Linux-Networking Digest #516, Volume #11         Sat, 12 Jun 99 22:13:30 EDT

  more diald stuff (Brian Witowski)
  Help! Linksys PCMCIA EthernetCard ("Richard A. Bilonick")
  Re: Help! Networking & IP Masquerading & PPP, oh my! (Gilford Wimbley)
  Re: Linux can't be a big role...???!!! (Yuki Taga)
  Re: How to setup for Lotus Notes (Raymonds Doetjes)
  Re: Linux help (Kenyon Ralph)
  Scriptable telnet Client (brian)
  Re: ADSL not talking to my box.. (Dang H. Nguyen)
  Re: Redefine unprivileged ports? (Dang H. Nguyen)
  ipfwadm (Brian Witowski)
  To anyone who responded (" zx300chris")
  (no subject) (Denning)
  No LCP debug info - Help! (root)
  Re: DNS Boggle ("Andrey Smirnov")
  Re: Cannot set up linux as a router! ("Andrey Smirnov")
  Problem configuring PCMCIA Network card (Robert Chung)
  Re: Howto tunnel smb over internet? ("Andrey Smirnov")
  Re: Can I connect to X from W95? (Charles Mulks)
  Subject - same old interment connect crap. (Denning)
  Re: timeout on telnet login ("Hugh Saunders")


From: Brian Witowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: more diald stuff
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:10:17 -0400

Ok, sweet and simple, if I type "diald up" at a prompt, the linux box
dials out and all works fine.  BUT, if I just type "diald", the daemon
starts but never dials when I start my web browser or email or ping.  It
was working for all of an hour or so then just quit.  Any ideas?



From: "Richard A. Bilonick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help! Linksys PCMCIA EthernetCard
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 00:01:04 GMT

I'm trying to get a Linksys Combo PCMCIA EthernetCard working in my
Toshiba 2535 Satellite laptop. The PCMCIA modem card works fine. When I
installed RH 6.0, I asked for networking. I can run the "cardctl status"
command and it sees to PC cards. Both cardctl and cardmgr are in /sbin.
But I cannot find cardinfo anywhere. (It is strange. I also loaded RH
6.0 on a desktop and I could find cardinfo (although I don't remember if
it was in /sbin but I think it was there). Of course the desktop doesn't
have an PCMCIA slots.) (This PCMCIA card is supported in Linux.)

How can I fix this? How can I get the ethernet card working? Do I need
to try to reload the networking software from the CD? What else can I do
to track down the problem?

A related problem occurs when the laptop reboots. It gets error message
101 and repeats the line with RCP (if memory serves), something to do
with NFS. I guess because networking is not working, NFS isn't working.
However it sits there for over 5 minutes or so before completing the
boot process. How can I fix this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Rick Bilonick

Rick Bilonick -  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Statistical Consulting for Business & Industry


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gilford Wimbley)
Subject: Re: Help! Networking & IP Masquerading & PPP, oh my!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 04:22:11 GMT

On Fri, 11 Jun 1999 11:11:51 -0700, "David Gallo"

>Okay. I'm fed up with trying to do book learning. I just want a solution.
>Once I get that I'll go back and figure out how it works. :)
>Here's my set-up:
>1 Server running RedHat 5.2 with a 56k modem and 1 NIC
>5+ Windows 98 PCs with NIC
>I've got PPP working and it dials my ISP just fine. I'm able to browse the
>web and everything from my Server.
>I'm also able to telnet and ftp to my server from the Win 98 machines. No
>problems there.
>How do I set up IP masquerading with a ipfwadm so that I can browse the web
>on the win 98 machines? I really don't want to go out and set up a separate
>firewall machine.
>Can anyone help? Please e-mail me directly with answers or if you want more
>info. I'm really eager to get this working ASAP.
Well, what you want to do isn't that trivial.  It can't be explained
in a short reply.  Let me list the big steps, to direct your

1) recompile your kernel to support masqerading and reboot.
2) issue the appropriate forwarding policy using ipfwadm
     (once you are sure of the commands, you can put them in rc.local)
     (also, make sure you allow forwarding)
3) Configure your 5 plus windows 98 machines to use your linux machine
as a gateway.  You can either make your linux box be a DNS or tell the
windows machines to use whatever your ISP gave you as a DNS.

