Linux-Networking Digest #6, Volume #10           Tue, 26 Jan 99 09:13:57 EST

  TCP/IP connectivity on LAN (Julienna Chu)
  Re: Linux firewall and Netmeeting ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
  need help setting up realaudio IP masquerading (Eugene Koontz)
  Re: diald - failed to set modem to controlling tty - help??? ("Simon Annetts")
  Re: Testing PPP (Norman Elliott)
  pop3 deamon? (Brent Rader)
  newbie question: turn on (Haaino Beljaars)
  Re: Can't connect with OS/2 station (Frank Manders)
  Re: `who` command generates dns query. Why? (David Efflandt)
  Re: Redhat vs. Slackware (Edwin Calimbo)
  Re: 3c509 problem (Lun)
  Linux 5.1 DNS returns non-authoritive answers ("Tom Hulley")
  Wake-On-Lan (WOL) script (Job eisses)
  Re: GTE, DSL and Linux (Greg Weeks)
  Please Help --> smbclient works but smbmount doesn't?? (Mike Kirk)
  Re: Newbie wants to install networking.  Help! ("Sonnik (Anthony F.)")
  fetchmail preconnect keyword (Myriam Abramson)
  Re: Extraction of IP address (Michael Humphries-Dolnick)
  Re: Wingate, proxy, netscape and linux (Mark Cooperstein)
  Re: Linux Server slows down my Connection? (the nice guy)
  Re: Linux server on small network (Murray Spork)
  Re: pop3 deamon? (Edwin Calimbo)
  Re: Reset root Password (Edwin Calimbo)
  Re: Is there anything like NT's TRUST RELATIONSHIPS in Linux/Unix ? (Edwin Calimbo)
  Re: How do I limit the size of a home account? (Edwin Calimbo)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Julienna Chu)
Subject: TCP/IP connectivity on LAN
Date: 26 Jan 1999 09:11:34 GMT


I don't want to use SAMABA. I want to just use TCP/IP.
I have a Win NT machine and subnet
and a Linux box with subnet

What should I use for their default gateway?
I want the NT boxto be able to launch a telnet to
This is just a LAN with no Internet connectivity.

Thanks! Can someone please e-mail me the answer?


Subject: Re: Linux firewall and Netmeeting
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 05:24:05 -0600

Netneeting dosent work with a linux firewall

Dave T <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>I  have linux up and running as a firewall, but can I get netmeeting
>to work through this firewall? I cannot! I suspect it has something to
>do with the ports used, and the fact that the firewall is blocking
>these ports. The ports used are :
>TCP: 389,522,1503,1720,1731 and 1024:65535(dynamic)
>UDP 1024:65535(dynamic)
>Does anyone have Netmeeting working through a linux firewall? If they
>do, could I get a sneak peak at your firewall script? (I know this is
>asking a lot, forgive me) Or even just some pointers. I've read all of
>the FAQ, HOWTO's etc, and I've bought a couple of Linux books, but I
>still dont get it. I guess I'm just plain thick!
>Many thanks for any assistance rendered..
>Dave Taylor


From: Eugene Koontz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: need help setting up realaudio IP masquerading
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 00:21:59 -0800

        So I have two linux boxes. One's directly connected to the net via DSL.
This machine has IP masquerading set up for the second machine. The
second machine is doing fine with connecting to the Internet, *except*
for real audio. The realplayer on the second machine cannot play
networked real audio files. When I try, it says it's "buffering 20.0 k
file" but never gets beyond that. A look at Preferences->Statistics
shows that nothing is getting through the network to the player. It can
play the local "welcome.rm" file with no problem, though.
        From what I read on the real audio firewall pages, the realaudio
protocol uses UDP port 7070 to send data from the client to the server.
So my question is, how do I modify my IP masquerading so that this
machine can send and receive at the proper ports? I tried doing on the
first machine : insmod ip_masq_raudio ports=7070 
which *seems* to have worked, (no feedback from the shell), but no
improvement on the second machine's ability to play remote realaudio

Thanks for any insight, HOWTO references, etc...
        Eugene Koontz


From: "Simon Annetts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: diald - failed to set modem to controlling tty - help???
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 10:43:58 -0000

OK, my own fault I forgot the

mode ppp

option in diald.conf so it was trying to use slip.



