Kurt -- Not to sound like a dullard here, but ... what is your question? I only have an imprecise memory of your earlier messages, not actual copies, but you were having some sort of problems with your MTA. From this message, we know that

A. Your MTA itself is running in daemon mode (since you can send mail successfully by telnet'ing to port 25).

B. Your fetchmail configuration is wrong in some unspecified way that, presumably, you are aware of.

Things we still don't know are:

A. How are you connected to the Internet? While you can telnet *locally* to port 25, can someone from outside do so? I cannot do so from here, though I can traceroute to it. This may mean that you are, or your ISP is, blocking access to port 25 from offsite (the attempt just hangs; no response, not even "Connection refused", hinting at firewalling as the cause.). You need to investigate why this is happening before you will be able to receive mail directly.

B. If you are still seeing offsite mail sitting in the queue. In this case, you should investigate if you can connect *to* port 25 on other hosts directly from your system. If your ISP is blocking incoming port-25 traffic, it **may** also be blocking outgoing port-25 traffic to anyplace but its own SMTP relay servers.

C. If your system is already setup to use your ISP's SMTP relay. If so, and you are having the problem I described in B, you might investigate whether your ISP has any authentication requirements you are not fulfilling. Some ISPs use pop-before-smtp authentication, for example. Linux apps can handle that, though I forget exactly how ... if that's what you need, post a followup saying so, and someone here will help you out with the details.

Depending on where you have been trying to send offsite mail to, it is possible that you are running into some other authentication problem. It's hard to do more than guess here ... but it is not all that likely, just a remote possibility. But one way to test it is to try sending a message directly to me. I run my own MTA, and it has no restrictions on it for accepting mail to valid addresses **in my domain** (it's not an open relay, so please don't misread this message as saying it is one). If you cannot send an e-mail directly to me, then you probably have port-25 problems (rather than, say, auth/ident proboems).

If your remaining problems are caused by your ISP, then Linux troubleshooters won't be able to help you. Your only options are (a) find out how your ISP want you to send mail and obey its rules; (b) persuade your ISP to change its rules better to match your technical needs; or (c) find a new ISP.

At 04:56 PM 3/21/2003 +0100, Kurt Sys wrote:
Hello again,

OK, I tried to make my 'receiving mail from outside' to work, and I
lost all my mail that was still on 'the mailserver', due to bad
fetchmail configuration file. That's way the previous message(s)
is/are not included in this one. But it's important to mention: telnet
does work! There was an error in my inetd.conf-file. I restored it,
and the 'normal telnet-procedure' works:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ksys.rug.ac.be ESMTP
helo dude
250 ksys.rug.ac.be
250 ok
250 ok
503 RCPT first (#5.5.1)
250 ok
354 go ahead
Subject: Just a test

I'm testing...
250 ok 1048261497 qp 18709
221 ksys.rug.ac.be
Connection closed by foreign host.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ksys.rug.ac.be ESMTP
helo dude
250 ksys.rug.ac.be
250 ok
250 ok
354 go ahead
Subject: Test2

Testing again
250 ok 1048261594 qp 1625
221 ksys.rug.ac.be
Connection closed by foreign host.


I received both messages (on my local machine).

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