I learned how to do all three of these things from a book called _The
Linux Network_  by Fred Butzen and Christopher Hilton.  It is very
detailed and very specific to exactly what you want (and I wanted) to

However, I'm not feeling patient enough at the moment to condense and
paraphrase two chapters  ;-)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yuki Taga)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux can't be a big role...???!!!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 02:55:46 GMT

On Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:38:06 -0400, in article
<Pine.OSF.4.05.9906111033050.15160-100000@palm>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, Yuki Taga wrote:
>> I have no argument with this.  I like command lines.  I simply maintain that
>> anyone who thinks Windows is confusing (the mother in this case) is not even
>> close to being ready for linux.  Someone really new to computers is likely to
>                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>This is the crux of your faulty assumption.  My mother isn't really new to
>computers.  There has been a computer in our house and/or in her place of
>work since 1981.  When my mother bought me my first computer in 1983 (I
>was 3 at the time, BTW, and the computer was a TRS-80-CoCo-2 with cassette

<hee-hee>  You're right, my assumption was wrong.  In this case, your mother's
feelings are completely understandable.

Yuki ^_^


From: Raymonds Doetjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: How to setup for Lotus Notes
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 22:06:25 +0200

The only thing that you have to do is set the defauklt gatway address of
your winbox to trhe ip address of your Linuxbox, the Linuxbox will then
forward those Notes calls over the Net to the appropriate Notes server.
Nothing to it!


Tero Niemi wrote:

> I've got little LAN with 4 win-machines, which should be able to use
> Lotus Notes on external server.
> What should I do in order to get it work? Do I need some specific
> ip_masq module? Please help ASAP.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenyon Ralph)
Subject: Re: Linux help
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 05:22:34 GMT

On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 01:29:29 -0400, Andrew Crouse wrote:
> I'm no expert, and there is likely a much better solution, but perhaps it
> will tide you over until you find a better way.

Dhcp is supposed to supply the nameserver information.  Since pump is the
dhcp client, the problem must lie somewhere therein.  First I'd upgrade to
the latest pump package just in case that fixes the problem
(, or use a mirror

Kenyon Ralph | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |


From: brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Scriptable telnet Client
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 06:25:29 +0000

I am looking for a Linux telnet client for which I can write scripts.
Loops, conditions, variables, wait for, send...the works. One I used
under 'dows was ZOC...something like that would be great. Or, if I could
somehow write scripts for the one I have (the standard telnet for RH

Any advice / information would be appreciated.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dang H. Nguyen)
Subject: Re: ADSL not talking to my box..
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 07:43:02 GMT

On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 01:27:01 -0500, Jerry L Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I decided to go ADSL on my phone service to get a faster Internet access.  My ISP 
>gave me a Cicso 
>675 router programmed as a DHCP Server.  It is connected to the phone jack on the 
>wall and to the 
>Fast EtherLink XL 10/100B TX NIC in my box.  The DNS search is, and two 
> and  My box is JLkreps.At.Home with an IP of and 
>I am running 
>SuSE 6.1 with the kernel upgraded to 2.2.7.  
>SuSE supplies a configuration program called YaST, which is has menu options to set 
>up the Name 
>Server, HostName, Base Configuration and DHCP CLient.   When the box is booted the 
>DHCP Client 
>gets an IP address, always, from the Cisco DCHP Server and sets up a 
>routing table.  
>The only problem is the routing table is not any good, I can't see the internet.  My 
>next thing is 
>to download the lastest version of DCHPCP and compile it into my system.  I've spent 
>thirty hours 
>playing with ifconfig, route, netstat and the like, trying to create something that 
>would let 
>Netscape walk the web via my ADSL.
>The SuSE YaST program leaves the TCP/IP config files in the following condition...
>This info represents all that YaST leaves me with.    I can always ping the NIC.  The 
>bad news is 
>that and it's numbers are always left out of the mix.  The DHCP Client 
>ALWAYS pulls the 
> number and gives it to the NIC.  I don't know why SuSE leaves 
>out of the 
>picture when I gave it the name server info during the YaST setup.

do you know why the cisco dsl modem is giving your nic a non-routable
lan only ip?
192.168.x.x are reserve for use in a local area network and will not
be routed on the internet.
does the dsl modem acts as a masquerading server?
check ifconfig to see if the ip address is assigned correctly. 
>From what I've deal with ADSL, you actually need to get a real ip
address for it to work, not one of them lan only ones. the dsl modem
acts more as a bridge than a router.

let me get this straight, you assigned your nic but the dhcp
server assigns your nic which is the correct ip?

what I would do is make the adsl line works on another OS before
trying to fix Linux. Get a windows box and see if you can get it


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dang H. Nguyen)
Subject: Re: Redefine unprivileged ports?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 07:50:21 GMT

On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 07:08:12 GMT, Dave Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Is there a way to permanently remove ports from the "unprivileged
>ports" pool?  There are some that, due to some static internal mapping
>I need to do, just don't work and I need to make sure my linux machine
>never uses them.  Any ideas?

have you try putting them in /etc/services?
that might tell linux that the ports are reserve for inet services and
wont be use by anything except those services.


