Linux-Networking Digest #485, Volume #10         Sat, 13 Mar 99 20:13:35 EST

  Redhat 5.1 and kernel 2.2.1 ("Ovidiu Dressler")
  Re: ISDN Router Recommendation ? (Heath Harry)
  can't ping Linux --> win98 ("Eriksson")
  Using the kernel firewall code like tcp wrappers to harden a single host. 
  Re: Can I shutdown linux remotely? (David Efflandt)
  Re: dialup-networking server (David Efflandt)
  ISDN: What's a good adapter? (Erica Vogle)
  Re: Redhat 5.1 and kernel 2.2.1 (Jim Roberts)
  Re: Sextuple Boot (David Efflandt)
  Re: Telnet to Linux from Win 98 (David Efflandt)
  Re: Where to Get DHCP Client for Kernel 2.0.34 ? (David Efflandt)
  IPchains and Masq in 2.2.1 kernel ("Douglas J. Olivier")
  PPP dialing to ISP is not working with RedHat 5.2 and Gnome 1.0 (Frank Perreault)
  Re: working ppp questions ("David A. Lee")
  Diald and a few problems.... ("Tim Underwood")
  Samba and long login/attach times from Win9x ("Tim Underwood")
  Re: 2.2.X and NE2000 (Precious Metal)
  Re: IPFWADM shows no masquerading entries (Malware)
  Re: Can I shutdown linux remotely? (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: Sextuple Boot (Forrest)
  Re: jiffies and traffic shaper (Malware)
  Re: DNS look-ups with C++ (Malware)


From: "Ovidiu Dressler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Redhat 5.1 and kernel 2.2.1
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 20:39:20 +0200

Is there any problem if I upgrade kernel 2.0.35 to 2.2.1. on a Redhat 5.1.
machine ?
Should I also upgrade some packages ?
I looked at the Redhad support page for Redhat 5.2 upgrade and it doesn't
say anything about 5.1 upgrading.
Thank You,

Ovidiu D.


From: Heath Harry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ISDN Router Recommendation ?
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 04:23:28 +0000

David Travers wrote:

> Looking for a recommendation on an ISDN router.
> Have had a look at the 3Com 511, Cisco 803 and the Ascend Pipeline 75/85
> models.
> Our network consists of an HP9000 K200, RS6000, 3 Linux Boxes running on
> Intel platform, 3 Ethernet Switches and 1 10/100 Fast Ethernet Switch and 30
> or so PC's running Windows 95.
> Do own one of the models above or something similar?
> 1) What's the performance like?
> 2) How easy is it to setup and maintain?
> 3) What do you think of the feature set on your router e.g firewall, NAT,
> dynamic bandwidth?
> Any information about your ISDN router would be most appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> David Travers

cisco 1003 with IOS 12 with a recent maintaince release, ip plus feature set
required for ip nat

or cisco 1603 with a recent maintaince release of 11.3, ip plus feature set
required for ip nat

the performance of both depens entirely of what servives yuo have configured,
but with a basic secure config, they will both easily saturate a 64K pipe as
well as a 128K ISDN bundeled MPPP (RFC1717)  pipe.

also both will handle ip firewalling, wil very little overheads.


Heath Harry.


From: "Eriksson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: can't ping Linux --> win98
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 23:56:42 +0100

I've tried to set up a network the last couple of days. But now I'm at a

I do not know where to start.

The network consists of 4 computers. One linux box acting as a gateway with
IP masq. The other comps are Win98. All the win98 comps are configured
correctly and can share files printers etc, but I can't even ping to / from
the linux box.

Linux box = Pentium 60, 3com 3c900, Slackware 3.6, kernel 2.2.3,

I can connect to the internet with the linux box with a PPP script. And from
there I can do telnet, ftp whatever. So there is nothing wrong with the
TCP/IP function on any computer.

The cable (BNC) is working, I used it to connect one of the win98 comps, no

The card is detected at boot. ifconfig looks good. route aswell. netstat -nr
shows up as expected.

