On 29 Mar 01 at 6:00, Richard Adams wrote:
> If i understand correctly they are saying when the
> program is installed it starts to work, as i see it
> that will only happen if 'root' does it,
Hmm, my reading was that if it's run under Windows on a
Linux/Windows dual boot machine, the virus could infect
ELF binaries residing on the Linux partition. Since Linux
wouldn't be running at the time, the permissions for the
infected file would still be the same. If it happened to
infect a binary run during the logon process, I would
think it could spread, even if the person wasn't logging
in as root.
Yes, under Linux, it could only spread if run by root, as
someone else on the list mentioned.
> now what is the rule of thumb, dont read mail as root
> right.!.
I don't do anything as root unless I absolutely have too!
Still newbie enough that being logged in as root gives
me jitters ;-)
> The time to start worrying is when Linux distributers
> warm of pending problems, like Redhat and Slackware do
> at regular intervals, they also include details of what
> happend, how others "comprimise" a linux system and most
> important post a cure for the problem.
Thanks, I'll keep my eyes on those sources ...
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