Linux-Networking Digest #513, Volume #10         Tue, 16 Mar 99 04:13:46 EST

  Re: Workstation,Server,Custom Install ("Michael Wisniewski")
  Re: ipchains problem (George Neill)
  NIS and /etc/passwd. ("Poole, Thomas")
  Re: Linux diskless station with bootp (Tom Neilson)
  Re: a small problem with ip-masqurading configuration. (Carles Arjona)
  PPP not working correctly (Redhat 5.2) PLEASE HELP! (John Broadhead)
  Re: How to telnet as root (david koski)
  pppd died unexpectedly ??? (hallo)
  Teles 16.3c ISDN card + kernel 2.0.36 (JALinuxUser)
  Samba (Gert Lindstrom)
  Netscape ftp, port numbers and ipfwadm (david koski)
  When /etc/resolv.conf is present it takes 1 minute to telnet in ("C J")
  Re: cable connection not working (Tom Neilson)
  Re: LILO problem (Tom Neilson)
  Re: windows 98 client is slllooowwwww retrieving from linux server (czar!)
  MAC and Linux (Reine Stenberg)
  Re: NFS-mount with Linux-client from AIX-server (Stephan Loescher)
  Re: NETGEAR ("Charles J. Boening")
  Caldera openlinux 1.3 DHCP client... how do I set it up? ("Harry DePoy")
  Re: Sextuple Boot (DaZZa)
  Sendmail ("Mark Cornhill")
  Re: Cable modem (Q)


From: "Michael Wisniewski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Workstation,Server,Custom Install
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 19:49:11 -0800

Depends on what you want to do with the box.  If you're checking it out for
the first/2nd/3rd time, use the Server install (you'll need 1.5 GB on your
HD) and everything will be installed.  Then when you've played around with
it a little go back and do the custom install.  I prefer the Server version,
if it's the only Linux machine on the network, but I usually pare it down to
just the essentials when I figure out what I'm really gonna use it for.

Michael Wisniewski

H.G.Williams wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>This question may have already been asked, several times, but after
>looking around for references to it, I haven't been able to find many
>In running a small network at home, 4 machines, all on the same network,
>would it have been better to picked the 'Server' option during install?
>(The other 3 boxes are win '95).


From: George Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ipchains problem
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 06:15:58 GMT


> In Grant ZoBell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : I installed my kernel 2.2.3 and got the IP forwarding going.  I compiled the
> : kernel on a different box than the my actual router.  According to the
> : ipchains how-to, if I have /proc/net/ip_chains, which I do then I should be
> : ready to setup my firewall.  However I can't find anywhere the actual tool,
> : ipchains!



From: "Poole, Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NIS and /etc/passwd.
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 17:17:37 +1100

I'm trying to set up RedHat 5.2 to use a combination of NIS and /etc/passwd.

I want the password verification to come from NIS, but I want home directory
and shell information to come from /etc/passwd.

If I do:

[poole@zwolb006]$ ypmatch poole passwd
poole:rkVKQEJEdQdb2:22116:3406:Thomas Poole:/users/guest:/bin/csh

Which is correct for NIS.

However, I want the Linux machine to set my $HOME and #SHELL
correctly, based on information in /etc/passwd/, not in what
is in NIS.

On the Linux machine in the /etc/passwd file I have:

[poole@zwolb006]$ grep poole /etc/passwd
+poole::0:0:Thomas Poole:/bnr/users/u18/poole:/bin/csh

However when I log into the Linux machine, my $HOME is set
to /users/guest.

NIS works file (since I can log in with my NIS passwd).
It is just not picking up the $HOME from /etc/passwd.

Can anyone help on this one?

Thanks in advance,


From: Tom Neilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux diskless station with bootp
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 07:02:03 GMT

Sébastien ROZIER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:     Hello,
: I'd like to use my old PC as a diskless station for my linux server....
: I think i have to put a boot rom on my ethernet card, and flash it with a
: kernel image...
: Is it right ? will this allow me to boot with bootp ?
: What kind of rom do i have to buy ? what is the way to flash it with the
: kernel ?
: Thanx for your help
:     Seb

Please read:

Diskless Linux Mini Howto by Robert Nemkin
NFS-root Mini Howto by Nicolai Langfeldt
Linux NET-3-HOWTO by Terry Dawson
/usr/src/linux/README about configuring and compiling new kernels

"Due to financial constraints,
the light at the end of the tunnel
has been turned off until further notice !!"


From: Carles Arjona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: a small problem with ip-masqurading configuration.
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 21:19:41 +0100

> The
> problem I'm facing is that my internet connection works fine if I override
> the configuration of LAN during the installation of RedHat, but if i
> configure my LAN during installation then after that I am not able to connect
> to my ISP.