I've tried to just configure one win98 comp so it would be able to ping the
linux box. Removing all non essential stuff. TCP/IP, client for Microsoft
Networks and my ethernet adapter was all I spared. I configured the TCP/IP
like this:
IP address:
Netmask: (same configuration as the linux box)
    host: mycomp
    DNSservers: IP addresses of my ISP's nameservres
Bindings: Client for microsoft networks  - check

As for Identification on the win98 box I haven't changed anything. I use the
same comp name as I wrote in the /etc/host file on the linux box.

It could be my 3com card that is simply not working. I'll try that very
soon. But apart from that I don't know what it could be.. I know I haven't
covered every detail of my network configuration /setup. I'll be more than
happy to give you the details.

Anything! Please help me out here.. You are my only hope..

/P. Leia   =)

--- Martin ---


Subject: Using the kernel firewall code like tcp wrappers to harden a single host.
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 23:01:18 GMT

I have used the in-built firewall facilities in the Linux kernel to
create firewalls before, but I was not aware that you can use the same
facility on a machine with just on network card to defend the services
that run on that box.

However, while playing with ipfwadm on a single net-card box, I
noticed that I could limit access to services by setting a default
policy of deny for inward and outbound packets and then setting up
rules to accept legitimate traffic. In this mode the firewalling code
is acting like tcp wrappers.

This method of protecting services can be used to harden a box that is
exposed on a DMZ or the public side of the Internet (e.g. a Linux web

Anyway, this might be old hat rather than news, but I have not heard
of this facility after reading a lot of stuff about Linux firewalls
and so I thought that it might be useful to other people.


John Auld


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Can I shutdown linux remotely?
Date: 13 Mar 1999 23:33:34 GMT

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999 04:40:18 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have 2 machines; a RH5.1 Linux and a win95. Most of the time I work on the
>Linux from the win95 through OmniX (an application that emulate the X-server
>from Linux). My question is, can I shutdown the Linux from the Win95 side. I
>really dont want to login again on the linux and issue a shutdown command. If
>I recalled it right, I couldnt do that. linux just doesnt shutdown.
>Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>p/s: please cc a reply to my mail box.T Q.

One way or another, you have to be logged onto the Linux box to shut it
down.  If you have an xterm in OmniX, you can do it from there.  Just
remember to end the command line with ' &' so it continues to run when you
log off.  And if you enable shutdown for a normal user, include the path:

/sbin/shutdown -h +2 &

should shutdown in 2 minutes, even if you log off.

David Efflandt    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: dialup-networking server
Date: 13 Mar 1999 23:37:04 GMT

On Fri, 12 Mar 1999 11:20:28 -0500, Jean-Réginald Louis
>How can I allow a friend of mine to connect to my network via modem (and
>give an ip address automatically) ? (like when we call an ISP)


David Efflandt    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Erica Vogle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ISDN: What's a good adapter?
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 17:41:38 -0600

I'm thinking about going ISDN at home, and I was wondering what is a
good ISDN modem for Linux?  I'm thinking about an 3ComImpact IQ External

ISDN modem, but that's only because I know they make ISDN modems.

Any thoughts?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Roberts)
Subject: Re: Redhat 5.1 and kernel 2.2.1
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 23:55:38 GMT

Unpack the 2.2.X kernel distribution and read the changes file in
the documentation directory.

> Is there any problem if I upgrade kernel 2.0.35 to 2.2.1. on a Redhat 5.1.
> machine ?
> Should I also upgrade some packages ?
> I looked at the Redhad support page for Redhat 5.2 upgrade and it doesn't
> say anything about 5.1 upgrading.
> Thank You,
> Ovidiu D.