From: Norman Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Testing PPP
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 08:40:46 +0000

Mark Lopez wrote:
> Are there any tools(sniffers,analyzers) , running on Linux, that can monitor
> PPP negotiatons. tcpdump only monitors after a connection is established. I
> need to see the connection coming up etc..
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Mark
You can start your ppp up and then monitor it with 

tail -f /var/log/messages
this updates in real time so you can see what is happening
( CTRL-C to get out of it )
You can do cat /var/log/syslog to get other information as well if you
have syslogd deamon running


Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 01:51:43 -0600
From: Brent Rader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: pop3 deamon?

I can't access email accounts on my Linux machine using POP3 clients on
other machines.  When I installed RH5.0 it set this up for me and it
worked fine. Now I have 5.2 and I can't get it to work.  What do I need
to run , is there a deamon for this?



From: Haaino Beljaars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: newbie question: turn on
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 09:01:03 +0100


How do I enable IPv4 ?  I have  a Redhat 5.2 system.

Greetings from Haaino Beljaars

E-Mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:      HTTP://


From: Frank Manders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.smb,comp.os.os2.networking.server
Subject: Re: Can't connect with OS/2 station
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 13:00:03 +0100

Maybe you need to add netbios name-ip pairs in mpts for Netbios over
TCP/IP and set the name-pairs variable to non-zero. 

Also the userid/password on the samba server needs to be the same as the
domain logon userid/pasword.

Ken wrote:
> I had similar symptoms. I don't think OS/2 Peer responds to a wildcard
> NMB request (test 5). Querying for a known name (like the machine name
> or the user name) works, though.
> I figured out that I needed to increase the password level in smb.conf,
> as I had a mixed case password and I suspect OS/2 is case-folding when
> submitting the password. I set both password and user level to 8 and was
> able to connect to the Linux box.
> BTW, contrary to info I read in the OS/2 Samba stuff
> (, I can still do a
> domain login to my existing LAN Server system and access the Linux Samba
> server. I don't have to use the node login (AKA File and Print Client
> Workstation Login).

True, same here

> As I'm replacing the OS/2 server, my concern now is how to make Samba
> automatically assign shares to users. That way I just have to configure
> the drive assignments once at the server and not multiple times at each
> workstation.
> Paul Fredell wrote:
> >
> > I've got a small network set up as follows:
> >
> >     Station  IP            OS            Protocol (all have TCP/IP)
> >
> >     ALRHOST   Warp4/FP9     NETBIOS over TCPIP,NETBIOS
> >                            Win95         NETBIOS over TCPIP
> >     HBRHOST   WinNT4/SP4    NETBIOS over TCPIP
> >     OLDHOST   Linux 2.0.34  SAMBA
> >
> > The net is ethernet - thin coax with the following layout
> >        _____________________________________
> >        |           |       |               |
> >
> > I've run DIAGNOSIS.TXT and all stations, including ALRHOST(win95),
> > appear to respond properly except ALRHOST(Warp).  In that case I get:
> >
> > TEST 5:
> >
> >     nmblookup -B ALRHOST '*'
> >     Sending queries to
> >     name query failed to find name *
> >
> > TEST 6:
> >
> >   nmblookup -d 2 '*'
> >   Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> >   Sending queries to
> >   Got a positive name query response from (
> >   Got a positive name query response from (
> >   Got a positive name query response from (
> > *<00>
> > *<00>
> > *<00>
> >
> > TEST 8:
> >
> >   net view \\OLDHOST
> >   NET3502: OS/2 error 53 has occurred.
> >   SYS0053: The network path was not found.
> >
> > NOTES: 1. "net view" from ALRHOST(Warp) includes OLDHOST in it's list.
> >        2. telnet from ALRHOST to OLDHOST, by name or IP, works.
> >
> > Can someone enlighten me as to what's wrong and how to fix it?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > ==WPF==
> >
> --
> Ken
> (Death to Spam!)


