is no locking
> whatsoever, I STILL cannot look at file someone else is _reading_.
> If anyone knows how, please help.

Michal Samek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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