Here is the output of
ipchains -L
Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
target  prot opt     source  destination  ports
DENY    udp  ----l-  anywhere  anywhere   any ->  0:1023
DENY    tcp  ----l-  anywhere  anywhere   any ->  0:1023
DENY    tcp  -y--l-  anywhere  anywhere   any ->  any
DENY    icmp ----l-  anywhere  anywhere   echo-request
Chain forward (policy DENY):
target  prot opt     source  destination  ports
MASQ    all  ------  anywhere  anywhere   n/a
Chain output (policy ACCEPT):

 Now another difficulty:
>From time to time my earthlink/mindspring connection is dropped.
'rp-pppoe' seems to detect this and re-runs its startup script (adsl-start).
This also re-sets my ipchains to the above.
i.e. I've appended (-A) ipchains to deny forward packets to,

by entering it as a command line. Alas, when the link is dropped and restarted
my rules
are removed. :-(

 How can I reset ipchains-rules each time ppp0 starts?

Chuck nc8q Gelm wrote:

> Howdy, Y'all:
> k6-266, slackware 7.1, kernel 2.2.16, two 3c509,
> aDSL modem: ZyTel Prestige 600, mindspring/earthlink account,
> ipchains 1.3.9 17-Mar-1999.
>  I've just installed rp-pppoe-3.0 with a mindspring aDSL modem and it is
> configured as MASQUERADE.  I would like to enable an apache web
> server that can be reached from both sides: internet & LAN.
> Do I simply add port 80 to input & forward ?
> Can I 'forward' and use one of the internal LAN computers as the web server.
> Chuck

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