Jim Roberts         Never enough time!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Sextuple Boot
Date: 14 Mar 1999 00:09:42 GMT

On Sat, 13 Mar 1999 19:12:48 GMT, william stewart
>        After having tried to install NT 4.0 on a slave drive by
>switching the boot
>sequence in an Award BIOS and finding out there is no way that I would
>be able to
>put a master boot record on a slave drive and after also switching which
>was slave
>and which was master, I have decided to buy a new cheap 300 MHz,4GB,64
>RAM system and buy System Commander so that I can put NT4.0 on one
>partition,NT 3.51 on another,SCO Unix on one,NetWare 3.12 on one,NetWare
>4.11 on one and Red Hat 5.1 on another.
>My question is: Will System Commnader actually be able to do this?
>       I understand all about the different files systems on different
>But does System Commander really able to put that many OSes on a Master
>Boot record?
>       Any comments would be appreciated.
>      Thank you,     Will H. Stewart

So, what's wrong with using LILO?  I boot to 4 different systems on 3
different IDE drives without having to change any jumpers.  All the OS's
do not go on the MBR, just pointers to where they are.

LILO can boot to any drive that shows up in CMOS setup (in which case you
can ignore the warnings).  Just make sure that CD or other removable
drives are last (especially if they do not show in CMOS).

Of course I have no use for NT or Netware, so I don't have a clue if they
boot any different from Win95.

David Efflandt    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Telnet to Linux from Win 98
Date: 14 Mar 1999 00:17:57 GMT

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 08:51:51 +1300, Daniel Crawshay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I have just set up a ppp/printer server in my home, and want to be able to
>shut away the Linux box in a cupboard.  The printing and ppp works correctly
>(and ping to the Linux box etc), but I cannot telnet to the Linux box to
>make modifications.  What do I need to do?  When I try to connect to the box
>from Win98 I get a message saying "Connection to Host Lost".
>I also cannot connect correctly from the Linux box itself via loopback, or a
>direct connect to the server IP.  If I telnet from the Linux box to the
>loopback (or the Linux box IP), I get "Connection closed by foreign host"
>after a few seconds of no response.
>I would appreciate any Help.  I have looked around at FAQ's etc, but it
>appears ad if the Telnet is something that should just work??

If you cannot even telnet to yourself, don't expect to be able to do it
from anywhere else.  The first time I installed RH5.0 the loopback was
missing, for some reason.  When I reinstalled, it was there.  It is
necessary to do anything network related.

What do 'ifconfig' and 'route -n' show?

Do you have names for your IP's in /etc/hosts and \windows\hosts?

David Efflandt    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Where to Get DHCP Client for Kernel 2.0.34 ?
Date: 14 Mar 1999 00:21:56 GMT

On 13 Mar 1999 19:34:33 GMT, Desmond Coughlan
>Well, I've been using Cable Internet for a few days now, and boy, does it
>fly!  One problem: I need a DHCP client for my Linux box; all the more so
>as my LAN depends on being able to allow my girlfriend access to her files,
>the printer, *and* the Internet for research purposes.
>One problem: all the DHCP clients that I can find on the Internet are for
>kernels like 2.1.xx and higher.  I'm running kernel 2.0.34, and I think
>this is why I had the problem earlier on with compiling it.
>Does anyone know where I can get a DHCP client for an older kernel?  Even
>if someone wants to put it onto their webpage, and I can download it ...

What distribution?  Maybe on the CD or source you installed Linux from?

>I could upgrade to a newer kernel, and might just do that when the new
>distributions start to hit the streets, but for the moment, I have a LAN
>that I burst my arse setting up, and I don't really fancy going through all
>that again ... :-)
>Can anyone help?  
>Des Coughlan.

David Efflandt    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Douglas J. Olivier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IPchains and Masq in 2.2.1 kernel
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 18:36:57 -0500

I have been running Slackware 3.X series on my connection for a while. Now
that I am appempting to apply 2.2.1 ( for video for linux functions) I
cannot get Masq to work correctly. Iam using the 192.168.1.X subnet with the
following ipchains:

ipchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -s -d

I have dhclient up and running the router gets the lease from the DHCP
server fine the route looks good:     *        U     0      0        2 eth1
localnet        *        U     0      0        5 eth0
loopback        *            U     0      0        1 lo
default         lwrtr01-lwswt01         UG    0      0       38 eth0

I can telnet to and from all the machine behind the router but cannot get
out of the local net except from the router. Everthing seems to checkout
fine per the ipchains howto.