Frank Manders  


From: David Efflandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: `who` command generates dns query. Why?
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 08:50:35 GMT

On 1/25/99, 10:11:55 PM, Robert D'Attilio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote =

regarding `who` command generates dns query. Why?:

> Question:
> I have a RH5.2 system with configured with dial-up ppp access to my
> ISP.  I also run a caching nameserver as well that 'appears' to be
> working.  One thing I've noticed in my message log is that everytime I=

> run the command `who`, it generates the following messages:
> Jan 25 21:55:07 xenon named[280]: ns_forw: sendto([].53):=

> Network is unreachable
> Jan 25 21:55:34 xenon named[280]: ns_forw: sendto([].53):
> Network is unreachable

> Note that the IP addresses refer to my ISP's nameserver and a
> root-server in that order.

You must be pointing something at the unconnected nameserver?  Either=20
named or /etc/resolv.conf is not configured properly for offline use. =20
Even if you had no DNS, an unconnected nameserver in resolv.conf would=20
cause such delays (unless specifically set up for auto connect.  I=20
manipulate resolv.conf with /etc/ppp/ip-up.local and ip-down.local. =20
If I am offline or connected to our office (no DNS), resolv.conf=20
simply contains the word 'search'.

> It seems that it tries to do a dns query, whenever I run `who`.  Why=20
> this??  I have no one logged in over the Internet to begin with.  This=

> is particularly annoying for my system since I am not connected to the=

> Internet 24/7 and consequently I have to wait for the query to timeout=

> before who spits out its' results.

'who', wants to display where everyone is connected from (hostname),=20
so it tries to resolve a name any IP.  It keeps trying until all=20
possible DNS sources have timed out.

> Anyone have any ideas?

> Thanks
> Robert
> --
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=
> | Robert D'Attilio  | This message was sent  using Linux 2.0 power! |
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Where do you want to go tomorrow?               =
   |  =20
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edwin Calimbo)
Subject: Re: Redhat vs. Slackware
Date: 26 Jan 99 08:30:52 GMT

Iven Connary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Greetings -

: I'm looking to set up a firewall/NAT linux box for my network, and need
: to pick a distribution.
: This is going to be a production box, and must be up at all times.  I
: don't want something that I'll have to putz around with for weeks to get

: running and keep running.

: Any recommendation for a distribution?  I'm guessing it'll be either
: Redhat or Slackware, my question is which which is more tried and tested

: - and more suitable for this application?

: Thanks,
: Iven Connary



Subject: Re: 3c509 problem
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 12:01:21 GMT

So, how to fix it????

On Mon, 25 Jan 1999 22:30:08 -0000, "qpop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Totally accurate, but completely useless advice!
>I have the same problem. I have a 3c509, and need it to use port 210, rather
>than 300.
>Does anyone know how I can change the port it chooses?
>Oh yes, I also need to change the IRQ from 10 to 11
>Where do I find the documentation for this kind of stuff.
>Matt Kressel wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>Lun wrote:
>>> I have install the RH 5.2 but I cannot setup my 3c509 card, when
>>> startup and shutdown, it shown a message "symbol for parameter I/O not
>>> found". Is my card's setup problem?? How can I fix it.
>>> Thank you very much
>>Sounds like you are passing the wrong parameter to the 3c509 module.
>>Matthew O. Kressel | INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>+---------  Northrop Grumman Corporation, Bethpage, NY ---------+
>>+---------  TEL: (516) 346-9101 FAX: (516) 346-9740 ------------+


From: "Tom Hulley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux 5.1 DNS returns non-authoritive answers
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:09:01 -0500

    I just set up a Linux 5.1 system and set it to be  primary name server.
It seems to work OK, except with nslookup, it always says it is a
Non-authoritave answer. It should be authoritative for my domain.
Where does it determine for what domain it is authoritative?



Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 23:09:02 +0100
From: Job eisses <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Wake-On-Lan (WOL) script

Here is my script to switch on another machine via the Lan,
for you to enjoy. 
# send Wake-On-Lan-packet to a machine that is set up to power itself up
# if any packet with the Magic String in it is transmitted on the Lan.
# The Magic string consists of 6 "FF" characters followed by 16 times
# the Mac-address of the W.O.L.-ethernet card
# (see: ).
# I chose the "snmpset" command from the cmu-snmpd-util package
# because this command allowed to put long hex strings in an
# ethernet packet. The cmu-snmpd package is needed as well
# to make snmpset happy. Newer versions of these snmp-packages are
# called ucd-snmp-...
# IPA can be the ip-adress of the intended machine but does not
# have to be, as long as it is in the same subnetwork as the
# sender - this will only work on one single Lan, not across routers.
# HWA must be the Mac address of the destination, in "arp -a" format.
#debug: set -x
#debug: tcpdump -w /tmp/wol.debug -s 512 &
#debug: Pid=$!
arp -s -H ether $IPA $HWA
HWS=`echo $HWA | tr ":" " "`
#debug: echo "$HWS"|od -c
snmpset $IPA cmmntstrng .1 x "ff ff ff ff ff ff $HWS $HWS $HWS $HWS $HWS
#debug: kill $Pid
#debug: tcpdump -r /tmp/wol.debug | less


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg Weeks)
Subject: Re: GTE, DSL and Linux
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 07:04:10 -0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Eugene Koontz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Stephen Carville wrote:
> Hi Steven,
>       It's a real disgrace that they are running you through this. I'm using
> DSL through Pacbell (on linux of course :) , and they haven't given me
> this kind of nonsense. Mind you, they don't go so far as to SUPPORT
> linux, but at least they leave us alone to run what we want. Good luck
> on your complaint; judging from the existence of my connectivity and
> such resources as the ADSL HOWTO, there is no technical grounds
> WHATSOEVER for their policy.

Ditto for US West. Their tier one techs can't do anything at all for
you unless it's a supported OS. Keep a Win 95 partition and always
tell them Win 95 when they ask OS. US West's tier two and three techs
are mostly Linux/BSD people anyway.

Greg Weeks


From: Mike Kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please Help --> smbclient works but smbmount doesn't??
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 13:05:43 GMT

I have a RH5.2 2.2.0-pre9 box talking to a Win98 machine using Samba. We
are using no password encyption (I edited the '98 registry as per
instructions). '98 can see the shares I have on my /home directory, and
my /tmp directory. File transfer from the Win98 machine works perfectly.

>From the linux machine

    smbclient \\\\Dendarii\\stuff -I -N    (Win98 machine is
called Dendarii w IP fine. I can use the "smb: \>" prompt to move files.

smbclient -L Dendarii            returns this:

    Added interface ip= bcast=
    Got a positive name query response from ( )
    Server time is Tue Jan 26 08:17:32 1999
    Timezone is UTC-5.0

    Server=[DENDARII] User=[] Workgroup=[DOMAIN1] Domain=[]

            Sharename      Type      Comment
            ---------      ----      -------
            IPC$           IPC       Remote Inter Process Communication
            STUFF          Disk

    This machine has a workgroup list:

            Workgroup            Master
            ---------            -------
            DOMAIN1              DENDARII

I have compiled the kernel with smbfs support, and the "Win95 bug
workaround". I've tried:

    smbmount //Dendarii/stuff /mnt/mark -I    (yes,...
/mnt/mark is a valid empty directory)

... and I get :

    mount error: Invalid argument
    Please look at smbmount's manual page for possible reasons

... even though there is no password on the '98 machine for the share.
If I use the "-n" option I get:

    mount error: Invalid argument
    Please look at smbmount's manual page for possible reasons

... almost like smbmount doesn't like the "-n" flag, even though it's in
its man page.

