trying to ftp an oracle export.  this happens

ftp> get expKIDSaa.20021110.dmp
local: expKIDSaa.20021110.dmp remote: expKIDSaa.20021110.dmp
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,5,20,30,18,180)
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for expKIDSaa.20021110.dmp
(1048576000 bytes).
  6% |*****
| 63560 KB  775.22 KB/s    20:38 ETA
ftp: expKIDSaa.20021110.dmp: short write
  6% |*****
| 64124 KB  775.17 KB/s    20:38 ETA
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection.
65663024 bytes received in 01:22 (774.66 KB/s)
ftp: No control connection for command.
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