Any ideas ?


From: Frank Perreault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PPP dialing to ISP is not working with RedHat 5.2 and Gnome 1.0
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 16:48:26 -0500

I can't seem to get PPP working when trying to connect to my ISP when
using the PPP-Dialer that is built into Gnome 1.0.  With the PPP-Dialer
my modem dials out but never establishes a connection.  If I configure
things so that I'm not using Gnome and instead use the standard RedHat
install mode of XWindows and  FVWM, and fire up PPP using the
Gnome-Linuxconf program, that comes with RedHat 5.2, I can connect just

Is there a bug in Gnome's PPP-dialer program?  I find it strange that
when using the Gnome-Linusconf program I see a PPP configuration named
ppp0 that works yet when I go into Gnome and use the new PPP-Dialer the
ppp0 configuration doesn't exist and I can't connect with a newly define

How do I fix this or is it even possible?

--- Frank ---


From: "David A. Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: working ppp questions
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 00:02:37 +0000

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Try a couple things.  Try a program called diald for problem #1.  I've
never used it before, but I've read some stuff about it.  This sounds like
it might be your answer.  Regarding question #2, try a program called
pppstats.  I'm using RedHat, and it is found in /usr/sbin.  I'm not sure
about Slackware though.  It should be on there somewhere.  You might have
to download diald though.


ben wrote:

> Hi,
> I have ppp up and working as a gateway from my network to an ISP.  I
> have a static IP number and am hosting a web site for my company.  No
> problems at all; it works great.  I do have two questions however...
> 1.  How do I get my modem to reconnect when my ISP drops me?
> 2.  Is there anyway I can find out info about my connection- connection
> speed, bytes in, bytes out, duration of the connection, ... ?
> I am using Slackware with Kernel 2.0.36.
> Thanks for the help in advance,
> Ben

**                         **
**  David A. Lee           **
**  613-545-7854           **
**  [EMAIL PROTECTED]      **
**  558 Frontenac Street   **
**  Apt. #2                **
**  Kingston, Ontario      **
**  K7K 4M2                **
**  Canada                 **
**                         **

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<P>Try a couple things.&nbsp; Try a program called diald for problem #1.&nbsp;
I've never used it before, but I've read some stuff about it.&nbsp; This
sounds like it might be your answer.&nbsp; Regarding question #2, try a
program called pppstats.&nbsp; I'm using RedHat, and it is found in /usr/sbin.&nbsp;
I'm not sure about Slackware though.&nbsp; It should be on there somewhere.&nbsp;
You might have to download diald though.


<P>ben wrote:

<P>I have ppp up and working as a gateway from my network to an ISP.&nbsp;
<BR>have a static IP number and am hosting a web site for my company.&nbsp;
<BR>problems at all; it works great.&nbsp; I do have two questions however...

<P>1.&nbsp; How do I get my modem to reconnect when my ISP drops me?

<P>2.&nbsp; Is there anyway I can find out info about my connection- connection
<BR>speed, bytes in, bytes out, duration of the connection, ... ?

<P>I am using Slackware with Kernel 2.0.36.

<P>Thanks for the help in advance,
**&nbsp; David A. Lee&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **
**&nbsp; 613-545-7854&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **
**&nbsp; [EMAIL PROTECTED]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **
**&nbsp; 558 Frontenac Street&nbsp;&nbsp; **
**&nbsp; Apt. 
**&nbsp; Kingston, Ontario&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **
**&nbsp; K7K 



From: "Tim Underwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Diald and a few problems....
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 18:24:47 -0600

I have gotten diald to work (mostly), but have a few problems:

1.  diald apparently keeps creating slip connections.  In just a few hours
of testing, I've got sl0 - sl20.  They don't die.

2.  diald hangs up fairly quickly (about 60 seconds).  I have tried
extending the timeout in pppd, but diald apparently is killing the
connection.  Is there some overall timeout for diald?