Any ideas? Do I need some wierd entries in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab?
Should I provide more info on my setup?

P.S - The linux machine is running IP masq to share it's internet
connection. The '98 machine has full internet access, and both machines
can ping each other, so I don't think it's a network configuration

Thanks again,



From: "Sonnik (Anthony F.)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie wants to install networking.  Help!
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 10:15:30 GMT

I don't know if this will help... I know nothing about Macs.  I had a
problem configuring @home also.  Is there something similiar to ISA vs.
plug-and-play in the mac world?  If possible, there is a Cable-modem
mini-faq to this extent...

Brian Barjenbruch wrote:

> Okay, here's the deal:
> I have a Power Macintosh G3 with a *built-in* Ethernet port.  How do I
> get Linux to recognize this?  What are the steps I need to go through
> to install networking with this (I have a cable modem connected to the
> Ethernet port)?
> Again:  It's not on a card, it is a built-in Enet port.  Does this make
> a difference, Linux-wise?  (LinuxPPC)
> --
> "Its origin and purpose...still a total mystery."
>  - Dr. Heywood Floyd, "2001:  A Space Odyssey"


From: Myriam Abramson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: fetchmail preconnect keyword
Date: 26 Jan 1999 08:06:57 -0500


I would like to set up a preconnect keyword to fetchmail
to test whether I am connected or not before polling.  
I have 2 possible ppp interfaces.  What would be a 
good command to check for that?



Go Proverb:

The carpenter's square becomes ko.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Humphries-Dolnick)
Subject: Re: Extraction of IP address
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 18:14:24 GMT

In article <785q4k$78n$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
> Can somebody help me out?  I'm trying to use a shell script that needs  
my IP
> address (from the ppp0 interface), so that i can use a command such as:
>     echo `date` : `` >>/var/log/temp.log
> Anyone know of any script or program to do this?  Thanks!

You're probably going to want to start with form of `ifconfig`; try  
`ifconfig -a` and then go from there.  Then, grep and awk to your heart's  

Michael Humphries-Dolnick
"If opinions are expressed in this communication,
 those opinions may not represent those of 
 my employer."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Cooperstein)
Subject: Re: Wingate, proxy, netscape and linux
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 13:20:14 GMT

The latest version of Netscape for Linux (4.5) has the ability to set 
connections via proxy in the "advanced preferences" under the "edit" menu bar 
option.  Just set it for the wingate servers IP and it should work.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce OBrien) 
>Hi, I'm a newbie with linux.
>As soon as I know more about Linux i'm going to flush Mr. Gate
>I have an Internet restaurant, 8 computers for internet and 10 for
>games all in windows network.
>It's a great place to learn.
>I want to slowly tranfer all my internet dedicated computers on linux
>software but I have a lot to learn.
>I installed Redhat 5.2 with no problem at all, it's working well, I
>can telnet, see the other computers in the network but:
>I can't configure Netscape to pass by my win95 proxy box.  It's
>wingate software.  I won't buy Sygate because as soon I know how linux
>can do the job... Win 95 will go to the city dump.  And i'll show all
>my customer how to use Linux and how it's better than Microsoft to
>stay free.  So long using windows my brain was getting lazy. 
>Until then I would like to put 3 workstation with Linux to access the
>web, ftp and irc.  I need them to pass by my wingate machine :
>    In win 95 we just have to go in explorer option or
>mirc option and set the proxy server.   In linux netscape I don't find
>nothing about it.
> I'm on the cable modem with dynamic ip, the other machine are name
>respectively from to 10.  
>When this setup I think I can go on and learn the rest: Linux dns,
>proxy, mail, users, apache and samba.
>Sorry if iM not clear enoff I'm french.
>                Bruce OBrien, Quebec
>****** Times bring knowledge to the patient student ******
>****** Le temps apporte la connaissance a l'etudiant patient ******