Probably a default route to your eth0 interface is set by your LAN
configuration, so you might try:
  /sbin/route del default
before executing pppd, or remove the GATEWAY line in the
/etc/sysconfig/network file, then:
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart

Carles Arjona    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please, just remove the second NOSPAM for replies from newsgroups.
(Yes, NOSPAM is my real username)
[Don't send me e-mail copies of usenet postings, please]


From: John Broadhead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: PPP not working correctly (Redhat 5.2) PLEASE HELP!
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 23:25:53 -0700

Outward-bound ppp connections do not work properly on my new Redhat 5.2
box. I think some sort of send-Q is filling up and causing the
connection to stop. Everthing works fine of ethernet, but the same
things don't work when going over ppp.

Here is what my netstat looks like:
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
tcp        0      1 orion.venturedata.:smtp
tcp        1  46720 orion.venturedata:31552
tcp        0      0 orion.venturedata.c:ssh cheese.venturedata:1039
tcp        0      0 orion.ventu:netbios-ssn cheese.venturedat:nterm
tcp        1  49640 orion.venturedata:31367
tcp        1  45052 orion.venturedata:31319
tcp        1  44797 orion.venturedata:31292
tcp        1  46072 orion.venturedata:30898

Notice those ones with the large send-Qs, well whenever a connection's
queue gets up about that high, suddenly it stops sending data through
that connection. The connection goes to CLOSE_WAIT or LAST_ACK when the
client disconnects and these stay as LAST_ACK or CLOSE_WAIT for hours.
You can make a new connection and it works fine, but the earlier
connection freezes!

This happens with HTTP, sendmail, telnet, ssh, everything you can think
of, if it's over ppp and it tries to send too much data at once, it
freezes.  So any http connection gets a little bit of the file (if it's
larger than about 30K) and then freezes. Forever waiting for the rest of
the data.

Does anyone have any idea about what might be causing this? Another
computer running redhat 5.0 worked perfectly, that was with a different
kernel and pppd version. I'm currently using kernel 2.0.36 and pppd
2.3.5. The earlier version of Redhat never seemed to let the Send-Q get
up higher than 32K, so is this some sort of pppd<->kernel
incompatability or what? Is the kernel expecting ppp's send-Q to be

Really I'm not experienced enough to begin track down exactly what's
happening, so please any information that can help would be appreciated.

-John Broadhead


Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 23:15:05 -0800
From: david koski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to telnet as root

Hmm..  Try logging in as <yourid> and then su.  Run whoami.  It is root,
no?  Now run mail.  See if you get "<yourid> has no mail" (if you

Eleno Sandoval wrote:
> What I do is telnet to my Linux box as a user, example as col.  Then when my
> login is successful, I type "su" to change to the super user or root user,
> then
> enter my root password.  Then I'm connected as root.
> >>>Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >>>news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >>>> Can anyone tell me how to allow root telnet access to a Linux box?
> >>>> I've added .rhosts file to root's home directory but it seems to be
> >>>> PAM authentication that is preventing it.


From: hallo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: pppd died unexpectedly ???
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 08:19:49 +0100

I use SuSe 6.0 with KDE 1.0 and I got a lot of trouble with kppp.
After I get a connection to my provider (terminal authofication), kppp
interrupts with the
mesage "pppd died unexpectedly".
- pppd is installed to the kernel 2.0.36
-suseppp is installed and configured with yast

Can anybody help me ??
Thanks , Thomas


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Teles 16.3c ISDN card + kernel 2.0.36
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 06:49:40 GMT


Wonder if any of u can help me out with a little problem i'm
having with my Teles ISDN card & Linux...

I can't seem to get the kernel to recognize the interrupt
i've set for the card... here's the details..

I'm using kernel 2.0.36 and a Teles 16.3c ISA PnP card...

Here's the relevant section of my /usr/src/linux/.config :-


I've compiled the ISDN subsystem as a module and also the HiSax drivers
for Teles 16xx all as modules.