3.  diald keeps coming up with "accepted rule 22 proto 17 len 64" that
appear to be going out to nameservers.  These are not only the default ones
I have set up for my ISP, but also the ones defined in /var/named/

I am using RH 5.2, with the <diald-0.16.5a-1.i386.rpm>.  I have a caching
nameserver defined (which seems to work per DNS howto instructions), to help
prevent the link from coming up all the time.

Any ideas?


From: "Tim Underwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Samba and long login/attach times from Win9x
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 18:29:25 -0600

I have Samba (2.0.3) set up, and am enduring long login/attach times when
trying to view the shares on the samba server.  In other words, on Win9x,
going into Network Neighborhood, and double clicking on the samba server...

It seems to take 1.5 - 3 minutes.

I have samba set up as a WinS server - setting up my Win9x box to point to
the samba host for Wins services, pings are very quick (no local
\windows\hosts).  This is with no DNS set on Win9x

I also have a caching nameserver on the same linux box.  Using DNS on Win9x,
but no Wins, pings are also very quick.

I'm convinced the name resolution is happening quickly, but the attach/login
is very long.  Once up, though, access to the shares and displaying their
contents is very quick.  Copying files to the samba server is also very

Any ideas?


From: Precious Metal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.2.X and NE2000
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 16:36:54 -0800

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nguyen_a wrote:

via-rhine selection in the networking area of kernel config

> root wrote:
> > Does anyone successfully have an NE2000 working with 2.2.X?  I have tried
> > all 2.2.X kernels/patches.  /proc/kmsg reports
> >
> > eth0: Tx timed out, lost interrupt? TSR=0x3, ISR=0x2, t=1000.
> >
> > when I try to ping.
> >
> > Using tcpdump on a remote machines shows the machine with 2.2.X arps then
> > the destination machine responds.  Using tcpdump on the 2.2.X machine
> > shows the arp, but no response.  Which correlates well with what the
> > kernel is saying.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks!
> Hi,
> I almost had the same buzz: the kernel did not detect my NE2000 ISA card
> because I did not used
> one of the standard address,IRQ that are autoprobed at boot.
> I arranged this by adding a line
> append "ether  io=your_address, irq=your_interrupt, eth0"
> in lilo.conf and then reinstall it.
> Make sure to check the exact syntax with man , (I am not writing this on my
> machine at home  :-) )
> Have fun
> Anhtuan

Precious Metal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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nguyen_a wrote:

<P>via-rhine selection in the networking area of kernel config

<P>> Does anyone successfully have an NE2000 working with 2.2.X?&nbsp;
I have tried
<BR>> all 2.2.X kernels/patches.&nbsp; /proc/kmsg reports
<BR>> eth0: Tx timed out, lost interrupt? TSR=0x3, ISR=0x2, t=1000.
<BR>> when I try to ping.
<BR>> Using tcpdump on a remote machines shows the machine with 2.2.X arps
<BR>> the destination machine responds.&nbsp; Using tcpdump on the 2.2.X
<BR>> shows the arp, but no response.&nbsp; Which correlates well with
what the
<BR>> kernel is saying.
<BR>> Any ideas?
<BR>> Thanks!


<P>I almost had the same buzz: the kernel did not detect my NE2000 ISA
<BR>because I did not used
<BR>one of the standard address,IRQ that are autoprobed at boot.

<P>I arranged this by adding a line

<P>append "ether&nbsp; io=your_address, irq=your_interrupt, eth0"

<P>in lilo.conf and then reinstall it.
<BR>Make sure to check the exact syntax with man , (I am not writing this
on my
<BR>machine at home&nbsp; :-) )

<P>Have fun
Precious Metal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])



From: Malware <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IPFWADM shows no masquerading entries
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 21:23:52 +0100

Hi Ray,

you wrote:
> In my /etc/rc.d/rc.local I added the lines
> ipfwadm -F -p deny
> ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D
> ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D
> But I cannot access the internet from "piggie".  In fact, the command
> ipfwadm -M -l