From: Brian Witowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ipfwadm
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:37:27 -0400


I have the following at the end of my /etc/rc.d/rc.local

/sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -a masquerade -S -D

But I still have to type it in at a prompt to get ip masquerading to
work after booting.  It doesn't matter when I do it as long as I do it
after I boot and before I try to got outside of my network.
Why isn't this going into effect upon boot-up?



From: " zx300chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: To anyone who responded
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:44:35 -0400

I just wanted to say thank you to whoever responded to my message about not
being able to get RH 6.0 connected to Mediaone after erasing RH 5.2 where it
worked. I reinstalled 5.2, got it working, wrote down all the info about
nameservers just in case, then proceeded to update it to 6.0 which it
wouldn't do the first time. Thanks! - Chris


From: Denning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: (no subject)
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:51:20 -0400

Soryy if this has come up before.

I had bougjht a pair of DFE530TX cards with 4 hub and acbles to start
a local area network. With you immense help, I was able to get things

Noq I buy Cox @Home service (it's all around presently) and it
presents me with, guess what, a DFE530TX card. No manuals. Marketing
blurb, etc. Not on iota of technical information.

>From what I have been began to gather is that I muxt disable
plug-n-ptray mode and put it inot ISA mode to get it to work. I juts
want to make a gateway to the intenet that doesn't crawl at 56-.

Anyone who has experience with this problem or any insights will be
greatly appreciated.

BTW, the good will I got here last time was repaid at least 10 times
in helping others out.

Long Live LINUX!

mailtto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (damn spammers).


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: No LCP debug info - Help!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:16:48 +0200

I'm using isdn4linux to connect to my ISP and my employers network (10.x
private range). The ISP connections runs fine, but the connection to my
employers network won't work. Physical connection is OK, but then after
30 seconds the remote site disconnects. I presume something goes wrong
in the negotiation, but I cannot see what. Tried all the hints (Yes I do
read DejaNews..):
Added debug to ipppd at startup
Added daemon.* /var/log/ppp-log to /etc/syslog.conf (File is created but
zero length)
Even tried kdebug 7 in the ioptions file.
I'm running RedHat 6.0 kernel 2.2.9 with latest isdn and isdn4k-utils
How can I setup ipppd to show the LCP negotiation in some log???



From: "Andrey Smirnov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DNS Boggle
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:57:37 -0700

You can try nslookup with IP address instead of the server name (try your
ISP's DNS server for example).

But if your nslookup hangs even after that, you may have problem related to
your routes or DNS in general.

If routes are ok, then try using different DNS server (fi. UUNET's DNS -

Good luck!

Andy wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Andrey Smirnov wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Try to use nslookup command at the prompt when you are connected to the
>> $ nslookup <http server name>
>> It could be that this server does not have an entry in DNS database.
>> You can try the to do the same with one of the popular servers (fe.:
>> Good luck!
>Well, I gave it a try... nslookup just hangs until I ^c to break it...
>Anyother ideas?
>  Andy


From: "Andrey Smirnov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cannot set up linux as a router!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:52:37 -0700


On Linux Host 1 try adding another route:

route add -net netmask dev eth0
(I'm nto sure of the exact command, check the man pages)

Also you will need to tell your Win95 machine how to route to network ( you can do it on the machine it self or on machine's default

Good luck!

Fanny Wong wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have the following configuration
>|------------| |------------------------| |----------|
>|Linux Host 1| |     Linux Host 2       | |Win95     |
>| |-| |-||
>| on eth0    | | on eth1      on eth0   | |          |
>|------------| |------------------------| |----------|
>I want the Linux Host 2 to act as a router between the 2 tcp/ip
>I can ping and telnet between adjacent linux's and linux/win95.
>I can ping both addresses on linux host 2 from linux host 1 or win95.
>I can also telnet from win95 into linux host 2 and then telnet into
>linux host 1 (as expected).
>But I cannot ping between linux host 1 and win95.  Why?
>On Linux Host 1, route's output is:
>Kernel IP routing table
>Destination   Gateway       Genmask         Flags Metric Use  Iface
>    *      U     0       4   eth0
>   UG    0       4   eth0
>     *          U     0       2   lo
>On Linux Host 2, route's output is:
>Kernel IP routing table
>Destination   Gateway       Genmask         Flags Metric Use  Iface
>    *      U     0        2  eth0
>    *      U     0        4  eth1
>     *          U     0        4  lo
>On the Win95, route print's output is:
>Active Routes:
>Network Address       Netmask  Gateway Address     Interface   Metric
>   1
>    1
>   2
>   2
>   1
>   1
> 1
>Please Help!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Chung)
Subject: Problem configuring PCMCIA Network card
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 00:51:52 GMT

I am having trouble getting my PCMCIA ethernet card to work in Linux.
It is EPX-10BT PC Card Ethernet 10BT from Eiger labs,Inc., and it is
working well in Windows 95 and Windows NT.  I am trying to add IP
address to this device, and "ifconfig" is telling me there is no
interface (I tried "eth0" for this device).  I do not think my PCMCIA
card has an interface name assigned to it.  What should I do?  Thank
you in advance.