Booted up with the new kernel

Here's my /etc/isapnp.conf file :-

(READPORT 0x0203)

(CONFIGURE TAG2620/209717183 (LD 0
(IO 0 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0300))
(INT 0 (IRQ 10 (MODE +E)))
(NAME "TAG2620/209717183[0]{TELES.S0/16.3c Plug&Play}")

Did an "isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf" and got the following :-

========================================= lspci not found, so PCI resource
conflict not checked Board 1 has Identity bd 0c 80 07 bf 20 26 27 50: 
TAG2620 Serial No 209717183 [checksum bd] TAG2620/209717183[0]{TELES.S0/16.3c
Plug&Play}: Port 0x300; IRQ10 --- Enabled OK

OK.. no problem so far... then i did the modprobe hisax like this and
got the results as follows:-

# modprobe hisax type=14 protocol=2 irq=10 io=0x300
ISDN subsystem Rev: loaded
Teles 16.3c: IRQ(10) getting no interrupts during init 1
Teles 16.3c: IRQ(10) getting no interrupts during init 2
Teles 16.3c: IRQ(10) getting no interrupts during init 3
HiSax: Card Teles 16.3c not installed !
Initialization of hisax failed
ISDN-subsystem unloaded

Something's not right here... can't pinpoint exactly where it is... tried
putting the card to another PC but got the same results... MAYBE it could
be the card being faulty OR something else... hope u can help out here..
Thanx ;) ;)

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From: Gert Lindstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Samba
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 08:09:36 +0100


I have a problem with samba and the it handles passwords.

On my small network at home I have 2 windows pc connected to my linux
box, one with Win95 the other with Win98.

The Win98 machine can connect to Samba but not the Win95, as I
understand it have something to do with the encryption of the passwords.

How to fix that witout having to change anything in tho Win98 registry?


Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 23:20:33 -0800
From: david koski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Netscape ftp, port numbers and ipfwadm


When attempting to ftp with Netscape 4.04 (RH 5.1 server and ppp
connection to ISP) I cannot get through my firewall.  I noticed that the
port numbers reported on the status line of Netscape are 1025..65535
(high).  I can however ftp at the prompt.  The same thing is true on the
Windoze and OS/2 clients Netscape.  Ftp programs work on the clients
too, but not Netscape's ftp.  What gives?


Subject: When /etc/resolv.conf is present it takes 1 minute to telnet in
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 21:22:14 -0800

Whenever I have a Linux machine on the network and try to telnet into it
sometimes it will take a minute to get a login prompt.  When this happens I
remove the reslov.conf file and everything is fine.  How can I get these two
important pieces of networking to work with each other?

Please cc me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Tom Neilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cable connection not working
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 07:20:49 GMT

Wasim Juned <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Vincent Raffensberger wrote:

:> I just set up my @home connection.  I used the following for reference:

: The freeland address (like most Monolith addresses - is defunct
: now.
: Anyone know where they've gone to?

: -- 
: Wasim Juned 

Sure do ..... Elvis.

"Due to financial constraints,
the light at the end of the tunnel
has been turned off until further notice !!"


From: Tom Neilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO problem
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 07:17:15 GMT

Edgar Manik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: did you typed root=/dev/hda?
: (? means your linux partition) at LILO prompt?

: Cheers,

: Edgar

<ehm>  ... you mean: - mount root=/dev/hd? ro; and then press the big fat
"any key".

"Due to financial constraints,
the light at the end of the tunnel
has been turned off until further notice !!"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (czar!)
Subject: Re: windows 98 client is slllooowwwww retrieving from linux server
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 07:20:40 GMT

>cable modem and the other one is setup for my LAN.  TCP/IP seems to be
>working fine in all other respects.  Has anyone got any ideas?  I have
>altered the smb.conf to increase the read size and cache etc but it
>hasn't helped.
I have solved my own problem.  I started tweaking the MTU size on the
windows 98 computer.  When I changed MTU the speed shot up from 14k to
500+kps.  Downloading is at 800+kps - this is acceptable



From: Reine Stenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MAC and Linux
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 08:52:08 +0100

I have a problem using Linux as a fileserver for SGI and MAC computers.
For the MAC's I use SMB to give the MAC users access to their home
which has quota enabled.
The MAC's runs DAVE to access SMB shares.

The problem is this:
When a user tries to save mote than the quota hard limit allows the MAC

Am I using the wrong software (DAVE) ?
Are there any MAC software for accessing NFS instead ? (NFS is already
used by
the SGI-machines).

Thankful for any help on this matter



From: Stephan Loescher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.aix
Subject: Re: NFS-mount with Linux-client from AIX-server
Date: 16 Mar 1999 09:17:10 +0100



> AIX likes to know who its clients are.        If the IP address of your client i=
> not associated with a known hostname then you can get that error message.=

> From the AIX server type the command "host <client_ip_address>" to see
> whether the address is resolvable.  If not, then add it to your favorite =
> service.