The rules are ok, but they are added to the forward chain. What you can
view with 'ipfwadm -M -l' is the list off currently "established"
connections that are masqueraded.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: Can I shutdown linux remotely?
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 00:32:56 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Efflandt wrote:
>On Thu, 11 Mar 1999 04:40:18 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> I have 2 machines; a RH5.1 Linux and a win95. Most of the time I work on the
>>Linux from the win95 through OmniX (an application that emulate the X-server
>>from Linux). My question is, can I shutdown the Linux from the Win95 side. I
>>really dont want to login again on the linux and issue a shutdown command. If
>>I recalled it right, I couldnt do that. linux just doesnt shutdown.
>>Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>>p/s: please cc a reply to my mail box.T Q.
>One way or another, you have to be logged onto the Linux box to shut it

No ... actually quite some time ago there was an announcement about just
that, a programme to shut down a Linux box remotely. Should not be a big
deal via some daemon or RPC (though RPC is not that secure ... ) that does
just that.


\ Real name     : Jürgen Heinzl                 \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /
  \ Phone Private : +44 181-332 0750              \                  /


From: Forrest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sextuple Boot
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 18:13:52 -0600

Well, I don't think you necessarily need System Commander to boot multiple
operating systems.  On my computer at work I have win95, NT4.0 and
Redhat5.0 and I was able to get them all to boot using the NT boot loader.
I just pick which operating system I want and away I go.  I will say it
was a sleight headache to set up though because the primary partition on
my hardware is formatted NTFS, but its definitely workable.


On 14 Mar 1999, David Efflandt wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Mar 1999 19:12:48 GMT, william stewart
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >        After having tried to install NT 4.0 on a slave drive by
> >switching the boot
> >sequence in an Award BIOS and finding out there is no way that I would
> >be able to
> >put a master boot record on a slave drive and after also switching which
> >was slave
> >and which was master, I have decided to buy a new cheap 300 MHz,4GB,64
> >RAM system and buy System Commander so that I can put NT4.0 on one
> >partition,NT 3.51 on another,SCO Unix on one,NetWare 3.12 on one,NetWare
> >4.11 on one and Red Hat 5.1 on another.
> >My question is: Will System Commnader actually be able to do this?
> >       I understand all about the different files systems on different
> >partitions.
> >But does System Commander really able to put that many OSes on a Master
> >Boot record?
> >       Any comments would be appreciated.
> >
> >      Thank you,     Will H. Stewart
> So, what's wrong with using LILO?  I boot to 4 different systems on 3
> different IDE drives without having to change any jumpers.  All the OS's
> do not go on the MBR, just pointers to where they are.
> LILO can boot to any drive that shows up in CMOS setup (in which case you
> can ignore the warnings).  Just make sure that CD or other removable
> drives are last (especially if they do not show in CMOS).
> Of course I have no use for NT or Netware, so I don't have a clue if they
> boot any different from Win95.
> -- 
> David Efflandt    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Malware <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: jiffies and traffic shaper
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 21:23:33 +0100

Hi Le,

you wrote:
>   I am wondering if anyone can give me some pointer regarding
>   the "jiffies" variables defined in the shaper.c module.
>   The module is located in: linux/drivers/net/shaper.c

jiffies is a global variable which is counted up continously. It's
increased by one each 1/HZ seconds (HZ is a symbolic constant). You may
have noticed that there are some funtions that can be used to compare it
with a stored value, e.g. time_before, these are used because jiffies
wrap arround.



From: Malware <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.c++
Subject: Re: DNS look-ups with C++
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 22:59:07 +0100

Hi Brian,

you wrote:
>     I am programming a network app that needs to reverse host-name
> look-up.  This means that given an IP address x.x.x.x, it needs to be
> able to request the registered name associated server from DNS.
>     What would be the easiest way to do this?  Is there a function
> somewhere that is all ready to go?

As you are posting this question to a Linux group too I suppose you want
a sulution running under Linux.
You can use the C-functions provided. There is a function gethostbyaddr.
Type in "man 3 gethostbyaddr" for more information about. You might want
to read "Unix Network Programming - Volume 1" by R.W.Stevens (ISBN
0-13-490012-X). This is all for C though. There might be C++ libraries
arround that offer this functions wrapped into a object or you might
write one yourself.




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