Eve Atley wrote:
First question...
We have people SSHing into our Linux box from overseas (India to US, company
access only). But files that are uploaded from these people become read-only
to anyone else accessing them. We *require* that they be readable/writable
by this side of the pond (US). How can I set this to occur? Otherwise, this
method of transferring files will *not* work for us, and perhaps someone can
point me to another solution.

Second question...
How can I recursively set all files/directories to 777?
Chmod -R 777 *.* ... Didn't seem to hit everything.

The problem is that permissions are preserved when using scp. (i.e. if the file is mode 700 on the source box, it will be mode 700 on the destination, independant of umask settings).

Your *.* wildcard is a holdover from your DOS days.  Not all UNIX
files have a dot in them, but the dot will have to be explicitly
matched since it was explicitly requested.

Chown -R 777 * will catch everything other than files/directories
with a leading dot.

chmod -R 777 . will get EVERYTHING (including resetting the
permissions of the current directory).

You can also use the find command to find files that aren't
readable by others, and only change the permissions on them
(I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader).

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