Thanks for the help.
The AIX-Server now knows my Linux-box, but I still can't mount the exported=



-- =

Stephan L=F6scher            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AGIS - Allianz Gesellschaft f=FCr Informatik Service mbH
Gutenbergstra=DFe 8               D - 85774 Unterf=F6hring
Tel: +49(0)89/3800-5720        Fax: +49(0)89/3800-6934


From: "Charles J. Boening" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NETGEAR
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 02:36:59 -0800

If your're talking about the FA310tx card, yup ... I'm successfully used it
with Slackware 3.6.  Matter of fact, Netgear includes the driver and
instructions on the driver disks.

I would definately recommend this card.


Joseph White wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I'm thinking of buying a four port hub and a couple of NIC's so I can
>setup a Linux server w/Samba.
>Netgear by Bay Networks has some good deals, but I don't know if their
>products work with Linux. I'm running Redhat 5.1 - Intel, I read the
>hardware list, but could not determine from the list if Netgear products
>were supported or not.
>If anyone has info on Netgear or any other economical solutions for a
>small home network, please let me know.


From: "Harry DePoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Caldera openlinux 1.3 DHCP client... how do I set it up?
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 00:25:40 -0800

I just had DSL internet installed, but requires DHCP for the client. My
RedHat box was a no brainer, however my Caldera box is another story.
Caldera's knowledgebase  states "we do not support DHCP client"  and
checkout the NG's or near that. Anyone have experiance in setting up DHCP on
Caldera that can give me a few pointers. Meanwhile I will RTFM and all the
Howto's I can find so no need to fireup the newbie torch.




Subject: Re: Sextuple Boot
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:33:17 +1100

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Rick Droske wrote:

Oh goodie, another NT vs XX debate. What _fun_

> In my experience NT only crashes when administered by people that don't know
> what they are doing, or are trying to use too many of it myriad
> possibilities on one machine, or have loaded who knows what ot the many
> possible applications onto it

Your experience is vastly different to mine, then.

NT is the be all and end all of operating systems. Microsoft tells me so.
So why CAN'T I do "too many of its myriad possibilities" on one machine?


NT runs fune - as long as it only does one thing at a time. Can we spell
IBM 390's, boys and girls?

> Most Linux machines do nothing but serve files, maybe web, maybe dns and
> SQL. My NT servers doing only this never crash either.


Fileserver {goes without saying}
IP Masquerading {P NAT, if you prefer the term}.
Web server {Apache - the worlds fastest web server}
Web proxy/cache {Squid - free software}
Bootp/DHCP server {because WindoZe clients won't use real BootP}
Net terminal {including X-Windows and Netscape}
IRC server {Local network, net connected when required}
Print spooler/server {Epson Stylus Colour 850}
Router {3 networks, 2 network cards and a dialup, IP and IPX}
Firewall {IP, net access blocking and controlling}
AMD K6-2/300 with 64 meg of RAM, and about 10 gig of hard disk space.

Try getting your famed NT server doing all that in the same hardware
without it crashing {hell, if you can even get it STARTED I'll be

To quote the great Remo Williams.

Blow it out your ears.

I 'aint impressed by NT. I never will be.



From: "Mark Cornhill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sendmail
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 19:15:50 +1100

Hi there.

Can someone point me in the right direction so that I can bounce any
unresolved (non-existant) emails for a virtual domain which I have setup.

I have three email aliases in the maps file which points any emails to these
addresses to existing addresses in another domain. If an email is sent to
the virtual domain and does not match any of the aliases in the maps file it
gets bounced to root of that server. I have tryed placing a wildcard entry
in /etc/virtusertable with no success eg:    "no such user"

I have also tryed creating a wild card entry in the maps file eg:  "no such user"

The version of sendmail running is 8.9.7.

If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them. Thanks in advance.
Mark Cornhill
Wolf Computer Solutions
Narellan NSW
Australia 2567


Subject: Re: Cable modem
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 08:00:00 GMT

i am in the same boat as this other guy, i want to configure my 3com
modem to work in LINUX and can not figure out anything definitive on
the Net to help me out.  I am running red hat 5.2 and  3com etherlink
III isa 3C509b -tpo running in PNP mode....
thanks for any help... if you could point me to simply step by step
instructions on the net I would be really grateful...

On Sat, 13 Mar 1999 08:59:46 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joseph Scott)

>first tell us what do you want, how many network card you have
>look like you on the way, so come_On.
>On Fri, 5 Mar 1999 01:55:16 -0500, Nancy Arruda 
>>I just got cable modem three days ago, and still am pretty new to Linux...
>>I have RedHat 5.2 and would like to be able to connect to the net...   I use
>>KDE 1.1 as a xwindows manager...  Also, my cable modem assigns my ip
>>automatically through the dhcp server, so, what do I need to set up?
>>Network card?  Other stuff?  And, how to do those things?
>>Thanks so much,



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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