Greetings: Just getting my feet wet with USB on a Slackware9.0,
2.4.20 box, and a 64mB Flash Disk "stick."

Enabling BIOS - 2.4.20 found it and loaded the necessary modules OK.

However - mount reports the fstype as umsdos.. I note I can also
mount the device as msdos or vfat OK and use mcopy to manipulate
files.. cp also works but reports an error, copying the file anyway.

I can find no information though as to if I can reformat the stick as
ext2 or ext3..

Has anyone done this? At this point I'm afraid to try.. <grin>

TIA and Cheers,

    Hal - in Terra Alta, WV - Slackware GNU/Linux 8.0   (2.4.18)
                Proprietary  Formats  Unacceptable
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