**  Remove ".nospam" when replying or email will bounce back to you...


From: the nice guy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Server slows down my Connection?
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 15:29:25 -0600

It has been my experience that A LOT of 56k modems are soft 56k and soft v.90
meaning the best you will do in linux with these modems are 33.6.


please tell me if you see this in the news groups

Eriksson wrote:

> If I use a linux box (p60) as a Gateway to the internet for my LAN, will it
> slow down the speed of the connection?
> Hear this. When I surf the net with my p2, 300 using a 56k modem. My
> connection is good. But if I use the SAME modem to the Linux box surfing
> ain't that good. Is that because it is a slower computer or is there
> someting wrong with my settings?
> And if I hook up the LAN to the net through the linux box.. Will I still get
> the same "surf" speed on my p2, 300? (as it is one of the computers on the
> LAN)
> Is there a way of checking the speed of my connection on the Linux box?
> Thanx!
> /Martin


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Murray Spork)
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Linux server on small network
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 13:48:20 GMT

On 24 Jan 1999 05:32:40 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve
Lamb) wrote:

>On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 12:05:56 +0000, Phil Edwards
>>It's shareware, well worth the registration fee, and does pretty much
>>everything as well as being simplicity itself to set up. We have a site
>>licence here, and currently have about 60 PC's using it to access our
>>Unix machines.
>    I could never reconocile "shareware" with telnet when telnet, the REAL
>telnet on the 'nixes these days, are free.  Esp. when one could make a
>barebones, decent telnet client in Active State Perl for free as a study
>into perl programming.

This may be true -- but I have to back up Phil's plug for QVT. It
really is nice. I downloaded it yesterday at his instigation - and
find it much much better than the crap telnet client that comes with
win95. Keymappings are especially easy to change.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edwin Calimbo)
Subject: Re: pop3 deamon?
Date: 26 Jan 99 09:41:35 GMT

Brent Rader ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I can't access email accounts on my Linux machine using POP3 clients on
: other machines.  When I installed RH5.0 it set this up for me and it
: worked fine. Now I have 5.2 and I can't get it to work.  What do I need
: to run , is there a deamon for this?

: Thanks,
: Brent




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edwin Calimbo)
Subject: Re: Reset root Password
Date: 26 Jan 99 10:04:33 GMT

Minou ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hello,

: His there a way to reset the root password when someone change it in a
: five minutes of inatention ?

: Without reinstalling it all.

: I still can login but as my user account that I create right after my
: installation.  But not anymore as root.

:               Bruce OBrien, Quebec
: ****** Times bring knowledge to the patient student ******
: ****** Le temps apporte la connaissance a l'etudiant patient ******

: PS:  Sorry for my english I speak french usally




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edwin Calimbo)
Subject: Re: Is there anything like NT's TRUST RELATIONSHIPS in Linux/Unix ?
Date: 26 Jan 99 10:11:25 GMT

Edmund ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I have a client whom I trying to convince to set up Linux instead of NT
: on their Server.  They want to set up 5 regional offices each with it's
: own LAN, and they want to tie them all together on a WAN.  Each LAN will
: have it's own Domain.  They are wondering if Linux has the equivalent of
: NT's Trust Relationships so that a user at one of the regional offices
: domain can access another regional offices domain and resources and vice
: versa.

: Can NIS do that ?  Someone else told me that the hosts.equiv file can do
: that.

: Any help ?  Any ideas ?

: Thanks in advance.

: C'ya,
: Edmund




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edwin Calimbo)
Subject: Re: How do I limit the size of a home account?
Date: 26 Jan 99 10:30:30 GMT

: I'm creating a Linux/Apache server for a group of students on which each
: person will have their own account. How do I:

: a) Limit the size of their home directory to 5 MB?
: b) Put a blank web page in each directory with only their name on the page?

: I'm running Red Hat 5.1 / Apache 1.2.6 and in case you didn't notice, I'm a
: Linux rookie.

: Thanks for your help!

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