PS: Below is output from "cardctl ident".
    This card is taking up Socket 1.
Socket 0:
  product info: "SMS", "MM510 56K", "021", "A"
  manfid: 0x0013, 0x0000
  function: 2 (serial)
Socket 1:
  product info: "Eiger labs,Inc.", "EPX-10BT PC Card Ethernet 10BT",
  manfid: 0x0004, 0x2000
  function: 6 (network)


Below is output from "cardctl status"

Interface type is memory and I/O
  IRQ 3 is exclusive, level mode, enabled
  Speaker output is enabled
  Function 0:
    Config register base = 0x0200
      Option = 0x61, status = 0x08, pin = 0000, ext = 0000
    I/O window 1: 0x02f8 to 0x02ff, 8 bit
Socket 1:
  Vcc = 5.0, Vpp1 = 5.0, Vpp2 = 5.0


From: "Andrey Smirnov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.smb,linux.samba,mailing.unix.samba
Subject: Re: Howto tunnel smb over internet?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 18:05:19 -0700

Samba operates on the standarts of smb protocol, which is not unique to
Samba only.

So when you create Virtual Private Network over Internet or another public
network, you will have your own WAN and YES you can transfer smb packets
over it.

Good luck!

Ashley Cambrell wrote in message
<7ju6c5$jgk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Can VPN link two entire networks though?  (linux samba to linux samba)
>I didn't think it could..
>Ashley Cambrell
>Andrey Smirnov wrote in message ...
>>Check out Linux VPN howtos:
>>Good luck!
>>Ashley Cambrell wrote in message
>><7jtv0e$kis$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>>Hi all,
>>>I was just wondering if it was possible to tunnel smb through the
>>>and link two office networks?  Both offices are using samba servers and
>>>have WINS.
>>>[x.x.x.x]     [x.x.x.x]
>>>[win9x network] <--------> [samba
>>>server]<--Internet-->[samba]<---------------->[win9x network]
>>>Is it as easy as using a ethertap tunnel system, or is it much more
>>>Thanks for the help in advance!!
>>>Ashley Cambrell


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charles Mulks)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Can I connect to X from W95?
Date: 13 Jun 1999 00:53:30 GMT

>It's said that X can display output on another machine on the network, but
>everyone seems to assume that the remote machine is a Linux-box. Isn't it
>possible to run an application under W95 that can connect to my X-server
>(RH6/mach64). This would allow W95-users to "run" X-programmes on their
>That, i'd like to try. Only, i can't get hold of the proper software for the
>W95-machine :(
>Anyone who knows where to find this particular program on the 'net?
>Martin Filtenborg
>/* Linux is like a wigwam - no windows, no gates, apache inside! */

go take a look at


From: Denning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Subject - same old interment connect crap.
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:52:34 -0400

Denning wrote:

> Soryy if this has come up before.
> I had bougjht a pair of DFE530TX cards with 4 hub and acbles to start
> a local area network. With you immense help, I was able to get things
> running.
> Noq I buy Cox @Home service (it's all around presently) and it
> presents me with, guess what, a DFE530TX card. No manuals. Marketing
> blurb, etc. Not on iota of technical information.
> From what I have been began to gather is that I muxt disable
> plug-n-ptray mode and put it inot ISA mode to get it to work. I juts
> want to make a gateway to the intenet that doesn't crawl at 56-.
> Anyone who has experience with this problem or any insights will be
> greatly appreciated.
> BTW, the good will I got here last time was repaid at least 10 times
> in helping others out.
> Long Live LINUX!
> mailtto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (damn spammers).




From: "Hugh Saunders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: timeout on telnet login
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 02:03:31 +0100

Why is it a pain to get the prompt back? Surely you just run telnet again?

Hugh Saunders

"He who controls the sea has control of everything"

Lee Allen wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>This is probably a really dumb question.
>I attempt to login to a Linux system via telnet.  The login prompt
>appears on my screen.  I don't answer it.  After a minute, it gives up
>and disconnects me.
>Now clearly some program thinks it is supposed to timeout after 1
>minute.  Which program is timing out?  login, I guess.  How is the
>program told the timeout parameter?  I can't find anything in the man
>pages for login or telnetd.
>My goal is to eliminate the timeout for telnet logins, ideally, for
>specific classes of devices.  Specifically, our Network Stations, cuz
>once the login prompt disappears, it's a pain to get it back.
>-Lee Allen



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