At 10:22 AM 7/5/2004 -0500, Kenneth Stephen wrote:

        I downloaded the iso images for Redhat v9 from and
burnt CD's with them. I am using xcdroast, and I expected that simply
burning the iso images would result in the first CD being bootable. That
didnt work. So I mounted the iso in the loop device and saw that there was
an isolinux.bin file in the isolinx directory. I re-burnt the CD
specifying this as the boot image and with the boot.catalog file as the
boot catalog and specified a no emulation boot. Still no dice - this time
I get a message about the checksum failure on the boot image. However,
(1) I've verified that the md5sums of the iso that I downloaded and the
md5sum provided on the ftp side matched and (2) The md5sum of the
isolinux.bin on the loop device as well as on the CD that I burnt match
too. What am I doing wrong?

I can't tell you specifically. I can tell you that I routinely use cdrecord (xcdroast is just a frontend to it and other related apps) to burn CDs from isos. I haven't burned RH CDs, but I have burned Debian ones, and they boot just fine, with no special requirements in the burning. So my initial expectation would match yours.

I believe the boot image for your CD is images/bootdisk.img, not isolinux/isolinux.bin, though I'm not completely certain of this ... but this part normally gets handled during iso creation (see the man page for mkisofs), not during burning ... leavming me a bit puzzled about how you are "specifying" this in the burn process and wondering if you are simply using the wrong method to burn (treating the iso image as a file to put on a CD, rather than as itself an image of a CD, which would probably cause xcdroast to invoke mkisofs).

So ... two questions.

First, is the CD that results from your procedure mountable? That is, is your problem specifically with booting, or is it really with reading? (And am I correct in assuming that you have had no trouble burning *other* iso images to mountable -- and bootable(?) -- CDs?) If it is mountable, what do you see on it?

Second, what *is* your procedure? That is, what is the underlying command-line instruction that is being passed to cdrecord by xcdroast? (Since I don't use the xcdroast frontend, I'll probably be unable to interpret an answer framed in terms of it, but if that's all you can offer here, possibly someone else will be able to respond to it.) Do you get anywhere better if you bypass xcdroast and run cdrecord, from a command line, in this way:

        cdrecord dev=0,0,0 speed=24 filename.iso

replacing the dev= part with the settings appropriate to your drive, setting the speed= part conservatively for your drive, and substituting the appropriate *.iso name for your RH image?

Oh, one other ... what is the size of the iso image? Is it possible that you need to overburn? (Definitely a long shot. If you are using any of the images located in, this is not an issue.)

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